To: K-list
Recieved: 1999/12/02 01:31
Subject: [K-list] Material World
From: v
On 1999/12/02 01:31, v posted thus to the K-list:
Hello All You Grouchy Food Fighters,
I have been pondering these food issues & seems to me we need to
"celebrate diversity" on here, as a baseline.
The reason the holy people in India are vegetarians is because the
cow is sacred, is it not?
And while only eating living food, such as sprouts & garden
vegetables & pranayama is alright for those whose paths have led them
there, & can cope with such meager fares, they are no better or worse,
or more or less enlightened than people whose circumstances have them
eating animal flesh & processed foods.
Because, while we may live inside one, WE ARE NOT OUR BODY.
The essence of our spirits is of it's own making, & our higher selves
which can impose Itself upon the physical, whether vegetarian or
And unless we exist beyond the trappings of social & mortal
existence, we all live in a material world of density, & the grounding
effects of heavier foods enables us to get by & relate to others in our
existance & relative levels.
The law of the land is 'survival of the fittest'. Being at the top of
the food chain, it is neither a sin, nor murder to kill other animals
for food, if that is what we do to eat. It is all the circle of life, &
just as a mountain lion preys upon a rabbit is not murder, nor an eagle
who catches the salmon for it's food is not murder, neither is man as a
predator, hunting for food, evil nor a murderer.
I would like to direct attention to the more indigenous peoples as an
example. Today's world, we still see native Africans & Aborigines
hunting meat with their spears & crude weapons.
That is how (wo)mankind has managed to survive for untold eons.
Because today there is such a glut of commercialized foods, & we can
buy our meat neatly packed from the grocers; this does not mean it is
murder. It is not evil, nor is it wrong.
Living as a vegetarian is a relatively new option, & - as such - is a
luxury. It takes time, effort, & great resourcefulness to live as a
vegetarian. For the majority of us, taking the time to eat well is not
an easy option. We just have to move too fast & take what's in our path
for our nourishment, unlike the fruits & nuts.
Another example: you won't find too many starving or homeless people
turning their nose up because the soup is made from beef broth. That
would just be ridiculous.
So, in conclusion, if you feel so gifted that you choose to vegitate
as a vegetarian, that's just lucky for you. It won't get you through too
many of these impending "natural disasters", being so picky &
persnickity about your diets.
But, like they say, "survival of the fittest".
I wonder if the vegetarians taste better than the carnivores?
*lolol* :-)))
my 2 cents,
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