Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/08/31 13:47
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #615

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 615

Today's Topics:
  Re: Is this part of the K experience [ "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca> ]
  Re: Loving and Being Love [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: K experience? or......what? [ "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca> ]
  Re: K experience? or......what? [ "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca> ]
  Re: Is this part of the K experience [ v <vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net> ]
  Re: Is this part of the K experience [ "guy johnson" <tantriciskATnospamhotmail.c ]
  Going to Vipassana [ geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com ]
  Re: K experience? or......what? [ Orea <oreaATnospamerols.com> ]
  Belief [ "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu> ]
  Re: Going to Vipassana [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: K experience? or......what? [ fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com (freda ann) ]
  Re: warning: negative vibes [ Danijel Turina <dturinaATnospamhempseed.co ]
  Re: Is this part of the K experience [ Danijel Turina <dturinaATnospamhempseed.co ]
  AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Cen [ Bill Peay <KundaliniYogaATnospamwebtv.net> ]
  Hi all [ GISLENNEATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Sparks of light.. [ GISLENNEATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Is this part of the K experience [ ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Healing of YourSelf [ "peter groeneveld" <dolphin4ATnospamxs4all ]
  Re: Drinking and K [ hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Ba ]
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 11:53:38 -0400
From: "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
To: <vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net>, "Siva" <guardianATnospamxtra.co.nz>
Cc: "jb" <janbarenATnospaminfase.es>, "K. list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-ID: <006a01bdd4fa$458812a0$38e6d5d1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Hi Charab and All,

>I found my believe structure break down totally, as I have questioned
>I find I have no more belief but rather what I feel is right, if that is
>called a belief..I don't know.
>Perhaps a better way to rephrease it is we no longer have any belief but
>rather we only have the truth, and I guess truth is a belief.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. Belief to me is becoming very
confusing. I have heard your theory before but in different words from a
different person that I know. Your statement that you guess truth is a
belief is where I find the whole theory goes astray because it is a belief
is it not? To believe anything is the beginning of a belief system no
matter what words we put to it. Now can you see how this becomes so
confusing? If you go with the above theories sooner or later you come to
the conculsion that you are not to believe in anything. So what is
anything? What is it that we are not believing in? If we can not believe
in any systems whatso ever what is left? Nothing? Then what is nothing?
Maybe I am just playing with words too much! and I am sorry if I have
confused you with this reply.

I agree that we must go with our feelings that guide us to our truths.
Where the truth gets tricky is when you have to figure out whether you have
arrived at your truth through your ego or from within.

In L&L & Understanding,

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 11:44:58 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Loving and Being Love
Message-ID: <e4e2e1dc.35eac4faATnospamaol.com>>

In a message dated 8/31/98 10:54:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
anuragATnospamBhaskara.ee.iisc.ernet.in writes:

<< Harsha that was a very enlightening and loving post.

When Harsha speaks, we listen.
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 12:43:10 -0400
From: "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: K experience? or......what?
Message-ID: <000501bdd500$85cf17e0$40e6d5d1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Hi Anurag,

I also love to walk with eyes closed and humming mantra and i always
>find myself on the line of symmetry on the road i.e. exactly in the
>center of road. Yeah i too can feel that something is there near me with
>eyes closed.

Do you ever feel the solid feeling of a person that is not there? Strange
question I know but I must ask it.

In L&L & Understanding,

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 12:39:47 -0400
From: "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
To: "guy johnson" <tantriciskATnospamhotmail.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: K experience? or......what?
Message-ID: <000401bdd500$85167640$40e6d5d1ATnospamdefault>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Hi Katrina,

>Wonder if it is an indication of our deeper, prior knowing, or past life
>proof of sensitivities all ready attained? Thank you both for sharing
>about the music/vibration experiences... these too are familiar, but
>different. The more I hear, the more it is clear that the details of
>our paths are personal, but the patterns and shifts share a very similar
>peeling away and transformation of the two-dimensional world we are
>handed as children

You might be right about what you are wondering. I agree with you that we
all seem to arrive sooner of later back to what we knew as children. This
is a theory that I have been playing with quite a bit lately. I am trying
different things now that I can remember doing as a child and I am amazed at
what I am getting from these experiments. I used to also love spinning
around when I was a child. I would suggest to anyone to try it! You might
like it! ......just make sure you have something soft to land on <grin>

I am glad that my sharing of my expriences have been of help to you! Your

In L&L & Understanding,

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 08:04:17 -0800
From: v <vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net>
To: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-ID: <35EAC97C.6918ATnospameagle.ptialaska.net>

I never mentioned fear or fighting.
It's a matter of awareness.

ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 8/31/98 2:15:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net writes:
> < So, I am saying that I now believe that we must girder ourselves
> against evil & discarnate beings & be constantly vigilant. Even being
> vigilant once a day or so has not been enough! >
> Fear. Fear. Fear. Fight and protect yourself from the evil ones.
> Val, you know better than this!
> Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 09:29:56 PDT
From: "guy johnson" <tantriciskATnospamhotmail.com>
To: kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-ID: <19980831162957.16382.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

Dear Katharine: I believe the subtle shift occurs when one is able to
release one's beliefs and become vulnerable in not knowing. Not knowing
allows us to pay attention to greater patterns than the ones we use to
limit our world, keep it in a smaller box so the ego can be fed and
assured of its greatness (it knows, it knows! it swears it does! and
will rattle your brain with skeptical questions in the hopes of
maintaining the position of decider in your life.) Once we surrender our
false sense of self-protection (for we are cared for always, whether we
are aware of it or not), then this thing called faith steps up and makes
obvious the beauty and love which abounds. And surrendering to that is
like going home, really home, where the love is unconditional and making
mistakes helps us see the humor of this momentary phase. Change is the
constant. Growth is the result when we allow it. with much love and the
hopes that didn't sound preachy, your friend and fellow path follower,

>From kundalini-l-requestATnospamlists.execpc.com Mon Aug 31 08:09:31 1998
>Received: from lists.execpc.com (methos.execpc.com [])
> by mailgw02.execpc.com (8.9.0) id KAA01025;
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>Resent-Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 10:09:27 -0500
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>Message-ID: <006a01bdd4fa$458812a0$38e6d5d1ATnospamdefault>
>Reply-To: "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
>From: "Kat" <kcliffordATnospamodyssey.on.ca>
>To: <vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net>, "Siva" <guardianATnospamxtra.co.nz>
>Cc: "jb" <janbarenATnospaminfase.es>, "K. list" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
>Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
>Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 11:53:38 -0400
>Content-Type: text/plain;
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>Hi Charab and All,
>>I found my believe structure break down totally, as I have questioned
>>I find I have no more belief but rather what I feel is right, if that
>>called a belief..I don't know.
>>Perhaps a better way to rephrease it is we no longer have any belief
>>rather we only have the truth, and I guess truth is a belief.
>Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. Belief to me is becoming
>confusing. I have heard your theory before but in different words from
>different person that I know. Your statement that you guess truth
is a
>belief is where I find the whole theory goes astray because it is a
>is it not? To believe anything is the beginning of a belief system no
>matter what words we put to it. Now can you see how this becomes so
>confusing? If you go with the above theories sooner or later you come
>the conculsion that you are not to believe in anything. So what is
>anything? What is it that we are not believing in? If we can not
>in any systems whatso ever what is left? Nothing? Then what is
>Maybe I am just playing with words too much! and I am sorry if I have
>confused you with this reply.
>I agree that we must go with our feelings that guide us to our truths.
>Where the truth gets tricky is when you have to figure out whether you
>arrived at your truth through your ego or from within.
>In L&L & Understanding,

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 11:21:38 -0700
From: geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Going to Vipassana
Message-ID: <19980831.112848.3262.0.Geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com>

I am unsubscribing for a while because I'll be out of town. I leave you
with a parting saying that I tell people whenever they say something
negative about someone else. "When you talk about someone else, you are
really talking about yourself". This is true on many levels.

You have been an interesting group.

Infinite blessings to all beings,


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Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 13:34:11 -0400
From: Orea <oreaATnospamerols.com>
To: Kundalini l list <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: K experience? or......what?
Message-Id: <v04011705b2108ef7abafATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Do you ever feel the solid feeling of a person that is not there? Strange
>question I know but I must ask it.
>In L&L & Understanding,

Sure! :-)

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 14:36:16 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Belief
Message-ID: <00c001bdd50e$3dcac800$84d11fa8ATnospamsharonwe>
Content-Type: text/plain;

Kat wrote:
>Your statement that you guess truth is a
>belief is where I find the whole theory goes astray because it is a belief
>is it not? To believe anything is the beginning of a belief system no
>matter what words we put to it.

Kat, I think there is a big difference between belief and knowing. Belief
incorporates other people's writings and ideas and experiences, but KNOWING
comes from the depths of our being and grows from our own revelations and
experience. The only way to know, to KNOW, is to go within.

Belief is a shadow; knowing is the real thing.

