1997/04/03 01:35
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #141
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 141
Today's Topics:
Big Trees/vs. small trees
Letters from nowhere
Re: Letters from nowhere
Re: kundalini and healing
Re: kundalini and healing
[Fwd: Re: Your question]
Unidentified subject!
Re: Big Trees
Re: Letters from nowhere
Cords and samskaras
anywhere is...
Favorite Music
Re: Big Trees
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 18:07:35 +0000
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Big Trees/vs. small trees
Message-Id: <23073569100262ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear Ken,
I could not ignore your letter of not being able to be Personal with
the unknowable God, I have been to Him, and loved Him, but now
I, too, found it hard to Love that Way( in a personalized Way).
so I do feel We are not the Only Ones, and it must be something going
on in the universe to cause us to turn to Gurus and Teachers and
even each Others, sort of a collective Death of a Way that has been used
for a long time, and for now we are ascending to a" Heaven", and must
turn toward each Others and our Friends, as well as Gurus, and Various
Teachers to find a Personal Love we so Desire, because I feel we all
are undergoing a Death and Rebirth, many times over for some
Reason, for whatever Reason, and we must hang on with our Head, Heart,
and Hands, with each Others, and Our extended Family, whoever they may
be, while we undergo this Transition. So, find your Teachers, and your
Gurus, and find God through Them, and love God, too, at the same time, but
remember to look for God in the Eyes of your Friends, He is there
looking back at you, dont you feel it? Feel his love......
This may be God's Gift to us in that He brings us the Collective Ability
Now, to do just This...Love....
>Resent-Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 16:00:28 -0600
>Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 13:59:22 -0800
>From: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
>Subject: Big Trees
>X-Sender: kenmATnospamoregon.uoregon.edu (Unverified)
>To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>Resent-Message-ID: <"pEC-F.0.7F1.xRjGp"ATnospamcomet.execpc.com>
>Resent-From: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>X-Mailing-List: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com> archive/latest/5929
>X-Loop: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>Resent-Sender: kundalini-l-requestATnospamexecpc.com
>Dear Lobster,
>I went to the Redwoods and they are awesome. I spent a couple of hours with
>one (about 20 foot diameter) in particular.
>I sat in a hollowed out place in its root structure and meditated.
>It was a pleasant and moving experience.
>I can not say I had any revelations.
>During the drive to and from the Redwoods I did quite a bit of thinking.
>It seems to me that my problem is the failure to experience excitement and
>joy especially in the naturally occuring next moment.
>This condition is not longer the result of shame or fear.
>I have, to a large extent, resolved long standing negative scripts and
>psychopathology, and now I am sort of in emotional neutral.
>I find I lack the passion and emotional involvement which I observe in others.
>I embrace the concept of generalized love, but I seem to lack the warm fuzzies.
>I also seem to have difficulty with the concept of God or Higher Power or
>Great Mystery.
>Golas says that "The way out . . . is by being willing to conceive of it--by
>loving it. . ."
>I believe I am willing, but the concept is not integrating.
>I belive I am functionally disconnected from those right-brained feeling
>which give one a sense of God, home, love, etc.
>My left brain has trouble with the God concept.
>Perhaps you or others would share ideas about what is God.
>Struggling and sincere,
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 15:21:05
From: Ed Johnson <orangeATnospamislandnet.com>
To: jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Letters from nowhere
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Dear Jan,
I am pleased to hear you will soon be rejoining us around the
kundalini kampfire. While declaring the roasting of marshmallows
to be a sacred task, we have nevertheless been quite busy and
I would like to try to bring you up to date, if I may.
Leading up to the eclipse last week, many of us were trying to hail Bopp.
A few may have ascended, but we have no word back yet. The local interference
band sometimes can be quite impenetrable.
After that the Lobster warned us of the danger of the street sign cult, but its
members continue to erect 'Dead End' signs on major thoroughfares.
Joe Patrick Flarity stepped up the the plate ( can't quit thinking about how
his name sounds like a baseball star ) and declared to be fat and vegetarian
at the same time, astounding all of us except the young and restless, rapturous
and hopelessly irreverant newcomer, Amber SilverWolf, whose antics drove
us celibates mad.
And would you believe someone actually tried to seduce the lovely Angelique,
but his school-yard cravenly attempt elicited only laughter from the Dominatrix,
proving that her costume is more than show.
Jon Locke tried to convince us that Gutenberg was a saint, but in the end it
appeared he was just pulling our collective legs.
For any questions pertaining to the shaskipriyanamalamarama, yogi Tom danced
in the firelight, barely able to contain himself. Indeed one of his tomes
now rests in digital perpetuity in the Alchemistical Hall of Fame.
