1997/04/02 06:12
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #138
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 138
Today's Topics:
Re: HALE-BOPP TURNS TOWARD EARTH!!! in yer dreams, at least. :)
Re: kundalini and healing
Re: Unidentified subject!
Re: Mantra - newbie thought
Re: kundalini and healing
Re: Unidentified beliefs
Re: Unlurker--Digame
Re: Unlurker--Digame
Re: Enter The Wolf Lodge.
Re: kundalini and healing
AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Re: Your question
Re: kundalini and healing
Re: kundalini and healing
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 13:46:53 -0700 (MST)
From: Cameron <purenrgATnospamgoodnet.com>
To: Jon Locke <voltronATnospamvoy.net>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: HALE-BOPP TURNS TOWARD EARTH!!! in yer dreams, at least. :)
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95.970401134551.16128G-100000ATnospamgoodguy>
is it April already??
Suppose I should have looked at the DATE on this. :)
Well, it's still a cool dream, eh?
in Love,
On Tue, 1 Apr 1997, Jon Locke wrote:
> >Comments: Authenticated sender is <skywatchATnospammail.phoenix.net>
> >From: "SKYWATCH INTERNATIONAL" <skywatchATnospammail.phoenix.net>
> >Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 00:35:23 -0700
> >
> >Subject: Skywatch: Hale-Bopp Terror
> >Reply-to: skywatchATnospamphoenix.net
> >Priority: normal
> >
> >
> >Content-description: Mail message body
> >
> >------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
> >Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997 16:07:23 -0500 (EST)
> >To: skywatchATnospamphoenix.net
> >From: Doug Parrish <dparrishATnospamismi.net>
> >Subject: Hale-Bopp Terror
> >
> >To All Skywatchers:
> >
> >PKD News Service (c) 1997
> >
> >SPINNERSVILLE, MICHIGAN--The attached photo, taken just after sunset on
> >04-01-97 around 8:20 p.m., shows an extraordinary shot of the Hale-Bopp
> >Comet striking momentary terror into the hearts of citizens living along
> >Lake Michigan not far from Traverse City. In an unprecedented deviation
> >from its projected course and against all odds, the mighty comet seemed
> >to veer out of orbit and approach the small fishing village. As lights
> >flashed on around the town, people poured out of their homes in absolute
> >terror, believing they were soon to be struck by the comet. This
> >incredible photograph, kindly sent to me by Mich Witzen of
> >Spinnersville, who used a Voigtländer 70-DX5 digital camera, captured
> >the incredible sight just moments before the comet mysteriously
> >dissipated and resumed its normal position in the sky.
> >
> >Loopalong County Sheriff, Frank Ernest, said, "We can only conclude that
> >the government's HAARP program must be in full swing up there in Alaska,
> >and that the Spinnersville area was a test sight for that thing."
> >
> >Editor Pat Smith of the Spinnersville TRIBUNE agreed. "We've never had
> >anything like that before here in town. This is unprecedented. People
> >were so sure we were going to be hit right in the middle of Checkerman's
> >Market that they stayed out of the downtown area. I hope this doesn't
> >give us a bad name on the Internet," the editor concluded nervously.
> >
> >John Dorkman was the first one who noticed the apparition. He was out
> >walking the family dog when suddenly he "...looked up in the sky and I
> >seen this thing taking shape up there. First it kinda shimmered in place
> >and then the thing took on full-blown proportions. Geez, I sure thought
> >we was done for. I could hear it rumbling and roaring away up there. It
> >kept getting closer and closer. I ran back home with the dog and called
> >Frank [county sheriff Ernest]." By that time, the whole community had
> >heard the noise and was outside looking at it.
> >
> >Sheriff Ernest placed a long distance call to the Pentagon. An unnamed
> >source confirmed that the HAARP array had been activated at that time,
> >but insisted that technicians were trying to cause a snowstorm in
> >Mexico.
> >
> >Doug Parrish
> >Michigan Director / Skywatch International
> >|
> >|
> >V
> >
> >
> >Content-description: Information about this message.
> >
> >This message contains a file prepared for transmission using the
> >MIME BASE64 transfer encoding scheme. If you are using Pegasus
> >Mail or another MIME-compliant system, you should be able to extract
> >it from within your mailer. If you cannot, please ask your system
> >administrator for help.
