To: K-list
Recieved: 2003/10/04 14:29
Subject: RE: [K-list] beliefs
From: Goran Starcevic
On 2003/10/04 14:29, Goran Starcevic posted thus to the K-list:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: K-list-bounces AT_NOSPAM
> [mailto:K-list-bounces AT_NOSPAM] On Behalf Of Mystress
> Angelique Serpent
> Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 2:00 AM
> To: K-list AT_NOSPAM
> Subject: RE: [K-list] beliefs
> >On the other hand I know, among other things, for example,
> the basics
> >of logic and can derive all sorts of absurds and
> inconsistencies out of
> >Elargonauto's sayings on this list which is not only amusing
> but also
> >pragmatic -
> for whom?
For someone interested in E's consistency or for someone who
doesn't relativize logic as irrelevant.
But it may be irrelevant on this list in which everyone is clear
with low level stuff in case of which my "pragmatic" statement
is rendered annoying and I'm obviously directing my energy in a
wrong way.
> >it's only that he finds
> >it boring and MAS shares that impression (the second of
> which doesn't
> >surprise me at all :)
> and what is that supposed to mean? Might as well spit it out
> instead of making allusions.
That means that I am not surprised with you being bored with
'low-level' stuff.
> We are clear, but it is irrelevant.
Maybe I've gotten a wrong impression due to my own garbage. Who am I to
know what is clear and what is not!? I have started delousing my self.
I apologize E, for using you for my own shitty ego-trip.
> You cannot sort out a Zen koan with logic no matter what you do, it
> is useless for some kinds of understanding. What is the sound of one
> hand clapping? If a tree falls in the forest and there is no-one
> to hear, does
> it make a sound? The point of such contemplation is to
> confuse the logical
> mind and break free of the ego box it represents, in order to expand
> consciousness and develop intuition.
I didn't thought that was the point of E's statements ;)
Defending the logical
> box is missing
> the point, entirely.
If the above is the point, of course.
> Frankly, most list members are not interested in listening to
> unawakened people tell them that their intuitively based choices are
> illogical, because they get quite enough of that from unawakened
> people in their lives already. It gets old pretty quick.
Most of the people here are surrendered to divine will?! What a blessing
to the world!
> I make decisions with my gut too. The power chakra contains the
> feedback center for issues of conscience, safety and dharma VS. karma.
> This is guidance from Goddess, cosmic consciousness that has knowledge
> outside of my basic linear time-space senses. The weenie logical
> ego with it's limited input/output and linear processing is
> bone stupid by
> comparison. It cannot see the future truly, or know all the
> ripples of any
> action. It is working with limited sources of information.>
> My gut tells me things that are not logical, often... my
> intuition tells
> me a lot of things I could not logically know though normal 5
> senses, but
> gut instinct and intuition is proven right by results. I do
> not care about
> what is logical, I only care if the system works, and it does.
That is one thing. Completely other is inducing general truths
like "If you don't enjoy the trip, you are going nowhere." from
limited 'zen'? insights. A lot of people in history showed
similar tendencies which were later proven not to be right.
> The basic essence of this argument is that Elargonauto trusts his
> gut instincts and you do not.
The later is pretty much true. But I would rather define the
essence as questioning 'justifying' from a higher chakra
perspective of something seen as absurd from a lower chakra
Think of every second lunatic (being or not, independent of
the definition) in a mental institution saying he is 'Mother
Earth', God himself, Jesus Christ or whatever -
that may very well be true in reality other than physical, but
what is the use of saying that other than wanting to be put in
a mental institution from people not aware of the higher truth?
You can't say things like that in a physical plane and expect
the majority of people to understand you. I don't understand
the need for saying higher truth things without point (like:
'perfection is', 'love and light', etc.) over and over? Where
does it get you?
That is an evolutionary process.
> Arguing for
> your logical perspectives is not likely to help you evolve in the area
> of Kundalini,
Just like above. Or am I wrong?
tho it may have gotten you good marks in school.
> Continue to
> worship at the altar of logic, if you choose, but realize most other
> list members are surrendered to a higher power... and you will have to
> also, eventually if K has hold of you.
Thanks for the advice :)
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