Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/03/25 13:11
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #120

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 120

Today's Topics:
  Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
  Re: Face of Duality
  Re: Holographic Dan-G effect on K list--Thanks
  Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
  Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
  Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
  Anyone done stuff with SRF?
  Re: Meditational Music
  Re: Anyone done stuff with SRF?
  Re: Terry and the light thing
  Re: Meditational Music
  Re: Anyone done stuff with SRF?
  ATTENTION EVERYONE, I have a humble idea?
  Re: ATTENTION EVERYONE, I have a humble idea?
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 15:11:34 +0000
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, derekATnospamanxst.com
Subject: Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
Message-ID: <oqfvwXAms+NzEw7xATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

In message <199703250802.AAA21487ATnospamshellx.best.com>, derekATnospamanxst.com
>My question is more related to teachers who say they teach Kundalini
>meditation, and with just 2 teachers, I am curious about the differences.
>( I am new here so I hope this is ok to discuss here, I did not see a FAQ
>or anything that might attempt to explain this).

Dear derek. have you laid a foundation to your meditation ? have you
tried a martial art or hatha yoga ? have you tried simply watching the
breath and deepening awareness of your experience and understanding ? in
the buddhist scheme, visualisation is one of the later stages of
meditation and comes after developing the heart and calmness and
integrated emotional, intellectual and physical experience.

commonly for Westerners starting out two basic aspects to meditational
development of transcendental consciousness - expansiveness and
concentration. usually good idea to balance them together, danger of
just opening chakras without a helmsman to avoid frittering away
percious energy in all directions before one is ready to assume
universal compassion. tension between third eye and heart
sometimes...need both, one without other not so good.

hope this helps. regards Yogi Tom
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 10:47:56 -0500
From: Dan Gahlinger <danATnospamvrx.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Face of Duality
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 10:09:19 -0500
>To: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
>From: Dan Gahlinger <danATnospamvrx.net>
>Subject: Re: Face of Duality
>At 10:19 PM 3/24/97 -0800, you wrote:
>>Quite happy to Dan - up, up we go
>uuuuuughhh.... :)
>>> delusion doesnt last, this does. there is no evidence to the contrary
in my
>>> case.
>>Doesn't last?
>>What you mean like the truth that the world is flat or round or
>>whatever it is at the moment?
>the world was flat, don't you know... ??
>>No evidence?
>>OK humour me as I do you.
>>In the interests of impartiality and in keeping with your
>>enlightened capacity might you provide
>>evidence of why you are *not* enlightened.
>>I will then (in the interests of impartiality)
>>provide counter arguments to prove you are
>no, but if you are game, does that mean I can shoot you?
>I cannot provide any evidence to the contrary, except perhaps the fact
that I have not integrated yet. that is all. My brain hurts, can I go home
now? :)
>>Good advice.
>see, I'm doing pretty good.
>>Well think harder - it is no part of the process.
>>Tell us what you are certain about relating to this question
>>of kundalini.
>as far as I can tell, this has nothing to do with kundalini... but I could
be wrong on this one.
>>Let's start with self awareness -
>>Are you aware of how others see you?
>>Might you be able to describe this?
>some good, some not so good (listies). As for in real life. People who
USED to be MAJOR jerks to me are now suddenly very nice, and it's lasting.
Not short term. This is very strange, but ok by me. I'm positively glowing
with white energy. uuugh...
>>Any power that you do not know what to do with
>>is limited by that very fact.
>true, which is why I'm still integrating I guess, and passing on whatever
excess energy (not all of it, but some of it), to whomever. I'm not being
too choosey about this any more. I have more than enough to go around.
Sometimes I feel like I could fill the whole world with white energy. ugh.
>>Enjoy it whilst you can . . .
>>Whilst floating ask this:
>>what are the committees plans for Easter?
>ah easter, a holidy. thank goodness! I need a break.
>>You mean sort of enlightened tinkerbells?
>don't know. just large white balls of white energy/light. <shrug>
>>Yes but it is not possible that your enlightenment is inconsequential?
>>It is not possible that you have nothing to teach until you have learnt?
>>It is not possible you can ground and guide others until you stop
>>Anything is possible?
>anything is possible. ANYTHING! I'm pretty well grounded. About as good as
I can be, as far as I know. maybe it is inconsequential, it doesn't really
matter. and yes, I'm not trying to teach, but to guide. offer advice if I
can. If I can't, I bow to another more experienced. I am no expert in
kundalini, never claimed to be. I'll let you know more about possibilities
>>I take it these are manifestations of inner processes and
>>have no external reality?
>>Or perhaps they have names and addresses?
>>Or perhaps they are too vague to exist other than as lights?
>exactly. well, sort of, but not really. they are just balls of white
energy, white light. they do have a physicality, I'm sure. but it doesn't
>>Anyway Dan your enlightenment is fully accepted by me
>>and I am sure many people on the list are supportive of the
>>processes and experiences you are undergoing, floating or otherwise.
>goody, does that mean I can go home now? <snicker> ugh.
>as for possibilities, recent experience of mine, I passed through a black
hole, on my way through I circumnavigated the entirety of creation. I know
now, and understand what the universe is, and know for a fact, anything you
imagine is possible. anything. and I am beginning to understand why and how
everyone is saying we are all one (everyone in the world), because this is
true. Even in enlightement there are still greater levels of such to reach.
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 10:59:10 -0500
From: Dan Gahlinger <danATnospamvrx.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Holographic Dan-G effect on K list--Thanks
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 05:18 AM 3/25/97 -0800, you wrote:
>Before you go on vacation - BTW
>can you empower the kundalini list
>with as much white light as possible
>- all of it would be the absolute minimum expected -
>Before you go on vacation
>can you leave us with some of your wisdom
>instead of the profundity of travelling
>through nowhere.
>Oh yes the universe has plans for you
>and all you can do is float through black holes
>like the dreaded kundalini junky
>When are you going to get down to the
>work of educating us
>oh Enlightened one?
>Earth calling . . .

