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Twelve people responded to the "earning a living" poll. Thanks everyone! To the question Have you had difficulty reconciling k with earning a living? Nine people responded positivily to the question. Most wrote that it influenced their ability to work at certain jobs or that they couldn't work or function at all with an active K. Another worried about the possibility of not functioning well in the future. Two people worried about the cost of going back to school. Another said K nearly caused him to drop out of school. On the other hand, one person wrote that it K actually helped with work by giving him an objective calm. Some of the comments: Not just K but education from A-levels upwards. Had 6 major depressions - one during sixth form (they held staff meetings about me and prejudiced my university application). Another during university (again needed support - a friend told one of our tutors I was a witch). A big one during my second year at work which somehow I managed to hide, but at immense personal strain and cost. The fifth and sixth rendered me unable to function for two years in a six year period during which I left my job and did very little work there was so much upheaval going on in my life. ... I can't work for people who lie, kiss-butt, or knowingly poison the evironment. Lies in employment ads stand out like a sore thumb to me. I can't bring myself to even respond to most ads that I know I'm qualified for because I can sense a falsehood in the ad. Unfortuneately most of the honest ads don't pay nearly as well. Plus, I WILL NOT "prostitute" myself just for money. There has to be some inate value to the job I am performing, not just financial compensation. ... You could say that. Almost dropped out of school. Absent count was greater then attendance count. Then again I still did maintain an A average. *phew* ... I have never been working when my K was active. After 'big boom' K experiences which for me as near as I can tell are NDE's complete with life review. I experience serious depression afterwards. Sooner or later I do get some sort of a job. Once I almost went bankrupt first, though. ... I experience something akin to personality crisis when I'm in a place of work that dosn't suit, which has been accompainied by an opening of the chakras, and when one is open to feelings and emotions from those around the work place, we get anxiety and other such maladies. ... Yes.. Emotional turbulence has effected job performance to both extremes. Sometimes feeling unable to cope, and other times excelling. ... I am wondering if I will be ok If I spend all this money we dont have on a degree? what will my condition be by the time I get it? what if I put us in major debt and then cant use it? So as you can see this is a future ? for me :) ... ahhhh, the money dimension. i am getting so royally confused about this whole realm!!!! i just gave notice at my job to go back to school fulltime, accruing debt, massive loans, very unpragmatic and reckless of me...and yet, my heart tells me full speed ahead that this is my path, while my mind tells me how irresponsible and foolish i am being by not respecting the rules of money, that it does not matter what you need if you don't have the money to exchange... ... No .It gave me an objective calm approach dealing with the 25 men I supervised. They sensed my calmness. The Co. urged me to accept promotion. I refused. ********** To the question: Has K influenced you to change your profession or job? Most people either said yes or that they desired changes. Comments: Yes - always followed my intuition which is in itself an unfolding process. A has taken me to B, to C etc. Since my most recent breakdown I've emerged with new work directions to pursue. ... I have had more jobs in the past 20 years than any other 5 people combined. Same reasons as above. I sense when I'm being lied to and I take for a little while, then I have to leave. My resume' reads like an obituary. Also I get infuriatingly bored with repititious activity. If I could find a job where I could do something completely different everyday I might have a little more luck sticking with it. Fat chance! :^) ... It's influenced me to try. ... Not really. But for the first time in my life I wanted to leave my urban home and go somewhere peaceful. (aggh! everywhere I look, the bright yellow M surrounded by smells of Bigmacs + fries!) o_O ... My intrests in life have very much changed my passion is alternative healing and Spirituality I love it, but it has affected my Reiki so much becuase I give attunements often which I absolutely love but I know that the higher the attunement the stronger my K buzz will be the rest of the night and I try to never do more than one per 6 hr period. I do love doing it though so it would take an awful lot to make me stop, it truly makes me happy. ... It's made me look for a simpler path. Try to remove myself from complexity. ... Changed my interests ,hobbies, belief systems. ... i guess i am growing harder times accepting my financial limitations for stuff that would be nourishing and fulfilling and empowering...the training to bring my employment into harmony with my heart, an environmentally sound non-toxic vehicle, a home with fresh air and clean water in a neighborhood that does not sound the air raid siren whenever there is a dangerous chemical spill (yikes), no freeways for