Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/02 16:13
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #140

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 140

Today's Topics:
  GOD,and Kundalini
  Re: Unidentified subject!
  RE:Shamanic talkshow
  Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
  Re: Kundalini and healing
  Looking for Flanagan
  Big Trees
  Grounding repost and new stuff..
  Re: Looking for Flanagan
  Re: That Electric Shock
  Re: Big Trees
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 13:24:00 +0000
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: GOD,and Kundalini
Message-Id: <18240054501983ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

You asked what is Kundalini,as I have perceived it in my own arena by my
limited Resources of body, mind, and soul, of the study of this grande
force of nature that may be, and infinitely, revolving revealer of
knowledge, can last one lifetime or more, perhaps eternally captivating my
attention of what it is.....
 It is a creative life-force, which resides everywhere, it is not nowhere, but
for defining purposes, it is in the spine, and the ground,downtown, in the
religions, and the pigeons, and the dirt all around, look around, it is
Knowledge....of Love.
There are Friends here who may want to tell what it isn't!
That is Good...and it's Evil ...and its none of their business....
This is just a song which can be wrong,
it seems to me you need to be free,
to take a look a round and look up and down
 and check out your own eternity.....

>>Hi all,
>>I had experiences, along with glass exploding, lightbulbs
>>blowing and beings beaming long shafts of colored laser lights at my
>>different centers, also the dandelion, molecules flying off. These
>>things can be explained in a meta-spiritual way, there is so verymuch that
>>happened. I like to call it the Quickening! of Kundalini!
>>I love Angels so much that I have painted them for 17 years! Not the cute
>>kind, either. I did go thru an intense quickening leading up to this event.
>>I was dreaming lucid, at 3am and this happened,
>>When this Angel told me to write down his name, I did, It was a long
>>>name like Pylos-aurean, anyway, I remembered the Name Pylos, and
>>>(I looked it up in an old book on Grecian history, the name means
>>>Guardian to the Gates of Heaven, there is a city in Greece, I found out
>>>last night, where, in ancient Greece, they, the Priest and Priestesses,
>>practiced the Elesyian Rites of (Can't spell) Mysteries, and it was
>>centered in Pylos, Greece, and the Mysteries were kept a secret, so the
>>place is famous for the practice of the Mysteries and the place's name is
>>Pylos, which means Guardian to the Gates of Heaven, which is interesting,
>>because, I
>>>experienced God a few days after! ) The meditation-lucid-dream I had then,
>>>was I was looking at this Book of Light (it was big, open, and
>>>emitted light), and I was reading about many Servants of God,
>>>and when Pylos touched me repeatedly on my knee (to get me up
>>>to write his Name down), I was reading Pylos-(aureanarius), Son of
>>>Jupiter, did all these honorable things, it lists all these things, and
>>>I was reading about him and he woke me up!(Later, I looked up
>>> Jupiter, and the book said that Jupiter is the Religion Planet, with the
>>> God- ruler being Zeus) Pylos had shoulder length sandy hair wavy, and wore
>>a brown tunic, and a white glowing cloth on his head with a bird-like
>>>golden crown across his brow, deep black blue-ish eyes, golden
>>>lights shine on him. He was the first Angel I saw.
>>>he talked to me for three days while in a light-altered state and
> the angel called me by the name of " O Moon."
>>>On the way to God, when He, the One God (GOD),
>> took me, I first went through a big( Planet Jupiter?)
>>>Being, that I imagined very much like Zeus the "God" of the
>>>Greeks. He showed me things, and then I kept going toward the
>>>Beginning of the Creation, I went past dark space with evenly
>>>placed pulsars, then I went into a huge blue tunnel of swirling
>>>lights that had a Black Primal Sun at the very End of it(He is the Alpha
>>and theOmega). I heardthe ROAR of the Angels, and all Creation praising
>>God all thru this incident. It was so roaringly loud, I thought my Head
>would explode,
>>it scared me so, the sound was stronger than any thing you can ever
> imagine,I grew used to it, once I took off.
>>>I also experienced more and more and more and more Bliss, Ectasy,
>>>Rapture, ever-increasing Joy, as I flew, went toward God. He,an Infinite
>Sea of Consciousnes, Surrounded me with such Love and Adored me, I felt so
>special,and small like a plain little sparrow,( oh the Love!)
>>>so very precious. I realized He is the Source and Revealer of all
>>>our "virtues", we are merely, shadowy ripples of reflections on the
>>>mirror of Creation, what we experience here is very shallow reflections
>>>of feelings that we shall grow to know and possess.GOD regards every-One
>>>with the same intensity, Special Creation that they are!
>>>I experience an awful lot, including Oneness with all life on Earth, the
>Grass,and plants included, Oneness with the Stars, and when I kept flying at
>>>that incredibly fast speed toward the Source, I started to Vibrate in
>>>such a way that my molecules, and /or Spirit would be pulled
>apart,expanded, and distroyed forever by the Heat of the Intensity of the
>Nearness of God, I grew fearful, and Returned, unharmed, but changed
> forever to my bed. I had experienced my full capacity at that time to know
>>>God, hopefully when I return, I will be able to go further and closer
>>>to Him. .
>>>I will leave off here.
>>>Talk to you all soon!
>>>Victoria ~V~
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Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 17:50:31 -0800
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
Message-ID: <33430CE7.43C5ATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Tom Aston wrote:

