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To: K-list
Recieved: 2001/02/12 19:10
Subject: Re: [K-list] ragnarok
From: Magne Aga

On 2001/02/12 19:10, Magne Aga posted thus to the K-list:

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Read <mareadATnospamix.netcom.com>
To: K-list <K-list >
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 2:16 AM
Subject: [K-list] ragnarok

>>From Norse mythology comes the story of Ragnarok. This is the final
>battle of men and gods that will precede Fimbulwinter. Fimbulwinter is
>the final winter that is the destruction of the earth. After
>Fimbulwinter there is a general rebirth into a heavenly world.
>One school of thought is that there may or may not be an actual
>Ragnarok as such. However there is Ragnarok for the individual. That
>is that a person may go through great inner turmoil, suffer through a
>'dark night of the soul', and then awaken into a new way of seeing and

Magne Aga
Overlege Wingesv 4A
N-8613 SELFORS 17.1.2001


Dear <..>......

<...> In fact, I have been a bit concerned about the health of <..>, due to
intunements before we entered the new millenium.

I cannot avoid relating the prophecies about the *Eye of the Hurricane* with
the recent Earthquakes in Central Amerika. The throwing up from the
subconscious in order to eliminate debris, has it parallels in the physical

Earth's surface is an illusion, a phenomenon, like the rainbow; it has no
independent existence. Above the third dimension, ancient Christians counted
9 different planes of existence. From beneath Earth's surface the *thrones*
beams their energies outwards. From the Universe we are bombarded with the
energies of the *Dynamis*, and without these equally proportioned energy
balance, the surface of Earth could not exist. The surface is their meeting
point. If, however, only these two light planes were in operation, Earth
would have been in constant floating, fluctual conditions. No firm *ground*
would have existed without the Elohim:

1. Holy Guardian Angels
2. Archangels (Guardian Angels of spesific nations, tribes)
3. Archais (Guardian Angels of spesific time periods)

4. Elohim (*exusiai*)
5. Dynamis (*abnormal elohims*)
6. Kyriotetes

7. Thrones
8. Cherubes
9. Seraphim

Before the new millennium, the message here in Norway was clear: *The wolf
is released!*. An image came through, where many souls ran in hysteria,
searching for a place to escape from the Beast. And their cried in
lamentation *wooolff....wooolff*, in AN ANCIENT GERMANIC DIALECT not
existing nor KNOWN by philologes (I asked experts - aquiaintances, in old

According to old norse mythology, the god *Tyr* sacrificed his left hand in
order to bind the *wolf*. The ancient clairvoyant ones up here saw in
ancient times these beast on the astral planes as very similar with what's a
wolf on the physical plane. And The guardian Angel of the North, the god
Odin, is NOT able to kill these *wolf*.

Instead, they foretelled that once in the future, god named Vidar would
arrive and kill the wolf in the Latter Days of the World - in our Age.
Surrounded with mystery he is, these figure Vidar, with the add-on name *The
silent one*. A discovery in Germany was difficult to identify by
philologists, because these god was surrounded with such secrecy and

The duality of evil was symbolized in mythology. The God LOKE who killed
Balder, is what Christians call the Archangel Lucifer. Loke had three
*sons*: The EGOISM, the egocentricity, the ancient seers saw as the *Worm of
Midgard* - in the human astral body. LIES and ILLUSIONS and MATERIALISM
they saw as a horrible Beast, the *Fenris wolf*, impregnating the life-force
dublet. And Lucifer's influence of the physical body, causing disease and
death, they called HEL.

The *Fenris wolf* is the *rolling dragon*, mentioned by the Christian mystic
Jakob Bøhme. There were an inherent danger in the ancient sivilication of
India - due to the configuration of their higher bodies, to be swallowed by
these entity. Therefore, by Yoga, by renouncing the outer world of maya,
they were protected from it by the teachings of the 7 rishis. The 7th Rishi
was Sananda. And the place they emigrated from, before settling in Central
Asia, was a point northwest of present Ireland. They performed these 7
spiritual excercises, since help from higher dimensions prevented them from
beeing swallowed into the inner planes by Lucifer.

The ancient Persians, the 2nd culture, conquered the outer world - and
materialism came into the world. Zarathustra saw the Mighty Ahura Mazda -
The Sun Aura, fighting against Ahriman or the *rolling dragon*. The Persians
could fight Ahriman, but not Lucifer. With closer examination of the
Gospels, we find these duality of darkness presented. In the Gospel of Mark,
the word *demon* refers to Lucifer; but when in the Gospel of Matthew, the
world *Satan* is used in connection with the temptation of Jesus, the author
are refering to Ahriman or the *Fenris wolf* or the *rolling dragon*.

