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To: K-list
Recieved: 2000/01/15 00:04
Subject: RE: [K-list] Crucifixion-Resurrection Initiation
From: Magne Aga

On 2000/01/15 00:04, Magne Aga posted thus to the K-list:


Dear Jenell. In your posting on Jan 14th, you mentioned *polarity shifts*.
First of all, let me announce a *catastrophe*: The paper I once wrote,
several years ago, and recited parts of in my previous posting, is lost!
Only fragments remains on my computer. It was entitled *Reflections about
the Holy Grail* - and became reading stuff within several secret societies.

Today, only remniscents, fragments remains - some in Norwegian, some in
english - and I've actually spend some time with reconstruction attempts.
*Reconstruting fragments* ! A nice analogy to the work done in the time
period succeeding an Initiation !

Anyway, two poles: Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine.... You recited the
following part of my posting:

>> . The main result of these process, is
>> the *horisontal bar*, a certain connection between the pineal gland
>> and the pituitary gland, which didn't exist before these process. The
>> two chakras in the heads establishes a new Ying-Yang polarity, the
>> masculine and feminine aspects of the primordial force, *Father and
>> Mother*.

The pituitary gland, in conjunction with Manas Chakra (Thalamus) - one of
the secondary, esoteric Chakras in the head - is an OBSERVER. Everything you
do, say, think, feel is observed. You live in happiness and Joy, and these
Chakra observes and smiles.... You experience misery and pain, and the same
Chakra observes - and smiles. The All-Seeing Eye receives impressions. It's
the feminine, receiving part. "I've been watching you", as Sting sings in
the song. But there's one thing it doesn't: It doesn't initiate action! It
performs no actions!

The pituitary and the pineal glands are the passive-active, the
receiving-giving, the feminine-masculine poles in these *waterline* crossing
the head with the Kundalini force. The waterline and the Lotus is an ancient
Eastern symbol of the process. The lotus have it's roots in the mud (root
chakra); it's stilk grows upwards through the water (astral planes); and the
Lotus flower, swimming on the waterline, opening up for the Sun - is the 7th
chakra with 1000 blades. What a coincidence it is, that I at the present
time translates the *Saddharmapundarika Sutra*, the *White Lotus Sutra* into

I have to recite parts of my previous posting in '98, in order to explain
the necessity of the connection between these two poles in the head:

> But in order to succeed in these UNITY, our old fragmented ego must die,
beeing absorbed by a higher unity. The Choice is given, whether to destroy
the Ego, and give up ones Life, extending it to Universal Life, or whether
he making protection mechanisms around the Ego and abide therein.
> In order to achieve UNITY, in order to CROSS THE ABYSS, one must
emancipate from thought by putting each idea against its opposite, and
refuse to prefer either. Through Jnana Yoga - the meditation technique
called “Antar Mouna” (Inner Silence), we self-destruct our limitations.
> We must then decide upon the ciritical adventure, the absolute abandonment
of our glory and personal achievements. We cannot remain indefinetly upon
the Pillars of Mercy, because these pillars (Ida and Pingala) have become
unstable, imbalanced. We are beeing pushed onwards by the irresistable
momentum that have been generated. The old Ego cannot guide us, it is beeing
DIVIDED INTO THREE PERSONALITIES, and we must choose between the TRINITY of
the White way, or a split personality case as seen in *the three faces of
> Should he fail, through cowardice, in making these self-anihilation
complete, he is nevertheless pushed into the ABYSS. But instead of beeing
reborn from the tomb on the other side, in order to be one Self as one never
have been before, he DIVES into the ABYSS, hiding the elements around the
Ego as if isolated from the Universe, and becomes a *dark brother*, a *black
> Such a beeing gradually disintegrates from lack of nurture, and the slow
but increasing lack of interest for the rest of the Universe, despite his
now so desperate attempts to isolate and protect himself, and aggregandize
himself through predatory practice.
>It is only FEAR which prevents us from CROSSING the ABYSS (white magic) or
DIVING into the Abyss (black magic). If our fear becomes too big, we are
gradually sinking into the sewage system of the three, becoming a part of
it's refusal.

Our conscious mind is like a torch. It enlightens a very small area, and the
surrounding environment is darkness. In order to understand esoteric stuff,
we must move the torch, move the assemblage point of consciousness. All we
do - and all we have to do, when performing magic, is moving the assemblage
point of consciousness.

