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1998/05/08 07:40
kundalini-l-d Digest V98 #361

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 361

Today's Topics:
  Body Spell. Posted by popular demand [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
  Re: Non-denominational kundalini?-me [ Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpent ]
  re: Happiness [ Rik Wallace <rik_wATnospamusa.net> ]
  Weight Loss and K (deja vu? Dan) [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  Weight Loss and K (deja vu? Brent) [ amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us ]
  Re: Happiness [ "Gloria Lee" <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com> ]
  Re: Hello (again) [ Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com> ]
Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 22:02:36 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Body Spell. Posted by popular demand..
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

   Wow, I was a little surprised by the number of requests I received for
  I recommend that you read it while you are doing it.. give yourself some
time.. there is a rather linear progression of ideas that are best thought
about in the order that they are presented.
  I often see folks mention they are unhappy with the shape of their
physical form.
  Since I like folks to be happy, I thought I'd share this.

  This is the "spell" I use to keep my form in perfect shape without
effort. Works great for everyone whose taken the time to do it. It can be
adapted for healing oneself, too.
  I call it a spell, don't be scared, it's mostly creative visualization
and improving communication with the unconscious.

  Wait to read this when you have 45 minutes or more to go through the
visualizations, when you are relaxed and feeling good. Take your time, you
are worth the extra effort to take the quiet quality time for yourself to
really focus.

  My fitness routine: orgasms, swinging a whip, cycling in summer, yoga
when I feel like it. A bit of gardening.
  My diet: includes plenty of Hagen Dazes, butter, eggs, avocados, flax oil,
fat red meat and stuff. No wheat products or rice, because of allergies.
Bags of corn chips. No diet as such, just allergies and an appetite
programmed tiny.
 Flax seed oil taken daily will help break down the undigestible oils,
margarine, deep fry fats that the body tends to store as toxic cellulite,
because it cannot process them. Since I started taking it, nearly 3 years
ago, I have not had a cold or flu, and my seasonal allergies have
diminished considerably. It has also been shown to prevent lung cancer.
 My weight crept up past 145 once, I went oops and reprogrammed it. I keep
it steady at 120, (5'8") effortlessly. My Mom thinks I am too thin, of
course... I am the nearly only slender female amongst my many large
relatives. Younger, I watched them and said not me!
  And I dug out the reasons for why they were the way they were from my
head, and made different choices. So can you.

  The basis of this is finding out why you have chosen to manifest as you
have, what you are getting out of it...you are getting something out of it,
at least your unconscious mind is, or you would not be the way you are.
   When you know more about the benefits you are getting, you can choose to
get them elsewhere.. so you can choose to manifest differently. It is done
best from the Witness state, stay grounded as you dig though the old stuff.
  Don't go beating yourself up for the stuff you find, or looking for fault
or blame, that is the way to stay stuck. Something does not have to be
"wrong" for you to want a change. I wore a green shirt yesterday, today
I'll wear a purple one. Variety!

  If you are not grounded go to
http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent/ground.htm and do the meditation there
and then come back.

  I will go into a lot of different things, some may be old news, some
might not apply. Try them all on for size anyway, and see what comes up.

  First, make friends with your unconscious.
   This sounds silly, but it's important, your unconscious is your best
friend in the world, it totally loves you, it keeps your heart beating for
you, breathes, digests, controls the minutest workings of every cell, and
stores all of your memories and experiences....yet most folks spend more
time complaining and being mistrustful of their own unconscious than
thanking it. It is your unconscious that is in charge of your body.. if
you want it to co-operate, better be nice!

   Say "thank you my unconscious", out loud, 3x with heartfelt feeling.

  Feel the happy buzz glow that is it saying you are welcome, I love you.

  Say it again 5x, fall over giddy and giggling.

  Say it many times every day whenever something good happens, see your
memory and intuition improve tremendously.