> >I wonder why the FBI would get involved?
> >Are they really on a mission to crush deviant spirituality in America?

I hope so - perhaps I should write to them
for I am on a UnHoly Mission to crush deviant spirituality
Perhaps we could form an FBI/Kundalini Alliance
Of course because the Security Forces worldwide
belong to a "Cult" mentality of
being right
justifying bizarre behaviour etc
perhaps our first mission would be
to destroy our own existence?
- however that would be too reminescent of the recent
Hail Bopp ascensions
(Lobster removes thinking cap
- throws away brain
and dances into the distance . . . )

> ....and there is also scope here for yogis to join with those of a
> liberal and civil liberties persuasion. a grand alliance of free
> thinkers and free spirits.
Work behind the scenes by being up front
Ally yourself with Ms Shakti (Goddess)
Yogis bear arms
to catch the Sun
Do not join
what you already are a member of
Now onward
Shine the Light

Most Kind Regards

 *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* A R C

Not suitable for people with any kind of disposition

Date: 02 Apr 97 15:51:35 EST
From: Michael Yoshpa <74657.3001ATnospamCompuServe.com>
To: "INTERNET:kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE:Shamanic talkshow
Message-ID: <970402205135_74657.3001_BHW32-1ATnospamCompuServe.COM>

Dear K-ers,
Someone had recently posted the following:

>If anybody is interested in joining this
>Shamanic talkshow(with all respect) here's the adress:

I tried the above address, but it does not exist ATnospamibag.com. Could you please

Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 13:05:55 -0800
From: Peter Norton <pnortonATnospamatwc.teradyne.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-ID: <3342CA33.194AATnospamatwc.teradyne.com>

I blathered:
> There was no pain for me, and no fear, just surprise.

maybe I should have mentioned that previous to this, in other
meditation retreats, I had gone through a lot of pain and fear,
which was maybe why they were absent this time?

anyway, I stopped meditating for a while, too, on another
occasion, out of fear, after a 3 day brush with K.
But I think now, such a reaction of
stopping meditation to avoid something unpleasurable is
similar to increasing meditation to reexperience something

Seems like it is like the weather, if you dont
like it, or even if you do like it, if you stick around, it
will change. So, either way, no need to worry?

Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 15:18:21
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: FK3000ATnospamaol.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and healing
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 23:11 01/04/97 -0500, FK3000ATnospamaol.com wrote:
>In a message dated 97-04-01 19:48:16 EST, you write:
><< I have found that if I cut any cords which have connected between my aura
> and my client's aura, it is easier to separate from them after the healing.
>How do you cut it?
>I'm not a healer by choice, it just keep happening (I keep doing it without
>noticing) Specially when I try or I think I am healing my self!!!
>I don't even know how to heal my self, I don't know anymore what is to be
>normal or to have your own spirit!!!, I feel like every ones vehicle, they
>take the ride and I get F... up, I'm getting tired of the same Sh...t.
>I start even loosing sinchronicity, memory, self power, I throw everything
>(New subscriber to kundalini)

  Close your eyes, relax your mind, imagine a cord of light coming from
your navel.
State aloud 3x you intention to cut any aka cords connected to you that are
not in your highest good. ( Some cords are from folks who are giving you
love light and healing) stating aloud your intention to only cut those
cords caring negative energies protects those carrying positive energies
from being harmed.
  Hold your fingers out like scissors in front of your navel and snip. Or
imagine your hand as etheric light sword and cut the cords.

