1997/04/10 01:52
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #154
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 154
Today's Topics:
Re: Cobra Breath
my nightmare - and some lateral thinking
"Ego Absorver"
Shaktipat online super easy method #29.
Closure...at last!the 39 and media..
Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Re: Favorite Music
Re: my nightmare
Re: Welcome lurker Diva Leigh
Re: The Three Gunas
Re: Spiritual Renewal
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 17:33:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: Amber SilverWolf <aberman1ATnospamic3.ithaca.edu>
To: Kundalini list <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Cobra Breath
Message-id: <Pine.PMDF.3.95.970409172650.648303A-100000ATnospamic3.ithaca.edu>
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
On Wed, 9 Apr 1997, Nothing Is wrote:
> > It's just as well if you happen to live in America. But what hope is
> > there for those of us who happen to reside elsewhere? Do gurus travel
> > abroad? Even if they did, I doubt they'd visit Finland.
> > So I'm trying to awaken K on my own through meditation... don't know
> > anybody who could give me Shaktipat. But if you do have ideas on how to
> > receive Shaktipat without traveling to the US, I'd gladly hear them!
> I cant find anyone in the US that does shaktipat!!
What the hell...? I spotted this message and was very tempted to respond
to it immediately. I live in the States, and you can't get a teacher
around here to save your life. If you do, you're very, very lucky.
Trying to find a teacher isn't easy. Often enough people who know this
stuff won't go around publicizing that they do, and you just can't walk up
to someone and say, "Teach me." It just doesn't work that way. I've
*never* had a teacher, at least not a private one, save my classes here at
IC. I am fortunate to live in a major Buddhist center, and they do offer
classes at the monastery, which I am considering taking.
Receiving the necessary permission to, say, perform Buddhist tantra is a
good one. I hear that they do offer ceremonies occasionally to give the
proper blessing or whatnot, but never know how to ask or how to go about
approaching such a topic around here.
Living in the States is *not* easy. There may be many things here, but
it's a big country and getting to these places, these people, not to
mention trying to establish a relationship with someone who doesn't think
that you're one of those messed-up New Agers is extremely difficult.
Those who learn these great sex techniques and think they're practicing
"Tantra" and charge big bucks from people to learn what they supposedly
know give a bad rep. They refer to it as teaching false dharma.
Get a teacher? I wish. That's been my dream for the past several years.
However, I seem to be doomed to be a Lone Wolf with info restricted to my
classes as a religion minor, books, and hopefully some classes at Namgyal,
and the last is at best right now....
* Amber *
* "...for I love the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night...." *
* *
* "All in life is a waking dream and in death is the final awakening." -Q *
* *
* "For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great. You have *
* no power over me!" -Labyrinth *
* ) o ( *
* Amber SilverWolf/Lolandrea Psikine'Aelanar * *
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 22:23:07 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, Charles Wildbank <wildbankATnospampeconic.net>
Subject: my nightmare - and some lateral thinking
Message-ID: <gEWNrNA7iATzEwoXATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
In message <19391812903313ATnospampeconic.net>, Charles Wildbank
<wildbankATnospampeconic.net> writes
>>What are entheogens?
>(I had the same question so I looked up search and voila! It's an haluciogenic
>used by the native Americans in shamanism to induce visions. Please
>check it out as the words are mine. USE your search engines like they
>are Akashic Light Library!!!It's the closest correspondent. As in earth, so
>it is in heavens: the cosmic law of correspondnces mentioned by Swedenborg
>in 17th century. Look him up too on the search engine. As for drugs, it
>is down Timothy Leary's alley, not mine!
