1998/09/01 00:02
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #619
kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 619
Today's Topics: Re: Energy Fluctuations [ "Kat" ]
Re: warning: negative vibes [ raptor ] Re: Belief [ "Evelyn Niedbalec" ]
unsubscribe [ "fuzzy" ] Re: Energy Fluctuations [ "Paul" ]
Re: Is this part of the K experience [ v ] Re: Belief [ "Evelyn Niedbalec" ]
Re: is this part of the K experience [ Mystress Angelique Serpent To: , "kundalini-1"
Subject: Re: Energy Fluctuations Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Hi Nancy!
>I don't know if anyone else has had this experience, but here's what it >feels like. I am picking up knowledge that I really haven't earned the
>right to know.
Nancy! We never get knowledge that we have not earned. If you have gained knowledge you have earned it.
I "get" things without having worked to get them.
Perhaps not in this life time but you have earned them. Perhaps from a past
life time.
Good >example. I haven't ever worked on web database scripts. I decided that I
>could do it, and after a little purusing some other examples, I did. It's >like I'm accessing a more powerful brain than my own or perhaps I'm able to
>tap into other people's knowledge.
Your just smarter then you are giving yourself credit for! You wanted to learn......therefore you did. You earned it , you put the work into it.
> >The other wonderful development is that the stuff I do know, comes to me
>quickly. I had to develop a plan in 15 minutes this morning. Usually, I >would set aside a couple of hours. It was done, no problem. My writing is
>also flowing. I come up with an idea and the organization seems so obvious >and the words just flow. Very cool.
> >Has anyone else had this experience?
Yes but not in writing, but in the arts. I am an artist. I am amazed at
how on some days I can paint a picture in just a day and other paintings can take me weeks. The funny thing is the paintings that have not taken me long
are my best ones. Inspired you might say. I am an artist that goes with the theory that it is not me that paints. It is the spirit within me that
inspires me to. Been kinda quiet for a long time that way! This is one of the other reasons I am going into lurking mold. I have let my art work go
to much and it is time to put the brushs back to work.
In L&L & Understanding,
Katharine Date: Mon, 01 Sep 1997 05:52:37 +0200
From: raptor To: fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com (freda ann)
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com Subject: Re: warning: negative vibes
At 06:50 PM 8/31/98 -0700, freda ann wrote:
>Here I go.. :>> >>Anyway, since this is my first post here in public, perhaps it'd be good
>if I introduced myself.. however, I don't feel like writing long >introductory letters about me, so I'll keep it VERY short. ;)
> >lovely intro.....
>lets see.... keeping it short about yourself... long on the *faults* of >others however....????
Well, actually it wasn't meant to be like this. :) I can do a fucking
essay about myself if you'd like me to, ya know, but I don't like to talk about me too much. I work on my faults in silence, and not giving them out
for all to see. :)
I am not long on anybodies' faults. I just state my opinions.
>from Croatia, and I'm Danijel's student. >I've been lurking this list for what.. a year and a half now, I'd say,
>and >been doing yoga a year now, and serious work for what.. it'll be six
>monhts >now, using Danijel's technique. The results? Ask me if you are
>interested. >;)) :>>
> >I'd be a damn sight more interested in your telling about YOUR
>experiences and results as opposed to your Assesment of someone elses....
Ask me a concrete question and I will answer. I am not one of those people who like to write essays about themselves, I don't find any thrill in it. :)
> >Oh yes, I'm seventeen. ;))) :>> Now suprise me and talk to me like you
>would to a child. :)) :>>> ;> >
>seventeen, seventy whatever,,,,, for someone who doesnt think age makes a >difference.... why even bring it up???
:))) you like to insult, don't you? :))
>daniel writes: >>What a fantastic creation we have here...
>>The most interesting thing is, it has nothing to do with the reality. > You echo:>Yes, we do, don't we? :(
> >is this the *norm* in daniels teaching?
What? Total agreement? Well, when somebody is right, I must agree with
them, whether I like it or not.
>did you graduate to daniels level... that of being in judgement for >*others* realities?
I am very far off Danijel's level.
> >Very true. Ann, I am sorry, as I told you, all this time I've always
>been >nice to you,
> >sweet of you to be nice..... what has changed? that now you publicly
>attack her.... oh yes.... her reality is not as YOU want it.....