I wish I could go on vacation, I need one. But I can't, too bad. :(
educating you is not my job. guidance, yes, teaching, no. I have no
patience for teaching. :)

I'll fill the list with as much white energy as I can as soon as I can find
another setting for my brain other than "cheddar-melt"... :)

ok, that took a few moments, but I just sent the whole list some lovely
white energy. I have no idea when any of you will get any of it. Perhaps
not at this exact time. And just because I felt like it, I just filled the
entire world with white energy. That took a little longer. Wasn't as hard
as I thought or as draining. I feel weird. So I guess that means everyone
on the list will get two sets of energy. Fun wow. I seem to have
miscalculated, I forgot that I'm also part of this world, which means I'm
now getting hit by my own energy, just what I needed, more. whee... :)
there are always possibilities...
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 08:02:07
From: Ed Johnson <orangeATnospamislandnet.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 00:02 25/03/97 -0800, derekATnospamanxst.com wrote:
>I have some experiences, but I might share them in annother message,
>just looking for some advice I guess on should I continue with my current
>teacher, on others in the area, etc. (ok, call it a feeling, for weeks I
>thought I found my teacher, now, perhaps I am too quick to judge, but
>tonight I am having second thoughts). Thank you in advance for any replies.

Dear Derek Beda

You have answered your own questions, haven't you?

Allow me to paraphrase what I am hearing:

I have been making progress with this guru or that swami
until I began to doubt. Should I continue to ignore
my feelings or not?

Maybe it's time to empower yourself, since, after all,
you have the answers too.

But in case you need expert advice
and have been watching the Kundaline Komics
we do have a resident enlightened one
who in keeping with the on line tradition
charges nary a cent. Hope, though, that
your questions are advanced enough
for his time.

(Down scorpio, down !)

Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 10:03:47 -0600 (CST)
From: stampmanATnospamix.netcom.com (Daniel Rusch-Fischer)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
Message-Id: <199703251603.KAA21999ATnospamdfw-ix10.ix.netcom.com>

Hi k-ites,
    This post about fees, visualizations, meditation variations,
'learning' kundalini =-) brought to mind something my Japanese language
instructor Tozen Akiyama told the class I was in.
    He was a zen Buddhist priest, originally from Tokyo, who with
others of his group had made a life's work of bringing Japanese
culture, language and Buddhism to the West.
    When asked about the intricacies, practices, meditations, rituals
etc. of zen, he simply said,
 "You sit, you stare at wall, V E R Y B O R I N G." and then
 just smiled and NEVER in two years said another word about it!

Ya, know. ......... He was right!


BTW we came to the realization (does that make me one of the
'realized'?) that he 'taught' Buddhism by living it.
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 11:18:56 -0500
From: Dan Gahlinger <danATnospamvrx.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 08:02 AM 3/25/97, you wrote:
>But in case you need expert advice
>and have been watching the Kundaline Komics
>we do have a resident enlightened one
>who in keeping with the on line tradition
>charges nary a cent. Hope, though, that
>your questions are advanced enough
>for his time.
>(Down scorpio, down !)

