These personal experiences are posted with the permission
of the people involved.
Reproduction for anything other than personal use is prohibited.
Gloria Joy Greco
After reading stories from several people I decided to contribute to
sharing effort with my story.
My experience spans a period of fifty years.
It is important to recognize that each soul's development in terms of
consciousness and character brings about a specific awakening process.
there is memory from one life to another, and when their is direct
experience in the spiritual world, it is an indication that the awakening
process is well underway and is only continuing. This is what has happened
in my case.
My awakening:
I was born in 1945 and named Gloria Joy. As the third of four daughters,
childhood was wonderful and extremely positive. We lived in Virginia City,
a mining town in Nevada with less then 500 people.
It doesn't seem all that unusual in the first year or so, but I have vivid
memories of infancy and my hot pink satin blanket with dragons all over
I also have memories from a very young age of being taught by Mary, Our
Blessed Mother. Her instructions to me as a child was to talk to her before
going to sleep, and to always test spirits since they were always around
me. I was taught about vibrations, and energies right from the beginning.
learned to read and evaluate each frequency of light and could recognize
poor imitation right off. I always made the spirits show who they were
me, I was told it was a very important part of my preparatory training
I also had vivid dreams of flying, like Peter Pan I would sore through
heavens fighting the bad guy when it was necessary. My only teacher was
Mama Mary. She taught me about flowing and how certain spiritual gifts
mine but were not to be misused. She also taught me to keep silent and
keep my mouth shut when I saw things around other people, or when I knew
their thoughts.
From the age of three to forty I had a series of incident/accidents
were all a part of the kundalini awakening process going on inside of me.
The first accident was at age three, I was riding a wagon with my sister
down our drive way where there was a four foot bulkhead, my sister jumped
off the wagon and I went over landing on my head. This was the first of
many incidents that brought trauma to the third eye area.
The second was a rock between the eyebrows at age seven, then at ten I
eye surgery, which involved wearing patches on my eyes for two weeks.
During that time I saw and talked to spirits in my room day and night,
which upset my parents to no end.
Kundalini at this point of my life was nothing more then energy in my body,
I never named it or knew exactly what it was until I read a book on Eastern
Philosophy in my early twenties. I always knew that Mother Mary was guiding
me and preparing me for something very important.
What was I like? Spontaneous, happy and creative, I loved to sing, dance
and play music. School work was easy but I never put much effort into
developing the mind.
I learned to play the accordion at age six and have continued to play the
piano through out my life teaching professionally at the age of sixteen.
Music brought me to my first conscious experiences of kundalini. It would
start at the base of my spine and like a snake, in waves move up and down
my spine bringing warmth, light, and tingling along with it. I often felt
like I
was floating during these musical realizations, I saw myself as a body
light. Whenever I allowed my music to carry me into a meditative state,
was deeply moved by this spiritual dance.
It also showed me what music was, it taught me that my body was an
instrument just as much as a piano, and that sound and light were
vibrations that were absorbed inside the body with great intensity and
energy. It was one more teaching of how God, through the Holy Spirit, was
inside of me, moving and using my whole body to experience him through.
experience with music naturally developed into writing, I treat my computer;
keyboard in exactly the way as I do the keys on a piano.
I met the man I was to marry when I was eleven, he was an important
ingredient in God's plan for me. We married when I was seventeen and have
been together thirty two years. We were brought together by the Holy
Spirit. He knew I was different and it didn't bother him at all.
I have known life through an open window to the spirit world, because of
this, people around me are also affected by the vibrations of light.
Wherever the Holy Spirit is at work, you can be sure transformation is
quite visible.
For instance, we had been married three months when I had a dream that
I was talking to a beautiful baby girl. She asked me if I had come for her,
and could she come home with me then. I responded, "that is a great
I woke up, gently shook my husband. Told him my dream, and added, "I
we have to do it now." Tammy was born nine months later. My second
was born the following year.
While some of this may seem unconnected to kundalini awakening, it was
fact an important part. My first commitment was to God through his divine
will. This has been the overriding focus of my entire realization. So,
knowledge of and work with the Holy Spirit came first, and then through
spiritual dance, I learned about kundalini.
I learned that God had a plan for me and all I need do was flow with his
will, and then WHATEVER HAPPENED WAS PERFECT. This is the attitude I have
maintained through out life. What ever was going on inside my body was
nothing more then God using and working through me. I knew my journey
absorbed in God's Will was a true adventure, and no matter where it took
me I was blessed and carried by his grace.
At twenty-one I was in a car accident, a man had a seizure and ran a red
light going 45 miles an hour, my car was totaled. My injuries kept me in
the hospital for a couple weeks but it was again a great blessing. A year
later I had neck surgery which I viewed from the ceiling of the surgery
room. I heard the doctor's talk about riding motorcycles while they were
working on me. I was tempted to tell them about what they were talking
about, but my instructions from Mother would not allow that sort of
Shortly after the surgery Mother Mary told me it was time for me to be
transferred to her son, Jesus.
