Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


To: K-list
Recieved: 2003/02/09 00:40
Subject: Re: [k-list] More Internet HiJinks?
From: jlb

On 2003/02/09 00:40, jlb posted thus to the K-list:

this is real easy actually.. if anyone is getting stressed out over the off
topic posts.. ( except the moderators I guess... who have to archive it all.)

but just go into your message filter and make a "rule" that says..
if kundalini is NOT in the message.. delete it.

and then all this sniveling and politics and jokes, will go right to the junk bin.. and you don't have to even see (my stuff) it.

just kidding...

>----- Original Message -----
>From: Mystress Angelique Serpent
>To: k-list AT_NOSPAM kundalini-gateway.org
>Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 1:24 PM
>Subject: Re: [k-list] More Internet HiJinks?
>At 08:58 AM 08/02/03, felix wrote:
>>There have been occasions when it pops into my dreadful
>>little mind that the real reason for all these rules and
>>guidelines exist as a wafer-thin excuse for yanking people's


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  • URL: http://www.kundalini-gateway.org/klist/k2003b/k2003b0845.html