neighbors please!!!!! ********* To the question: If you have changed your job or profession, what have work have you found that was easier to accommodate to k manifestations? The following jobs were mentioned: Landscaping, gardening, writing, creative woodworking, designing and building furniture, people oriented jobs, stay at home jobs, jobs with variety. Some comments: I started my own landscaping business last year and did really well for a while, but now I'm having difficulty getting any new contracts ... Became a creative woodworker,designing ,building furniture. ... Never did find change. But I will.. 5 years from now. *sigh* .... Writing ... Hopefully the job I have now, we'll see, though ... Being a stay at home mom is prob the best thing for me right now I cant imagine getting up to go to work after being up all night during the rises and during the day when I have strong episodes, how would a person cope around all the people? I find other peoples energy can make me much worse. ... I've contemplated becoming a gardener but it's a bit too big a step at the moment. ... I've been looking for a more people orientated job for a while.. I just got offered a manager position which will be a first for me, so will see how things role. It should be a challenge as I am not one to order people around, but hope I can be effective whilst listening to Goddess within. ... luckily, i think i have found my employment niche, but it takes time and money to grow into it, and i might be broke forever afterwards. ******** To the question: Has K given you "a mission"? everyone responded positively. Comments:
Yes, and it's fully revealed itself during the past six months since
recovery from number 6 breakdown. I've been given a vision of my 'missions'
that will occupy me the rest of my life - and can see that all that's
happened to me up to this point in terms of both professional and personal
experience have been preparation.... ... Yes definately: Put all else aside and get to know the divine. ... Most certainly ... It always seems to, but I've never seem to take them seriously enough to work them through. ... I really would like to see the Human Potential movement get off of the ground. My whole life has changed since 1979. ... :) I like to detach from ideas about having a mission or purpose in life, just to get a higher perspective... but when I come down to earth, ;) there are still things I am passionate about. "In service to the mass consciousness shift" sums it up nicely, with a secondary purpose in female empowerment and promoting sexual freedom. Following my bliss... ... "communion with the Consciousness of the Kosmos" and intoduce people to mysticism. ...
"Heartlight... why do I live?" ... Funny you should ask. It does seem that I've been given a mission, though I havn't been let in on what it might be. ... Yes, My two goals in this life are to love my family and heal myself emotionally and spiritually. ... I thought it had in a way.. but I think now if anything it is to surrender everything and be true to myself (Goddess being me). ... how does indifferent money relate to faith??!! cause i got alotta faith, lol. my faith tells me money should not stop me from manifesting my dreams and my money tells me that folks starve for lack of it. ****** And finally, to the question: Has K activated any previously dormant talents? Yes - brought many things to the surface. Not just talents - confidence etc. ... It has given me a deeper insight and understanding into life in general. This is both a blessing and a curse. Kind of a Cassandra Complex; as soon as I claim to know anything at all most people take the attitude that I have no experience in that area and thus my opinion is invalid. Never mind that I have been proved right time and time again. ...
Oh, God yes :) Photography, poetry, virtual dj
mixing, logo/visual design, and the aforementioned
writing. ... Only siddhis. They come and go, for the most part, though a few hang around. ... Yes . additional to creative woodworking I just completed a 250 page book on mysticism,spirituality. There are 5 people who have chosen me as there guru-mentor. ... I can flare my nostrils with some success. I can't leap tall buildings, or KameHameHa anything into a ball of flame. but my quality and depth of contimplation has never been better. .... my biggest changes have been my desire to learn everything and anything ... Also I have developed the second sight which has been a really neat experience and have become so much more intuitive to the other side and this one. But the greatest gift for me is being so close to the spiritual aspect of life feeling and seeing and being able to meditate with the K at night so easily I used to have to really try to meditate now the K does it all for me. ... Empathy ramped right up. Have to be choosy about where I place my attention now. Also found myself to be more creative than before. ... Funny you should ask. It does seem that I've been given a mission, though I havn't been let in on what it might be. The important thing at the moment is to develop those dormant talents so as to be able to deal with the mission when it comes. Even the talents are still in development and as of yet undefined, but I start to feel that I'm capable of a great deal more than what I've been up to. Just learning how to think, really. Or at least, how not to think. End
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