Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1998/06/29 12:42
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #486

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 486

Today's Topics:
  Re: Nothing > Transcendence Zone [ "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com> ]
  Re: ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Me [ "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com> ]
  Re: Bye [ Chris Hughes <aird.houseATnospamzetnet.co. ]
  Re: Bizarro [ DruoutATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Bizarro [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: paul west [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Bizarro [ Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com> ]
  Re: Re: Cloud control: [ Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Bye [ Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com ]
  Astrology and Kundalini [ Tove Skurdal <toskurdaATnospamonline.no> ]
  Re: Nothing > Transcendence Zone [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: paul west [ WEIVODAATnospamaol.com ]
  Re: Nothing > Transcendence Zone [ freda <fredaATnospamnwlink.com> ]
  Faces of god [ "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon. ]
  Re: Nothing [ Angela Mary Broad <ambroadATnospamacs.ucal ]
  Re: Faces of god [ Angela Mary Broad <ambroadATnospamacs.ucal ]
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 12:56:53 -0400
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Nothing > Transcendence Zone
Message-Id: <199806291656.MAA02573ATnospamsandia.aug.com>

What is going on when you actually experience 'blackness' with
your consciousness...? >8
An elegant description of what occurs when one enters their
transcendence zone, when all things become interconnected,
inner and outer, subjective and objective, become one in
consciousness...the one reality.

The *fear* of "nothingness", of "no-thingness", of not being
able to experience "separate things" (as per conditioning) keeps
this experience from occurring.
"Nothingness"...the 'illusion' of conditioned perception...the
final barrier to overcome in the quest for enlightenment.

Congratulations, Paul. :-)
... in which blackness is an actual state of mind? Is that
nothingness? I experienced absolute certainty, and a quality of
`godlyness'. Not a theory or an ideal, but an actual sort of texture,
a quality, of the nature of God. And also I experienced that this
emptyness was total peace. There was nothing there, sheer blackness.
No center to the self, and yet there was self, and self was God. And
it was all the same thing. And there was nothing that wasn't in
consciousness. No-thing could be avoided, no part of it denied or
escaped from. Thoughts arose and were the most primitive mental
illnesses caught up in themselves, totally blind. Absolutely, totally,
completely nothing, as an emptyness of all `things', just purely and
wholly deadly black.

To slot this in amongst the pretend continuum of time, in which
there was a temporary break, that break occured to me this morning.
Just a total singularity of which it could be described many different
attributes, but there was only one thing. God, awareness, love, peace,
transcendence, nothingness, reality, clarity, sanity, and black.. just
SO black.
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 13:22:38 -0400
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>, <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Cc: "Mystress Angelique Serpent" <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
Subject: Re: ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Message
Message-Id: <199806291721.NAA18262ATnospamsandia.aug.com>

Any idea why these messages are returned when mailing to this list?

From: ccMail SMTPLINK <supervisorATnospamccmgate.bloomfield.edu>
To: eeaATnospamaug.com
Subject: ccMail SMTPLINK Undeliverable Message
Date: Monday, June 29, 1998 2:01 PM

User marcella.baglion is not defined

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Message-Id: <199806291656.MAA02573ATnospamsandia.aug.com>
From: "Ed Arrons" <eeaATnospamaug.com>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Nothing > Transcendence Zone
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 12:56:53 -0400
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Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 18:42:16 +0100
From: Chris Hughes <aird.houseATnospamzetnet.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Bye
Message-ID: <1998062918421684101ATnospamzetnet.co.uk>

Dear Soul
Safe Journey
Let me know how you get on
Love Chris
Sai Ram
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 13:43:07 EDT
From: DruoutATnospamaol.com
To: lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Bizarro
Message-ID: <1c28d28d.3597d22dATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-06-29 01:39:36 EDT, lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com writes:

<< occasionally the movement of shakti is triggered by someone
 raising a flower, quoting a poem >>
Dear Lobster,

This happens frequently with me! some books do it too. Thanks

Love, Hillary
Date: 29 Jun 98 15:54:08 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Bizarro
Message-Id: <3597B8A0.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

Dear Lobster,

Something you recently wrote...

> No Angelique I do not know that. I do not see Love in aspects of behaviour
> and being. Or rather I see limited Love - that of course is partly
> semantics.
> Behaviour that restricts others behaviour or confines it, or tries to limit
> them or to collude in delusion is not loving. To see Love in everything does
> not mean 'everything goes', 'everything is OK', 'all behaviour is good' it
> means to understand causes and to see and transform into the higher
> perspective - and there is a higher. The higher is that which is
> unconditional Love, conditional and restrictive Love is part of the
> unconditional shining and can move towards it. One exists in the other but
> is not as complete as the other. So love is in everything but not as you
> understand that - complete. There are degrees and each person grows so that
> what was once seen as love is seen as limited and selfish and so they
> 'increase in Love'.