Ed, I'm no expert at kundalini, never said I was. I never said I was an
expert of any of this stuff. I never claimed to have all the answers, or be
correct 100% of the time. I do not know everything, and I have been known
to make mistakes. We are all learning. This should be a forum of cooperation.

Comments such as yours quoted above are not acceptable. Please keep them to
yourself. As the old saying goes: if you can't say anything nice, don't say
anything at all. It would be better if you could try and help or guide
people instead of small insults to people you don't even know.

Just so we're perfectly clear, and in case the list ref is watching or the
admin, I take offense at your comments, and request you cease and desist.
Thank you.
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 10:55:03 -0600 (CST)
From: stampmanATnospamix.netcom.com (Daniel Rusch-Fischer)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: <<<<<Astrology
Message-Id: <199703251655.KAA28260ATnospamdfw-ix8.ix.netcom.com>

Hi k-ites,
    Gotcha! thought that header would suck'em in by the droves =-). No,
I don't have any wisdom to impart about astrology - as I have told
others, my astrological 'knowledge' is limited to the Sydney Omar stuff
in the papers .... I know, eeeekkk! Bleachh!, charlatan etc. Sorry,
like most I am ignorant of the subject except for the populist stuff we
are all exposed to.
    My reason for playing 'the grapes of Tantalus' is that I had
recently mentioned the equinox and how my spontaneous kundalini
awakening goes through unusually heavy bouts during solstices and
equinoxes. The only 'logical' explanation I can come up with is that I
have an 'expectation' that these events WILL be dramatic and hence they
are ... even to the point of not being consciously aware of the
calendar date and subconsciously coming down with raging bouts exactly
on queue.
    I have been having an especially noisy set of 'Linda Blair'
episodes (as I call the spontaneous kriyas, mudras, yelping,
'channelling', etc. that I go through at these and other times).
Whereas other episodes have been accompanied by interesting Polynesian
dance, ritual, soprano songs in 'tongues', etc., etc., this set has
been more in the genre of vociferous real and mythical beasts rather
than beings.
    Is there any speculation what would be 'different' astrologically
or otherwise with this timeframe from previous solstices & equinoxes?
An interesting aside is that my son has gone bonkers the past few days
also ... he has ADHD and Bipolar Disorder and ran off to Texas and
Arizona and we just picked him up at the airport in San Jose last
    Karen and I were very tired and then as we were trying to sleep,
another 'Linda Blair' set in. Karen confided in me this morning that
she was so tired that the irony of the situation struck her as
hilarious and she had to stifle herself to keep from laughing out loud.
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 10:02:20 -0800
From: Peggy Freeman <pfreemanATnospamstanford.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Anyone done stuff with SRF?
Message-Id: <v03007800af5dc1296e44ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I've been investigating a few of the various Yoga traditions taught here in
the West, for meditation (and possibly hatha yoga instruction). I seem to
keep coming back to two organizations: the Self Realization Fellowship, and
the Ananda Church. They are both based on the teachings of Paramahansa
Yogananda and Kriya Yoga. Anyway, anybody have any experiences with these
teachings/meditation techniques?

For geographic/lifestyle reasons, I cannot travel too far, so something
that is local (Ananda) or home-based (Self Realization) appeals to me. I've
investigated a little about Siddha Yoga and Sahaja Yoga, but to be honest,
I've run across some pretty negative press, especially about SYDA. (This is
not meant to stir any flames; I'm sure that their teachings are fine, just
that the organization has apparently had real problems in the past.)

In gratitude,

-- Peggy
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 11:20:00 -0700 (MST)
From: Cameron <purenrgATnospamgoodnet.com>
To: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Meditational Music
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95.970325110425.5155C-100000ATnospamgoodguy>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Ken and everyone,

Aptly timed posting as I am on the hunt for good meditational music. I am
specifically looking for drum based, tribal music with few to no
lyrics and very little electronic instrumentation. All I can really seem
to find is "trance" music which is far too technolgically driven to really
have much soul to it. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

much love,


On Fri, 21 Mar 1997, Ken McFarland wrote:

> Greetings to All,
> I am trying to compile a K-list list of meditational music.
> If you, like certain crustaceans I am friends with, prefer silence in the deep,
> please send a note to that effect, and I will add same to the list list.
> Ken