> >
> > ---- File information -----------
> > File: hbterror.jpg
> > Date: 31 Mar 1997, 23:11
> > Size: 18611 bytes.
> > Type: JPEG-image
> >
> >PHOTO ATTACHED AS: hbterror.jpg
Cameron Dye | "Existence is pure joy...sorrows are
purenrgATnospamgoodnet.com | but as shadows; they pass & are done;
A really great home page: | but there is that which remains."
http://www.goodnet.com/~purenrg | - The Book of the Law -
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 13:53:26 -0800
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini and healing
Message-ID: <334183D6.5977ATnospambest.com>
Jeanne Garner wrote:
I wonder if people mistake the absence of shakes,
> tremors, etc., for meaning there's nothing going on at all? It is--but
> quietly and harmoniously.
Jeanne's comments are wel thought-out. I'm second degree Reiki,
although I rarely use it in favor of "full-body medium" techniques. I
find that spiritual progress comes along quite well, even while seeing
100 clients a month for channeled healing. The key is to be the
channel, not to be attached to the outcome.
If I pick up "backflow" it's an arrow pointing to my own resistance,
an area which I need to look at in my own energy. Where I'm clear the
energy just passes through. I can get "off-center" and reactive, but
it's always a sure sign it's vacation time. I was in a truly bad space
around Christmas, but it was induced by my own resistance to being there
for clients when I wanted to be on a beach somewhere in the sun. When I
was able to let go of that and remember that my commitment is my choice,
everything shifted and I didn't pick up *shit*.
I am truly grateful for the stuff I've "picked up" from clients, it's
moved me toward growth that my own "silver spoon" origins would never
have led me to experience.
During the years I've been healing there have been many transitions in
the way I work. At first I was "swimming" through everyone's pain,
experiencing it and processing it as if it were my own. I'm an empath,
so this was pretty easy. It was really eye-opening, because my life has
mostly been sheltered and blessed, without real pain.
Later I realized that healing didn't have to be about pain, that we
could take shortcuts and just make a big shift or a series of little
shift into a higher energy state and the energy would drop off and
"ground". When I'm channeling properly I don't get tired at all and I
feel blissed out and supremely happy while I work. I often "glow" with a
subtly visible light when my work day is over, and feel wonderful.
By the way, thanks to everyone for their helpful comments regrading my
client with cancer. The real problem WAS K, her meridians were
reversed, and she is stabilizing now.
Love, Morgana
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 15:16:43 -0800
From: Peter Norton <pnortonATnospamatwc.teradyne.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
Message-ID: <3341975B.623CATnospamatwc.teradyne.com>
> The Hale-Bopp comet site at http://www.artbell.com is unavailable. I
> tried to go there this morning and it is closed by the FBI because of
> possible connections to the federal investigation into the heavans gate
> suicide case.
I wonder why the FBI would get involved?
Are they really on a mission to crush deviant spirituality in America?
I just saw the documentary "Waco: The Rules of Engagement" last
night and wonder if it portends the coming repression of
spiritual transformation that some gurus have predicted, when
even meditation will become a crime, which will finally realize
Orwell's prediction of 'thought crime'.
If anyone feels fat, dumb, and happy about freedom of religion in
America, I highly recommend seeing this film.
"Waco: The Rules of Engagement"
"The struggle of man against oppression, is the struggle of
memory against forgetting."
-Milan Kundera, 'The Book of Laughter and Forgetting'
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 19:03:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Amber SilverWolf <aberman1ATnospamic3.ithaca.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Mantra - newbie thought
Message-id: <Pine.PMDF.3.95.970401190131.474234G-100000ATnospamic3.ithaca.edu>
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
On Sat, 30 Mar 1996, Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:
> Amber you seem very funny and good natured, welcome to the list!
Thank you muchly! I'm having fun so far and I'm glad I came.
> You will find this to be an unusually well mannered and friendly list.
> We don't have flame wars.
Yay! But do we engage in marshmellow roasting? Virtual s'mores?
> The best we can come up with are flame comments, like the one below. :)
> Or perhaps it was a suggested mantra? bitch bitch bitch....naw.