When I have ever read texts from people such as U.G Krishnamurti,
Jiddu Krishnamurti, or Sai Baba for example, it has always been very
straightforward and easy to understand, obvious, sensible, and without
secrets, putting labels on things I always knew, bringing immense
clarity and great beauty. But when I read the stuff you write I don't
see any of that. I don't know if you realise that or care. You seem to
tackle too many differences at once. You use some obscure words. Some
of your sentences are tremendously abstract and not something most
people can probably relate to. "One exists in the other but is not
complete as the other"? That certainly doesn't bring clarity. You seem
to skip over a great many facts as though they are unimportant. "There
are degrees and...", as though it's something you know so well that
you do not need give it attention. In fact, in many respects you seem
to have the absence of `you' that I have in much of what I say. Sounds
like you're talking to yourself.

> superficilities). Do you think it gives me any pleasure to describe
> someones spiritual potential as zero? It does not and until now I
> had never believed there were such people though I was aware that
> (they are supposed) to exist.

You seem to have developed an image of me. It's old and out of date.
And zero is only a theory.
> However we all have these aspects . . .
> The truth is sometimes hurtful. Delusion is delightful. Fantasy would be
> wonderful if it were true. This is why people escape into lunacy.

Lobster, for me you tackle too many points in one go. It is as though
you are only skimming the surface.

Also you seem to speak as if from the inside out. I know that when
there is much awareness it is as though to look from the outside
inwards, and as such there is a perfect atunement with how things
would appear to others.

? Anyway, nice weather.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: 29 Jun 98 16:02:39 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: paul west
Message-Id: <3597BA9F.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

> Dear Paul,
> I dare you,
> I double dare you.

The reason I'm still here is because maybe there are things I can help
others with, and perhaps there are things I will further learn here
also. That is not to say that if it was truly required, and not part
of any bet or gamble (I'm not a gambler), and it was not an issue by
any degree, leaving would be a matter of fact, nothing more.
> You cannot leave! Please do a thought
> experiment about leaving this list and be aware of what behaviour (emotion,
> thoughts) then occurs.

A thought experiment?

I am not emotionally attatched to the list at this time. There are
many other similar lists, many other places with many other people.
It's just that kundalini can be a bit unpredictable, or should I say
it can be surprising and only `seen coming' after it has arrived, for
which purpose I feel it may be wise to be around some people who have
experience in these areas and who may be able to help if something
becomes difficult. Isn't that why most people are here?


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 13:15:12 -0500
From: Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Bizarro
Message-ID: <3597D9A4.12AB7EEFATnospamfull-moon.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

Lobster said...

> Paul will never get anywhere because he thinks there is nowhere to go and he
> is already in some way there. However whereas there is nothing of spiritual
> value in Paul *for Paul*, there is a great deal of value in his effect and
> interaction with this list. I have spent months with him. I have even
> attempted on-line exorcism :-) He has developed no genuine understanding. He
> has gained absolutely nothing, made no attempt to change (except in
> superficilities). Do you think it gives me any pleasure to describe someones
> spiritual potential as zero? It does not and until now I had never believed
> there were such people though I was aware that (they are supposed) to exist.
> Now because people have read that 'the humble and spiritual never judge
> others' and never say they know what the truth is, they judge me and though
> they do not know the truth, they know it sufficiently to know it is not
> present in me . . . LOL.
Hmm...I'm wondering about "spending months" ... ahh, such an eternity *that* is, dear Lobster!

Methinks that in the greater scheme of things, these months are not as much as a millisecond.

So how can you suggest that Paul (for all his longwinded, internally-directed, apparent
egocentricness-- and, by the way I can't see that either Lobster or Angelique or several others
on this list have any room to talk at least from the apparent expression of their *own*
egocentricness...don't hit me y'all please! <grin>) ...how can you say he has *no* spiritual
potential? Mebbe dear Paul's ego is just pit-bull stubborn and doesn't want to give up just
yet...which is possibly why he keeps comin' back for more...anybody in here got a 'breaking

Glad you see the value in the interaction, though...even though I sense you mean "by (bad)
example" not by the good in him. I *do* glaze when I scroll through the digest and see a Paul
post, but who knows what somebody else sees in them? (do wish he could get a handle on the
bandwidth though...but then again...there are other bandwidth chewers in here that I also glaze

...afraid of gettin' pinched by those Lobster claws but askin' anyhoo!