 Cameron Dye | "Existence is pure joy...sorrows are
 purenrgATnospamgoodnet.com | but as shadows; they pass & are done;
 A really great home page: | but there is that which remains."
 http://www.goodnet.com/~purenrg | - The Book of the Law -
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 13:39:41 -0500 (EST)
From: voltronATnospamvoy.net (Jon Locke)
To: Peggy Freeman <pfreemanATnospamstanford.edu>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Anyone done stuff with SRF?
Message-Id: <v01530500af5d84940ac4ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>I've been investigating a few of the various Yoga traditions taught here in
>the West, for meditation (and possibly hatha yoga instruction). I seem to
>keep coming back to two organizations: the Self Realization Fellowship, and
>the Ananda Church. They are both based on the teachings of Paramahansa
>Yogananda and Kriya Yoga. Anyway, anybody have any experiences with these
>teachings/meditation techniques?
>For geographic/lifestyle reasons, I cannot travel too far, so something
>that is local (Ananda) or home-based (Self Realization) appeals to me. I've
>investigated a little about Siddha Yoga and Sahaja Yoga, but to be honest,
>I've run across some pretty negative press, especially about SYDA. (This is
>not meant to stir any flames; I'm sure that their teachings are fine, just
>that the organization has apparently had real problems in the past.)
>In gratitude,
>-- Peggy
Dear Peggy, I waorked at SRF monastery for one year. Yognanda is my Guru. I
recommend him highly. Some people will tell you you need a living Guru.
Don't believe them. Yognanda said when he is gone from the body he will be
even closer to his disciples. I know this to be true. He gave me the vision
of the third eye in the 60's and that was years after his departure from
the earth scene. I have my story on a web page if you would care to visit.
It is listed below. I will be glad to answer any questions you may have.

"May there be Peace, Love, Harmony, Truth, Trust and Beauty
throughout the Cosmos." - Drunvalo Melchizedek
Jon Locke
The Philosopher's Stone
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 97 13:43:32 EST
From: chelseaATnospamsuperaje.com (Dominic & Maureen Marando)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Terry and the light thing
Message-Id: <9703251843.AA14964ATnospamsuperaje.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Terry wrote:
We can all manipulate the physical universe. It is not a unique ability.

Hello Terry,
Thanks for your response...I did find it interesting.
The thing about the light was that I wasn't thinking it about it at all
because we were trying to get just one more picture taken and I was getting
a little frustrated with my son who was goofing around. We were just talking
about the last pose and.....boom.
Also, I have read on this list that others have had troubles with lightbulbs
exploding when they were around and other electrical problems that seem to
be caused by some kind of energy surge for those whose Ks have been
active....but it was a while ago so I was hoping to find those again....same
for the clutzyness....I'm sure I read about someone else whose phone and
other things spent a lot of time airborne. Anyway...I certainly know I am
not unique in any of this.
Thanks for the input.
Mo :-)
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 12:55:07 -0600 (CST)
From: Nothing Is <holi0007ATnospamitlabs.umn.edu>
To: Cameron <purenrgATnospamgoodnet.com>
cc: Ken McFarland <kenmATnospamOREGON.UOREGON.EDU>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Meditational Music
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.95.970325125302.2970A-100000ATnospampiranha.itlabs.umn.edu>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

For tribal percussion stuff mixed with new synth, etc. I recommend
anything by Steve Roach or Robert Rich. Or look at the 'Hearts of Space'
homepage http://www.hos.com

bye, nothing is

On Tue, 25 Mar 1997, Cameron wrote:

> Ken and everyone,
> Aptly timed posting as I am on the hunt for good meditational music. I am
> specifically looking for drum based, tribal music with few to no
> lyrics and very little electronic instrumentation. All I can really seem
> to find is "trance" music which is far too technolgically driven to really
> have much soul to it. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
> much love,
> Cameron
> On Fri, 21 Mar 1997, Ken McFarland wrote:
> > Greetings to All,
> >
> > I am trying to compile a K-list list of meditational music.
> > If you, like certain crustaceans I am friends with, prefer silence in the deep,
> > please send a note to that effect, and I will add same to the list list.
> >
> > Ken
> >
> >
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Cameron Dye | "Existence is pure joy...sorrows are
> purenrgATnospamgoodnet.com | but as shadows; they pass & are done;
> A really great home page: | but there is that which remains."
> http://www.goodnet.com/~purenrg | - The Book of the Law -
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 13:57:36 -0500 (EST)
From: voltronATnospamvoy.net (Jon Locke)
To: Peggy Freeman <pfreemanATnospamstanford.edu>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Anyone done stuff with SRF?
Message-Id: <v01530502af5d88f6125aATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear Peggy, For direct contact with SRF here is their Internet address:


Their page will explain all you need to know to get aquainted. It also has
information for direct contact if you want to receive their leesons by
mail. And their phone number for any questions you may have. Happy hunting
on your path to Self-Realization.

