Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


To: K-list
Recieved: 2002/03/05 11:34
Subject: Re: [K-list] hello i am new here
From: Druout

On 2002/03/05 11:34, Druout posted thus to the K-list:

In a message dated 3/4/2002 11:27:38 AM Pacific Standard Time,
eliseATnospamangel-esile.demon.nl writes:

> My life has completely changed. I was in that time in a state of shock, or
> bliss, or what-you-can-tell-this.
> My marriange broke, not only because of that. Believe me, he was trying to
> change me in a person that isn't me!

Dear Elise,

Welcome to the K list! :))

Many others here and in the literature have had K energy take a "vacation"
and then reappear after several years of relative calm. Is there anything in
your life that has triggered the reappearance? How did you first discover
you were experiencing Kundalini?

Others here have also experienced a complete life-change--especially in lines
of work and in relationships. Our priorities seem to change rather
drastically! lol! I suspect we change radically also, or perhaps it's
simply that we become more assertive and comfortable with who we really are.

>I like to share my experiences with you all

And we'd love to hear more about them! :))

Again, welcome

Love, Hillary



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  • URL: http://www.kundalini-gateway.org/klist/k2002/k200200910.html