Still enjoyin' the K-ticket ride here on this list as the complexion changes yet again...it may
sound kinda cheesy, but it seems like the joy and the sorrow and the struggles of all
humanity...whether small and "irrelevant" or big honkin' tragical...they seem to all get their
voice on this list...how microcosmic!

Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 14:26:28 EDT
From: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
To: dmargolisATnospamabm.com, lobsterATnospamdial.pipex.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Re: Cloud control:
Message-ID: <ca456b1e.3597dc57ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 6/29/1998, 12:54:24 PM, dmargolisATnospamabm.com writes:
<<You should be proud of how humble you are lobster... I am humbled by the
great words of the lobster... In fact I'm so humbled I must be more humble
than you... WOOHOO I'm the humblest... ooops that was arrogant. I guess
I'm really just an arrogant fool... But that was a humble statement... Oh
I'm humble now.... But not too humble because that would be arrogant...
Ah I'm at just the right level of humility. I've got it down. I need no
words from Lobster... Ooops that was pretty egotistical... But goshdarnit
I'm trying so hard...

 The ever humble or ever arrogant
      Dan M.

Harsha: You seem to have struck the right balance Dan. Congratulations:--).
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 14:28:13 EDT
From: Harsha1MTMATnospamaol.com
To: sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Bye
Message-ID: <bdaf1f1f.3597dcbfATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 6/29/1998, 12:55:27 PM, sinisa.turinaATnospamzg.tel.hr writes:
<<Hi everybody! :)
I am going to India on Wednesday, early in the morning - heading for the
Prashanti Nilayam asram, to visit my guru maharaja, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai
Baba. I will be there for one month - the return flight is scheduled for
3rd of August, so I'm unsubscribing from the list for that time. Since my
father (Sinisa Turina) is going to use this address during that time, I am
switching my address to dturinaATnospamgeocities.com
Take care, and may all of you dwell in love! :)

Harsha: Best wishes Danijel. God bless you with peace and joy.
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 20:30:46 +0200
From: Tove Skurdal <toskurdaATnospamonline.no>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Astrology and Kundalini
Message-ID: <3597DD56.4318ATnospamonline.no>

Sorry, I was too fast in my last mail. If you know the hour of your
birth, I have to know the place aswell. And if you not are experience
the kundalini right now, you have to tell me when it happend.
Date: 29 Jun 98 19:36:28 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Nothing > Transcendence Zone
Message-Id: <3597EB65.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>

Dear Ed Arrons,

> The *fear* of "nothingness", of "no-thingness", of not being
> able to experience "separate things" (as per conditioning) keeps
> this experience from occurring.
> "Nothingness"...the 'illusion' of conditioned perception...the
> final barrier to overcome in the quest for enlightenment.
> Congratulations, Paul. :-)

You are not the first person to congratulate me and I don't know why
people are doing so because it is nothing important at all. It is in
no way a love-affair or romance.

In fact, that beingness isn't anything anybody in any state of mind
would want. There is nothing about it that brings pleasure and nothing
about it that brings pain.

In fact, considering how it is something that ego NEVER wants, and
something ego never wants to NOT want, I am wondering what the hell
are the concepts of enlightenment and spirituality that we're trying
to attain or whatever. It is, totally, the very last thing in the
universe you would ever consider!!

People are going around on the one hand trying to want enlightenment
and on the other hand trying not to want it, but NEVER does ANY of
these activities get close to the real thing. Enlightenment and
non-enlightenment are totally ego-creations, created in ITS OWN
UNIVERSE. And it never ventures outside of that continuum of
spacetime. And what is beyond that continuum? The real thing. We never
touch on it. Either you be it or you don't. But so long as a person
has a single trace of desire or motive or interest to any degree in
anything remotely `spiritual' I feel that factual state of being is
being avoided.

It is something taken for granted. It's not important at all. It's
just there. What more can we say about it? It's just there in the same
way that as you sit under a tree sketching a scene or writing poetry
the tree is just there. As you see it, not in some strange ideological
spiritual abstraction of existence. I feel that a person would have to
go through absolutely everything in the universe, exhaust it all, let
go of all desire to be saved, and /actually/ die, in order for that
beingness to be there. Not that you /almost/ die and then get saved.
No. I feel you actually HAVE to die, totally. No return. Total
surrender without being saved. You cannot know what it means to be
saved. The saved are innocent to it.