Beneath the everyday awake state, there are three different states of
consciousness, defined in present science by the EEG-brainwaves: Dream-sleep
(Alpha), Dreamless sleep (Theta) and a deeper state, Delta, beneath these
plane. In the awake state, our brain emanates Beta-waves.

These planes corresponds to the consciousness of the natural kingdoms:
(a) Mineral kingdom - Delta
(b) Vegetable kingdom - Theta
(c) Animals - Alpha
(d) Humans - Beta

The minerals have a physical body, but no etheric life-force body or astral
body. Vegetables do have the life-force (prana) body, but no astral body.
The live in dreamless sleep!

During meditation, the brain emanates Beta and Alpha waves simoultan-iously.
Further, the amounts of these brainwaves are twice the strength than during
ordinary dreaming and the awake state. Therefore, the Maharishi movement
talks about *resting clarity* during TM as *the fourth state of
consciousness* (actually the FIFTH), *turiya*, mentioned in the vedic books.

It's well-known how the Shamans of ancient cultures developed the *art of
dreaming* - beeing conscious during dreaming. But the consciousness can
awake on even deeper levels. The Initiation process, such as I experience
it, is the growing ability to be awake on all the three planes beneath our
ordinary human consciousness.

When we CROSS the ABYSS, we gain the ability to become conscious even at the
level of the minerals. The assemblage point of consciousness moves between
three sub-conscious levels. But without UNITY, without these *waterline* in
the head, a catastrophe will occur. During fatal LSD-trips, for example,
where people becomes *enduring hanged up there*, and never returns to
ordinary consciousness, it is actually the assemblage point of consciousness
which becomes ENTRAPPED in another dimension.

Without the UNITY between the pineal and the pituarity glands, the
connection between the assemblage points on the three levels (Delta, Theta,
Alpha) would be broken, and a split-personality case, *the three faces of
Eve*, would emerge. It's only Spirit, the ungraspable I AM, which can keep
these fragments together.

Without the equally proportioned polarity between the feminine and the
masculine Chakra in the head, *Father* and *Mother*, the *child*, the *Son
of God* entering downwards through the throath Chakra, would be DEAD BORN.
While Kundalini moves towards UNITY, the Pearl of Compassion moves towards
DIVERSITY when it - and our ego - becomes splintered into Ten thousand
Pieces during crucifixion, but it's only Ajna and Sahashrara in cooperation
which can ressurect the new-born child of the High Self.

During the crucifixion of Jesus, all of the 12 disciples (7 primary + 5
secondary Chakras) were SLEEPING. Only John, Love, the Heart Chakra, was
active. Similary, during the downwards movement of the Pearl, all chakras
becomes passive - except anahata, the hearth chakra.

As I wrote in these lost paper:

>Just as the mystics in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome cleansed their
astral bodies for years, before *mirroring* it into the etheric life-force
body - which was removed temporarily from the physical body just as during
*death* - such was it during my first Initiation (Birth), these ritual
Invocation of the Fire in the middle of the night, that my Breath and Heart
suddendly stopped.
>The First Fire (Kundalini) moved from the root chakra to the hearth, were
it had a rest in a *chamber*, mentioned as *hridaya akasham* in the Tantra
tradition. When Kundalini reached the Heart, the second Fire appeared.
>The second Fire is called Jivatman (Spirit of Life), and it's meditative
symbol is an *unmoveable, dark-blue flame from a lamp of oil*. The
unmoveable flame symbolize that I AM THAT I AM cannot be disturbed by outer
noise, nor our own lower personality. The anchored, inner Silence, can not
be disturbed by any noise.
>Kundalini continued it's journey. It reached the 96-bladed lotus in the
wrongly called *the 2-bladed lotus* in traditional Yoga.
>In the head the third Fire appeared, and an energy correspondence between
Jivatman and my Holy Guardian Angel was established. The energy began to
circulate between the head and the heart chakras.
>The third eye Chakra is a center of a cosmic mirror game. Our Holy Guardian
Angel is a phase-shifting reflection, a mirror of ourselves as we comes from
the physical world. We think about ourselves in terms of Past and Future,
instead of the Eternal NOW, and these fragments, these reflections,
congregates into a sort of meta-reality.
>Three kinds of Fire meets in the head. The first fire, Kundalini, gives a
magical vision of a smouldering glow in the body. This is the light from the
physical atoms in the body. The second fire from the heart seems like
*electrical sparks* from the pranic life-force body. The third Fire emanates
from our Holy Guardian Angel.
>Under this scenario, the three forms of fire are testing our lower
personality to a degree unknown for unitiates. They offer power over other
persons life. They offer an envoying reputation. They are telling you that
you shall not forgive your "enemies". The One way suddenly gets divided. On
the one hand, you are given the opportunity to continue your lower
personality life on a tempting, "light" way. On the other hand, you can
choose the I Am Self way to the other side, passing the dark Void.
>In the middle of the Sun in the head, our socially made "Ego" then gets
whirvled into a dark centre, an irresistible, horrifying Void (KALI) which
in Her insatiability consumes everything which comes within Her reach.
>The Dark Void is the Gate of Initiation. *The Light Shines on the Way* (the
secret doctrine)
>The consciousness suddendly awakes in a spiritual world, and identifies
itself with Life instead of form. The consciousness breaks through it's
limits to the divine and mighty I AM THAT I AM, which is neither form,
breath, thoughts or feelings, but a wonderful PEACE transcending the
language. The expansion is so intense that one discover that one never
before has known oneself. Everything which was considered as consciousness
before, is subconscious compared to the presence of I AM.
>When Moses, AFTER CLIMBING TO THE TOP OF SINAI (Kundalini's way upwards),
was asked about the name of God, he received the answer "ahijer (21) asher
(501) ahijeh", I AM THAT I AM. The summary of "ahijeh asher ahijeh" is 543,
and - since Moses is 345 - refers to the mirror in the third eye. The
summary of these numbers is 888, the value of Jesus.