  Unconscious cannot process your negative ideas and emotions, it has to stuff
them in a box and wait for an opportunity to present them so they can be
resolved. It needs your opinions, your free will ego choice to give it
permission to clear the closets.
   Usually instead when a "black box" (sack 'o shit) pops up we say oh no
not that again' and stuff it back down...so it gains urgency and size, but
does not get released and processed. A useful image for understanding how
desperately your unconscious wants to get rid of this stuff, is the image
of a small child urgently seeking a toilet.

  Unconscious knows that any negative experience can be released if we trade
negative emotion in for the learning we received. Cool, eh? For some folks
it is a sticking place.. the trick is, the learning does not have to become
 conscious to release the box, and the unconscious has the cosmic
understanding of the lesson in the box already, it just needs permission to
delete the negative emotional content. Deleting the content will often
release the lesson.. today, or tomorrow.. or when you are eighty.. don't
worry about it. Give up the emotional baggage, and let your unconscious
rest.. coz it might be what you are calling "lessons" and struggling to
learn the purpose of, are really "issues" (sacks 'o shit) that need to be
surrendered and then they won't come up anymore.
  Maybe life is about experiences, and we put lessons onto them because we
spend our early life in school?
  Regardless of your point of view, know that your higher self is beyond
space time and already knows all of the lessons there is to learn. It is in
much closer communication with your body and unconscious than your ego
mind. They are smarter than you.. tho they serve your choices..
  So, give up the negative energy in faith, to be resolved on a higher
level, and trust your higher self to find a simple sweet way of
communicating the lesson, if there needs to be one, later.

  Your unconscious, being your best friend in the world, always has your
best interests at heart. It does it does it does. It really does, it is
taking care of you the best way it can, according to what you believe about
  Sometimes, though, it is running on old programming. Ideas about what is
best for you that are no longer most effective. It loves you, and is happy
to upgrade, as long as whatever needs are still going to be met.
  The great thing is, your creative mind can team up with your unconscious
to come up with bizillions of alternate more aligned ways for any need,
once you ask it to. You don't even need to consciously know what the new
program is, just trust.

  If you have trust enough, you don't even have to dig through the old
stuff, you don't have to know consciously what needs are being met, or why.
You can just get your unconscious to meet them in a different way.
  But, with K. this will be easy stuff.
  Dig through, having the Gems conscious is nice... but know also that Ego
can invent Reasons endlessly, that is all it does.. be sure to stay
grounded as you do this or you may find you are descending into a hole you
  First, we have to figure out what benefits you are getting out of having
extra weight.

  The issues of food and weight are usually connected with old ideas of
food and safety. These manifest in different ways.

  Women often gain weight because of issues around sexuality. Being
conventionally sexy is perceived as being dangerous, and so there is an
attempt to hide the person inside under layers.
  Love me for who I am, they are saying. Look for the person inside, and if
you will do that then I know I can trust you...love me anyway, without
demands for me to change.
  I have encountered weight problems as a source for hidden needs for
humiliation, as reliable as Homer Simpson's belly. It is a kind of
attention, that is a love language, it must be met consistently.
  Sometimes the is a security of limitations.."I cannot do this because"...is
easier than "I will do this"...what are you not doing that you tell yourself
you would "if"...? What will be lost with the weight? How will people
respond to you if you change?
  That can be a scary one... will they still love you if you are not the

  For both genders, there is often the connection between food and love, if
ice cream stopped tears at six, likely comfort foods are still taking the
place of real comfort. Sometimes a backwards version of this one is making
up for a needy childhood by getting all the treats now you didn't get, then.
  If guilt is added, this will only fixate the desires. The siren call of
the forbidden. No guilt! You are already perfection.. you just haven't
realized it yet.. :)
  Then there is the reward of eating to feel full, when one feels empty.
The desires are mixed. Think of eating to dispel hunger, and stop before
you feel full.
  Full, feels uncomfortable after awhile, and the connection ceases.

