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>Have you experienced K induced paranoia? A short definition of paranoia. a psychosis characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations. Results for Kenneth's Saviour poll to follow shortly Dear List, Twenty people responded to the poll. The experiences of paranoia ranged from simple, unspecified fear, to the feelings of being watched, and finally to complex hallucinations with elaborate plots of conspiracies and persecutions. Ten people spoke of the more complex form of paranoia, and five spoke of unspecified fear or fear of being watched. Two list members made comments only, Three people said they did not experience paranoia. There were a number of suggestions for "resolving" paranoia Time seemed the most frequently mentioned "cure." Some comments: "It resolves itself over time." "The episode just has to pass and disappear." "I make a vow to myself not to act on the paranoia till at least 6 hours after I think the storm has passed.or waiting it out and not acting on it." "I learned... to not take any action or say anything until I was perfectly balanced inside." Others used rational processes such as reality checks, or realizing that whatever one looked for one would find, or recognition that the "tiger has no teeth" or the realization that fearing the dark side is wasted misery and pain. One person followed the maxim "take nothing personally" Others suggested forms of surrender: "Not to fight it...let it happen." "Accepting fear." "We should not be afraid of going mad." Still others suggested a physical approach--more calcium in the diet or breathing and physical excercise. ********** The Posts: Some of what Nash experienced was so close to what my second K energization, I couldn't believe it. I didn't hallucinate like he did, but the paranoia made me see "real" people in a completely different light. I was constantly terrified that there was a conspiracy against me....not just the Russians were looking for me, but EVERYONE was looking for me; trying to catch me in a moment of responding to energies that it seemed that only I was aware of so they could haul me off to the psyche ward. It seemed to me like people were peices on a great quantum chessboard and that we were manipulated by divine players in huge groups as easily as a human chessplayer moves a single piece. I could step out of this control if I wanted to, but when I did it made me look insane to others. ********* Oh yes, indeedy. How did you resolve it? Resolve it? LOL! Endure it, more accurate. Lots of reality checking when safe to do so, e.g., honey, are you weird or is it me?! When it is intense, I try to sit very, very quietly, observing the turmoil, and I make a vow to myself not to act on the paranoia till at least 6 hours after I think the storm has passed.
********* My K thingy happened 7 years ago, with no preparation. It was spontaneous, and I didn't have a clue about what was happening, except that it was magical and wonder-full. But as wonderful as it was, it did lead to paranoia. It was interesting, because I was aware all along that this paranoia would be interpreted as mental illness by any professional, along with many of my other "symptoms", yet the paranoia at the time was so easy to fall into... When my experiences first started happening, I thought that it was either something totally magical, or that it was insanity, or maybe both. So, determined to hold onto my rationality, I started a notebook which I called my "evidence" notebook, to prove to myself that everything was "real". And cripes, did I ever compile the "evidence"! - so many awesome syncronicities, siddhis, guidance, physical changes, etc. But I also started compiling "evidence" of many paranoic occurences. And like the "good" evidence, the paranoid evidence spiralled and grew to become all-inclusive. One event led to another, to another, until it seemed my whole life tied into one grand plot. (kind of hard to convey) Some examples of my "evidence" compilation which led to paranoia: Letters (snail-mail) arrived in my mail daily from 4 people in Rhode Island, Los Angeles, Nederlands, and Massachusettes who I did not know. These four people somehow "found" me and informed me that I was destined to be part of some new messiah entity. These letters were real, and I still have them. There were 3 men, and one woman. They seemed to know things about my life that they couldn't know. I was contacted out of the blue by a group from Stanford and requested to participate in a remote viewing experiment. My assignment was to go to Mansk and check on the activities of a nuclear site, specifically to look for any type of accident. I heard electronic "beeps" throughout my house, and on my phone. I saw strange vehicles out front... During this intense period of K, I was also experiencing regular OBE's. This all lasted approx. 