It IS dead and life simultaneous, as one thing. Not `just short of
death' or `almost dead'. Totally. Absolutely. And it is nothing to be
congratulated when it happens. It is nothing to be praised or
worshipped. It's just there. It does not want attention. Finished
with. What is it like to be finished with life right now. Let's say
everything that has come before is now firmly in the past. There is no
desire to create more karma. There is no motive, no plan, no mission,
no direction, no thing to be achieved. What then? A state of permanent
not-knowing, no preconception of future events, no thinking of the
past, nothing to do, no hurdles, no problems. Just attending to the
absolute bare necessities, food, shelter, sleep, cleanlyness, health.
What else? For evermore. Not something people really want now is it.
That you exist, that you are just there, is all that needs attending
to. It is the only eternity.


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 14:50:23 EDT
From: WEIVODAATnospamaol.com
To: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk, Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: paul west
Message-ID: <7d4112ae.3597e1f1ATnospamaol.com>

In a message dated 98-06-29 13:55:19 EDT, you write:

>The reason I'm still here is because maybe there are things I can help
>others with, and perhaps there are things I will further learn here
>also. That is not to say that if it was truly required, and not part
>of any bet or gamble (I'm not a gambler), and it was not an issue by
>any degree, leaving would be a matter of fact, nothing more.

I don't really want to get involved with this whole thing, but I felt like I
had to say something. I must say sometimes I cannot stand all of Paul's
messages and so on, but sometimes he really has some good things to share.
The past few moths I have received many private posts from Paul, and have
learned many things from him. He has helped me in many ways, and expanded my
knowledge of myself. Must say, I have used my delete key many, but the ones
that I have read, I have learned something. Okay . . . just some of my
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 12:00:57 -0700
From: freda <fredaATnospamnwlink.com>
To: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Nothing > Transcendence Zone
Message-ID: <3597E469.4D22ATnospamnwlink.com>

You sure got a whole lot to say about something.....?
for it BEing nothing.

Is there a point to your bringing this ??? dark, black thing ??? to our

I don't know what it is.... thats for sure.... neither do you... thats
apparant... and you dont seem to think that any one else has a clue
either.... all dead ends.... with a WHOLE lot of gibberish to explain

have you thought about just letting this thing go.. you say it is a
no-thing,,,, or at least thats what it sounds like.... so why are ya
gibbering so much about something that you dont want, that your sure
nobody wants..... well, you say it doesnt even exist.... what ever IT
is.... maybe its just a pig-ment in your imagination..... maybe it
really IS just a no-thing....

or maybe IT was trying to clear your head of all the non-sense,,,, so a
some-thing could enter....
try just hushin' up and see if some-thing enters where the no-thing
doesnt exist....

Date: 29 Jun 98 19:59:46 +0000
From: "Paul West" <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Faces of god
Message-Id: <3597F232.MD-0.196.paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>


I am a little puzzled by there seeming to be a number of `god'
experiences with seemingly different qualities.

About a week ago now I experienced peace, and the best word to
describe it really was peace. A couple of days back I experienced a
deep, refined emotion of great love, and the best word to describe it
was love. And yesterday I was nowhere and the best way to refer to it
would be to say it was a void of nothingness. And now I have in my
mind some kind of sense of having no interest in anything other than
basic necessities.

It /seems/ that in some way, these states do not necessarily coexist.
They may overlap perhaps but they are different from each other. Some
people speak of a God of darkness, some of a God of light. I used to
always think of God as being light, and of there being `another side'
with higher planes and so on. I am not sure if that isn't just a mind
trick. And I am wondering where love is or was. Does it feel different
being /loved/ than to be the one that is loving? Being nothing was
being God, an actual `god quality', but it was not the same as the
sheer depth of love felt in the kundalini experience. And I have had
other supposedly altered states of consciousness in which there may
have been an absense of self recognition and perhaps a presence all
around, and a great serious attention. All of these seem to be sort of
different somehow. Are there other planes, or is that a fantasy? How
is God really? What is he/she like? Light or dark, a feeling of love
or an absence of all feelings? Behaving like all other parts of nature
or having a different, unique, `consciousness' thing?


IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 13:30:49 -0600 (MDT)
From: Angela Mary Broad <ambroadATnospamacs.ucalgary.ca>
To: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Nothing
Message-Id: <Pine.A41.3.96.980629125958.52616B-100000ATnospamacs1.acs.ucalgary.ca>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


I believe we are talking about different things, or perhaps my 'seperated
perception' of this, sort of being aware that it is, but not
wanting/needing/seeking? to go into it, but being unerved occasionally by
it's 'presence'. One thing though, When I speak of 'love that's what I
mean' I don't mean love you 'do things with' as you put it. I mean love.
It's all the same anyway, and these 'romantic things' as you call them are
only my way of describing a feeling, an existance, a sensation, a be-ing.
I mean there is a sense of something I cannott discribe in these
images/memories of things like waterfalls and sandstorms, a sense of
omnipresent-ness, that I felt would be simmilar. The nothing I have not
experianced that can think of now. I think the closest thing for me is
the land of the big-small thing (what I've called it ever since I can
remember). It IS so I will be there at some point but not in this now.
the 'life' 'flowing' through everything, yes it does imply seperateness,
you can look at it that way. I meant though, that on our earth we think
of everything being vibration of different rates. It's all vibration, but
in this space time in which we exist these vibrations of different rates
interact, bringing differnt ones to differnt times and places,
distributing higher through lower (no higher and lower does not imply
good and bad as you may see it) or vice versa. God is not separate, of
course but human perecption would have it that way, or something would
so..no I'm was not saying God is separete, but because 'I' am not
exeperiancing that kind of awarenss right now, it feels separate, the
reaching through life-times for that awarness makes it seem separate. Why
then do we see it this way? What in existance causes this?
Not everyone may experiance this now or be 'ready for it' or 'want it' but
then why the 'search'?

Maybe there is no love(isall) mabye only existance..I came close to it
once or twice I do understand.

If so then do we need the illusion of love to heal the illusion of the
hurt in this world?
Mabye our little planet needs an idea of a love that is a 'romantic
vision' as you put it that is a false evolutionary guide and every single
one of us is working towards something else that is an illusion.
Love doesn't seem very illusiory though, when I've got my hands stuck
in the dirt and look up to the sky and feel life everywear in my heart and
soul an energy of 'something' (maybe rename love 'something' since it has
too many cliches attached to it, but no that wouldn't work, something
implies some-thing which implies seperateness.)
it doesn't feel like an illusion at all. All the enrgy is one and my being
tells this story with the energy sense. And it is new. It's always new,
that's why there's spring to show us the newness of life continually


(who write's one heck of a messed up message, good luck understanding what
I really mean, it's not always literal eh?)
and if this life is an illusion I thik I like it just fine...
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 13:38:01 -0600 (MDT)
From: Angela Mary Broad <ambroadATnospamacs.ucalgary.ca>
To: Paul West <paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Faces of god
Message-Id: <Pine.A41.3.96.980629133334.91794A-100000ATnospamacs1.acs.ucalgary.ca>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

I don't know.
This is why when you, so convinced that god as we know him/her/it is a
sense of no-thingness did I wonder what merit my own experiances of
deep-love, and 'dark' and 'light' and clear-distant and close-inside were
worth. IT IS ALL. What I mean is we percieve God in many ways and if God
is all then all are aspects of God, all true. Why should one be right?


On 29 Jun 1998, Paul West wrote:

> Hi.
> I am a little puzzled by there seeming to be a number of `god'
> experiences with seemingly different qualities.
> About a week ago now I experienced peace, and the best word to
> describe it really was peace. A couple of days back I experienced a
> deep, refined emotion of great love, and the best word to describe it
> was love. And yesterday I was nowhere and the best way to refer to it
> would be to say it was a void of nothingness. And now I have in my
> mind some kind of sense of having no interest in anything other than
> basic necessities.
> It /seems/ that in some way, these states do not necessarily coexist.
> They may overlap perhaps but they are different from each other. Some
> people speak of a God of darkness, some of a God of light. I used to
> always think of God as being light, and of there being `another side'
> with higher planes and so on. I am not sure if that isn't just a mind
> trick. And I am wondering where love is or was. Does it feel different
> being /loved/ than to be the one that is loving? Being nothing was
> being God, an actual `god quality', but it was not the same as the
> sheer depth of love felt in the kundalini experience. And I have had
> other supposedly altered states of consciousness in which there may
> have been an absense of self recognition and perhaps a presence all
> around, and a great serious attention. All of these seem to be sort of
> different somehow. Are there other planes, or is that a fantasy? How
> is God really? What is he/she like? Light or dark, a feeling of love
> or an absence of all feelings? Behaving like all other parts of nature
> or having a different, unique, `consciousness' thing?
> --
> Paul.
> IRC: #amiga, Dalnet: #blitz
> WWW: http://www.stationone.demon.co.uk
> E-M: paulATnospamstationone.demon.co.uk


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