I'm glad someone's mentioned Swedenborg as i had a very interesting
experience when i happened to start looking into his work in the search
for western traditions that confirmed my own shakti experiences...i
visited the swedenborg society building in central London and as i
walked towards it there was an incredible amount of light emanating from
the building and well, it was a bit like visiting heaven as the books on
display were emanating light as well and i just sent straight through a
couple of them and well,, it confirmed everything i wanted to know and
the only other time i've seen a similar light of this quality (pure
white, very subtle) emanating from a building was when walking past the
Quaker centre on Euston Road in central London - i was passing it, but
when i saw the light, i turned in immediately to check out what was
happening and again, found lots of books emanating subtle light and
pointing me to the relevant pages for my own education and confirmation
of what had been very subtle and intuitive knowledge up until then.
could this particular form of the light be some kind of Christian
related phenomenon ? or maybe some yogis have seen light of this nature
from buildings concerned with other traditions...or perhaps i was just
going through a mystical Christian phase as i have been to a Quaker
school and also visited Christian pilgrimage sites in England and France
and Italy, especially the churches of St Francis and St Clare. ? who
knows......any answers out there in cyberspace ? or just related
experiences would be welcome....
Lost to the light - Yogi Tom
Tom Aston
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 19:09:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: FK3000ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: "Ego Absorver"
Message-ID: <970409190659_84144442ATnospamemout06.mail.aol.com>
Does any one believe or is it possible that one can absorbe other people's
Is it insecurity?
Is like eat their ego, so you don't have to get scared? ---------> Is it
Fear to what??
How can you stop it???
How can you feel secure of your self ???
How can you stop eating the pain & instead, let it out???
Any body can come out with some advise?
P.S. Thank you all for the great replies about how to try to heal my self
instead of others, still doing it (why is it so difficult to notice?, ----> I
know, fear!!; Why do I let fear take over me instead of me over it? -----> I
don't know how!!!; still getting lost. And I'm sorry that I didn't reply
before, but I get backed up sometimes, trying to get up & keep up.
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 18:26:20
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Shaktipat online super easy method #29.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Wanna send some energy but dunno how?
OK, here is super easy method #29. Outside Assistance.
1. Get well grounded, so you can feel the universal energy flowing
through you.
2. Hold out your hands as if you are holding a basketball.
3. Use the current of energy going from your right hand to your left, and
siphon off some of the current to create an energy basketball.
(like, the space between your hands is the flament of a light bulb, the
energy coming
thru the wires..arms...makes it glow.)
4. Take some care in creating the ball, give it emotional characteristics
(love), colors (blue, gold, glowing white, pink, K. red-gold flames) you
can embed images or memories in it, imagine them flowing from your mind
down the r. hand to the ball. Use mostly heart chakra enengy but you may
find it being drawn from other chakras as well.
If visual is hard, imagine feeling it, or give it a sound, the crescendo
at the end of "A day in the life" by the Beatles is a good sound for
charging a ball (and the even tone at the end is the battery coming out of
he charger. Static hum of enclosed energy.)
5. When the ball is as clearly imaged and fully charged as you can make
it, (the only limitations on the amount of energy the ball can hold are the
ones you give to it) then imagine it disconnecting from the energy circuit
of your hands like a battery taken out of the charger when it's done. Keep
holding it or float it out in front of you.
6. Call upon your Guardian angels, and very nicely ask one of them to
deliver the ball to the one for whom it is intended at the best possible
time. They will. They have been hanging around hoping you would ask them
for help with stuff like this. Don't worry if you can't feel them or hear
an answer. The ball will likely vanish, tho.
I also usually ask the Angels to make any adjustments they feel the ball
needs, to be in the highest possible good for the recipient.
Angels transcend time and space, so they don't have to leave guarding you
to make the delivery.
7. You are done. Dust off your hands to shake off any stuck energy, and
turn your mind to other things. Trust that it worked. You have given clear
intent to your unconscous, that is the main thing, really.
That is one way....do you have any ways to share?
Blessings, Angelique.
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 18:18:01
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Closure...at last!the 39 and media..
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Thot I'd forward this from the Lightwork list....Blessings, Angelique.
>Return-Path: <owner-lightwork-lATnospamMB.PROTREE.COM>
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 15:00:41 -0700
>Reply-To: LightWork-L email list <LIGHTWORK-LATnospamMB.PROTREE.COM>
>Sender: LightWork-L email list <LIGHTWORK-LATnospamMB.PROTREE.COM>
>From: Cynthia Moore <cynchATnospamSEANET.COM>
>Subject: Closure...at last!