:) I don't care about anybody's reality. I state things as I see them. You are the one with the problem, as you started attacking me from my first
post, and let's not talk about the very unpolite private mail. ;) Think about yourself a bit more, freda ann.
And that I am publicly attacking Ann, well, no, I am not, if I was
attacking Ann it would look A LOT different, I don't feel angry at Ann, I don't have a thing against her, I like Ann very much, you know. No, you
don't. :) Nevermind. >:)
>>I liked >(hmmm past tense)
>>and loved you >(hmmmm again)
>>and still do very much,
:)))))) humourous
>(I am ass-uming that this "love" you all are offering HER isnt the SAME >crappy love as the K-fire love that you are so down on....??? no doubt a
>much HIgher sourse of love..... where does IT come from.... please Name
>its SOURCE..... inquiring minds want to know... )
The Love that I give to all comes from One. As does every other love. Well, almost. ;))
>>and I will continue to do so no matter what happens -
>>and the same goes, I'd bet my head on it, for Danijel. >
>whooohooo.... thats a mighty big wager .... you sure you want to do that?
Yes. Very sure.
>and at such a tender young age..... what ya gonna do if daniel falls off
>that pedestal you have placed him on?
Pedestal? :)))
>well, not to worry,,,, your *bet* aint no more important than that >twisted k-fire love you dont want nobody sendin to you..... nobody will
I am not talking about real K-fire love, I am talking about things that
most people send out when doing such things. Granted, there are people who can really send K-fire, but that's a whole new ballgame..
>chop off your head for real least wise not here on the list......wouldnt
>be so sure myself if your fellow students might not take a whack at it
>though.... you would... if daniel asked ya to wouldnt ya? chop of a >head....growl at a fellow student... whats the difference.... after all
>hes NEVER BEEN WRONG when it matters or something like that....
I didn't growl at anybody. Cut the crap, freda ann.
>seriously, why would a teacher, guru, god need to call out the calvary in >order to *defend* oneself..... or to attack another entity.... especially
>a student...
He didn't call out. He asked for a reply stating our opinions. They came, from my side at least. Now, if you don't like it, that's your problem, and
not the only one as I can see. All the posts from you to me are very negativelly charged, I feel you being angry in the background.. what is the
reason for this?
>something dont smell quite right... a falling out between teacher and >student a student is NOT a public affair....
Very good. Stop replying and the discussion will stop, won't it?
>what this is all about this is ego pure and simple..... and youve been
>sucked into it - BIG TIME
That's your POV.
>ouch..... and so have I it would seem..... >back to my corner now.... really,,,,,I will keep my big mouth shut and my
>grumbling on this matter to myself......
>except this one thing....
>> :) K-fired love.. how nice. More astral. :)) Geez. :) >Jus' don' nobody ever send me K-fired love, or prayers or something like
>that, pleezzz.. ;)) :>> >
>K-fire love is not a *curse* and if ya dont like it - or beleive in it - >then ya dont have to accept it.... especially if it dont exist.... love
>is love..... name it what ya want ... >seems about as sour as it gets when someone dont WANT love....
:)) OK, freda, yes. :))))))))))))))))))
LOL.. :)
____/(______/|____/\_______)\____________ \vr!\_ . \ . | . > _> .\_ . \ No sounds, no silence. No truth, no lies./
`~~~|_,___Y\__/|_,_ To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Belief Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain
I would still be tempted to disagree with you on a technicality. True there is a difference between belief and knowing as you state it. But
even the knowledge you get from knowing is filtered through a belief system of some sorts. Call it the Earth life belief system if you will,
but everyone has some preconcieved notions of what things mean and how things work and the "knowing" is interpreted by thoughts that are
constrained by that Earth life belief system. From the moment we pop out of the womb, our belief system is being structured and I do not
believe it is possible to shake it off completely. You might "know" exactly for a minute, but when you store that knowing in memory, you are
storing it in something strongly influenced by life experiences. For this reason, I believe even "knowing" is susceptible to error.
> >Kat, I think there is a big difference between belief and knowing.
Belief >incorporates other people's writings and ideas and experiences, but
KNOWING >comes from the depths of our being and grows from our own revelations
and >experience. The only way to know, to KNOW, is to go within.
> >Belief is a shadow; knowing is the real thing.