I am here to help you anyway I can,

"May there be Peace, Love, Harmony, Truth, Trust and Beauty
throughout the Cosmos." - Drunvalo Melchizedek
Jon Locke
The Philosopher's Stone
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 97 14:18:13 EST
From: chelseaATnospamsuperaje.com (Dominic & Maureen Marando)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: ATTENTION EVERYONE, I have a humble idea?
Message-Id: <9703251918.AA15471ATnospamsuperaje.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Lobster wrote to Dan:

"Many people have been through realizations such as yours."

Here's an idea folks........all of us who have had a mystical experience as
least as wonderful sounding as the one Dan had.....of no greater or LESSER
value...out of which we came convinced we had received new insight or been
enlightened in some way say
This is not to boast or to condemn Dan who really seems to be having trouble
taking his experience in stride. This can be dangerous for his mind
folks....if he doesn't take it in stride he could remain permanently
disfunctional and may even "drop out" of daily routine and who knows where
that may end. Many have been institutionalized and labelled schyzophrenic
when they just were not dealing with spiritually transforming experiences
very well.
So, Dan, I too, as Lobster....have experienced things of another level,
dimension, world,....WHATEVER. The point is all humans have this
capability.(some may never attain in this life time but its in all of us and
who knows why one and not the other for now)
Just because someone "there", in your field told you you were one of 8
doesn't mean it is LITERALLY so.
You must balance your soul experiences with your INTELLECT. We humans are
intellectual AND spiritual. Don't lose your BALANCE!!!!!!!!
I do not share all my visions, but if I did I'm sure you would be
hard-pressed to say they were any less revolutionary than yours.
So EVERYONE....let us KINDLY tell Dan how many of us here have seen and done
the same as what he is describing......gently tell him......and it may help
him with his perspective. I first I was quite putt off by him.....but
something inside my stomach worries for his mind when I read his posts.
Many of us have our fields and lights too Dan.......

........and if that doesn't help...THEN we kick his butt from here to
eternity (JOKE!)

a light-hearted traveller
Mo :-)
peace, love and groovy everyone
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 15:09:16 -0500
From: Dan Gahlinger <danATnospamvrx.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: ATTENTION EVERYONE, I have a humble idea?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 02:18 PM 3/25/97 EST, you wrote:
>Lobster wrote to Dan:
>"Many people have been through realizations such as yours."
>Here's an idea folks........all of us who have had a mystical experience as
>least as wonderful sounding as the one Dan had.....of no greater or LESSER
>value...out of which we came convinced we had received new insight or been
>enlightened in some way say

You call that post "humble"?? <blink>

You have it all wrong Mo., Here's my TOP TEN list of things on this list
that those who complain about my posts (only about 1/4 the number of people
who appreciate my posts) the facts that you all overlook (rather

1. I never said that no one had any realizational/spiritual experiences
that were any lesser or greater than any of mine, and would never do so

2. I never claimed to know everything, and would never do so

3. I never claimed to be perfect, and would never do so

4. I never claimed to be an expert of ANY spiritual matters (esp kundalini)

5. I never claimed that I never make mistakes, and would never do so

6. I never claimed that I am never wrong, and would never do so

7. I have never valued someones experiences or intelligence, issues,
processes, integrations, methods, or problems, etc in any other way except
as an equal.

8. I never said my awakening or awareness level or enlightenment was the
best anyone could do, and would never do so

9. I never said my awareness level, awakening or enlightenment was the
highest I could ever achieve either, and would never do so

10. No matter what level you reach, or how enlightened you become, A)
everyones experience and path is different, and B) there is always more to
learn or greater levels to achieve

11. I never said I was the only person to ever reach this level, and would
never do so

And the top item of my top 10 list of things for me to say:

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. I am NOT here to TEACH!
I am only here to GUIDE, and offer possible ADVICE if I am able. That is all!

I am not here to change your beliefs or what you think of anything. If you
don't like it, then don't complain about it. There are better things to do,
and it really doesn't matter to me, just don't flame me about it. I'm sure
people here would rather read about you sharing your own experiences than
this useless babble anyhow.

So please, everyone, get your facts straight before flaming someone in the

Can we please end this useless subject and get back to kundalini (or
something)? thank you, we now return you to our regularly scheduled
program, already in progress...


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