To: K-list
Recieved: 2001/12/07 08:02
Subject: Re: [K-list] A sanctuary
From: lionessbleu1
On 2001/12/07 08:02, lionessbleu1 posted thus to the K-list: Hi Emily,
I was fortunate to have my K awakened by a Western master in a non yogic situation. I was at a personal growth intensive...a 4 day in house seminar.
A lot of people in yoga don't seem to know about K awakening or think it is very rare and are not aware of how often spontaneous awakening happens. Then they end up on this list :)
I find I have a '6th sense' about k. I can tell who is 'family' by just spending a little time with them. They also may not know they are k awakened either but they are. The energy has a resonance with itself in others.
I am fortunate that I have dear friends locally who were awakened by the same k master. Ten years later we are still the best of friends. I am the only one, though, who is more intimate with k and all it's workings. They lead regular lives but which are enhanced by k and they ask me about anything having to do with k.
I live in a big metro area, Denver Colorado. Spirituality is VERY open here. I am thinking of having a big potluck in the spring and inviting k list people from around to come to my apartment for fun, food, and fellowship ( can you tell I use to be really into :)
As far as regular meetings I don't think there are. People from Osho are almost always k filled and so are the ones from Siddha Yoga. They both have centers here. People who are pagans are not to into it as much unless they are spontaneously awakened and I think I make them a little uncomfortable at times. ( A few think I am something of a I find that people who are genuinely psychic often know what I am talking about. (Not a lot of those around...there are more pretenders than professionals :) The vocabulary takes awhile to mesh betweeh us. The magikal crowd has some understanding but seems to be very reliant on their traditions andd their rituals.
Oddly, or maybe not so oddly, I find a lot of engineering types to be k awakened. Geeks and nerds...who ever would have thought? At least that is where I find most of the males come from. Not women so much.
My mom knows what kundalini is but it is not important to her. She likes me to read her Tarot for her. :) She also likes it when I do energy work on her or hypnotherapy. My mom is very intense about her spirit and her relationship to God.
I think because I am relaxed about it she is. Ten years ago neither of us were cause I was tense about my awakening and did some crazy things like move 3500 miles away from Florida to California and left behind all my possessions, including my dog and car, only taking one suitcase with clothes in it. She would call me on the phone and scream at me and it felt like she was ripping me up with knives. (My mother is very powerful.)
Once I became relaxed, and enough time passed :), we are more comfortable. I now know who I am and she can feel it.
On another note, I bet this list is full of spontaneous awakers. The crazyness of it all drives them to find this list so they know they are not alone.
I think people are awakening more by the spontaneous than by anything else. It is just the sign of the times and people seem to be able to do and learn from each other more easily without the structure of the guru system. Or maybe this is just a Westernized phenomenon. I don't know if you are an American but Americans, at least this American, are not very oriented to having a guru. I needed the structure in the beginning, had some authoritative teachers, but now I trust my Inner Guru, my inner voice, more than anything.
Don't worry about the groveling...I was exactly where you were...didn't know or see nothing. LOL... K awakening is not based on merit or happens by grace. If it was based on purity or values or talent I would have never made it. Those things are of the least importance... You may get those talents later, I still have not a clue if I have any Spirit Guides, but you can certainly thrive without all those 'toys'. They can be an actual hinderance to growth cause people depend on them for certain things rather than trusting in their own Selves.
You are not alone even when you physically feel like it. We are all around are family and we support you.
--- In Kundalini-GatewayATnospamy..., "emilybATnospams..." <emilybATnospams...> wrote:
> I second that emotion Gyrefalcon
> This week, after my yoga class, I got up my courage to go speak to my yoga
> teacher and tell her that I was experiencing a Kundalini Awakening.
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