>My silence on this subject has been rewarded. I have been looking for one
>person in that sorry world of the mass media to come forward with some kind
>and truthful words. I found them in a political magazine, of all places!
>I submit this article from the New Republic in the hope you may want to
>share it with others.
>In love and peace,
>Ordinary People.....article in The New Republic (April 21, 1997)
>The most remarkable thing about last week's ascension of thirty-nine souls
>to what they have described as the "Next Level" via a UFO is not the
>strangeness of their religious beliefs, but the extraordinary response that
>the event triggered. For days the media have been saturated with stories
>about the group, its leaders and adherents, its eschatology and the most
>minute details of its behavior and living arrangements. Newspapers have
>felt the need to take editorial positions on the issue...invariably
>bristling with self-righteous denunciation...while TV and radio repeat the
>story endlessly, like a mantra.
>The media highlighted the story, figuring it would fascinate, and even
>touch, the public deeply. In that they were right, even though they rarely
>understood, or even tried to investigate, why. What they did do,
>interestingly, was seed to distance themselves as far as possible from the
>group's professed beliefs, as if they feared contamination. Even more,
>they assured the public that the group's religious beliefs were so bizarre
>that they must be considered lunatic. An editorial in The New York Times,
>for instance, proclaimed that it was the "rantings of a madman" that led
>his "wounded, foolish followers" to their demise. On "60 Minutes," Lesley
>Stahl was openly disdainful as two former members of the group expressed
>sympathy for the teachings of their onetime leader.
>What is the reason for this deep hostility, matched by an equal, if not
>greater, fascination? It cannot be, despite assertions to the contrary,
>that there is something particularly unique or bizarre about the group's
>religious beliefs. These beliefs are, after all, firmly rooted in
>Christian theology, especially in early gnosticism.
>The group's members believed that the soul was separate and superior to the
>body, that those who followed their spiritual leader and observed his
>teachings would be saved, and that they should transcend their attachment
>to money, sex and family life...all of which can be found in the teachings
>of Jesus Christ.
>The media seemed particularly fascinated by the fact that some of the men
>voluntarily chose to be castrated in order to release themselves from the
>bondage of sexual desire. Stahl even triumphantly announced, as if taking
>personal credit for the event, that one of the former members of the group
>was soon to become a father. But one does not have to dig very deeply into
>Christian belief to find discussion of impurity and mortification of the
>flesh, let alone celibacy for Catholic priests. TV evangelists proclaim
>(but don't practice) the flesh-hatred of self-flagellating monks. And the
>notion that the true believer will ascend to heaven, whether on the wings
>of angels or a spaceship (the modern equivalent), was no doubt something
>that the 39 seekers learned as children in Sunday school.
>Christianity teaches that sipping wine and nibbling a wafer is, in the
>proper circumstances, equivalent to drinking the blood and eating the flesh
>of Christ, that Jesus was born to a woman impregnated by the spirit of God
>rather than by the messy intercession of sexual congress, that he could
>cure lepers and feed vast multitudes with two fish and five loaves of
>bread, and that following his death he would ascend to heaven corporally as
>well as spiritually intact. Yet the beliefs of this religion, with its
>millions of adherents worldwide, are not routinely described in the media
>as "bizarre." Nor is Christianity described as a "cult." For what is a
>cult but a collection of believers, like the early Christians, who have not
>yet achieved dominant status?
>This is not, be assured, to denigrate Christianity. Every religion is
>"bizarre" for those who do not accept its strictures or practice its
>tenets. Indeed, one could say that is the whole point of religions; they
>offer solace, explain mysteries, provide standards of behavior and offer
>the promise of escape to a better world. The Heaven's Gate group would
>appear to be particularly benign, and even praiseworthy, in that its
>members were gentle, industrious, supportive and kind to one another. They
>did not try to coerce others into joining them. All they asked was to be
>left alone.