The two ladies, Gloria and Victoria, returned out of the darkness that is
whereever and sang their song of love on into the night,
while little Amy has drifted into her poetic slumber.
And as light became dark and night became day, what was now is then, what
was then becomes. All was silent, except for the mischevious cackle
of the kundalini embers, rising again on the wind from nowhere.
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 16:02:33 -0800 (PST)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: Ed Johnson <orangeATnospamislandnet.com>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Letters from nowhere
Message-Id: <199704030002.QAA21977ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I want to frame this and possibly sell it at auction in a few years for a
big return on my investment...alas, it is an intricate sand painting and is
already being blown away by the breezes...thank you for the opportunity to
view it so fresh and complete.
At 03:21 PM 4/2/97, Ed Johnson wrote:
>Dear Jan,
>I am pleased to hear you will soon be rejoining us around the
>kundalini kampfire. While declaring the roasting of marshmallows
>to be a sacred task, we have nevertheless been quite busy and
>I would like to try to bring you up to date, if I may.
>Leading up to the eclipse last week, many of us were trying to hail Bopp.
>A few may have ascended, but we have no word back yet. The local interference
>band sometimes can be quite impenetrable.
>After that the Lobster warned us of the danger of the street sign cult, but its
>members continue to erect 'Dead End' signs on major thoroughfares.
>Joe Patrick Flarity stepped up the the plate ( can't quit thinking about how
>his name sounds like a baseball star ) and declared to be fat and vegetarian
>at the same time, astounding all of us except the young and restless, rapturous
>and hopelessly irreverant newcomer, Amber SilverWolf, whose antics drove
>us celibates mad.
>And would you believe someone actually tried to seduce the lovely Angelique,
>but his school-yard cravenly attempt elicited only laughter from the
>proving that her costume is more than show.
>Jon Locke tried to convince us that Gutenberg was a saint, but in the end it
>appeared he was just pulling our collective legs.
>For any questions pertaining to the shaskipriyanamalamarama, yogi Tom danced
>in the firelight, barely able to contain himself. Indeed one of his tomes
>now rests in digital perpetuity in the Alchemistical Hall of Fame.
>The two ladies, Gloria and Victoria, returned out of the darkness that is
>whereever and sang their song of love on into the night,
>while little Amy has drifted into her poetic slumber.
>And as light became dark and night became day, what was now is then, what
>was then becomes. All was silent, except for the mischevious cackle
>of the kundalini embers, rising again on the wind from nowhere.
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 16:21:47 -0800
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: FK3000ATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini and healing
Message-ID: <3342F81B.7BB0ATnospambest.com>
> How do you cut it?
> I'm not a healer by choice, it just keep happening (I keep doing it without
> noticing) Specially when I try or I think I am healing my self!!!
> I don't even know how to heal my self, I don't know anymore what is to be
> normal or to have your own spirit!!!, I feel like every ones vehicle, they
> take the ride and I get F... up, I'm getting tired of the same Sh...t.
> I start even loosing sinchronicity, memory, self power, I throw everything
> away.
> Thanks!!!
> (New subscriber to kundalini)
> Fanny
Hi Fanny,
I'm certain Claudia will give you a great answer, but I'd like to add a
few pennies' worth. I used to be tossed by everyone's emotions-
extremely reactive and emotional. I started saying a mantra every time I
felt myself being "pulled in" that worked for me. It goes,
"I own my space and you own yours. I own my emotions and you own yours"
This "programmed" my subconscious mind to know which stuff was mine and
to let the rest of it go "bye".
The rest of it was being aware of my aura and making it nice and thick,
placing it well beneath my feet and also arcing over my head. Placing my
awareness in my belly and consciously bringing "heart and head" together
in a visualization. The rest is practice.
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 16:13:11 -0800
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: Claudia McNeely <whitedoveATnospamtexramp.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini and healing
Message-ID: <3342F617.3C7FATnospambest.com>
Claudia McNeely wrote:
> I have found that if I cut any cords which have connected between my aura
> and my client's aura, it is easier to separate from them after the healing.
> If you keep the cords connected, it can drain your energy and cause other
> problems. After the client leaves I take a moment to cut all the
> connections to them. It really seems to help especially for an empath.
Thanks Claudia.
