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Yoga Links.

The Yoga Site  "An eclectic collection of yogic connections" which is one of the best all around general website about yoga. It contains yoga faq's, descriptions of the various styles of yoga, and descriptions of most of the basic yoga postures. Also, their listings of yoga teachers, publications, organizations and newsgroups, represent a wide variety of yoga traditions. An interesting site with information about mantras, Chakras, and basic yoga postures.

Advanced Yoga Practices "An excellent, streamlined, and very modern system of yoga practices, and is especially useful for people who may have experienced a "premature kundalini" episode"

Laughter Yoga New York The yogalaff activity is a laughteryoga workshop in an informal setting and invites visitors and participants to drop in for a good laugh periodically every week.

Yoga Class Yoga Class is a cyber ashram that provides online classes in many aspects of yoga. The "Gurubot" allows you to customize a personal yoga class on RealPlayer by selecting from a wide variety of choices.

Yoga Anand Ashram  This extensive site contains detailed instructions for learning asanas and meditation, and is also the home of the online yoga magazine, Moksha Journal.

Abc-of-yoga  A good beginner's site for various aspects of yoga, including information and descriptions of various asanas. "The Complete Yoga Information Site for Yoga Exercise, Breathing (Pranayama), Meditation, Diet and Health."

Sivananda Yoga "Om" Page  Although Swami Sivananda's Yoga Vedanta Centers website is focused on information about the organization's tradition and services, there is plenty of excellent general information about yoga, including sections that teach yoga asanas and meditation.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali This site contains different translated versions of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras.

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali  This site contains a detailed discussion of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, including a translated version of this classic yoga text.

Online YRC Resources   This is an impressive collection of articles about many facets of yoga by the staff of the Yoga Resource and Education Center.

A World of Yoga  This is a good general site discussing the various forms of yoga as a spiritual path.

Mesothelioma prognosis yoga and mesothelioma

Yoga Internet Resources  Here's a great collection of yoga links and resources.

All Embracing Yoga Directory  "The All-embracing Yoga directory offers to be your Guide to Yoga Centers, classes, teachers, certificates, programs, retreats, and Yoga Associations. The Yoga directory listings are sorted by Country and by Yoga Tradition or Yoga Styles."

Yoga 101  Yoga links

K-Gateway's Kundalini-Yoga Links  A list of links to the best sites about kundalini yoga.

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Yoga Tantra Veda "Yoga can become a new practical method to acquire happiness and a flourishing life by adapting its extended methodology to what is relevant today..."

YOGAaahhh  Using this site, you can learn asanas (postures) and sequences in which to practice them. It lists a great variety of asanas and describes them in great detail.

Yoga Studio  This site allows you create an animated "shockwave" yoga class to your own specifications.

Yoga Paths,  An Overview Of Different Schools and Traditions (WWW Spirit) This is a comprehensive listing of the various yoga traditions. It includes a description of each style with links to the websites for schools and organizations of each tradition.

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