>But what about the mass suicide? Does this not indicate the group's
>"underlying pathology," as many in the press insisted? Not necessarily
>these days. Don't many Americans now believe that suicide is preferable to
>suffering from terminal illness? nation-states and organized religions
>condemn suicide because it depletes their pool of adherents. But does this
>make it a "pathology"?
>In its editorial denunciation of the group, the Times explained that,
>although mainstream faiths believe in "resurrection, the meaninglessness of
>the flesh, the primacy of the spirit, the conversion from the physical to
>the heavenly plane," they are superior because the "believer himself cannot
>choose the moment of ascension," only the "central deity" can. But in war,
>the true believer in most faiths has little compunction about deciding the
>moment of ascension for his infidel enemy. Does that put murder on a
>higher plane of morality than suicide? Those who engage in what the
>theologians call "just wars" are blessed, while those who commit suicide
>are deemed to be damned or at least "pathological".
>While the media are not interested in these philosophical questions, they
>have, in their own inchoate way, reflected the public's fascination with
>this ardent group of gentle souls who came together to seek fulfillment
>through belief, work and companionship. Neither violent nor lazy nor
>acquisitive, they practiced virtues that society preaches but prefers
>neither to observe nor reward. They separated themselves, insofar as they
>could, from both the intrusive state and the omnipresent culture of
>consumerism. They did not openly defy these powerful forces so much ass
>seek to live removed from their demands.
>In this they are not greatly different from another millennial group, the
>Shakers, who also professed celibacy, communal ownership, pacifism,
>separation from the world, equality of the sexes and freedom to leave the
>collective. this desire to achieve separation from a corrupt society,
>whether physically, as in the communes of Vermont and the enclaves of
>Montana, or spiritually, as in the multitude of religious sects that abound
>in ever greater numbers, is an undeniable force in American life. As the
>state and the mass culture become increasingly pervasive and demanding, so
>people, individually or in groups, are drawn to alternatives.
>That is why this story has such resonance among Americans, and why the mass
>media's hostility is not reflected in the millions who see something of
>their own unfulfilled longings in these searchers. How striking it is that
>those who knew them...whether former group members or simply neighbors of
>employers...were not harsh in their judgments. Said one woman who had
>rented office space to them: "They were such happy people."
Mystress Angelique Serpent,
Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
-- Hector Louis Berlioz
Sure, it's going to kill a lot of people, but they may be dying of
something else anyway. -- Othal Brand, member of a Texas pesticide
review board
Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 1997 18:39:33
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: DarkWayATnospamhotmail.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
First, stop being afraid.
Your fear is all you have to worry about.
Next. relax into the sensations, focus on them, and enjoy them.
The pilgrims might tell you to pray to God to give you strength to endure.
Here in the circus we say, "cool ! a new funhouse has opened, check it out!"
Knowing that tho the funhouse may have scray moments, it cannot hurt you,
it is not real, but it is how you choose to react to the funhouse that
determines your emotional experience of it.
Probably in history some folks might have died of heart attack in the
funhouse, but that is because they took the cardboard spooks far too
You are an eternal limitless being that cannot ever really be hurt.
Focus on Love and trust that you are being guided by Goddess K. inside you
to the path that is uniquely best for you.
Blessings, Blissing, Angelique.
At 11:55 03/04/97 -1000, DarkWay wrote:
>Unusual energy sensations are frequently or continuously
>experienced. These are often felt as tingling, vibrating, buzzing,
prickling, stinging,
>itching, burning or crawling sensations
>I read this in a Danger section of the resource center
>I have since this monday experienced all of that
>I am not sure what to do
>I meditated 4 hours last night trying to push energy from 1 place to another
>Anyone out there have the same experience?Please help me understand whats
what with this.
>What should i do next?
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 18:16:42 -0700
From: Peter Norton <pnortonATnospamatwc.teradyne.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Favorite Music
Message-ID: <334C3F7A.3E1CATnospamatwc.teradyne.com>
> This is the list of favorite music.
> I'm a Believer, Monkees
really! I first heard this hymn to the Goddess when I was 12 years old,
I didnt realize then quite why it grabbed me, other than the catchy
tune, but only now, 28 years later, do I realize that it was
a message from Goddess, channeled through the Monkees,
talking to my deepest unconscious and planting a seed.