> >Love,
>Sharon >
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 00:35:22 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" To: "Evelyn Niedbalec" ,
Subject: Re: Belief Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Evelyn wrote: >I would still be tempted to disagree with you on a technicality. True
>there is a difference between belief and knowing as you state it. But >even the knowledge you get from knowing is filtered through a belief
>system of some sorts.
Sure, Evelyn. That's perfectly true. And further, everything we think is filtered through language.
What I was trying to say was, experience is a sort of proof that can
transcend belief. When my k started, beliefs and doubts that I had held for most of my life went out the window. Pre-k I used to be pretty skeptical.
But after k, I found that I could not reject anything completely out of hand. My k proved to me that things I had rejected as fantasy or myth
before were real. Why? Because I experienced them myself and instead of skepticism or belief these things were translated into Knowing.
Pre-K: I believed that empathic ability was not real, but only wishful thinking or a theme from a science fiction book.
Post-K: I Know that empaths are real because I became one.
Example: Pre-K: The clothing of some saints is reputed to occasionally cast an
unearthly glow. I believed this was religious superstition. Post-K: When my nightgown lit up one night and my husband and I both saw
it, it became a Known to me that not only could saints' clothes light up, but so could the clothes of very unsaintly me.
Pre-K: I believed that kundalini was a far-eastern myth. Post-K: After everything in my life changed virtually overnight, including
my physical metabolism, libido, body temperature, emotions, spirit, and on and on...I KNOW k exists.
Pre-K: I believed that OOBs were possible though I had never experienced one.
Post-K: I now KNOW that OOBs are possible 'cause I've been there, done that.
Sharon Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 21:38:48 -0700
From: "fuzzy" To:
Subject: unsubscribe Message-ID:
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_012C_01BDD527.BCC7E660"
I have enjoyed and learned
from everyone's generous sharing. I need to unsubscribe for the time being. In gratitude...
Date: 1 Sep 98 05:07:15 +0000 From: "Paul"
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: Energy Fluctuations
> I don't know if anyone else has had this experience, but here's what it > feels like. I am picking up knowledge that I really haven't earned the
> right to know. I "get" things without having worked to get them. Good > example. I haven't ever worked on web database scripts. I decided that I
> could do it, and after a little purusing some other examples, I did. It's > like I'm accessing a more powerful brain than my own or perhaps I'm able to
> tap into other people's knowledge.
Yea, kind of similar. I have always had a tendency to access an information pool that was just there, not something I had created
myself or something I had aquired but just using it from within like a tool and I always knew how to. Because I have always done that I
think also that I have a tendency to treat other people's information as part of the great pool rather than ownership crap, so quite, or at
least I used to a lot more, I will say something that is supposedly my own words but is a recycling of something I had acuired elsewhere.
Mind you, I have more of my own voice these days.
For certain, there are things that have come to/through me that cannot be claimed by my identity. I know how to ask and it is received but I
have absolutely no idea as to `why' things are the way it is said that they are, it's like an information without the need for explaination.
Just comes, right there, answers the question straight away, even before it's been asked sometimes. Actually questions are aged answers
most of the time. I know stuff that has come to me directly, no via another, and it is not `mine' as such. It doesn't have that quality
and I don't think I could own it even if I wanted to.
With very active k activity in recent days I must say this kind of thing is happening thick and fast. I was actually kind to myself
earlier today. :~)
-- Paul.
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 1 Sep 98 05:40:11 +0000 From: "Paul"
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: love and hate
I was singing earlier on today. I had a good session. I have been doing it quite a bit lately and it is quite a good meditation in a
way. It only works beautifully when there is love involved. Today I found myself able to sing upwards towards God and I got `on top of' it
and stayed there. I noticed that I have a tremendous amount of focussing of willpower manifesting in my forehead, and my eyebrows. On
seeing this, this aggression, which others have been pointing out also and I have been noticing more and more, I relaxed my brow and found
myself feeling very kind, to myself especially. My eyebrows were generaly raised whereas usually my eyes are quite focussed and
concetrative. I remained quite `light' for some while and at the end of the session found myself singing very beautifully like I have never
done before, and all I needed to do was to be kind, to have that loving expression, to hold back the focussing in my forehead and brow,
and I just sang as if I had always known how to. It just worked, and it was so very simple. I felt very happy then and got in touch with
myself. I can be very sensitive and when I am feeling child-like at the same time I feel I am very capable of genuine innocent love.