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 14:39:48 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Going to Vipassana
Message-ID: <623ce115.35eaedf4ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 8/31/98 12:36:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
geoffrey33ATnospamjuno.com writes:

<< "When you talk about someone else, you are
 really talking about yourself". This is true on many levels. >>

Geoffrey... again, tell us something we don't know. This is where healing
begins. Facing yourself. Using your body for communication purposes (for
which it was made) for our own and others healing.

Enjoyed having you here.


* I believe in making the world safe for our children, but not our children's
children, because I don't think children should be having sex *

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 12:19:16 -0700
From: fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com (freda ann)
To: oreaATnospamerols.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: K experience? or......what?
Message-ID: <19980831.122033.-201109.1.fredaann2ATnospamjuno.com>

>>Do you ever feel the solid feeling of a person that is not there?
>>question I know but I must ask it.
>>In L&L & Understanding,

>Sure! :-)

Hello, Good Afternoon,
Recently my boyfriend of 6years headed for parts unknown,,,, long
story,,,, he's back now...
while he was away I had the beautiful experience of his *visiting* me
while I slept,,, one night I realized I was dangling between dreaming and
waking while he was next to me... very slowly I reached to touch him and
felt him there, then I slowly opened my eyes not wanting to disturb the
occurance and chase him away,, I was very, very careful not to disturb
I could not see anything but the space he should have been was hot to the
touch and I just laid my hand there until the sheet cooled down...
he has no recollection of this....
the poop head. : )
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Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 21:26:17 +0200
From: Danijel Turina <dturinaATnospamhempseed.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Cc: Dharma <annfisherATnospamstic.net>, splackoATnospamkr.tel.hr
Subject: Re: warning: negative vibes
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 01:13 1998.08.31 -0500, Ann Morrison Fisher wrote:
>The way back was made easier by the realization that the true spiritual
>guru had always been within and still was; he was never Danijel. Angelique
>sent love and healing; she repaired a frayed power chakra and told me how
>to fry the cords to Danijel and reclaim my power. Some problems puzzled
>me; Angelique found they were the result of booby traps planted in my mind
>by hypnotic suggestion. She used the same power for good and told my
>internal guide to remove all suggestions. He found so many that he has
>been removing them gradually, and the process is still going on.
>Danijel is just too young and inexperienced and has too many problems of
>his own to function as a guru. I ask all list members to send him K-fired
>love; he needs it.

What a fantastic creation we have here...
The most interesting thing is, it has nothing to do with the reality.
Seeking Angelique's advice on dharma and reclaiming power, come on. :)))
Hypnotic suggestions? The woman who claims to be a natural born hypnotist
told you that? The one who uses hypnosis on her slaves to produce results?
It gets more and more interesting. Spirit guides, shamanic stuff... and
dharma? That puzzles me, since I would say that what you experienced was
basically astral roleplaying, dream within a dream within a dream. Sasa, I
would really love if you commented this, since you talked to Ann for an
extensive period of time... I wouldn't want such statements to be made here
without proper analysis, since it portrays me in a very... unfavorable,
that's the word... light. Like, I have nothing better to do but hypnotise
poor helpless victims out of ignorance and spiritual illness, needing
healing from the list? My god. :( I have been reading this list for two
years or so, and it indeed has been a healing experience, and I learned so
much, but I really don't think that a false image of me needs to be created
in order to be "healed". I would find that to be a pretty... unnatural?...
thing. Many of my friends, people who know me personally - we go out for a
walk or a cup of hot chocholate - are here on the list; Sasa Placko, Matija
Papec, Bozo Juretic, and others I guess (Zoran, are you subscribed?;), and
I really am not afraid of a real-life test of what I'm all about. Those
people can probably provide a picture of me that might differ from the
caricature you have created. Oh yes, I probably hypnotised them too...

>Tomorrow morning I leave to visit Angelique. Intuition tells her that
>realization is coming at a retreat next weekend, and I want to be there.

So I have heard. I disbelieve it, but I hope she has fun under the masks.

E-mail : dturinaATnospamgeocities.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1377
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 22:07:29 +0200
From: Danijel Turina <dturinaATnospamhempseed.com>
To: vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net, ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 08:04 1998.08.31 -0800, v wrote:
>I never mentioned fear or fighting.
>It's a matter of awareness.