    But how to do that?? By clear communication with your unconscious
telling it what you want to change.
  I will pass on a Tony Robbins trick for reversing images.
  Pick something you don't want in your life anymore, something small for a
first try..and get an image in your mind that represents this stuff. The
image is probably 3d technicolor surround sound. Look at it like it's on
TV.. Turn the volume down. Turn the image black and white and grainy.
Shrink it down to a tiny pinpoint in a lower corner of your mental vision.
  From the other corner, pull up an image that represents what you want
instead. Examine the vision, brighten up the color, fine tune the details,
give it love and a gold fire frame and allow yourself permission to have
it, or something even better, for the good of all and harm to none.
Thankyou my unconscious 3x.
  In the book, Tony teaches that one to someone who switches KFC for carrots
  If you are not a visual person, try to do it with sounds or feelings.
  One thing to do is to get an image or sound in your mind that is marked
"disposal".. a signal you can give to your unconscious that something is
wanted gone.. and you may find after a while that it uses the signal back
at you to get permission to flush.. the sound of a toilet flushing is a
good signal, or a step-trash can in your head, that flies open and things
get pitched in.. an incinerator.. or a window that things get thrown out
of.. or just imagine it flying out the top of your head and up up up.. into
the sun to be turned into light and shine back down as wisdom.
  I used to have some fun using an invisible T-rex who liked to eat the
negative stuff I wanted to get rid of. I'd feed it to him. He was very
polite.. he had the personality of a Disney character, but silent except
for loud belches to say "Thanks!" when he was done feeding.

  Often, if boundary issues are part of past history, there is a need to be
bigger, simply obvious that an elephant is safer than an ant...hard to push
around an elephant, easy to step on an ant. Been there?
  You know how they train elephants. The elephant grows up never realizing
it's strength has outgrown the chains that bind it.
  This safety of size is illusory...elephants get shot for their ivory, but
an ant can escape into a tiny crevice. Ants don't get captured for circuses.

  Stay in a witness state, explore the reasons that come up for your
weight, and the reasons why losing weight must be hard, release them with
love and an expectation for something better, courtesy of your creative
mind. Engage your higher self that knows all things are a product of your
beliefs, and beliefs can be changed.
  Listen for the voices that say "you" and the voices that say "I". The
voices saying 'you' are external opinions that you internalized somewhere
along the way, because they were the best information available at the time.
 Do you want to keep these opinions? They may be good or bad.. sometimes
good opinions can be as dangerous as bad ones.. look at advertising to see
how the mechanism works.. good opinions sometimes require more effort in
   Flush them. Turn the sound down fuzzy, thankyou for showing me these
black boxes my unconscious, release them, here is an affirmation in my own
voice out loud 3x to replace it. Or as many times as it takes to say it
with confidence.
  If it is stubborn not wanting to come out with confidence, dig for a few
more boxes and find out what else is there. Most likely it needs some
  Look at your beliefs about what you need to do to stay fit, too. My snake
sleeps for weeks, she is rippled muscle and not a workout anywhere. A
hummingbird lives on nothing but sugar.

  Now the real magic...get even more deeply grounded, and bathe yourself in
unconditional love and acceptance, for who you are in this moment. Give
love to all of the life experiences that went into creating you, as you are
right now, even if you do not understand the meaning or purpose of all of
the experiences, yet, and even if some of them were nasty.
  Imagine that you stand naked before a 3 way mirror, as you are now.
  Look at yourself with love, no criticism! Take a good look, turn around and
observe yourself with love and acceptance. Your body is an incredible gift
from Goddess, the clothes your limitless eternal spirit wears this
lifetime. Look at your being with unconditional love and acceptance, and
thank your body for all of it's blessings.... build up a nice warm glow..