  You energy body is under the guidance of your imagination.
As you imagine it, so it will be.
Some folks imagine the bubble surface of their aura as a pink mirror that
reflects negative energy back as love, without allowing it in. It works.
  I channel negative energies into myself and transform them with my inner
crystal transformer, into positive energy I can use.
  So if someone calls me a bitch I end up laughing my head off, giddy...

  It is important to maintain a mental image of your energy being grounded
to the earth.
I will repost a grounding visualization that works well with K. Once you
have the visualization clear you can ask a corner of your unconscous to
maintain it for you. so you don't have to focus on it all the time.
  It can take many repititions to get your unconscous trained, tho.

  One way to heal is to imagine someone as already perfect.
  This can actually be more powerful than an intent to heal, because in the
perception of someone needing healing, we also reinforce the negative
perception that they are unwell.
  Cleanse yourself of these perceptions, imagine them flowing out of your
feet and back to the earth. Everything is perfect already, everything is
happenning as it should, trust and faith in Goddess to show you the silver

  To address your frustration: things have always been like this, only now
you have the perception to notice. So, notice what occupies your attention,
and notice how the focus of your attention creates your reality.
  Pretty quick, things will start to work themselves out...you keep getting
dragged back to the things you try to throw away, eh?
  There must be a powerful gift there for you, for your unconscous/K. to be
so insistent on presenting it to you over and over. Ask for blessings,
trust to silver linings.
 We are here for you.
 Blessings, Angelique.
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 21:07:43 +0000
From: David.WhiteATnospammail.bl.uk (David White)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Looking for Flanagan
Message-ID: <00024DBD.1424ATnospammail.bl.uk>

Content-Description: cc:Mail note part

     As well as AltaVista, which you must try, at:
     other possibilities are:
     for emails
     Good Luck`
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 13:59:22 -0800
From: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Big Trees
Message-id: <>
Content-type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Lobster,

I went to the Redwoods and they are awesome. I spent a couple of hours with
one (about 20 foot diameter) in particular.
I sat in a hollowed out place in its root structure and meditated.
It was a pleasant and moving experience.
I can not say I had any revelations.

During the drive to and from the Redwoods I did quite a bit of thinking.
It seems to me that my problem is the failure to experience excitement and
joy especially in the naturally occuring next moment.
This condition is not longer the result of shame or fear.
I have, to a large extent, resolved long standing negative scripts and
psychopathology, and now I am sort of in emotional neutral.
I find I lack the passion and emotional involvement which I observe in others.
I embrace the concept of generalized love, but I seem to lack the warm fuzzies.

I also seem to have difficulty with the concept of God or Higher Power or
Great Mystery.
Golas says that "The way out . . . is by being willing to conceive of it--by
loving it. . ."
I believe I am willing, but the concept is not integrating.

I belive I am functionally disconnected from those right-brained feeling
which give one a sense of God, home, love, etc.

My left brain has trouble with the God concept.
Perhaps you or others would share ideas about what is God.

Struggling and sincere,
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 16:03:17
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Grounding repost and new stuff..
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

 an exercise to become grounded, well enough connected to source to be
quite immune to most negative energy. It's a pretty simple visualization,
when I use it with people I enhance their energy flow with the power of my
own K., and sometimes the result is Kundalini awakening.
  I also use the same grounding technique for myself when I set out to do
healing, or any kind of magic.

 Opening through the heart chakra is extremely gentle.:

>> In opening the awareness of individuals, I usually begin with a simple
grounding visualization.
>> I have them sit comfortably, crosslegged or more often in a chair in a
position, hands apart, feet flat on the floor.
>> A sunbeam visualized warming the top of the head, then the top of the
head becomes a flower (1000 petaled lotus) opens to the warmth and draws the
sunlight down it's stem, into the third eye and throat, to fill a reservoir
space in the torso, from belly to collarbone. when the space is filled, a
stream of light leaks from the bottom of the reservoir, down through the
feet, down to the center of the earth. Gaia's fiery crystalline heart, her
>> When the beam hits the centre, it sparks a volcano of energy that comes
roaring backup like old faithful, back into feet, exploding center into
radiance, shooting out the top of the head like an umbrella-fountain,
sun drops rolling down to describe the oval that is the aura's perimeter,
making it complete and sealed against all harm. Some earth energy is sent
back up to higher self, but the center increases in brilliance to fill the
aura completely. When I feel and see that the energy is complete, flowing
both ways and charging the aura to whatever seems to be their maximum
brilliance, I snap my fingers with the suggestion that the circuit has been
'locked in'. Their unconscious will now maintain the energy flow, while I
guide their observations.
>> We observe the complete abscence of negative or fearful thoughts in this
>> the relaxation and sense of well being.
>> the tingling of the soles of the feet and fingertips
>> the sensation of lightness of being
>> we try to find an emotion that describes the feeling of the energy,
>> and discover the only word that fits is love.
>> absolute, unconditional love and acceptance.
>>(The shock of this sometimes completely un-grounds very insecure people,
and you have to ease them past their feelings of being unworthy, and start
again. Very worth doing.)
>> I bring their attention back to thier center, (Heart Chakra) and
tell them to ask
the light in their center if it loves them, and if they are perfect already,
and listen for an answer.
>> They sometimes look at me funny but they ask anyway, and the answer
always fills them with joy and awe. It is very beautiful. I have them ask it
a few more questions, to build their trust and faith in their inner voice,
that it has always and always will be there for them, and to ask it for
insight into some minor difficulty they have been having. I ask them to
choose a small problem to start, because I want them to experience success,
and it takes practice to stay grounded when contemplating big emotional
>> Then I teach them how to do the visualization in one breath, twenty times
a day.
>>And anything else my intuition tells me they need to learn.
>> Once they are connected with their soul-voice, and have integrated the
idea that they are perfect and unconditionally loved by the universe, (even
if not by themselves)
>>they are well on the path to K. awakening. The grounding excercise keeps
them in a nonjudgemental state, and in touch with their guidance, and
continues, with every repetition to clear blockages and strengthen the
energy body.
>> I've seen some people in my life totally transform their lives, from the
springboard of this one little visualization, repeated faithfully.
>It is ancient and powerful.

  I would welcome comments on this technique.
   Blessings, Angelique.

   When doing healing, it is helpful to know that the energy body is
polarized like a magnet or a battery. Top/right side is positive, bottom/
left side is positive.
   The energy travels from the right hand to the left, through center to
recharge and back. Send your energy through them at opposite polarities, as
magnets must be opposite poles to attract. Hold hands facing, or put your
right hand lower and your left hand higher on/above their body. Suck
negative energy out with left hand and send it through to the earth to be
transformed, replace it with positive energy from the right hand.
  I have done this to two people from a distance, even, to end an argument.
But it makes me technically a vampire, even tho the energy I stole was
negative, and I replaced it with more positive. I had been sitting near two
people at a party who got into an argument. I got tired of hearing them and
having that vibe around me, so I sucked the negative energy off with my
left hand, slightly turned towards them behind their back, and they both
got quiet and kind of crumpled, where they sat. Then I subtly pointed my
right palm at them and gave them both a good zap, and imagined their energy
grounded. They both perked up, ended their argument and one went off
  If you don't want to be a vampire, simply imagine that the space between
your hands is like the filament of a light bulb, the part of your
electrical circuit that gives off light energy. Place your hands according
to the reverse polarity on either side of the injury, and imagine the
filament is inside them, and the injury is gathering golden/white light and
beginning to glow. Then use your imagination to lock the glow in place, so
that it is being fed from their own energy source.

  Blessings, Angelique.
    A few more weird ideas.....
 The local mind is producing limitation after limitation. Because it must,
that is it's job. It is for 3d navigation. It is the weakest part of your
mind, your being.
  It can only work with what it knows, and it can know very little, in the
overall scheme of things.
  Einstien used imagination to discover E=mc2, imagining himself to be a
photon, and travelling an imaginary trip in his mind...or was it an obe?
 "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

  It is normal to try to fall back on logic for safety when the enormity of
K. gets scary, but in the end it is usually of little use. We must discard
logic and reach for faith and imagination.
  Know that logic can come up with Reasons and limitations endlessly.
That's what it is good at.
  Keeping you stuck in 3d.
  It comes always in the end to choosing to ignore logic and focus on faith
and desire.

  Space and time do not exist, and we are all one.
  Love transcends space and time, because it is the E that =mc2, the very
fabric of the universe of 3d we perceive, it is All.
  Matter and energy are one, and energy is Love. We use love to shape
 As Darkness is the absence of light, so fear is the absence of love.

