To: K-list
Recieved: 1999/12/11 13:10
Subject: [K-list] Worldly power
From: winter mute
On 1999/12/11 13:10, winter mute posted thus to the K-list:
On Fri, 10 Dec 1999 15:34:27 MHortling wrote:
>I've often wondered about this, some spiritual teachers claim that all traits
>such as charisma, verbal skills, imagination, genius, whatever, are always
>due to kundalini (although genetics and upbringing might have something to do
>with it also...). This makes theoretical sense if one considers kundalini to
>be the primal energy that creates eeverything.
Yes, I have heard the same thing. :)
Many accomplished yogis have had tremendous
charisma and, let's call it, spiritual power.
But like you say, if Kundalini is the primal
energy, then Kundalini exists in everything.
>On the other hand powerful
>people in the worldly sense, even when equipped with exceptional
>characteristics rarely show the spiritual drive and orientation that seem to
>come upon the "normal" person awakening shakti.
Wow, Michael, a lot of thoughts come tumbling in
at this. :)
I have to see if I can sort them out a little.
I have considered this:
Ppl who have a great drive
in achieving political or financial power,
e.g. very charismatic and visionary politicians
seem to be having this drive because of
an intense want of something.
It's as if something is lacking in their life
and they must do certain things in the hope
of filling this lack.
I find the same lack and want in artists,
scientists and other ppl who are driven to
excel in their chosen area.
It's as if something is driving them instead
of them driving the activities.
In artists, the drive seems to have a larger
control over the individual than in the case of
the politician or the businessman, but who
knows what's behind the scenes.
To some extent, this drive can be found in
all ppl, not only in exceptional professionals.
>Anyway, this person literally
>oozed power - and it wasn't the money that did it.
:) I really know what you mean.
>So, definitely lots of shakti - but would this
>be just inborn and aquired karmic power or what ?
:)) I really don't know.
>I know that in the end it's all just Ma's play, but still I find it's an
>interesting question - Or, look at Bill Clinton, he seems to have charisma
>and he also exudes something of an aura ( even if in his case a lot of the
>shakti gets used in extracurricular activities
LOL ! Sex drive is shakti too.
As is getting off on power.
>...) - maybe you guys in the
>States have a kundalini-active president ? >Maybe he's the Messiah ?
Heh heh heh...
Well, I think Mr. Blair has something
of a charisma too. :)
My rather off hand conclusion about this is
that Kundalini lives in everyone to one
extent or another. It really is the life force,
with all that that entails.
In some ppl the energy just becomes more overt
and clear for the conscious mind in the form
of prana Kundalini and these are the
K active ppl.
But in many more, the energy may be bobbing just
beyond the surface and find expression as
charisma, personal power of expression or
drive, sort of waiting to surface and
working its power behind the scenes.
I can't tell you how much fired up this
discussion makes me, I seem to see the
force and play of Shakti in everything.
Of course, the rousing tehcno music
they're playing in the background here may be
one reason. ;))
But again, back to my theory of the sub
active Kundalini.
I really do think charismatic ppl have a
touch of it.
To me the energy represents emotions
in motion as Magne likes to put it and
ppl who do have a lot of emotions and know
how to move them, are what we know as
I must tell you, I have seen
footage of that most detested politician
in the world, Adolf Hitler, and the way he
worked the crowds in the part rallies.
The amount of collected energy that is in
there has really been food for thought for me.
But I have also seen footage of baby animals,
chicken when they come out of the egg.
The instincts that drive them to
fight their way out the shell is the same
So yes, maybe the gurus are right,
genius, creativity, charisma, power
imagination, daring etc is directly
caused by Kundalini.
Also, the chakras encompass all
facets of human existence and emotional
spectrum, from the most base
survival instincts to the most spiritual
longing and unification with god.
Whew, this force, eh ? ;)
Best regards,
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