7 months. The synchronicities occured at such astounding rates, along with very rapid manifesting of thought, that it was very very easy to fall into a messiah/persecution syndrome. I even gathered my family and loved ones together at one point to tell them good-bye, as rationally as I could, as I fully expected that I would mysteriously be "abducted" by some mysterious higher entity, be it government, or alien, or whoever. ?? I think they believed me, as my "evidence" was real. Anyway, how did this all end for me? I think it started to fully dawn on me that I was writing the script. My "knowing" "Ah-Ha" was that we do indeed create our own reality, and my K activation was somehow manifesting my internal thoughts and emotions into external physical events at an alarming rate! And this was a lesson in itself, as this realization showed me how we ALL do this ALL the time anyway. It was really a very powerful and freeing lesson, this idea of total responsibility, yet total freedom for my own creations on this plane. I remember the thought hitting me, at the peak of my paranoia, "Why, you're all a Pack of Playing Cards!"... and I laughed, and laughed, and said and thought this over and over... It all became like a Huge Cosmic Joke to me! And after this everything kind of mellowed out, and faded slowly back to normalcy. Strange tale, huh? Ya know, I could still slide back into that paranoia I think, if I focused on that stuff. But I simply choose not to. :-)
********* How did you resolve it? I realized that whenever I look for something..I find it. I look for something to be wrong..And I will find it...I look for something wonderful..I will find it. A lot of it ran dry after I stopped thinking so much. I just told my self, 'No..Life isn't like that'. I began to understand that I was confused! That I was having a hard time understanding what was going on...And we tend to fear what we don't understand..we all know that. ******* Oooooweeeee. In 1996 paranoia didn't even begin to describe my state of mind. K had energized POWERFULLY for the second time and I was certain everyone I knew was in a conspiracy against me. The police were looking for me and so was the FBI. LOL Yeah right. I dealt with the police aspect back storming into the police station downtown and demanding to know if they were looking for me. They were not. No warrants. I knew this consciously but I could not convince my subconscious that is wasn't true. Same thing with the FBI; I went to their office and asked if they were looking for me. They weren't either. After that the conspiracy among my freinds eventually fell apart on its own....with a little help from my psychologist. I was GLAD that was over. Still laughing about that one
******** > How did you resolve it? I don't get it at all now. Seemed partially to have resolved itself gradually over the years and experiences - but the last chunks got cleared out during the course of my last two breakdowns/psychological clear outs.
As for figuring it out,
Chaos is not as unorchestrated
There's an intelligence and it transcends thinking... Peace
WHO SAID THAT!? How did you resolve it? More calcium. Really that stuff is great. You can buy tums in bulk at costco.
********* What i label as "my K-experiences" is much more connected with Love, Happiness, a profound positive shift, a deep experience of Oneness, shelter and compassion than all that other stuff.
The difficult thing for me was,
that all this happened at the same time
between 1978-1985, so i often have mixed impressions
about it: From all th recapitulation of experiences and states of that time there slowly crystallize some pearls and more and more sand and stones have been washed away...or maybe i'm just gettin' older, mama?
******** I can't get out of this thinking when I am in it like this. The episode just has to pass and disappear and it takes away my paranoia.
********** That would be, 'take nothing personally.' It mostly works. Unless the Mayan was really really good. LOL
********* >How did you resolve it? it's been off and on allot lately. i try to do something physical, breath deeply to allow the energy to flow, do not give into the fear it causes, and imagine light and love inside my body while drawing my consciousness to the center till i regain my sense of happiness again.
