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To: K-list
Recieved: 1999/05/08 04:56
Subject: Re: [K-list] Seeking input from other seekers on aggressive beh
From: molecularbreeze

On 1999/05/08 04:56, molecularbreeze posted thus to the K-list:


>-----Original Message-----
>From: molecularbreeze <molecularbreezeATnospamsprynet.com>
>To: Charles Vermont <FunchoiceATnospambtinternet.com>; kundalini list <kundaliniATnospamList-Server.net>
>Date: Friday, May 07, 1999 10:25 PM
>Subject: Re: [K-list] Seeking input from other seekers on aggressive behaviour
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Charles Vermont <FunchoiceATnospambtinternet.com>
>>To: kundalini list <kundaliniATnospamList-Server.net>
>>Date: Thursday, May 06, 1999 3:53 PM
>>Subject: [K-list] Seeking input from other seekers on aggressive behaviour
>>Charles Vermont:
>> If you are fair and reasonable in response to his anger then I suspect he will tire of you because you no longer give him the reaction he craves.
>>Being fair and reasonable with him despite his verbal attacks, is letting him use me for a doormat. As long as I continued to leave myself open as his scapegoat for venting his frustration and anger, he had continued to use me for that purpose and I believe that is the only 'connection' he entertains with me and that he has LOST. True, he may not have been able to establish this time of control relationship with his new wife. Maybe he doesn't give her what he needs, which is the power, he wants be in conrol. Well, he's not getting my power (submission) anymore.


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