To: K-list
Recieved: 2002/08/23 21:27
Subject: Re: [K-list] Descent of Kulkulan, A Mayan Pyramid
From: hbrost
On 2002/08/23 21:27, hbrost posted thus to the K-list: Hi Amy,
The Mayas have fascinated and intrigued me since I was in the 6th grade. That probably was due to a wonderful teacher, Mrs. Liederbach, who figured twelve year old minds could actually be capable of thinking! Anyway, without researching too hard, I can tell you the Mayas had a deity called the Vision Serpent, which was two-headed. (Hmmmm...) The Vision Serpent was an integral part of blood-letting ceremonies. Blood letting was typically only done by royalty. That's as far as I go without looking in my books, which I'll do because now I'm curious!
What I find amazing is that the Mayans had the astronomical and
mathematical knowledge in their time to build such a fascinating
natural phenomomenal work of art!
Could they have been showing homage to the same energy of life we
refer to as Kudalini? Food for thought.
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