*********** The worst part was that the "spider sense" was on 24/7, and often got pretty loud. Time's fluid with K, and the damn thing could be going off regarding something in the future or something my conscious mind missed in the past. Darkness. Silence. Alone in the house at 2 in the morning with my K set off like Neal Peart in my head doing a drum solo. That's what it felt like. It felt like being tickled from the inside out, and no way to know why or to shutit off. Then it was like spiders on my skin, needle pricks and every sensation building. Of course, the mind fills in the gaps, interprets, rationalizes. From memories, past scripts, beliefs, Yeah. Paranoia. Unreasonable fear. Who ever said K was reasonable. But what is fear, ultimately? And, in the end, what do we fear? Can all fear be traced to pain? I'm not an authority on this topic...we have a number of much more learned psychologists in our midst. My personal take on fear is that it involves 3 root impulses:
- Fear of physical pain, e.g. being beaten or maimed or succumbing
to disease. Fear can be associated with the ego (as in fear of being wrong, fear of insignificance, fear of failure), and it can be associated with deeper physical and survival impulses. And in K people, I imagine fear gets amplified many times over because of our acute sensitivity.
The way I have seen people conquer fear is in recognizing that the tiger of
fear has no teeth in a context bigger than 4 dimensions. Easy to say, hard to
live. PS- And, worth mentioning....courage is living your highest truth, even when fear comes to visit. So, all you K-lites out there, give yourselves a pat on the back. In my mind, you are very courageous people.
******** I learned... to not take any action or say anything until I was perfectly balanced inside. I can't confirm whether this was a k-related lesson, or a life lesson. In the end I guess, they're all the same -
******** Apparently, spiritual desperation was the only thing that got me to sit down long enough to meditate and communicate with him. He said he was sorry to cause me such grief, but that i was too lazy and that the only way I'd move towards enlightenment was through sheer desperation and terror. I still have *crazy* thoughts, and I'm never really sure if they're mine or what i pick up through enpathy. My new spirit guide/divine beloved/shadow tells me they are all about having compassion with those who are *evil and sick*. Also, some of them are mine but that's ok!
... I guess i just wanted to say
that the extreme paranoia I experienced was completely unnessecary!
That fearing the dark side of myself was wasted misery and pain. I
still do have some guilt and shame still kicking around, but I have
made it far enough to know this is necessary and will pass
eventually. Not enlightened enough to bless the guilt tho! Still
pushing through it.
Writing this is doing some powerful stuff with my third chakra at the
spine. ...
To go on. To go on with some thoughts that have also been occuping
me, and to which I could only give them shape a day or so ago.
It had occured to me that I had two choices in respect
of "Enlightenment". It was either, thought I, the accumulation of
history's friuts coming foward in an ego which would inevitably pass
away, the friuts of which are us.
Either..or, it was the manifestation of some other foundation that
is mediated through the particular epoch it's situated in while
retaining the aspect of One, Being, etc. Thus one would be able to
find the answers to the same questions thousands of years into the
past(Plato, Heraclitus, Nagarjunia and so on). History would have
made, no progress, and the modern condition was not the result of
some prolonged experiment with language, but perhaps a forgetting, or
a mediation with the eternal.
It dosn't seem as good a distintion as at first, but perhaps between
a temporal or eternal conception. Now while I was thinking this I
walked into a book shop and picked up a book called "The
Philosopher's Secret Fire", ...This
book professed to be revealing the "golden chain", of thinkers that
had existed throughout the ages and had acted as a secret society
inasmuch as you couldn't understand the message they were writing
unless you were of the same mind as them, for it is not as though you
symbolise and sign/signifier to understand. One must cease to "think"
and become a part of the stream, so that a work on the secret society
necessarily became part of the cannon, as does someone who
i've not talked to any deamons myself, as of yet.
End Thanks everyone!
Original question:
Paranoia seems a pretty common aspect of awakening. I think because we lose
our filters, everything becomes part and parcel of us--no separation. There
is no "me" to be fearful--a heavenly rest. Then as we "come down" our ego
safety valve jumps in and our brain tries to make sense of what has occurred
and uses all sorts of metaphors to rationalize what has happened. At this
point all sorts of thoughts can occur. If we hear the mermaid sing (or
someone on TV speak), she *must* be singing to us because we hear her.
Wonderful sublime music! But then we start to worry why she might be singing
to us! lol
Shall we do a poll on paranoia?
Have you experienced K induced paranoia?
How did you resolve it?
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