When the ancient mystics in Norway and Sweden saw a physical darkening of
the Sun, they also saw these *wolf-like* entity in the pranic body. So, they
made the myth of the *wolf causing the darkening of the Sun* - a physical
expression of the clairvoyant seeing. It darkened the Sun and thereby the

So, we ARE attacked from two angles. Lucifer will tempt us to rise into the
light body without the necessary teachings on the physical plane. Ahriman
will tempt us to give up our spiritual mission, shallowing us in
materialism. These two extremes - connected with the planets Lucifer and
Vulkan in our solar system, must be avoided in a *middle way*.

My intunements says that the *Fenris wolf* is on the loose, those returning
to the ancient norse clairvoyance will suffer a severe revenge from these
entity. It's the latter days of an age. It's the latter days of the European
time period.

With Scandinavia as a link, we are about to see the leaving of the European
Archai - that is, the death of Europe's dominating role as a *time spirit*,
entering the sixth and Russian stage of evolution where the Persian Sun
*Ahura* is converted from something *out there* in the Sun, into the human
*Aura* - as a result of the ascension on Golgata.

I will contemplate on the circle of light around the Globe, giving rise to
global and interdimensional unification. While the theosophs talked about 7
time periods - seven *archais* or time spirits, they didn't mention a
complementary evolution of 5 stages, corresponding to the *dynamis* in the
following order:

1) Africa (The first *abnormal* Elohim and the Black race, emitted to Etiopa
during the last times of Atlantis from the Temple of Mercury)
2) South-East Asia (The second *abnormal* Elohim and the Yellow race,
emitted from the Venus-temple on Atlantis)
3) The Mongolian area (The third *abnormal* Elohim and the Yellow race,
emitted from the Mars-temple on Atlantis) and the Semittic races and the
Jews (a cooperation JAHVE and the third *abnormal* Elohim. Jahve is one of
the Elohim who rescued the Moon from beeing swallowed by the negative
4) The Greek area (the fourth *abnormal* Elohim beaming into Europe,
emitting from the Jupiter-temple on Atlantis)
5) America (the fifth one, emitting from the Saturn temple of Atlantis)

I pray for <...> to TAKE CARE. It's a very dangerous situation, and - keep
the balance between inner and outer. Do not follow Lucifers temptations to
leave the physical into the light body, nor the opposite. So - again I
stress, *the wolf is on the loose* and TAKE CARE <..> and the rest of the



-----Original Message-----
To: Magne Aga <magneagaATnospammonet.no>
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: Ragnarok

>thanks for the very interesting post. i noticed you didn't mention a
>"red" Elohim as one of the five stages. I ask because you mentioned a way
>to be safe from the dangers of Lucifer or Ahriman was to walk the "middle
>way". The Native Americans, definately "red", have spoken and written of
>walking the "good red road" which consists of the middle path between
>being totally ungrounded, longing only to be united with the Great Spirit
>or the light body and being too grounded and tied to the materialism of
>this plane.
>The Native Americans strive to walk in beauty of the middle, good red
>road. That is, to be in this world but not of it.
>it is good to hear from you and know you are still walking your "good red

Again, I will return to the theosops a bit, and their *races* and
*subraces*. When it comes to a person like Blavatsky, we are actually
talking about a medium from which occult teachings popped out of in the same
degree as electrisity flows out of a wall outlet! However, she was wrong on
certain points because a medium is just a medium - a receiver like the
radio. And although someone are just transmitting what they receive, it
doesn't mean that the message is truth! Not everything told over the phone
is truth! Blavatsky was a fundamental HONEST person, but became used under
certain circumstances by occultists who didn't wan't the over-all well-being
of humanity.

The seven-fold evolution since Atlantis - which she wrote about, refers to
the SEVEN ARCHAIS - The Seven Guardian Angels of Seven Time-periods.
However, why isn't for Africa and America mentioned in these *seven-cycle*?

There exists a parallell evolution, governed by *abnormal* Archais, that is,
by *Time Spirits* which are more elevated than the ordinary Archais,
entities who renounced their ordinary evolution for the sake of those
beneath. The Elohims for example are *abnormal* archangels - archangels more
developed than the ordinary ones, and when they meet an archangel, the
result is the human language etc.

The parallell 5-fold evolution are governed by *abnormal* archais - having a
much greater impact than the 7-fold evolution.

They are *time spirits* on a degree higher than the 7 Elohim. And the <..>
organization is a result of a celestial entity belonging to a stage of
evolution HIGHER than the Elohim. As an abnormal developed Time Spirit, it
has a deeper impact than any of the seven archais.

Among Buddhists in Japan, some schools chants "Namu Amida Butsu". The
devotional cult of the Pure Land worships Amida Buddha, whom Buddha talked
about just prior to his transition. Buddha told the story about a monk,
Dharmakâra, who for 5 eons ago was a human.