Mostly, I felt that I had opened my eyes.
Although this is very beautiful it did make me realise just how aggressive I am. Being a Taurus I am bull-headed, stubborn. I have so
much will. I have always known that I am able to exert tremendous force onto things. I was always able to kick very hard. I seem able
to unleash quite tremendous power. In a way it is a little like the emperor in star wars who stands over young luke with lightening coming
out of his fingers, striking out with a will of hatred, constant blows of evil. It is something like that. I know that I am very hard on
myself and it's strange because actually I am VERY child-like at heart. I have always been much stronger than I look and sometimes I
think I might have hurt people without really even meaning to. That's always been a problem for me, accidents seeming to happen without me
even trying. In a way I could reword this to say that I am capable of doing bad things without even trying to, so imagine what I could do if
I wanted to! It is something I have to look at, you know, because it is there and it always has been. I have always been quite disturbed
about the way that these accidents did not happen by my `choice' as such, and yet relatively speaking they were sometimes quite serious.
I am not sure why I treat myself that way all the time. Right now I am
actually feeling quite kind to myself. The effect hasn't worn right off from my earlier beauty. I am trying to stop myself from
concentrating too much. It focusses especially in the eyes, like a very evil stare, that is like the unleashing of a weapon. I am going
to try and be gentler. I felt really so gentle earlier on while I was singing. I am a strange combination, child-like inside and rock-solid
dum on the outside. Never mind :-)
I have been having a lot of k activity in the past week or so. I had pulses coming into my feet last night and even had some activity just
after I woke up this morning. I had a large area of vibrations all through my neck, up the back and down my middle earlier today. What
can a person do when they have always been hard on themselves and the whole world and not even realised it? I seem capable of a lot of
hatred. I carry huge chips on my shoulder, really difficult to forgive and forget, especially to forget. Or that I will forgive but never
forget so that I can use it as a weapon in the future. I always said to myself that i hate war but probably this is because I didn't want
to face the fact that I am at war myself and cannot face this. I have been seeing other things like this lately, ways that I say I am not
something in order to avoid it. Denial. I am in denial I think.
I don't know where this message is coming from, it is flowing out of me like never before. Despite what I am saying I am not very upset, I
am still being kind to myself as best I can. I don't know why I always want to be harder, tuffer, more manly, when that is totally the wrong
direction. There is so much deception happening. I hope God will forgive me for the things I have done some day. I got the idea
yesterday, out of the blue, about answering to authority. I don't like answering to authority of any kind or having people above me and this
is probably because I like to be in charge, the tuff one, the one that has excelled and has succeeded. But yesterday I had the idea that
maybe there is something I should consider - how I answer to myself. Like, at the end of my lifetime I am going to have to answer to
myself, not the authority of other people, not guru's or policemen or parents, but actually have to answer to myself. And I don't know if I
can live with this so I am now having to adjust my attitude because I am not so sure I can accept my behaviour anymore. I think of all
things I am becoming more conscientious. I am glad of this because I never really had much of a conscience, never really became impacted or
affected by things that I did, that I thought just happened on their own. But a person has to wonder, has to question, why am I not
actually friends with the world and why, of all things, am I not friends with myself? When it comes to the end of life, what am I going
to think of me? I am not sure that I have behaved to my own acceptance, or rather have not accepted myself.
Hmm. This is the most fluid message that has ever come from me. I am
not sure how it will sound to you but right now I have very little concept of `other' and am feeling quite peaceful.
I hope you are well.
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk Date: 1 Sep 98 05:48:13 +0000
From: "Paul" To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: warning: negative vibes Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Ask me a concrete question and I will answer. I am not one of those people
> who like to write essays about themselves, I don't find any thrill in it. :)
In other words, "I AM one of those people who likes to not write essays about themselves"? What I mean is, do you use this non-writing
about yourself as a constraint to hold yourself back, like a rule? It would be very nice if it were just there, and I hope this is so for
you. :-) Still, there is no reason why a person cannot talk about themself. It doesn't mean there is ego.
IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 20:54:28 -0800
From: v To: CKRESSATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com Subject: Re: is this part of the K experience?