> I read my mail from the bottom up today, so I came across the comments on
> the flame comment before the flame comment itself.
> I went back and found the original and LOL! It was directed at me! :D
Yup.... I noticed...gosh that weird.
> (Yes, Gloria, it *is* a joke. Brother Overseas was trying to spell
> "unsubscribe".) ;P
> My slave came to see the source of My laughter, just now, then looked at
> Me with love and adoration in his eyes and said "Mystress, you are the most
> amazing wonderful Bitch Goddess in the entire Universe." he is so sweet...
> I thanked him and told him he is a most excellent slut plaything. he
> thanked Me and kissed My hand.
<wolfish grin>
I know someone who tells me whenever I pull something that she thinks is
cool that I "rule her ass." I'm the ruler of someone's ass. Pretty funky
* Amber *
* "...for I love the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night...." *
* *
* "All in life is a waking dream and in death is the final awakening." -Q *
* *
* "For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great. You have *
* no power over me!" -Labyrinth *
* ) o ( *
* Amber SilverWolf/Lolandrea Psikine'Aelanar * *
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 16:28:59 -0800 (PST)
From: " Joseph Miller" <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Pictures
Message-Id: <199704020028.QAA06800ATnospamf3.hotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain
I read that there have been some picutes posted lately. Thanks for the
consideration and the thoughts. But if I might that does bring up one point.
I am sure that many aren't aware of it but there are is a problem with the
interface between the list server system and some other mail systems, including
the one I'm on. All attachments to messages you send get included in the text
of the digest, as text. This means that, to those with such systems, pictures
come to us, not as pictures but as ASCI text. Lots and lots of ASCI text. One
file today was over 100k of nothing but unspaced random looking repeats of all
the characters in the ASCI character set. It was slow and bulky to handle, and
then just delete, it was good for nothing else.
Our list masteress mentioned a problem sending pictures last month.
May I suggest we not send pictures until the net can handle it better. Giving
the URL is very helpful and I do appreciate that, I have checked out a few and
liked what I saw.
I know it is the interface between the two mail systems because on the same
mail system I get several graphic messages every day (including the Web edition
of the N.Y. Times, which is made to look just like the front page of a
newspaper, pictures of politicians and all). It may have something to do the
interface and with the way it does the digest or it may just be the interfaces.
I do know it doesn't work as anything but a pain for some of us.
Thanks for your consideration.
Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 97 18:27:22 PST
From: "Claudia McNeely" <whitedoveATnospamtexramp.net>
To: morganaATnospambest.com, "kundalini l" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: kundalini and healing
Message-ID: <MAPI.Id.0016.0068697465646f763030303930303039ATnospamMAPI.to.RFC822>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"; X-MAPIextension=".TXT"
> Jeanne's comments are wel thought-out. I'm second degree Reiki,
> although I rarely use it in favor of "full-body medium" techniques. I
> find that spiritual progress comes along quite well, even while seeing
> 100 clients a month for channeled healing. The key is to be the
> channel, not to be attached to the outcome.
> If I pick up "backflow" it's an arrow pointing to my own resistance,
> an area which I need to look at in my own energy. Where I'm clear the
> energy just passes through. I can get "off-center" and reactive, but
> it's always a sure sign it's vacation time. I was in a truly bad space
> around Christmas, but it was induced by my own resistance to being there
> for clients when I wanted to be on a beach somewhere in the sun. When I
> was able to let go of that and remember that my commitment is my choice,
> everything shifted and I didn't pick up *shit*.
I have found that if I cut any cords which have connected between my aura
and my client's aura, it is easier to separate from them after the healing.
If you keep the cords connected, it can drain your energy and cause other
problems. After the client leaves I take a moment to cut all the
connections to them. It really seems to help especially for an empath.
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 16:54:18 -0800
From: Joe Patrick Flarity <joeATnospamflarity.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Unidentified beliefs
Message-Id: <3341AE3A.B1ATnospamflarity.com>
Peter Norton wrote:
> If anyone feels fat, dumb, and happy about freedom of religion in
> America, I highly recommend seeing this film.
> "Waco: The Rules of Engagement"
> "The struggle of man against oppression, is the struggle of
> memory against forgetting."
> -Milan Kundera, 'The Book of Laughter and Forgetting'
I feel fat dumb and happy about everything.