   Expectations are a way of creating limitations on our experience. If you
have an expectation that a certain kind of music will put you into a trace,
you also close yourself off to the possibilities of attaining trance
anywhere, with anything. The choice of how you perceive resides with you.
It is your world.
  If you have expectations that you are vulnerable to the negative energy
of others, likewise you will be.

   Richard Bach said, "Argue for your limitations, and you get to keep them."
  I mean that kindly.
  We know way more than we think we know, but to access it we have to give
up what we think we know.
......we are exactly as limited as we believe we are.
Releasing the fear/separation beliefs is the process of enlightenment.

  The words you are reading are a partial communication of idea and
intention. The total of the communication we are actually exchanging goes
far, far beyond these words, and is not dependent on any mechanical or
physical system.
  Don't underestimate the power of your imagination. It is the most
powerful tool we have. Close your eyes for a moment and feel the energy
resonating from this post, and ask your heart chakra if what I say is true.
  You might get an emotional response, you might get an internal
explanation, you might get anything. Release expectations and listen.

  Give yourself the patience you would give to a small child learning to
walk. It is your inner child, after all, that has the imagination power to
make this real. And the determination.
  A child falls down a hundred times, yet you don't see any adults who are
  We all get it eventually. We fall down over and over, forgive ourselves
and cry, and get on our feet again to try to take that first step.
  We learn to walk, then run, then we learn to forget all that and give up
the limitations so we can levitate...
   Blessings, Mystress.
PS: Cool Tantra site:

Mystress Angelique Serpent,
  Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
     -- Hector Louis Berlioz
Sure, it's going to kill a lot of people, but they may be dying of
something else anyway. -- Othal Brand, member of a Texas pesticide
review board
 Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 17:59:35 -0500 (EST)
From: RWilli2ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Looking for Flanagan
Message-ID: <970402175606_-702954762ATnospamemout17.mail.aol.com>

What is looking for Flanagan????
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 17:59:56 -0500 (EST)
From: VidentATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: That Electric Shock
Message-ID: <970402175834_1519056122ATnospamemout05.mail.aol.com>

In a message dated 97-04-02 17:17:36 EST, you write:

 DarkWay wrote:
 > one night I came out of this and into that stage before sleep and then out
of no were I felt this eletrical shock[Like a Lighting bolt}Go from my feet
to my crown,
 > I felt myself lift off and drop back on the bed.it was very painfull I and
i stoped meditating out of fear.
Dear DarkWay,
I lurk on a mailing list where all are remote viewers. They sometimes
discuss feeling a shock before going OOB. Perhaps you were at the threshold,
but not quite ready to take the plunge.
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 23:31:03 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamoregon.uoregon.edu>
Subject: Re: Big Trees
Message-ID: <9pCagQAn4tQzEwhRATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

In message <>, Ken
McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU> writes
>Dear Lobster,
>I went to the Redwoods and they are awesome. I spent a couple of hours with
>one (about 20 foot diameter) in particular.
>I sat in a hollowed out place in its root structure and meditated.
>It was a pleasant and moving experience.
>I can not say I had any revelations.
>During the drive to and from the Redwoods I did quite a bit of thinking.
>It seems to me that my problem is the failure to experience excitement and
>joy especially in the naturally occuring next moment.
>This condition is not longer the result of shame or fear.
>I have, to a large extent, resolved long standing negative scripts and
>psychopathology, and now I am sort of in emotional neutral.
>I find I lack the passion and emotional involvement which I observe in others.
>I embrace the concept of generalized love, but I seem to lack the warm fuzzies.
>I also seem to have difficulty with the concept of God or Higher Power or
>Great Mystery.
>Golas says that "The way out . . . is by being willing to conceive of it--by
>loving it. . ."
>I believe I am willing, but the concept is not integrating.
>I belive I am functionally disconnected from those right-brained feeling
>which give one a sense of God, home, love, etc.
>My left brain has trouble with the God concept.
>Perhaps you or others would share ideas about what is God.
>Struggling and sincere,
Could be that you just need to get used to this sense of emptiness that
is well known to Buddhism...could, of course, simply be spiritual
deadness and emotional numbness, but if shakti is involved i somehow
doubt it.....why not tell us a little more about how it started....you
know, i longed for all the old certainties of hearth and home for quite
a while after shakti started developing esoteric insight into just how
misguided my atttachments were...not unusual when shakti moves up
through the chakras, especially from manipura to anahata, to feel like
in a vacuum when in fact have new opportunities to free oneself from
mundane understanding...any help ? yogi Tom
Tom Aston


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