  Focus now on spirit form. You have an idealized version of yourself
in your mind, already. What you have always felt yourself to ideally look
like. Accept it as a gift of inspiration.
  You know how you have imagined yourself to look in some fantasies. Love
who you are, and give yourself permission to be the person of your dreams.
Your body is your creation, clay for you to sculpt as you wish.
  As you admire yourself in the mirror, begin to caress your delightful
physical form with the sensual joy of spirit. As you caress yourself all
over, hands glowing with light, up and down and around again and again, the
clay of your body responds to the sculpture of your spirit touch.
  With your caresses, sculpt and smooth your physical body into the
idealized image of your spirit form. Massage away the loose skin and feel
it renewing under your loving touch, feel the tone of your body changing as
you desire as you caress the textures of your own flesh. Feel the muscles
under the skin, and be very aware of your wondrous physicality.
  Take your time, the sculpture of you is worth the thought and care. Look
at all of your bits and give them love and sculpt them with caresses. Stop
to observe your progress and admire the beauty of your work, the wonder of
the creation of your self.
  Give yourself perfect radiant health, from Goddess love and abundance.
Love and light fired off out your head and into the planet to support this
vision. (or whatever inspires faith, for you)
  When the sculpture is done, if you have given it sufficient attention and
care you will actually feel the physicality of your new body under the
surface of your present one.
  Give yourself permission to have it manifest effortlessly with grace, and
thanks thanks thanks to your unconscious which will be working to create it
for you starting immediately. Without requiring much of your conscious
thought, but an occasional affirmation as more black boxes come up.

  You probably have a number you associate with your ideal weight. Put that
number glowing neon light your favorite color on the inside of your
forehead. Old patterns come up, temptation strikes, need an internal
appetite check and a booster? It is only your unconscious asking you to
make a decision top dump more baggage. Answer it with a look at the glowing
number which is connected to the image of your ideal form and your
temptation will vanish instantly poof effortless into nothing but a warm
glow or weird craving for something your body really needs.
  Thank your unconscious when this happens.

  All is in alignment, there is no effort because all resistance and
old limitations ideas, have been released, will be released with love if
they come again, any stray bits. Your unconscious is already readjusting the
metabolism of every single cell of your body to manifest with love the form
of your desires. Isn't co-operation wonderful?
  Thankyou my unconscious 3x out loud with love and feeling, so be it for
highest good.
  Your form will be reshaping itself all the time while you are consciously
busy with other things. You may repeat this exercise whenever you feel the
  Spend some time in this nice glowing state thinking about how wonderful
it is to take long walks, by yourself meditative, or with a good companion.
Think about walking down a long beach, through a forest, and on a city
street, taking in all the bustling energy and vibrance around you, becoming
more relaxed and recharged, refreshed with every step.
  Think of how coming home feels especially good after a nice stroll,
taking in the world. Think of how well you sleep after walking. How
effortless walking is when you are enjoying it. How much you have enjoyed
it. The best walks you have taken, what you saw or experienced.
  If you are physically unable to walk, you may want to imagine floating.

  That's it. Love who you are, give yourself permission to change anyway,
and get your unconscious to see and accept a clear image of your desires.
You have the most powerful force of the universe behind you, morphing your
own form is cosmicly simpler than getting good parking spots. Same
essential principle, tho.
 Blessings, Angelique.

PS: You know my spells work, I could bottle this one and start an empire.
Mebbie I will.. heh heh..
Date: Thu, 07 May 1998 21:07:35 -0700
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <serpentATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: Dan Margolis <margolisATnospamtransbay.net>
Cc: "keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu" <keutzerATnospameecs.berkeley.edu>,
 "'Imtgxxx'" <ImtgxxxATnospamaol.com>,
 "kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Non-denominational kundalini?-medium long
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 06:21 PM 07/05/98 -0700, Dan Margolis wrote:
> As for whether or not I need a guide, sometimes I feel I do, sometimes I
>I don't... Just opinions, not truth. Doesn't matter anyway, I don't have one
>right now but am open to one appearing. What happens will happen, whether I
>mess around with things or not.
  Yup. The only Guru needed is the still, small voice within.. tho it may
lead you to another.
>I would be far more troubled by awakened people that lack a practice or a
>spiritual path or view kundalini as an end in itself. To be given a gift
>kundalini awakening and to use it for tricks instead of self-realization is a
>waste. Far too few people use their capacity for spiritual understanding,
>when you have such a great tool for learning, to waste it seems tragic.