I checked and didn't find any chords, but that will be the first thing I
look for next time I'm feeling down and tired. I appreicate the
> whitedoveATnospamtexramp.net
> www.texramp.net/~whitedove
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 16:31:34 -0800
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: [Fwd: Re: Your question]
Message-ID: <3342FA66.2361ATnospambest.com>
Content-Type: message/rfc822
Content-Disposition: inline
Message-ID: <3342FA2E.98CATnospambest.com>
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 16:30:38 -0800
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
Reply-To: morganaATnospambest.com
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I)
To: oobe <oobeATnospamnbnet.nb.ca>
Subject: Re: Your question
References: <199704011657.IAA12900ATnospamf31.hotmail.com> <334222B0.7F1EATnospamnbnet.nb.ca>
> Joseph Miller wrote:
When energy is exchanged some small part of
> > the other person's samskaras may, and for most people will, "rub-off" on you
> > and you will have to deal with that as well as your own. (Sorry for possible
> > spelling errors there, don't have my Sanskrit dictionary at hand, just read it
> > phonetically.) The samskara exchange can cause conflicts within yourself,
> > increase tendencies in you, etc. Samskaras are the tendencies one develops by
> > one's actions and the tendencies that lead to actions, they follow from
> > lifetime to lifetime. Since they tend to result in actions, which would result
> > in karma, they can cause great misery.
> >
Great answer, you went to a lot of effort to be clear. I want to add
something - not from a Master's point of view- as an empath.
Empaths are naturally "open". We're going to have energy exchanges with
everyone no matter what. Our being recognizes that "all are one".
We have to learn to manage this. Our natural spiritual path is that of
the healer, and like all paths it is valid. We all get to the same
place eventually.
> The strongest energy exchange, hence the greatest samskara exchange
is ...sex.
> > That is the lost explination as to why it is best for two moral virgins,
> > devoted to spiritual development, to marry and remain true to each other for
> > the rest of their lives.
I really agree with this from an empath's energy. We are wide open
during sex. The fewer sexual partners the better, and they have to be
pretty clear and clean or we deal with their emotional "dirt" entering
into our second chakra.
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 16:58:03 -0800 (PST)
From: M <chooseagainATnospamthegrid.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Unidentified subject!
Message-Id: <199704030058.QAA28030ATnospamgridsat.thegrid.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
This sounds very familiar. I believe I sojourned there myself - for so long
I though it in my ancestral genes. However, when it was time to leave, I
took an express limo and now I seem to feel so so so so so much. Everything
is so beautiful, so meaningful, so God, I can hardly bear it most of the time.
I imagine this too will morph...
Maybe not...
At 01:59 PM 4/2/97 -0800, Ken McFarland wrote:
>Dear Lobster,
>I went to the Redwoods and they are awesome. I spent a couple of hours with
>one (about 20 foot diameter) in particular.
>I sat in a hollowed out place in its root structure and meditated.
>It was a pleasant and moving experience.
>I can not say I had any revelations.
>During the drive to and from the Redwoods I did quite a bit of thinking.
>It seems to me that my problem is the failure to experience excitement and
>joy especially in the naturally occuring next moment.
>This condition is not longer the result of shame or fear.
>I have, to a large extent, resolved long standing negative scripts and
>psychopathology, and now I am sort of in emotional neutral.
>I find I lack the passion and emotional involvement which I observe in others.
>I embrace the concept of generalized love, but I seem to lack the warm fuzzies.
>I also seem to have difficulty with the concept of God or Higher Power or
>Great Mystery.
>Golas says that "The way out . . . is by being willing to conceive of it--by
>loving it. . ."
>I believe I am willing, but the concept is not integrating.
>I belive I am functionally disconnected from those right-brained feeling
>which give one a sense of God, home, love, etc.
>My left brain has trouble with the God concept.
>Perhaps you or others would share ideas about what is God.
>Struggling and sincere,
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 16:45:16 -0800
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Big Trees
Message-ID: <3342FD9C.5A9DATnospambest.com>
Ken McFarland wrote:
> Dear Lobster,
> I went to the Redwoods and they are awesome. I spent a couple of hours with
> one (about 20 foot diameter) in particular.
> I sat in a hollowed out place in its root structure and meditated.
> It was a pleasant and moving experience.
> I can not say I had any revelations.
> During the drive to and from the Redwoods I did quite a bit of thinking.
> It seems to me that my problem is the failure to experience excitement and
> joy especially in the naturally occuring next moment.
> This condition is not longer the result of shame or fear.
> I have, to a large extent, resolved long standing negative scripts and
> psychopathology, and now I am sort of in emotional neutral.
> I find I lack the passion and emotional involvement which I observe in others.
> I embrace the concept of generalized love, but I seem to lack the warm fuzzies.
> Perhaps you or others would share ideas about what is God.
