To: K-list
Recieved: 2001/06/22 03:57
Subject: Re: [K-list] God jokes
From: Bestpoet
On 2001/06/22 03:57, Bestpoet posted thus to the K-list: <<Then I looked over and saw the Devil on a cloud not far way. I asked, "What's *he* doing up here? I thought the two of you were eternal enemies... And what about 666 and the End of the World thing? I lot of
people have been waiting a long time for the big showdown and are going to be very upset if it doesn't happen."
<<The two famous deities looked at each other and busted up, laughing so
Wonder if God, with a Santa Clausean twinkle in his eye, calls him "You little devil!" like my mom used to call me.
hard they fell off their perches and rolled in the ether, hands on there
bellies, slapping each other on the back in hilarity of cosmic
Thanks for yr posts Paul, they are so smile bringing.
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