Before his Enlightening, he made an oath to create his own Buddha Land when
he became Enlightened - 81 times more glorious than all the others. In these
*Pure Land*, the inhabitans should be released from the suffering of
disease, birth and death.

When attaining Buddhahood he fullfilled his oath; he became Amida Buddha,
the Buddha of the infinite, boundless Light (O-mi-t'o in China), and created
the Pure Lands Paradise in the WEST. And everyone who invoke his name in the
hour of death should be reborn in his Pure Land.

Amida, O-mi-t'o or Amitabha is one of the 5 Dhyani-Buddhas. Even down to
these minute details, the ancient mystics grasped the evolution. The colours
of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas corresponds to the 5 colours seen after death,
refered to in the Tibetan Book of Death. And the colour of Amida is RED.

So, the evolution goes from 1 to 5 - even in our individual life. In Africa
lies a point on Earth from which we are influenced during infancy. It lies
in what's now Etiopia, and from there, the energies beam out to all children
around the world. In South-East Asia and on the Mongolian steps / the
semmitic stage, we find the point on Earth corresponding to PUBERTY and
YOUTH; in Europe, the point of adulthood and in America the fullfillment of

The 1st process influence our glands, the 2nd our nervous system through the
breath - especially SOLAR PLEXUS (and Yes, <..>, I have had trouble with the
digestion system myself!), the 3rd in our nervous system through the BLOOD
(Mongolia), and the BLOOD-LINE (Jews); therefore Jahve was
in his right when saying "I am the God of Abraham, Isac and Jacob", in
Europe throught the 5 senses and the Spine (our *empiric*, materialistic
science) and in America through the glands and the bones.

If we look back to the times of Atlantis, at that spesific point of time
when the human races not yet had been separated into distinguished parts,
and before the worships of the different Elohim at different temples began,
they didn't look at the entitities on the higher realms as hierarchies. They
didn't see seven or five parts, but something working together. Instead,
they talked about "THE Great Spirit" up where in Heaven.

In Norse mythology, they talked about "Niflheimen" (The Home of the Fog) as
existing in the beginning. It was a remniscent of the Atlantean
clairvoyance. There was a time on Atlantis when the clairvoyant view of the
*gods* were foggy, when even the way they saw the physical world were foggy,

And the Indians in North Amerika withheld these image of "THE Great
Spirit" up there in Heaven. They haven't participated in the 7-fold
evolution. Even in ancient India, however, we find remniscents of these,
since they called Purusha and Prakriti PRINSCIPLES instead of beeings. That
is, beeings corresponding to the Christian *abnormal archangels* and
*abnormal archais*, whose work on the human constitution happened in a foggy
consciousness, before they were aware of it.

The middle way is to neither escape into a Blissfull state, leaving the
duties here befind; after all, Lucifer is designated by some mystics as the
*brother of Jesus*. By these, they mean that he live in the spiritual realm
WITHOUT THE WOUNDS. To leave into the light body would be to deny the reason
of beeing born. The other extreme is the present, materialistic *tic-tac

By materialism, I do not only mean matter. The most material of all is the
human thoughts. Every kind of energy moving in a certain patterns, becomes
matter. But the human resistance - the mental belief systems of PINK
ELEPHANTS are MORE compact, MORE hard, than any stone. And when *systems* of
every kind becomes more important than Love and the humans within the
systems, then we are entrapped by *Ahriman* or the *Fenris wolf*. Even
though Goethe in his *Faust* didn't distinguish between Lucifer and Vulkan,
he wrote the folloing words about Mefistofeles: *I see in your nature no
Spirit at all. Everything is restraints!*.

I think the tribes in North America and Mexico walked the middle way
perfectly well, because, when they took strong drugs, it was only to break
up the resistance and restraints in our belief systems. Systems! It is the
idea in totalitarian states to enslave people in systems, rather than the
living. But on the inner plane, we are enslaved by more sublim systems which
is NOT the reality, but very PINK.

>p.s. does Ragnarok mean "destiny"?

Ragnarok means "the end of the world", "the catastrophe which destroys
Earth" or "the Latter Days of Earth". During these time period, the mystic
and future God VIDAR should *kill the wolf* - eliminate the PINK veil of
illusion and lies.

And Vidar is the coming etheric Christ, not the physical Christ who walked
around in Palestina. This is the New clairvoyance, which more and more will
embrace Earth. A truly comforter he will become; since we
deal with the only light body which can be on thousands, millions places
simultaniously. Whenever *two or more* asks for help - *Vidar*, the etheric
Christ, will be there as a guide.

PS: It's important to stress that one have to be a *homeless beeing*. A
beeing not *prefering* one race or time period over another. One must truly
live up to the words of Jesus: *The Foxes have their caves, and the birds of
Heaven have theirs nests, but The Son of Humans doesn't have anything to
rest his head on* ! It's necessary for coordination.

Take care!

Blessings from Norway


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