Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/13 06:10
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #512

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 512

Today's Topics:
  Lessons from the Soul - #32
  Re: Evolution?
  sign the guestbook invitation
  Re: Evolution?
  humble pie
  Re: Evolution?
  Re: Evolution?
  re: Abundance of insight in India
  Re: chakras and radionics
  Re: Kundalini forum is us
  Re: Evolution?
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 18:53:42 -0600
From: John Otis <sacredwindATnospamusa.net>
To: sacredwindATnospamusa.net
Subject: Lessons from the Soul - #32
Message-ID: <34417116.6929ATnospamusa.net>
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------E523941DA5"

Greetings from the mountaintop of the Sacred Wind,

We awakened this morning to our first snow of the season transforming
the spruce and aspen forest into a winter wonderland. And to think that
only yesterday we were hiking in the high country at the upper part of
our valley wearing short sleeves and enjoying the shade! Yes, change is
upon us - constantly. It is a matter of perception as to how we look
at, and then interact with that which is observed.

The winter season is a wonderful season to go within, just as the
externalized aspects of nature do. It is a time to reflect, to renew,
to awaken to that infinite source of energy and power that resides
within the Soul. The outer conditions are but a reflection of the
seasons of the Soul. See what you will; know the truth of that which
you see. The awakening continues.....................

Blessings of Love and Light,

John and Cheryl
>From the Land of Enchantment


The era of your existence in which all creation is taking
place at a rather constant but what appears to be
accelerated pace is an era that demands the focus of the
attention of awakening for there is really nothing more or
less that is happening than any other period of observation.
It is just that the awareness of the process of awakening,
the awareness of the process of the infinite creative flow
of energy is increasing. Souls are awakening to their
potential, to their reality, to their true character and
nature so it appears as though there is much happening. It
must always be known that there is a steady constant flow of
creative energy. It is simply how that energy is
manipulated, how it is manifested, and how it is
interpreted, understood, and observed that makes it appear
to be more or less of an energetic pattern.

For this reason, it is important that the awakening soul
remain focused on what you might call the summit of creative
experience. It is important that the awakening soul remain
focused on what you might call the mountain top, the peak,
or the apex of one's experience. There are many patterns of
experience along the pathway of awakening that would draw
one into the valleys, into the crevasse, into the depths of
the transient moment that appear to be so real but disappear
and dissipate as the focus is regained and the summit of
experience of awakening is observed.

There are many discussions about the soul having the
mountain top experience. This is simply another way of
saying remaining focused, remaining clear in the purity of
intention and application. This is another way of saying
that within the depths of the awareness of the soul is the
total perfection and reality of all that the soul truly is.
It is within this center of being that the focus of one's
attention must rest. This is the key to remaining on the
pathway of awakening, the pathway of ascension. It is
important to let all that is less than this perfected peak
of awareness simply fall away for it ultimately has no
meaning other than being a transient point of observation
that is like the rung on the ladder.

We would simply encourage that the focus remain clear and
perfect, that the intention remains pure and directed, and
that the application of all one says, one does, and one
thinks be aligned with this focus and intention. This is a
time, an era when the awakening process is indeed
accelerating. Hold that mountain top in the center of your
inner vision. Let nothing divert the attention or the
movement of awareness toward the attaining of the clarity of
understanding, the clarity of knowing the truth that can
only come when one rests on this apex, this peak, this
mountain top of the creative experience.

You are the perfected being of that mountain top. You
already are all that you can be. Realize this truth and let
that realization be the beacon that lights the way as you
accelerate your movement in the awakening process toward
attaining this peak of perfection consciously. There is
only one Light that illuminates the one path. See that path
clearly as you proceed to attain the perfected consciousness
that is illuminated from within.

AWKNG: 70910
Greetings from the realm of inter-dimensional and omni-
dimensional existence. This is the realm that is just
beyond the veil of human awareness. There is no question
any longer of the existence of this realm for, in every
segment of human experience, the doorways are being opened,
the windows are being opened, the points of resistance are
dissolving and there is a continuously expanding statement
and awareness of this omni-dimensional realm that is beyond
the limitations that have been perceived and held onto for
so long within the human experience.

So you see, it is possible, not only possible, it is
probable, not only probable, it is inevitable that all souls
embodied in the earthly experience come face to face with
this interaction, with this omni-dimensional realm. It
cannot be avoided for it is a pattern of expression that is
irreversibly being manifested. There are no closets with
closed doors that the consciousness of the soul can retreat
into. The doors have all been removed and it is simply a
matter of time, a matter of exposure, a matter of
remembering and awakening to the depths of consciousness
that exist within the expression of the soul manifesting
within the earthly experience.