So be aware - of the positive. :) Tell me: if you are _made_ of love,
knowledge, consciousness, beauty - and you are... who or what is there to
be afraid of? And protecting yourself - or preparing to do so - means being
vulnerable, being afraid of the inevidable blow from somewhere.
If it is to come, let it. Let it come, through you, around you, all over,
open up and love... and when it is gone, nothing will be left... but
yourself. :) Be in confidence, radiate sparkling consciousness and loving
beauty. Be more beautiful than God, love those who want to harm you for you
can not be harmed, and all the blows just magnify your beauty. Who can harm
beauty? Torture, scorn and crucifiction didn't reduce Christ's glory and
beauty, it made him glow, for he stayed unharmed in perfection of love,
forgiveness, consciousness. You are just as good as he is, if you believe it.
A hug to you, take care! :* :)

>ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated 8/31/98 2:15:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
>> vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net writes:
>> < So, I am saying that I now believe that we must girder ourselves
>> against evil & discarnate beings & be constantly vigilant. Even being
>> vigilant once a day or so has not been enough! >
>> Fear. Fear. Fear. Fight and protect yourself from the evil ones.
>> Val, you know better than this!
>> Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.
E-mail : dturinaATnospamgeocities.com
Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/1377
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 10:12:26 -1000 (HST)
From: Bill Peay <KundaliniYogaATnospamwebtv.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
Message-Id: <199808312012.KAA27185ATnospamhaleakala.aloha.net>

Attention Kundalini-L subscribers,

After MONTHS of inactivity, we have reworked the Kundalini Resource Center web site to provide lots and lots of interactivity via a web focused database engine.

Please come back and take a look. We have a short survey off the main page, and discussion areas behind each of the articles, as well as sections to post your own experiences, comments, book reviews, and more.

The Hawaii site is up and running, as well as Connecticut. The Netherlands site is having a bit of trouble integrating to the database engine, but that should be worked out soon. The South Africa mirror has a way to go (so they aren't even listed on our menu at this time, although we are working on the bugs), and we are still negotiating for a mirror location in Australia/New Zealand.

No matter where you connect, the database engine serves ALL mirrors. This way we all will see posts from people anywhere in the world, all meshed together into one stream.

We hope you enjoy the new features. Once again, you can find us at:



Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 16:12:41 EDT
From: GISLENNEATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Hi all
Message-ID: <601a05fb.35eb03b9ATnospamaol.com>

Hi everyone Again!!

   Well i'm back on-line again, yesterday went to the amusement park, got on
all the rides. Had a ball, today I am in AWEFUL pain.
   Just dealing with it though.
  Thankyou all for your responses to my first letter.

  Last night I had a dream that I had two mice, or shall i say rats as pets. I
would keep them in this box, and everytime i would come home and look at them
or take them out of the box to play with them, they would bite my fingers.
They would bit soo hard that i would have to shake them off of me. Everytime i
came into the room, the rats would go crazy and want to attack me.
   It got to the [point where i was afraid to touch them and I wanted to
actually kill them, but in the dream i would tell myself "No way, how can I
kill these little creatures"? Deep down though i wanted them out of my life
and dead. I couldn't figure out why they were attacking me and why they went
so crazy everyt
ime they saw me.

   Now as I write this, what keeps coming back to me is that they see the
snake and are terrified of it.

  Another dream I had was that i hit the Lottery for a million Dollars. I have
been trying to manifest winning the lottery for quite some time now and then i
had the dream that i did, I could actually feel the emotions of what that felt
like. It was Awesome!!

   Well thats all for now...
love you all.gis
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 16:22:52 EDT
From: GISLENNEATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Sparks of light..
Message-ID: <5410b828.35eb061cATnospamaol.com>

Hi lorraine

   Hey there!! I dance Salsa too, also Merengue and lots of house music!!
  I too can feel the music in my Soul and have to let loose, by myself or with
  Dancing and music are my #1.....
  I love to hear my music loud ...
  I know what you mean about the music playing you, it plays me as well. It
feels sooo Good, to feel the energy and get lost in the sounds and in the
people as well.

  Here goes to Salsa and the whole Latin beat!!

love and Light..Gis
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 16:26:01 EDT
From: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
To: vooperATnospameagle.ptialaska.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Is this part of the K experience?
Message-ID: <7a4b4677.35eb06d9ATnospamaol.com>

<< At 08:04 1998.08.31 -0800, v wrote:

 >I never mentioned fear or fighting.
 >It's a matter of awareness. >>

I am so happy to hear this. I knew you knew better... I really appreciate you
clarifying it for me.

Much Love,

* Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to
smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams *

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 22:38:11 +0200
From: "peter groeneveld" <dolphin4ATnospamxs4all.nl>
To: <ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com>, <magneagaATnospammonet.no>, <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Healing of YourSelf
Message-Id: <199808312036.WAA18133ATnospamsmtp1.xs4all.nl>


I just recently joined the k-mailinglist. The above subject and the answer
of imtgxxx has happened to me a few months ago.
Before this I asked myself how comes that everybody in his surroundings has
bondings with more or less the same people. (Ones who have a similar
thinking and life style). Because I want to meet all kinds of people with
different views and stuff.
Well I got it...