Sounds funny, and it is!
So here it is, the Monkee's hymn to the Goddess, aka 'I'm a Believer':
"I thought Love was only true in fairy tales,
Meant for someone else but not for me,
But Love was out to get me,
doo doo doo doo doo
That's the way it seemed
doo doo doo doo doo
Disappointment haunted all my dreams...
Now I'm a Believer!
Without a trace,
Of doubt in my mind.
I'm in Love!
Oh, I'm a Believer,
I couldn't leave her if I tried."
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 21:31:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: CGIAJWATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: my nightmare
Message-ID: <970409212839_1387558125ATnospamemout05.mail.aol.com>
Sometimes our conciencness need to be reminded of particular states of mind.
Perhaps you were burning up old emotional Karma through setting fire to a
big bundle of it, or perhaps your being needed to be reminded of something.
What strikes me isn't the drugs or imagery, but of the negative emotional
state. We can experience all types of emotions, and perhaps you need to
remember all the states of emotion, or perhaps you need to come to grips with
negative emotions on a deeper level. I recently had a dream where I was play
fighting with a femail, we could read eachothers minds and were playfighting
while vividly imagining that we were monster/warriors, after very intense
play combat, we suddenly embraced and hugged for a long time. I woke up
still feeling the emotions that you get when you first hug the person you
know you love, and know they love you back. Still trying to figue out what
it really means, actually I guess I'm just glad I had it and hope I will
learn what I should on a subconcious level. Perhaps that's what you should
do too. Never fear yourself, you will never do yourself real harm, although
you may teach yourself using hard lessons. Trust in yourself, your reality,
and your concept of God, they are all interlinked. Another note on void, I
had a death dream about a year ago where I died and found myself as a
floating, bodyless conciousness in a completely black void. I thought that
this could be hell for those who fear this, or a heaven for those who can
fantasize in it; the fastest road to Zen, because even if you think, your
still going to come out of it into a void, eventually, without the outside
stimuli, you'll have to stop thinking for longer and longer periods of time
till you reach Zen. A void can hold all that you have experienced in it, If
you can't remeber how long you've been alive, then you've been alive for
eternity, you can imagine anything, when in a void, try to feel good, try to
Imagine heaven, go anywhere, do anything, hell exsists till you get it out of
your system, till there's nothing left to be tourtured, then you'll remember
the smell of flowers in a large field with a deep blue sky and happy white
clouds with the warm sun and swaying trees.
Dream of Heaven
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 23:47:38 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
Subject: Re: Welcome lurker Diva Leigh
Message-ID: <334C8D0A.40F1ATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
Hail Mysstresssss SSSSSerpent!
You are a witch of uncommon insight and wisdom! I enjoyed your
very much, and would be honored to have it linked to the JTP site!
(many snips)
> My belief says that all acts of love and pleasure serve the Goddess. But
> I have a hard time integrating the fact that Nature favors rapists as DNA
> donors.
> Any thoughts?
Well, at the most essential level, everything, both acts of love (and
acts of hate), everything is just to the purpose - everything is
somebody's learning process. From my own secondary theology I would ask
what you mean by "acts of love and pleasure" - do you mean anything
motivated from the venusian sphere, so to speak, or do you mean
particular acts - physical sexual acts, sensual acts?
Nature's a bitch. Nature would have me get pregnant from making
which is definitely not my idea of a good time. From my secondary
theological perspective as a vamacarin, nature is an elemental force,
and one studies it carefully, learns to work with it and to consciously
direct it, rather than being spun around on the wheel by it. Actually,
Nature's just us....
> Also put, there is what I like, and that is good, and what I don't like,
> and I call that bad, and these things are personal and subject to change.
> There is no evil.
> There is what goes around comes around, what you are calling recprocity,
> to define "morality".
> I friend recently told me of a man who violently raped 8 women, and then
> had an awakening experience wherin he understood he has been manifesting a
> cathartic experience that each of these women needed to move forward.