In my last posting i wrote:

>> In the black magic, “left-hand” rituals of Tantra, on the other hand,
they renounce every tabus, breaks every laws of compulsion. They DRINK from
the Grail. They are no more total givers of themselves, but mean hucksters.
They exchange gold for dross. They sell their higher powers for gross and
temporary benefit. Through the conscious practice of breaking every tabu,
through BLASPHEMY, they seek Gnosis or Liberation.
>> The black magic Tantric Cults of the Vama Marg used the pig as a
blasphemic symbol because it eats human excrements. It explains why the
tantric Pra-Yoga left-hand magicians tried to prevent Buddha´s awakening
through magic power, by ridiculing his Divinity through pig-meat. There lies
a deep, deep mystery hidden in these symbolism, which not even Blavatsky
dared to reveal.

These deep mystery, which Blavatsky didn't DARE to reveal, concerns the
black magic adepts, and I can recite from my paper in order to put it in
connection with what I wrote above. But first of all, let's look at some
statements in the Quabbalah:

>From the Jewish "Sepher Jezirah", I quote:

"In the 32 most occult and wonderful paths of wisdom, did JHVH, the Lord of
Hosts, Tzabaoth, Elohi of Israel, Alhim of Life, The El of Mercy and
Compassion, engrave his name . . . He created this universe by the three
Sepharim, Number, Writing, and Speech."

B-S'ph-er V-S'ph-r V-S'ph-r
 (346) + (340) + (340) = 1026

"10 are the numbers, as are the Sephiroth, and 22 the letters; these are
the Foundation of all things. Of these letters, 3 are mothers, 7 are
double, and 12 are simple."

"The 10 numbers formed from NO-THING (AIN), are the Decad; these are seen
in the fingers of the hands, 5 on one, 5 on the other, and over them is the
Covenant by voice spiritual, and the rite of Circumcision, corporeal (as of

"10 are the numbers of the ineffable Sephiroth, 10 and not 9, 10 and not
11. Learn this wisdom, and be wise in the understanding of it; investigate
these numbers, and draw knowledge from them. ...."

The Three of Life (The Spine) is buildt around 10 Sephirots and 22 Paths
(The 7 Chakras and their interconnections). One would assume the existence
of an 11. Sephira in the Three. These place is dedicated the Sphere of
DAATH, or Knowledge, which is the Child of Chokmah (2) and Binah (3). As it
is written: "Draw Knowledge from them".

But it is not shown in the Three, because it's a Knowledge from a Higher
Dimension which grows VERTICALLY from the Three of Life.

