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Member Polls and Surveys.

Celibacy Poll

22 people answered the poll questions, and another 10 people contributed with various helpful and interesting comments.

All but 3 people posted to the list.

To the first question : "How many of us feel that our K awakening had anything to do with celibacy. (celibacy being defined as having no sexual partner for an extended length of time)," seven people replied that celibacy might have been a factor in triggering K as they were celibate at the time, but only three among these answered yes to the question. 14 people answered no--a large majority. One replied N/A, having been born awakened. One person mentioned intense sexual activity before her awakening.
To the 2nd question: "How many of us became intentionally celibate after K awakening," two people replied that K compelled them to become celibate, and one person said she became intentionally celibate. One person used short term celibacy to increase K activity. Two others who did not respond directly to the poll questions seem to feel that celibacy is advisable to conserve the energy for spiritual development--while others feel there is a limitless supply of K energy.

To the 3rd question: "For those who are sexually active, do you find that sexual activity affects your K energy one way or another?"
Sexual activity seems to have varied affects on K depending on the person and the situation. One person said her entire concept of sexuality changed. Six replied that sex can expand or inhibit K depending on partners or whether or not one ejaculates. One person said it balances her, and another said it increases K activity. Two people tried to use it to control K energy, with unpredictable results.

Thanks to all of you for such a great response. Perhaps it is the buildup of sexual energy, whether through celibacy or sexual expression that affects K energy and spirituality. footer links for polls section
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Kundalini by Sharon Webb.spacerblank Some caution is recommended when dealing with Kundalini.
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