> Agreement for the act had been made by both parties on a soul level. Maybe
> he was just nuts....but soul level agreement is the conclusion I have come
> to regarding my own childhood incidents of abuse as well.
Yeah, this is a hard one to talk about, because it's an idea that a lot
of folks would abuse, but there does seem to be a victim/violator
concinnity at a psychic level. This is why what you do is so powerful -
by tapping into particular psychic patterns (i.e. a need to be
punished/enslaved, a need to dominate) and creating a format for them to
be consciously played out in a controlled, safe way, you're actually
abreacting (upping, working out) a lot of karma that if allowed to run
its natural course could very well be rather unpleasant.... This is the
function of ritual...
> >As mentioned above, at whatever point people give themselves over to
> >anything other than that primal energy as their motivation, they go
> >away. It's a cosmic law - and really quite fascinating to observe in
> >operation. Motivation/attitude is everything. Shiva takes care of his
> >own/Shakti takes care of her own.
> It's true, I can tell surface compatability quite easily, by the level
> of respect I am getting. I remember someone who claimed to be a tantric
> master writing that he planned to "boink" me when he was in town. I did not
> feel like I wanted to be boinked, so his plans came to naught. Turned out I
> was too busy to get together with him...
RESPECT - such an important word...
Make Love! Leigh
PS I love your boa...
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 23:49:48 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: jogATnospamozemail.com.au
Subject: Re: The Three Gunas
Message-ID: <334C8D8C.5082ATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
Jens Grejsen wrote:
> Dear people,
> I'm new to this site, and thirsty for knowledge. I'm particularly
> interested in the three Gunas (Prakrti - the three states of matter)
> which are Sattva, Raja and Tamas and how they relate to the three
> sheaths around the Citrini through which (if conditions are right, the
> Kundalini travels on its path to join Earth with Heaven). Is there
> anyone out there who have some 'current' knowledge/experience they would
> like to share on this topic?
> I have read Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe): The Serpent Power,
> Dover, N.Y., c1916, pp. 52+. However, I would dearly like some
> up-to-date information not couched in archaic terminology.
> Love and peace,
> jens
Non-archaic terminology --The three sheaths represent a 3 fold
division-Tri-Bindu-three footed god-three prong spear which you see many
ascetics carrying-some use the staff with three bound threads.--meaning
they are grades of Akash-and represent matrix between 1.causal-mental
plan 2. matrix between mental and astral plane 3. matrix between
astral-physical plane. They protect and thus have an analogy to
Swadhistana chackra and they limit thus having analogy to Muladhara
chackra. These two functions together (in One) are seen as the figure of
two interlaced triangle in the Hexagram of many Yantras. When you
balance Ida and Pingala an eletrochemical action occurs on the physical
level that enables you to access chitrini or the Akash of Causal plane.
This allows you to freely move with ease up and down the vibratory scale
of things ( through each chackra which is similar to a step down-step up
transformer. All of this is accomplished and balanced through various
techniques which relate to the approprite Gunas. Thus balancing the
Gunas within the psyche has a somatic effect on the three sheaths which
in turn (if you will) transmute the octave of your perceptions through
the five elements which are related to your five sense and thus you have
what some call awakening the kundalini. Yes, there is much more to the
term Gunas and and practical application as well as understanding-One
could write a book on this alone-and many have-Try Ganesh publications
-Madras India. If all of this sounds even more confusing -good-that
means you are on your way to enlightenment -as if you sufficiently
confuse your brain cells enough-they give up trying to feed you maya
and let you go. (chuckle) Cha Cha Cha(old chicano Mantra
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 22:19:35 -0700
From: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
To: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Spiritual Renewal
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Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 07:00 PM 4/7/97 -0700, you wrote:
>You must now choose a book
>to study in depth
>It should be a book that you consider
>contains great spiritual truths
>and inspires you
>Please be ready with several alternatives
I choose "The Prophet."
My second choice is "Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment."
My third choice is "The Gospel of Thomas" from the Nag Hammadi Library.
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