On 2002/05/29 13:28, A.S.A.posted thus to the K-list: Hi Victoria
A warm welcome to you!
it is beautiful that you choose to share your feelings with us..
Often depression is a very strong indication that there is changes that has to be made in ones life and mind.. the Kundalini can spontaneosly awaken under those circumstances.
If your looking for more information on Kundalini, you can find alot of useful stuff at this page:
----- Original Message -----
From: victoria_b1127
To: K-list
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 10:05 PM
Subject: [K-list] I am new here...
My name's Victoria and i'm new to the yahoo scene. I have very
little knowledge or understanding of kundalini, though i do know that
i've felt something beyond your everyday realms of experience, though
i do feel these sensation every day now. It is difficult to talk to
anyone because most people think i'm a freek or just don't have a clue
as to what i'm talking about.
I've been going through a bout of depression lately, and that maybe
part of my reason for experiencing the things that i am experiencing.
I am concerned that this cycle of depression won't end. I am having
relationship problems from friends to familly to the one i have been
most intimate with my whole life.
I am not quite sure what it is I am looking for, but I do feel that
I am looking for a way out of feeling the way that I do?
Sorry about the depressing intro, it's been a rough day.
with love
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