> Struggling and sincere,
> Ken
Maybe you're like a person sitting in body-temperature bath water. It
doesn't feel "hot" because there's no contrast. If quiet joy and
universal love are intergrated into you, as I suspect they may well be,
you'd only notice a drop or increase. Chin up! Sometimes our destination
doesn't fit our prconceived notions of what it "should" be like.
I believe that we are Godgoddess. Open the point four inches in front
of the crown on the top of your head by flaming it with white light.
Open the third heart chakra, four inches below the cervical notch. I
experience the "water of life" from these chakra points.
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 18:24:21 +0000
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Ed Johnson <orangeATnospamislandnet.com>
CC: jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Letters from nowhere
Message-ID: <3342A453.627ATnospamintercomm.com>
Ed Johnson wrote:
> Dear Jan,
> I am pleased to hear you will soon be rejoining us around the
> kundalini kampfire. While declaring the roasting of marshmallows
> to be a sacred task, we have nevertheless been quite busy and
> I would like to try to bring you up to date, if I may.
> Leading up to the eclipse last week, many of us were trying to hail Bopp.
> A few may have ascended, but we have no word back yet. The local interference
> band sometimes can be quite impenetrable.
> After that the Lobster warned us of the danger of the street sign cult, but its
> members continue to erect 'Dead End' signs on major thoroughfares.
> Joe Patrick Flarity stepped up the the plate ( can't quit thinking about how
> his name sounds like a baseball star ) and declared to be fat and vegetarian
> at the same time, astounding all of us except the young and restless, rapturous
> and hopelessly irreverant newcomer, Amber SilverWolf, whose antics drove
> us celibates mad.
> And would you believe someone actually tried to seduce the lovely Angelique,
> but his school-yard cravenly attempt elicited only laughter from the Dominatrix,
> proving that her costume is more than show.
> Jon Locke tried to convince us that Gutenberg was a saint, but in the end it
> appeared he was just pulling our collective legs.
> For any questions pertaining to the shaskipriyanamalamarama, yogi Tom danced
> in the firelight, barely able to contain himself. Indeed one of his tomes
> now rests in digital perpetuity in the Alchemistical Hall of Fame.
> The two ladies, Gloria and Victoria, returned out of the darkness that is
> whereever and sang their song of love on into the night,
> while little Amy has drifted into her poetic slumber.
> And as light became dark and night became day, what was now is then, what
> was then becomes. All was silent, except for the mischevious cackle
> of the kundalini embers, rising again on the wind from nowhere.
> Love,
> ed.
Ed, That was great, by the way where is Amy? I have lost her e-mail will
someone send it to me, and Amy dear, if you are out there I didn't fall
off of the earth I changed my e-mail and got disconnected. Gloria
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 20:41:39
From: ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
To: Kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Cords and samskaras
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
I wonder if...
cords and samskaras are the same thing?
or at least distant cousins.
I wonder if the same principles hold true of each?
Or if they have very different functions.
Someone said:
>> I have found that if I cut any cords which have connected between my aura
>> and my client's aura, it is easier to separate from them after the healing.
>> If you keep the cords connected, it can drain your energy and cause other
>> problems. After the client leaves I take a moment to cut all the
>> connections to them. It really seems to help especially for an empath.
Yes, those inclined toward empathic ways tend to allow the cords
to bring in information and if we don't consciously release them,
there may be consequences. Are samskaras ever useful?
The alternative might be to find other ways of relating...
other ways of accessing information.
(Is this what kundalini brings?)
I think of the difference between horizontal and vertical.
The cords reach out... a reaching to the external (sort of).
A horizontal approach.
Alternatively there might be a vertical approach... a move toward
what I think of as resonation. Relating and gathering information
through going within. Reach to the outside by going inside.
How does this relate to kundalini? I'm not quite sure...
and yet, I think it does. Especially since kundalini is very much
a vertical sort of phenomenon.
And yet, the vertical and horizontal are both necessary for a
fully functioning life. But when one reaches on a horizontal
plane with something like kundalini... then all hell can break
loose... I wonder how Dan G. is...
In light,
* ori^ *
* oriATnospameskimo.com *
* http://www.eskimo.com/~ori/ori.html *
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 1997 00:25:27 -0800
From: S C Stoner <kcstonerATnospammbcomp.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: anywhere is...
Message-ID: <33436977.456BATnospammbcomp.com>
...Anywhere Is...
I walk the maze of moments
but everywhere I turn to
begins a new beginnign
but never finds a finish
I walk to the horizon
and there I find another
it all seems so surprising
and then I find that I know...
The moon upon the ocean
is swept around in motion
but without ever knowing
the reason for it's flowing.