Not only is the Three of Life a TRULY LIVING THREE from which another Three
grows (The Three of Knowledge forming the 33th); the two directions forms a

If DAATH should be drawn in the Three, it would need extra "Paths" leading
to it. But it is said that the Ways of Wisdom are 32, that is 10 Emanations
("10 and not 9", "10 and not 11") and their 22 interconnections. Therefore
we find an "Abyss," and no direct link between Binah (3) and Chesed (4).
Binah and Chesed is the two Chakras in the head, and the interconnection
between them corresponds with the CROSSING OF THE ABYSS.

>"The Knowledge" (Da'ath) is the magical order BEHIND the Three in the story
about Man's *fall from grace*. While the frontside respresents the present
and future powers of the magician, the backside express pre-human and
atavistic influences. When crossing the Abyss, we automatically Invoke *The
Guardian of the Threshold*, called Chozzar. Chozzar (Neptun) means *pig*,
and was the Shadowy God, worshipped by the black-magician left-hand adepts
on Atlantis and symbolized by the fork of Neptun, the fork of the Abyss. The
chaldeic letter *Shin*, with it's THREE TONGUES OF FIRE, likewise means Set

Blavatsky states:

"The Garden of Eden as a locality is no myth at all; it belongs to those
landmarks of history which occasionally disclose to the student that the
Bible is not all mere allegory. Eden, or the hebraic GAN_EDEN, meaning the
park or garden of Eden, is an archaic name of the country watered by
Euphrates an its many branches, from Asia and Armenia to the Erythian Sea.
In the Chaldean Book of Numbers, its location is designated in numerals, and
in the chiper manuscript, left by Count St.Germain, it is fully
described.... Instead of becoming a neophyte, and gradually obtaining
esoteric knowledge through a regular initiation, an ADAM, or man, using his
intuitional faculties, and, prompted by the Serpent - Woman and matter -
tastes of the Three of Knowledge - the esoteric or secret doctrine -

(Isis Unveiled, I, p.575)

In a 1996, my twin soul dreamed that She visited me where I then lived. When
touching my left hand, she saw that it had grown demonic. These was
previous to my experience of astral attacks.

On June 20th, 1997, She received the following channeling in Theta, after
having some glimpses of The Ultimate Extreme Ligth:

"Have You seen The Face of Buddha or The Kauric Dimension ?"

Then She saw a graphical figure, burning.

Then She saw my left hand cut off, laying on the floor with a green ligth

These sign is called KES in old norse; its a rune which burns. Kes is the
symbol of our Guiding INNER LIGTH, The Beacon of Ligth (as is Da'ath) for
the Seeker. In the old norse mythology about Kes, it's said that a God had
to cut off his left hand in order to save the World. These is an extreme
syncronism, since the 3'rd person involved studied runes at these time.

Likewise, in the old Norwegian version of the Three of Life, another Three
grows out from it. It is also peculiar to observe that His Path of
Initiation is called "Yar-Gi-Sang-Thal-Chen-Po" - The Great Straigthforward
UPWARDS (VERTICAL) Way (Towards The Clear, Original Ligth seen after Death),
the oral base of The Tibetan Book of Death, characterized as very dangerous,
as it has only two possible outcomes: SUDDEN LIBERATION or ETERNAL

Sudden liberation, without any spesific methods, is implied in the concept
of the "effort-less" and "natural" liberated sage. It is the concept that
perfect awakening is something connecting to our everyday life, that the
highest initiation is to realize our Buddha-nature, our Christ-Self without
eliminating the "dirt" at the first stage.

The direct awakening is a result of an abrubtly conversion in the depths of
the counsciousness, so all dualism is thrown away. Our consciousness is
compared to the MIRROR of imagination which consequently reflects all forms
and images in front of it.

In Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine", she mentiones "the 8th Sphere" with a few
words, stating that it could not be discussed officially. The socalled "8th
sphere" becomes clear, when looking at the 4 states of consciousness
mentioned in the beginning of these posting. When we begin to be conscious
at the subconscious level - we can count SEVEN states of consciousness.

Those who do not succeed in the Direct Way Upwards, ends up in a "Sphere"
beyond these seven - the sphere of damnation.

So, we have two explanations of the Chakra system in the Quabbalah and in
the Far East, where they use 7 and 10 "spheres", respectivly, and where the
"8th sphere", like Da'ath (the 11th) is the FORBIDDEN.

Which - again gives meaning to one of the verses in the Revelation:

> 3 So he carried me away in the spirit
> into the wilderness:
> and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast,
> full of the names of BLASPHEMY,
> having SEVEN heads and TEN horns.

Here I have to leave off, a substansial cosmology undiscovered and


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