CKRESSATnospamaol.com wrote:
> I wonder if something similar might possibly be happening in Valerie's case, > where the break down of her equipment symbolizes the breakdown of ritual
> connection and time honored understanding between humans and discarnates which > the spirit/helpers are trying to get her to see and "repair" by making
> offerings? Something to consider... >
> El
why, sure that's the wholesome way about this dilemma whereupon the spirits be causing much mischief & need appeasing & not just endless
bounty-hunting & suspicions, between bouts of material chaos & the mind's forgetfulness!
Thankyou very much for this heightened perspective & I shall draw upon your wisdom to hasten to appease them rascally entities upon the
morrow! they like tobacco, you say?
up here upon the wild wet boat harbors, (& the building I work in is an ex-bordello from the last century), I wonder if they might also like
a sprinkling of buccaneer's rum to wet their disincarnate whistles? ;-)
vc Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 21:01:47 -0800
From: v To: Danijel Turina
CC: vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net, ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
thankyou, all peace be with you & within all upon this list! :-)
Danijel Turina wrote:
> If it is to come, let it. Let it come, through you, around you, all over, > open up and love... and when it is gone, nothing will be left... but
> yourself. :) Be in confidence, radiate sparkling consciousness and loving > beauty. Be more beautiful than God, love those who want to harm you for you
> can not be harmed, and all the blows just magnify your beauty. Who can harm > beauty? Torture, scorn and crucifiction didn't reduce Christ's glory and
> beauty, it made him glow, for he stayed unharmed in perfection of love, > forgiveness, consciousness. You are just as good as he is, if you believe it.
> A hug to you, take care! :* :) Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 22:09:03 PDT
From: "Evelyn Niedbalec" To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Belief Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain
> >
>Evelyn wrote: >>I would still be tempted to disagree with you on a technicality. True
>>there is a difference between belief and knowing as you state it. But >>even the knowledge you get from knowing is filtered through a belief
>>system of some sorts. >
>Sure, Evelyn. That's perfectly true. And further, everything we think is
>filtered through language. >
>What I was trying to say was, experience is a sort of proof that can >transcend belief. When my k started, beliefs and doubts that I had
held for >most of my life went out the window. Pre-k I used to be pretty
skeptical. >But after k, I found that I could not reject anything completely out of
>hand. My k proved to me that things I had rejected as fantasy or myth >before were real. Why? Because I experienced them myself and instead
of >skepticism or belief these things were translated into Knowing.
I can definitely relate to what you are saying, having recently gone
through a similar descepticifying process myself. And also having experienced some of the things you spoke of and I snipped.
But I am glad that I mistook your original direction because it caused
me to think about something that I had not really thought out completely before. So thanx!
______________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 21:15:18 -0800 From: v
To: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com CC: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience? Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com wrote:
> * Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of
>scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams *
hey thanx, here's another great idea! if the pacifistic rituals don't work right away I'll get a big airhorn & rearrange their disincarnate
eardrums! (no, really - drumming could work too...)
;-) vc
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 23:03:50 -0700 From: Mystress Angelique Serpent
To: vcooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net Cc: CKRESSATnospamaol.com, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: is this part of the K experience? Message-Id:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
At 08:54 PM 31/08/98 -0800, v wrote: >CKRESSATnospamaol.com wrote:
> >> I wonder if something similar might possibly be happening in Valerie's
case, >> where the break down of her equipment symbolizes the breakdown of ritual
>> connection and time honored understanding between humans and discarnates which
>> the spirit/helpers are trying to get her to see and "repair" by making >> offerings? Something to consider...
>> >> El
> up here upon the wild wet boat harbors, (& the building I work in is >an ex-bordello from the last century), I wonder if they might also like
>a sprinkling of buccaneer's rum to wet their disincarnate whistles? >;-)
Well, I often tithe to the fey, and I see no harm innit.. feed the birds, including the crows and seagulls.. and I have often noticed if I
forget to spill a bit in toast to the Fey, especially if I am dining outdoors, it will often "accidentally" get spilled, to remind me to mind my
manners and include the world invisible in my considerations of company. druid toasts the sea when he is sailing, and wind and water carry him
well. If you tithe a bit of picnic to the ants and wasps, a wee distance away from the picnic, they will accept the offering and leave the table
alone. Nature has good manners..
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