In motion on the ocean
the moon still keeps on moving
the waves still keep on waving
and I still keep on going...
I wonder if the stars sign
the life that is to be mine
and would they let their light shine
enough for me to follow.
I look up to the heavens
but night has clouded over
no spark of constellation
no Vela on Orion...
The shells upon the warm sands
have taken from their own lands
the echo of their story.
but all I have are low sounds
as pillow words are weaving
and willow waves are leaving
but should I be believing
that I am only dreaming...
You go there you're gone forever
I go there i'll lose my way
if we stay here we're not together
Anywhere is...
To leave the thread of all time
and let it make a dark line
in hopes that I can still find
the way back to the moment.
I took the turn and turned to
begin a new beginign
still looking for the answer.
I cannot find the finish
it's either this or that way
it's one way or the other
it should be one direction
it could be on reflection
the turn I have just taken
the turn that I was making
I might be just beginning
I might be near the end...
...Anywhere is...
had to share this...arrived at my door via the mail and columbia house...
it is by...no, not our favorite crustacean...The Lobster...but by the
celtic goddess ENYA on her The Memory Of The Trees cd...
stopped dead in my tracks the minute i heard it...not just because it is
envigorating...but the lyrics summed up my journey and 'k' experiences
pretty well...
that it is indeed a never ending journey and just when you think you have
gotten there..."I might be just beginning...I might be near the end...
Anywhere is..."
a great buy, if just for this cut...and will have to replace soon...cause
the repeat button has cut a groove in it...will get your heart pumping,
feet taping, and you mind singing it...over...and over...and...
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 21:19:04 -0800
From: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Favorite Music
Message-id: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Hello K-ites,
This is the list of favorite music.
Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Music for meditation:
Inside the Great Pyramid Paul Horn
Learning How to Fly Tuck and Patti
Deep Breakfast Paul Lynch
Ambient Intermix Instinct Ambient
Sampler Earth Sounds Gordon Hempton
I'm a Believer Monkees
In Memory of Trees Enya
>From The Goddess O Great Spirit On Wings of Song & Robert Gass
Dorje Ling David Parsons
Atlantis Angelis Patrick Bernhardt
Silence for meditation (or music of the spheres): 4 votes
Music for Relaxation or non-specific trance:
The Wall Kansas
About Time (Celtic) Baal Tinne
Shakti Shakti with John McLaughlin
Soma Robert Rich/Steve Roach
Baraka Michael Stearns
Shape of Time Coyote Oldman
Spiritchaser Dead Can Dance
Music for Healing:
Celtic Christmas I and II, LoReena McKennitt
Dream Spiral Hilary Stagg
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 23:10:08 -0800
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Big Trees
Message-ID: <334357D0.1A91ATnospambest.com>
Ken McFarland wrote:
> Thank you Morgana.
> I am trying to follow your suggestion.
> I am trying to visualize a flame-like image where you say.
> Can you be more descriptive about what "flaming it with white light" means?
> I found the heart chakra point you describe.
> When I press there with my finger I feel a sensation in my heart.
> How do I open up the chakra?
> I to seek the "water of life."
I use the psychic equivalent of a "blow torch" and burn it for hours.
I "feel" the flame as hot, "see" it as incandescent white light,
sense the dirt and darkness in the chakra being drawn into the light and
consumed. The flame burns the impurities as its fuel. Even after the
chakra is clean I burn the flame until the chakra "lets go" and cycles
out to an expanded wheel. It's a great feeling, well worth the effort.
I love the redwood trees too. They sing to me, especially if I stand
in a burned out part as you did. I've had one of my highest K
experiences by accident. My husband and I went into a state park to camp
when it was already dark. We couldn't find the flashlight and we were
too tired to set up camp, so we just threw a tarp on the ground and
rolled up into our bags. All night long I heard singing. By morning it
was burning and buzzing in my brain. We woke up and found that we were
right in the middle of a redwood grove, sleeping on the paved part of
our "car-camping" spot. [The asphalt acts as a "rubber sheet" for
psychic energies, that's why it's so hard to stay grounded in a crowd on
asphalt paving (as in street fairs).] The buzzing stayed in my head all
day, gaining strength by the hour. I was sooo ungrounded by then I was
incoherant. We went home (he drove!) and that night it was as if
lightening was coursing through my body. By morning my TV set was a
smoking ruin, the stereo receiver and phone message machine were
history. And I could hear voices talking to me in my head about people
places and things. TMI (Too Much Information) so I eventually tuned it
waay down, but the psychic ability called clairaudience has stayed with
me ever since, a gift of the Big Trees.
Feel free to submit any questions you might have about what you read here to the Kundalini
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