  Goddess wastes nothing.
  The apples that fall on the ground are food for the worms, if not for the
worms the tree could not live to make apples. Everything has purpose,
nothing is wasted.
  Many teachers used "tricks" to get to get folks attention, so they could
speak about what is unseen. With any "Trick", there is always more to it
than meets the eye..
     Blessings, Mystress.
Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 05:41:11
From: Rik Wallace <rik_wATnospamusa.net>
To: sandeepcATnospambom3.vsnl.net.in
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: re: Happiness
Message-ID: <19980508054111.13267.qmailATnospamwww06.netaddress.usa.net>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------NetAddress--ceHFpL2767"


> Hi everybody
> If you have reasons to be happy then you really are not happy!
> Any views?


Hm. I thought I was happy till now. :) I can think of many reasons
to be happy (as well as many reasons to be sad and grumpy!)
but I don't take them very seriously, as they tend not to have
much bearing on whether I'm happy or not. When I'm happy,
I'm just happy. Hap hap happy. Happy happy.

Maybe you mean to imply that happiness is *independent* of cause.
But I feel ok pretending to hold 'causes' in mind also, as they are
independent, ie. no contradiction to hold both.

You might notice that your statement is a conditional!
*IF* you have reasons, then not happy - or, Happiness *depends*
on 'reasonlessness'! I have a feeling you did not mean to
imply that. ;) Happiness just IS, reasons or no reasons...

Thanks much for posing the question Sandeep. Enjoying your posts.

Reasonless but happy (maybe) -rik

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From: "Sandeep Chatterjee" <sandeepcATnospambom3.vsnl.net.in>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Happiness
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Hi everybody

If you have reasons to be happy then you really are not happy!

Any views?


Get free e-mail and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 08:55:33 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Weight Loss and K (deja vu? Dan)
Message-Id: <l03130301b178c99c7d80ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Well, I'm currently going through my spring fast and I go to work every day to
>a pretty stressful job. It's a matter of setting priorities. There is no
>rule that you have to be an ascetic and live in caves to pursue spirituality.
>It may be easier though.
> Dan M.

I was talking strictly about weight loss. If I didn't think I could combine
spirituality and a normal life I wouldn't bother subscribing to this list,
among other things.

Back to the weight loss issue, there are also things such as genetics,
gender, hormones, aging, brain chemicals, body and personality types to
consider. Not to mention working across the street from a good vegetarian
restaurant. Some of us may be able to be a size six again if we made it the
*number one* priority in our lives, but it would not be worth the wear and
tear on relationships or finances.

And some of us haven't seen a size six since puberty and never will. If I
were six feet tall, for instance, having a body proportioned like Kate Moss
would mean I would barely be able to stand without help. Just adding some
perspective here.

There is also a theory that fat is a feminist issue. Men don't worry about
it near as much as women do, sometimes to the detriment of their own
health, unfortunately. A "beer gut" is very unhealthy for the heart, to
state one obvious example.

(throwing everything but the kitchen sink in, while simultaneously hoping
this thread dies soon)
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 08:55:58 -0600
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Weight Loss and K (deja vu? Brent)
Message-Id: <l03130300b178c773fb97ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Brent Brent Bo-Brent Banana Fanna Fo Fent queried:
>I'm curious. How was your health while your fam was forcing you to eat?
>Not eating at all can either be unhealthy or just fine (starvation or
>fasting). Which do you think was the case?

I *felt* wonderful. To people looking at me from the outside I was starving
to death. Which do *you* think was the case? And as Harsha would say:

*Who* is asking the question, Brent, *who*?

