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January - 1 SEASONS
Winter - 3 TIME OF DAY
Morning - 1 WEATHER
3 people mentioned snow HOLIDAYS
The two holidays mentioned were Ground Hog's Day and Imbolc. CORRELATIONS
5 people stated that they did not believe time, weather, seasons, etc. had anything to do with their KA REPLIES 1) What was the approximate date of your kundalini awakening? Sometime between Sept 13 and Sept 17 1996 April, 2002. My birthday & still ongoing... around 20th of januari 1992 Late January or early February 2001. Exactly 3th of may 2003 Not really sure Late Spring, 1992 on 19 sept 2003 April ? 1984 2) Which season did it occur in? End of summer Spring Winter winter Winter I think around springtime. It was between Spring and Summer. It was definitevely hot according the season Eupepe-times Hehehe. Spring. spring 3) What time of day or night did it occur? Afternoon Don't recall. Began in daytime, but I didn't pay it much attention until it started waking me up at about 2 a.m. every night for a few weeks. around the beginning of the evening It happened at night in the early hours of the morning. around the beginning of the evening, 7 p.m. Don't know. About 4 in the afternoon. 7am(ish) 4) What was the weather like in your area at the time? Not sure. Probably fairly clear Crazier than usual Minnesota spring weather. In fact, I remember driving to my Qi Gong class on a 90 degree day while the snow was still on the ground--extreme even for here in the land of wild temperature fluctuation. Major blizzard. it was northern India, the weather was clear but cold, around 10 degrees centrigrade VERY snowy and stormy. It was like summer time, with all windows open and a lot of fresh air It was Sunday; i went before to my parents home to have lunch together Dry, cool. Hot quiet late Spring. New Mexico, dry heat. The room was dark, with thick, heavy walls. I remember after the session, tasting a cup of coffee like I've never tasted before; I still taste coffee that way. Rainy (Seattle) 5) Did your kundalini awakening occur around any holidays (religious or secular)? Not that I know of. No Ground Hog's Day. no dutch ones, don't know about the indian ones It happened around Imbolc (ancient and modern pagan holiday) I think so. Sunday is a moment of relax. It was the result of a year without vacancy. Not that I'm aware of. Nope No 6) Do you think the time, date, weather or season has any significance? No Possibly. I have a theory that humans are sensitive to the electro-magnetic field of the earth & it has been going a little haywire the last few years. I'm wondering if EM activity contributed to both the freak heatwave and my awakening.
Real significance No As I posted above, it's a neat coincidence that it happened at Imbolc, the day of Brighid, Celtic goddess of serpents and fire - the day that Brighid's serpent emerges from the womb of the Earth Mother at Imbolc, according to mythology. My kundalini awakening contained a vision of a great serpent breathing fire! And the great serpent arose from the earth in my vision. So yeah, I do think there's possibly some connection between the two. It has been mentioned many times on this list that seasonal energy patterns have an effect on kundalini energy. I think that for me the seasonal patterns are probably significant because I'm a witch. My k is very highly around the eight Celtic festivals, and new and full moons. Also, traditionally Imbolc is a time of new beginnings, cleansing and spiritual initiations. KA is definately all of the above! The time of night is significant because I do meditation most often in the late evening/early morning....in the 'witching hour(s)'. :) I don't think weather had any bearing on it. About sex. The day after my awakening, i felt my boyfriend waa leaving me. I was alone. My fealings were correct, I was left alone, and I am so actually. I think so. Sunday is a moment of relax. It was the result of a year without vacancy. I think what's in your blueprint would be significant. I don't think the seasons have anything to do with it. Not really. My awakening occured primarily because of regular effort and sitting with a teacher. I awoke first in the presence of my teacher. no 7) Any additional comments? The things that seem to trigger connections to how/what/why my awakening occured aren't related to time or season; more, it's a series of images. The coffee, above is one. Another is seeing the face of Krishna overlayed on mine when I looked in a mirror. Finally, it's the sense of the rhythm I tuned in to - it was the recognition and acknowledgement of this simple sinusoidal movement inside me that allowed me to step aside and let the magic happen. I think it had everything to do with my own timetables, not what was happening outside of me About sex. The day after my awakening, i felt my boyfriend was leaving me. I was alone. My fealings were correct, I was left alone, and I am so actually. *******
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