Christ, Jesus came into my body, mind, and soul. He came during sleep,
face is burned into my consciousness as his face with the crown of thorns
appeared in my third eye. His eyes were closed, then open, next his eyes
turned into burning flames of light. He said one word. Awake!
My heart beat so fast I thought I would certainly have to leave the body,
but that didn't happen. From that moment on insight and intuition flooded
my soul. In that one spectacular moment I became spirit.
Two other back surgeries would be necessary in the next twenty years, again
a part of the kundalini energy working in the spine area. In spite of many
physical challenges, and kundalini eruptions, I have come to understand
body in a profound and real way.
I now move from center to center with total freedom alive and open to the
spiritual dance. My spiritual energies for most part sit in the heavenly
heart at the third eye and the crown chakra at the top of the head.
The kundalini energies inside and the cosmic light stream from God as the
Holy Spirit are meant to meet in the Heart Center so that God can bring
light and power into the world of matter to transform his creation.
Kundalini rises spontaneously while the Holy Spirit drops down through
top of the head. When the Christ frequency unites with the kundalini
life-force the heart center is totally illuminated which draws the
frequency of the Kundalini up and out through the top of the head at the
crown chakra. This drastic increase in vibration balances and synchronizes
all seven centers until a point of perfect balance is achieved. This is
major achievement on the road to enlightenment.
I have read many things about Kundalini and there is very little
information available talking about the Holy Spirit and kundalini force
being two distinct and separate forces. One comes from within the body
the other drops down as cosmic energy directly from the cosmic stream of
divine will.
Kundalini is the sleeping dragon within the body that is to be brought
action when all soul preparation is accomplished. There is a time and place
for its awakening, it is not meant to be manipulated or forced in anyway.
Meditation is an important tool in this movement, it's job is to silence
the mind and produce undoing of the ego so that union with the Christ
becomes possible. Spiritualization involves creating a brand new body to
house the Christ frequency. In addition, light bodies are created so that
the soul/spirit can work through divine will in other dimensions.
How does all this light come into the body? There are six wheels and a<
crown that become perfect receptors for extremely high frequencies of
Each center relates to a frequency and a point of development of the soul.
As a soul begins to enter the frequency of the heart center, preparation
well underway for the journey inward.
Man will first come to know the frequency of love as a gentle guidance
God. As more light is dropped through the souls window of consciousness,
self remembering occurs. Self remembering is the soul becoming conscious
itself as a soul with the capacity to become spirit.
The place of remembrance is when the soul is most at home, during sleep.
is very important for each soul to learn about the spiritual world in
relationship to the world of matter.
Kundalini awakens naturally to prepare the human body for the divine
frequency of Christ Consciousness.
This renewal of the body is what I call a kundalini eruption. When this
happens it is literally like an explosion occurs from within the body as
huge intensity of electrical energy is released up the spine.
These eruptions cause many physical symptoms. I have experienced everything
from my hands being burned and blistered to paralyzing headaches where
couldn't pick my head up off the pillow. At times my heart has beat so
that it would seem I would explode. I have had seizures from having my
balance thrown off by lights flashing, and intense heat smoldering inside
of my brain. This list goes on. But, throughout these ongoing challenges
have never had a moment of fear, panic, or mental confusion.
Why have I shared all of this with you? It is obvious that God is bringing
about change in these hours before the millennium. Last year I went public
with my experience for the first time in a book called Good and Evil In
Times. Since then I have been shown specific tasks that are unfolding as
part of my spiritual assignment.
I am now fifty years old. In the past twenty eight years I have worked
a handful of people, (thirty or forty at the most) who are all
experiencing kundalini awakening naturally and in their soul rhythm. The
only way to know if a teaching is of God, is by fruit.
My job has been to ground transformation into every aspect of my earthly
experience. The light transforms everything in its atmosphere, like a
ripple effect it heals and lifts the human condition.
God is love. Humans are easily confused by the word love. It has been
misused so often in our day. Spirit works through a much higher form of
love called transformational love which I call T-Love. This T-Love is God
working through the Holy Spirit manifesting himself to those open to his
frequency through divine will. Kundalini is a part of this divine awakening
process. When experienced through divine will there is nothing to fear.
Love and joy is God's gift to each of us. We are each invited to come home,
the method we use can be effortless and joy filled. It is the natural and
spontaneous way to know God.
Some caution is recommended when dealing with Kundalini. Feel free to submit any questions you might have about what you read here to the K-list moderators, and/or the author (if given). Specify if you would like your message forwarded to the list.
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