(hooting like an owl: …8>« )
Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 07:10:43 PDT
From: "Gloria Lee" <samyanaATnospamhotmail.com>
To: blal0004ATnospammaroon.tc.umn.edu
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com
Subject: Re: Happiness
Message-ID: <19980508141043.2264.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain

>Gloria Lee:
>> Hey Sandeep....pssst..isn't saying ANY reason also a kind of reason??
>> Which is first what you point out to Holly...(except being happy
>> reason does imply without ANY reason)...so then YOU go on to describe
>> how it must be unconditional and perpetual...well, aren't those
>> REASONS??? Can I not be supremely happy .. but say it IS fleeting??
>> cherry blossom just sends me to ecstasy, tho I know it will not
>> so what?? You are getting just as ATTACHED to your "reasoning" ..so
>> STILL a kind of reason. The ONLY reason permitted for happiness must
>> now unconditional, perpetual, and total. Is that it?? Sweety, I do
Brent asks:
>1) For clarification: How does "happy beyond reason" differ from
>without reason"?
glo: the beyond would equal approximately without needing any
reason..(I was trying to point this out as essentially saying the same
>2) "Unconditional" and "perpetual" are attributes, not reasons.
glo: yes, true enough..but to then limit happiness to only a condition
that HAS the attributes of "unconditional" and "perpetual" is to define
by exclusion..thus anything which does not possess those attributes is
by definition excluded. Actually, happiness itself is just an attribute
of being...it is "being" which alone which may be "unconditional and
perpetual". Without some being of awareness..who is it that has the
attribute of happiness?
>3) True that lack of attachment, not duration, is what really matters.
>But what are you left with when you remove attachment? (Unconditional
>happiness?) Could you two be saying the same thing two different ways
>battling over word choice? Or maybe you are saying totally different
glo: Yes, we are both saying the same thing 2 ways and also saying 2
different things... or maybe Sandeep and I are just confusing... or
confused?? LOL
 It WAS originally a simple question..perhaps we are now
over-complicating it?? I simply wished to say that even a conditional,
limited, temporary happiness is still a state of happiness. Our whole
life is also this limited state. Now if happiness is seen as an
attribute of just being.. and that is some permanent state..then it
would need no reasons, nor would it change. I can see both as possible.
My point was more about why exclude the conditional..are we not also
allowed to find joy in the moment to moment awareness of what is?
I really like Sandeep...he asks interesting questions, so when he gets
around to replying, we'll see.

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Date: Fri, 08 May 1998 09:16:47 +0100
From: Kathy <deliriumATnospamfull-moon.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com, The List <kundalini-lATnospamlists.execpc.com>
Subject: Re: Hello (again)
Message-ID: <3552BF6C.2725D1C0ATnospamfull-moon.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353"

Welcome back, Paul! I feel a particular kinship with you, perhaps because you express
yourself so well in your posts...and what you express is pretty darn close to what I've
been experiencing...

Paul: (snipped mercilessly)

> Not so many days ago I became unsubscribed from the list kind of by accident... I have
> noticed the absence of an outlet for some thing I have wanted to share or ask...


> I started to realise I was being very pretentious and that I kept `acting'. So I've
> just sort of stopped doing that and I feel rather more real.

Kewl! I think we all go through the "gotta be serious" mode...I think you might like the
words of *Sark* who has written some neat books, just got the latest, she writes from her
female pov but the stuff she says could apply to anybody.

> Earlier today I was sitting here and suddenly the past seemed to
> dissapear.... as every moment passed it seemed like the very first moment, always.

This only happens to me when I am doing something I am completely in love with...used to
happen a lot when I painted, sometimes happens now when I play soccer or listen to music.
It's a wonderful feeling, ennit? Pure energetic awareness, but relaxed and completely
conscious, clearly focused...NEAT!!!

> I didn't realise how close we are to the present. I don't mean that
> I'm super-enlightened or anything, just that the present rather
> reaches out to touch us wherever we are.

Yes!!! That's the feeling, and I think we can get "past" that and into realizing that we
are in the present always, regardless of where/when we think ourselves to be...the trick
is not to force it, I guess.

Once again, welcome back, Paul...

Brightest blessings...Delirium (Kath)


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