I started without prejudice and talked to a girl (who later told me she
wasn't really a girl but transsexual). We had a lot in common. I mean it
felt like somebody you know for a long time already. She came from Malaysia
and was visiting Holland because her friend had died. She was really sad
about it because her friend had also been transsexual and they went to the
whole process together.
So she came to say goodbye to her late friend. The next day I found myself
with her and the mother at the graveyard because I offered to bring her by

I supported her because she needed an arm around. She said that upto now
she only had been working hard, no much partying. Of course the dead of her
friend changed her. In the evening we went to buy a drink and talked a
little. I gave her my favourite Bob Marley video (yeah, how nice) and a
sculpture I got from a friend some time ago. We said goodbye because the
next day she left for Malaysia.

I felt good because I helped someone without demanding back. She
Good thing!

Some weeks later I met another girl who is in deep shit. (Sometimes I think
that I seem to wear a t-shirt saying "I want misery") Believe it or not,
she is also transsexual. She is really nice so we sometimes go somewhere
and have a break.
She has been here for eight years on illegal basis. Her boyfriend doesn't
do anything for her to make her legal, she has to do prostitution, she
cannot go back to her country because she has bills to pay over there. It's
that I feel empathy with her but hey what can I do because I don't want a
love-relationship with her.
I decided for myself to hang out with her once in a while. Then she can
relax a bit. And I just like her for whom she is. She is fun to be with!
Ok, now I'm bothered because she cannot improve her situation. (of course)
What can I give her? I comfort her. Clear the mind. Relax.

Some months later I meet a really goodlooking and nice girl (in the sense
of Wow!)
in the same discotheque where I met the others. No transexual this time,
I'm sure ;-)
I want to make a date so she gave me her telephone-number. The "in deep
shit" girl saw me talking to her and tells me she knows the "beautyful
girl". She is not good for me according to her and she will not call me
anymore if I make a date?!

I decided that I will call the "girl of my dreams". Yeah, find out what is
good. I feel she is someone I like.

Anyway, long story folks, but I know I met this people because I need them
in a certain way. They also need to meet me. The best situation is there I
think when all parties have some sort of satisfaction with it. The first
girl felt comforted, I felt appreciated. The second girl feels understood,
I feel anger for her shituation.(not so good)
The third girl is still a mysterie for me but I already feel good.

So in the name of K, live and learn (and listen to reggeae music ;-)

Bye from The Netherlands,


> Van: ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com
> Aan: magneagaATnospammonet.no; kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
> Onderwerp: Healing of YourSelf
> Datum: zondag 30 augustus 1998 17:38
> In a message dated 8/29/98 8:14:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << But, I myself cannot heal myself. I need help from Reiki healers, zone
> therapeuts etc. >>
> Well if you think you do you do....
> To receive healing for yourself, by yourSelf, is done by seeing the
Oneness in
> all things. The healing of another IS your healing. This is True
> and the end of pain.
> What does this mean (I ask mySelf)? When we ask for healing for
> you will begin to notice people coming into your life, for one reason or
> another -- it doesn't matter what form it is in. It may be an angry
> or one who is in need of some sort of physical healing themselves... it
may be
> your mother, a stranger, someone here on the internet...
> But this person that stands before you, IS there for you. They have come
> response to your call for healing.
> (sigh)... What to do with this person...
> First and foremost, Love them. Again, what does that mean?? Ask
> what is it I would give to this person, something I would want to keep
> myself, in order that my healing occurs? Do not focus on the form.... it
> the content that counts.
> We give in order to receive. Sounds selfish in a way, but it is a form
> selflessness. It is True Seeing -- seeing another as OneSelf -- that
> healing IS your healing.
> Ask yourSelf before responding to them.... "how would You have me respond
> them, that I may give them healing and receive this for mySelf." Again,
> is it YOU would want to receive. Do not give anything that you would not
> for yourSelf.
> Much love.... Now really begin being a True Healer.
> Love,
> xxxtg
> * I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand *
> http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 15:40:37 -0500 (CDT)
From: hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
To: nancyATnospamwtp.net
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Drinking and K
Message-Id: <199808312040.PAA24807ATnospamdfw-ix5.ix.netcom.com>

After drinking rather more than usual in the early days of K, I've
found in the last year that alcohol makes me very ill and I've lost the
taste for it. This from a formerly devoted wine-sipper. If nothing
else had convinced me, this made me certain that the transformation
happening to us is real, psychological AND somatic, and definitely not
under my control. Never in a million years would I have chosen to lose
my taste for Puligny Montrachet! Holly


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