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To: K-list
Recieved: 2000/01/19 11:23
Subject: Re: [K-list] photo on files page
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent

On 2000/01/19 11:23, Mystress Angelique Serpent posted thus to the K-list:

From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>

 Hi Wim:
Usually Freda handles the "faces" updates, but she seems to be
busy.... Send them to me and I'll take care of it.. I have to update the
subscription page on the site, anyhow.. or alternately, we could have a
change of plan and use onelist's shared files to hold the gallery. Then
folks could upload the pix themselves. Opinions?

At 06:25 PM 1/18/00 -0800, Wim Borsboom wrote:

>How are you doing?

   Thanks for asking.. :) It depends on the day and the moment...
today is good so far but I think it's the calm before the storm. I
explained it to my slaves thusly, on Monday, warning them to keep a safe
distance till it's over. So far, only one of them has fled.. she'll be back.

>> I seem to be going thru a rebirth that I have only recently been able
>>understand, myself, well enough to conceptualize. I have not had a month
>>this dificult since the August before the Persephone ritual. It's only my
>>deep surrender and faith that Goddess doesn't want an insane priestess,
>>that has kept my head relatively together.. as it is, I spent all day
>>yesterday in tears.. for no reason or any reason.
>> The Mansion dream, when I was 9 was triggered by learning about the
>>layers of the Earth, in school. They said nobody knows what is at the
>>center of the Earth.. I knew. There is light in the center.. I'd known it
>>since the plantpot event age 2... but I was also heartbroken desolate coz I
>>knew I'd never reach it, by digging.
>> The dream was a message of hope: that I would not only find it.. I would
>>*become* it, manifest. That's the process I'm going thru, now.. the best I
>>can describe it, is the slave to Goddess is turning inside out and giving
>>birth to Goddess.. I demonstrated it today for druid, with a canvas
>>shopping bag held upside down. Imagine if my head sunk into my shoulders
>>disappeared and popped out my yoni and I turned inside out. Yes, it has
>>been as painful as that sounds. It's not over yet, either.
>> I'm cranky and hormonal and delicate as a pregnant woman.. I even had
>>"morning sickness" barfing Kriyas for a few days. Pregnant women aren't
>>supposed to smoke.. arg. Right now I have a smoke in my mouth, for habit
>>but my tongue is blocking the end so I don't inhale. When I inhale it
>>tastes like solvent. bleck. Thankyou Goddess.
>> Anyhow, that's what's up. I've been afraid of quitting smoking lest I
>>mad and kill all my slaves, and believe me, you are all better off staying
>>out of my line of fire, just now. That is how you can support me best. If
>>you get hit by shrapnel as I go to pieces it will take me energy to put you
>>back together that I cannot afford.
>> Blessings..

  My slaves are staying out of harm's way and my Priestesses are
supporting me as midwives...
   In other news, I've had 2 very kewl conversations with my Mom the last 2
days.. Monday night I gently told her about how her wanting me to be a boy
affected me, and she said it was never serious but I know better. :)
  Last night she called again to tell me she'd started getting dizzy while
we were on the phone Mon. and described several hours of heat and sweating
and grail pounding etc.. afterwards. Classic K. cleansing symptoms that she
didn't understand, and so she worried she was having a heart attack.. I am
accustomed to my heatbeat shaking my whole body when I am doing healing but
she was not, of course, and she is 1000 miles away in Calgary.
  And she called last night to tell me about this, and how now she feels SO
much better!! Gall bladder pain is gone, etc.. I told her the symptoms had
been from me and one of my Priestesses healing her with the fire of Holy
Spirit, so she wouldn't worry if she felt them again.
   Actually, while she was having a K-flare, I was having a "nesting fit".
 I'd been inspired to spend hours zealously scrubbing my kitchen and doing
laundry. My spontaneous activity reminded me of stories I've read of how
pregnant women often get this huge urge to clean house shortly before they
are due to give birth. Whether I was clearing my Mother's body while
cleaning house, I'm not sure.

   After that we got into a wonderful conversation about God and church and
why I am a heretic, I explained the plantpot incident and how because of it
I'd never told her anything else about my spiritual experiences while I was
growing up.
  It was a very cool conversation I wish we could have had 30 years ago,
but of course it was not possible, then.
 Well, it's harder to not-smoke at my computer, so I'll go back to
nesting and resting.

 Mystress Angelique Serpent, http://www.domin8rex.com
  Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
8) :D ;) :0 :) ;P ;) :D |* ;) 8D :)
 <<<< I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery
 <<<< than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.
 <<<< -- Harry Emerson Fosdick


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