But Gravity really gets me down.
How unfair that Martians can walk so lightly.
And why must living things eat each other.
Have they no respect for the glory in life.
And that merciless, dogmatic tyrant--TIME
The clock started to tick on our first breath
And why did no one mention that haunting refrain
"I'd love to save the world, but I don't know what to do."
I let it all go
into the singing wind
she will know where to carry it
Joe Patrick Flarity (the form recognized by the US Government)
ex NRA member, ex Libertarian, ex Democrat, ex Republican, ex Nature
Prolife and Pro death and now accepting what comes inbetween.
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 17:11:53 -0800
From: Joe Patrick Flarity <joeATnospamflarity.com>
To: RWilli2ATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Unlurker--Digame
Message-Id: <3341B259.7220ATnospamflarity.com>
RWilli2ATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Yes, I agree. I do not know to much about Kundalini and this is why I read
> these posts. So far I have not learned much about Kundalini. I really
> couldn't explain Kundalini it to anyone if I had to. I really want to learn
> more. RWILLI2
Dear RWilli2,
Have you heard of Heisenburg? (He may have been here.) You can know
the momentum or motion of a particle, but not both at the same time.
You have unlurked into my consciousness. Motion has ceased. Position
can now be ascertained.
Pray tell us--what is your position? The watcher becomes the particle
and the teacher becomes the student.
Do you want some Kundalini? Or, do you fancy just taking a peek as it
Pretend I am looking deep into your eyes as I smile. What do I see?
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 20:27:35 -0400 (EDT)
From: Amber SilverWolf <aberman1ATnospamic3.ithaca.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Unlurker--Digame
Message-id: <Pine.PMDF.3.95.970401202614.464250A-100000ATnospamic3.ithaca.edu>
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
On Tue, 1 Apr 1997, Joe Patrick Flarity wrote:
> Do you want some Kundalini? Or, do you fancy just taking a peek as it
> works?
Pardon me, but I have this absurd image and want to share it with
I have this image of someone going, "Do you want some candy? Do you
*really* want this candy? It's loaded with sugar, might be bad for your
teeth, tastes kinda good...do you want some candy?"
Be my candyman, Joe. Yeah.
* Amber *
* "...for I love the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night...." *
* *
* "All in life is a waking dream and in death is the final awakening." -Q *
* *
* "For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great. You have *
* no power over me!" -Labyrinth *
* ) o ( *
* Amber SilverWolf/Lolandrea Psikine'Aelanar * *
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 1997 20:33:52 -0400 (EDT)
From: Amber SilverWolf <aberman1ATnospamic3.ithaca.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Enter The Wolf Lodge.
Message-id: <Pine.PMDF.3.95.970401203320.464250C-100000ATnospamic3.ithaca.edu>
Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
On Mon, 31 Mar 1997, Jon Locke wrote:
> When you want peace and comfort,
> When you want safety and friends,
> When you want knowledge and wisdom,
> When you want music and magic,
> Then it's time to enter the Wolf Lodge.
> http://www.wolflodge.org/
> It opens with music.
> Then the adventure begins.
> 'Just sharing a page with all my friends.
Of course I'll come.
<bounce> <bounce> <bounce>
* Amber *
* "...for I love the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night...." *
* *
* "All in life is a waking dream and in death is the final awakening." -Q *
* *
* "For my will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom is as great. You have *
* no power over me!" -Labyrinth *
* ) o ( *
* Amber SilverWolf/Lolandrea Psikine'Aelanar * *
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 23:11:01 -0500 (EST)
From: FK3000ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini and healing
Message-ID: <970401230839_-1168609365ATnospamemout08.mail.aol.com>
In a message dated 97-04-01 19:48:16 EST, you write:
<< I have found that if I cut any cords which have connected between my aura
and my client's aura, it is easier to separate from them after the healing.
How do you cut it?
I'm not a healer by choice, it just keep happening (I keep doing it without
noticing) Specially when I try or I think I am healing my self!!!
I don't even know how to heal my self, I don't know anymore what is to be
normal or to have your own spirit!!!, I feel like every ones vehicle, they
take the ride and I get F... up, I'm getting tired of the same Sh...t.
