To: K-list
Recieved: 2001/12/02 22:01
Subject: Re: [K-list] scary stuff
From: felix
On 2001/12/02 22:01, felix posted thus to the K-list: Well, Michael, you've been pretty thorough. I guess that's ALL there is to
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Read" <>
To: "" <>;
"" <>;
"" <K-list >;
"" <>;
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"nisargadatta" <>; "nodoer" <>
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 4:38 PM
Subject: [K-list] scary stuff > Scary stuff this awakening/enlightenment/realization business.
> To be sure, there is a 'part' of us that wants IT more than a duck wants
> water. And there is a 'part' of us that knows IT brings an end to the
> way we have been all our lives.
> I am not capitalizing IT because IT is higher or better or sacred. It is
> the dropping of beliefs, concepts and ideas. IT happens of ITs own
> accord. IT happens when the so called fictional character(s) we are
> playing fall into open, honest and earnest longing.
> IT encompasses everything about being and about being a human creature.
> IT brings the death of what we used to believe about ourselves, God,
> spirit/soul and so on. IT brings life in abundance.
> IT is the end of seeking. IT is knowing in an intelligent and
> experiential way the unity of just being. IT is the end of grasping for
> yet another blissful experience. IT is the end of hanging onto a
> personal comfort zone.
> There are no practices that can bring about IT. No intellectual
> understanding can prepare one for IT. IT is not a personal
> accomplishment. IT is not a reward for good behavior. IT is not a prize
> won in a contest.
> So many seek after IT and never seem to find IT. They are not looking
> for IT. They are looking for confirmation of their beliefs regarding
> what IT is. Yet IT is always there. IT doesn't go anywhere.
> If there is a barrier to knowing what IT is, it (the barrier) is hanging
> onto the idea of separation from IT or hanging onto any idea about IT.
> IT cannot be described in a way that will make sense. IT pervades all of
> creation and all of creation has sprung from IT. Yet, IT is not stained
> or affected by creation. IT is the mystery and the power and the peace
> of existence. IT depends on nothing - no devotion, no prayers, no hopes,
> no fears have created IT.
> IT sets us up and lays us down.
> IT is who we truly are. We can never become IT. IT is not a concept. All
> concepts could be said to come from IT while never affecting IT.
> IT is not the energy that permeates the universe. IT is not the matter
> appearing in the void of space. Nor, is IT the void.
> IT cannot be found. IT was never lost.
> IT is the quickening in the womb. IT is the last breath of the dying.
> IT is the fear and the horror. IT is the love and the comfort.
> IT is those that seek. IT is those that do not seek.
> IT doesn't exist. Only IT exists.
> Well, that's enough.
> love and peace eternal - michael
> --
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