> Some people mention on the list that they experience bliss. I've certainly
> been experiencing many blissful states.
> Yesterday, I experienced what I can only call RAPTURE!
I would love to add your experience as an addendum to the music poll, with
your permission!
Love, Hillary
For a certain period of time, right in front of my students (luckily they
didn't seem to notice) I experienced what I can only call, the angels
singing! I didn't hear anything with my ears, it was not a sound
hallucination. And it's not singing per se, nor were they angels as humans
appearing with wings. Though I could certainly understand why medieval
mystics called it the angels singing the glory of God. That is the closest
approximation to what it was like.
They were 'humming', 'vibrating' in chorus (though it was neither humming
nor vibrating), all different notes though it was not music either at all.
But it was harmonious. They were in ecstasy, but again, that is not the
right word to depict what they feeling. I couldn't really see them, though
the first vision of human-like angels did appear, to be replaced with an
image of small triangles all fitting together to form one huge triangle
which also disolved into something else which I can't remember because it
was beyond my brain to remember/grasp.
I felt they were ecstatic because of gratitude and compassion. These two
feelings from humans made them ecstatic. First that a human would feel
gratitude is the greatest vibration that they respond to. Then if a person
feeling gratitude is also feeling compassion for all creation, they vibrate
even more.
Just like in medieval texts, I felt they only existed for that, for
'singing' the glory of God, though I didn't feel a God or Goddess.
This is all so difficult to describe.
And I felt they were responding to my own 'vibration'. They were 'ecstatic'
that I was 'getting it,' that I was joining them in 'praise.' I wanted to
soar up and join them in heavenly bliss.
I had to go back to being a teacher but felt that when I had some time to
myself, I could rejoin them. But I couldn't. Although I did feel bliss for
hours afterwards, I couldn't find rapture again. It even made me depressed
on my way home, like life had no more meaning once I'd experienced and lost
that rapture.
I spoke to my friend who is guiding me through all this K stuff and he said
that the Hindus call these beings the Gandharvas. After our talk, he wrote
to me the following:
We have talked about these ³Gandharvas². May be you can find more on the
net. This is not a new experience for some, although it is a rather rare
occurrence, it takes a certain degree of refinement of the nervous system
to be able to reach that level of sensitivity. In the Scriptures there are
many references about them.
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