I start even loosing sinchronicity, memory, self power, I throw everything
(New subscriber to kundalini)
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 18:12:58 -1000 (HST)
From: Dee <ETurman384ATnospamaol.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199704020412.SAA19095ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>
Can anyone tell me how to let more energy in and out of my chakras? I know I need to let energy out of my third eye/brow chakra. Thank you.
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 05:11:12 -0400
From: oobeATnospamnbnet.nb.ca (oobe)
To: Joseph Miller <joemillerATnospamhotmail.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Your question
Message-ID: <334222B0.7F1EATnospamnbnet.nb.ca>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-2022-jp
Joseph Miller wrote:
> Lissette wrote:
> >Hi Joe,
> >I read your posting that said that one should not do reiki,tai chi or
> >other methods while in a certain processes of kundalini. I went the
> >other
> >day to a Reiki circle, ......
> >When I was there it
> >felt strange, I felt a bit guilty that I was letting others touch my
> >body, (meaning my head eyes, heart, and all the places where reiki is
> >performed. I thought that it wasn't right
> >that my energies to be mixed with people that I never met before. Even
> >though I felt very peaceful and a pleasant sensation, during and after
> >the process, I still had these doubts. Now reading your post I really
> >want to know what is it
> >that you read that interferes with the K energy,I don't want to do
> >anything like that. Please would you expand that topic or tell me where
> >to get more information...?
> I really can't give you a book title off the top of my head. There are several
> books on Reiki out there and one or two did mention the back flow issue I
> mentioned earlier, but I don't recall which ones. That is not what you're
> asking about here anyway.
> The issue you are addressing is actually two fold: 1) when is OK to do Reiki,
> tai chi, etc. and 2) other's energy interacting with yours, such as receiving
> Reiki. My source on that is my teacher in India.
> 1) In general it is probably helpful to work with these energies if you have
> not gotten Kundalini above the heart (higher in come cases). Most increases in
> prana (ki, chi) will help to awaken K. so, for those who have not awakened the
> Kundalini yet it can be very helpful. The same forces that awaken it will tend
> to help make it go higher. In general: the more subtle the physical benefit,
> the better it is for K., the more obvious the physical benefits the less
> benefit for K.
> 2) Energy interaction is a very touchy subject and one I'd honestly rather stay
> away from. Given the nature of the culture in the U.S. I fear it will result in
> more flames aimed at me than at a member, who a couple of weeks ago returned,
> with a note to the list that couldn't have inflamed things more if he'd
> intended it to (I don't think that was his intent).
> But since you asked...
> (Note to anyone who is offended, gets ticked off, or just thinks I am nuts for
> writing the following:
> I didn't come up with this idea, it has been handed down through the centuries
> in the Vedic traditions and is the unexplained basis of many religious
> teachings. If you don't like it, don't agree with it, and don't plan to ever
> practice it, I DON'T CARE! So, don't write me and explain how wrong I am. For
> many many years, I didn't agree with it either. You won't come up with any
> reasons I didn't. If you don't agree, ignore it! and get over it, whatever,
> just don't bother me.)
> Any energy exchange can be damaging to someone's spiritual development (read
> that as raising K., which the measure of spiritual development in the tradition
> I was taught by my living master). When energy is exchanged some small part of
> the other person's samskaras may, and for most people will, "rub-off" on you
> and you will have to deal with that as well as your own. (Sorry for possible
> spelling errors there, don't have my Sanskrit dictionary at hand, just read it
> phonetically.) The samskara exchange can cause conflicts within yourself,
> increase tendencies in you, etc. Samskaras are the tendencies one develops by
> one's actions and the tendencies that lead to actions, they follow from
> lifetime to lifetime. Since they tend to result in actions, which would result
> in karma, they can cause great misery.
> The strongest energy exchange, hence the greatest samskara exchange is ...sex.
> That is the lost explination as to why it is best for two moral virgins,
> devoted to spiritual development, to marry and remain true to each other for
> the rest of their lives. It is not some "cause I said so" power hungry church
> that originally created that rule. For most of us, that chance is lost.
> (Certain Tantric practices do appear to conflict with this but a true tantric
> master can explain the how and why of the special exceptions and why they are
> in agreement at the base level.)
> Compared to sex with a stranger a Reiki session is very small potatos (or
> potatoes if you like, both are in the dictionary on the shelf here). I attended
> several Reiki circles between my 1st and 2nd degrees. It was good practice. I
> too worried about the energy exchange. I didn't know most of the people. After
> I got the 2nd degree I only gave Reiki, I never let others do it to me. (And I
> did take steps to guard against backflow.) Reiki feels good but so does working
> out (good for you), getting drunk (not good for you)... How much it's worth to
> you only you can say. My decision was clear, I have only two real goals in
> life (all other goals and desires are in support of those or they are totally
> expendable), one is enlightment in this lifetime.
> Once a week I get a massage. But she always uses oil, which as I mentioned in
> my earlier can stop the backflow problem, and since this is not a process that
> is for the intentional exchange of energy, other than the energy going into the
> massage itself, any real energy exchange is at the level of a backflow.
> I've gone on a bit longer than I expected. If this is not clear, drop me a
> note. I'll try to be clearer next time.
> Namaste,
> Joe
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
> ---------------------------------------------------------
Clear, to the point and well stated, nice explanation on an important
and salient subject.
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 06:27:06 +0000
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini and healing
Message-Id: <11270677701264ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2003 06:32:10
>To: FK3000ATnospamaol.com
>From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
>Subject: Re: kundalini and healing
>Dear Fanny,
>Hi there, look at the Time ( in my universe, it is a syncronistic "time"
which signals the synchronisticity with God/ess and the Angels and the
Helpers of the
>Light with-in...) you mailed this " plea of help.."
>Need I say more?
>You are doing the "Work..."
>Smile....This is a Timely "Q" for you!!!!
>It is all "Consideration and Isness"...(The Knowingness of an apparent Truth,
>and it's Appearance in Your Reality and Your Life.The Understanding that
something exist, and the demonstration of it in your life as a Truth,
simply because you have "Considered" the "Truth" to Be so..... You might
want to read the "Phoenix Lectures", It is a book about What.. You...
Think......... IS!!!!
>It is a good Thing or Idea to "roll" around in your Magical Self, which
>is Creating your Synchronistic Events, obviously you are producing
>your Spiritual and Physical life events, now, get a Handle on It at
>the Source of it All..... your understanding of your and other's spirit
Powers...... YOU may wish to search within, and Consider having a
> Teacher, or Guru or something Else, such as, more books on this "Magic"!!!!
>We are all Learning, Fanny...... me, especially, good luck and welcome!!!!
>At 11:11 PM 4/1/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 97-04-01 19:48:16 EST, you write:
>><< I have found that if I cut any cords which have connected between my aura
>> and my client's aura, it is easier to separate from them after the healing.
>>How do you cut it?
>>I'm not a healer by choice, it just keep happening (I keep doing it without
>>noticing) Specially when I try or I think I am healing my self!!!
>>I don't even know how to heal my self, I don't know anymore what is to be
>>normal or to have your own spirit!!!, I feel like every ones vehicle, they
>>take the ride and I get F... up, I'm getting tired of the same Sh...t.
>>I start even loosing sinchronicity, memory, self power, I throw everything
>>(New subscriber to kundalini)
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 1997 07:52:48 -0800
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: kundalini and healing
Message-ID: <334280D0.19D3ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Hi Fanny:
> How do you cut it?
> I'm not a healer by choice, it just keep happening (I keep doing it without
> noticing) Specially when I try or I think I am healing my self!!!
> I don't even know how to heal my self, I don't know anymore what is to be
> normal or to have your own spirit!!!, I feel like every ones vehicle, they
> take the ride and I get F... up, I'm getting tired of the same Sh...t.
> I start even loosing sinchronicity, memory, self power, I throw everything
> away.
> Thanks!!!
Ah yes the dreaded
"Spontaneous healing and psychic powers" problem
First of all stop trying to heal yourself and GET WELL
Stay with us and people will zap you with appropriate
prayers and stuff (Go to it!)
You will have to go with this force rather than fighting for
normality and your own self.
Then we will start to see the emergence of power
under control.
Do you know how to relax?
If so do so - more.
Try the ARC positive trance inducer:
You are not alone.
Trust the Force
The Force is with you
Most Kind Regards
to you
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