It will be seen by all that there is much more to what is
called life than what has been presupposed or what one has
been conditioned to believe. So greetings and welcome to
this omni-dimensional realm.

You have noticed that there is a great deal of interaction
from other points of awareness, other points of
manifestation that are interacting with the earthly
environment at this time. There are innumerable reports of
such interactions. It cannot be avoided that such
interactions are occurring. It cannot be denied. So you
see, the interactions that are occurring are very real.

The view of what is called a spacecraft or space vehicle is
not a correct term for space implies that there are
dimensions that can be measured and that there are
relationships and a standard of existence that can be
quantified. It is really a spaceless environment, a
timeless environment of which we speak. But, for purposes
of communication, we use words that can be interpreted.
What you call space is simply the points between manifested
realities. As this term is used, know that we are really
speaking of an infinite panorama or spectrum of existence
and that there are certain points along this continuum of
existence that appear to have certain shapes, certain forms,
certain substance. That is as it should be for
manifestation is occurring constantly throughout the
continuum of existence. When we say there have been
observed certain spacecraft or space vehicles, it is
observing in this spaceless, timeless environment certain
aspects of manifestation that take on a substantive,
quantitative condition for the purpose of communicating,
sharing, and participating in the evolution of awareness of
not only Earth but of all consciousness.

So you see, that which has been observed change and modifies
as perceptions are made and as awareness becomes unified. A
so called space vehicle observed to have four spokes from
the hub, from a center, and going out to what appears to be
a circular rim, makes a statement of manifestation where
there is a more substantive statement being made. The same
vehicle can also be seen to have three spokes from the hub
as part of the creative impulse that is bringing the
consciousness of creation into focus within all aspects of
manifestation. It is all one. Depending upon the
application and the requirement for expanding awareness, the
vision, the view, the vehicle, the carrier wave of the
consciousness of creation takes on that form which is of
importance and is currently applicable to the moment, to the
very essence of the creative impulse being recognized and
aligned with at that moment.

So it is a most interesting process within the omni-
dimensional realm. It is as though you are on the shore of
a vast ocean. Each wave that comes in has a different
shape, has a different form, has a different intensity, and
has a different purpose, although all application of the
movement of this ocean of consciousness have but one
purpose. That purpose is to bring the shoreline of
resistance into an integrated alignment with this ocean of
consciousness. So just as each wave has a different
appearance, so does, within the conscious awareness of the
omni-dimensional realm, each wave of impulse of the flow of
consciousness from that realm have a different appearance
and a different feel.

It is a time when all along the shoreline are called to
merge with this ocean of consciousness. It is simply a
matter of releasing the resistance, of letting go of the old
paradigms of existence, and blending with, merging with,
flowing out with the receding and evolving energy of this
ocean of consciousness. It is like a magnet that is slowly
pulling the boundaries of awareness into a unified whole.
There are of course those points of resistance that are like
the granite blocks along the ocean shore that resist the
pounding and the continuous call of the waves of
consciousness that repeatedly come into the environment of
the consciousness of this resistance. Eventually these
granite blocks are reduced to particles of sand so the
inevitable pathway of return and alignment with the
consciousness of this ocean of awareness is not a question
of if it will happen, it is only a question of when the
resistance will be no more.

So feel these waves of consciousness coming from this realm
of omni-dimensional existence. Resist not. Merge with and
flow with that which is observed, that which is felt, that
which is known to be true. Let that which is simply be what
it is. Release all points of resistance. Set aside and
become unattached to all assumed realities. Let go and
dissolve all paradigms of existence that you have been
conditioned to believe are true. Know that the
consciousness you are as a soul is one with the infinite
consciousness of creation. Let the waves of consciousness
absorb that who you are as you merge with this infinite
ocean of awareness. Feel the pulse of creation coursing
through every cell of your physical, emotional, mental
being. Feel even more so the infinite pulse of creation
coursing through every cell of your consciousness. Know the
Oneness of all. Be the Oneness of all. I AM the Oneness of

I AM the Love, the Light, and the Life Force of creation.

AWRN: 70607
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 16:15:01 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Evolution?
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971012154924.8016D-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi This message came from Sunil Peswami: I have some rejoinders...
 All life is climbing up the hill of evolution. If we make a hill
as high as a height of distant star from earth and if human life is as
small as an ant. So each of us human beings is climbing this mountain of
evolution and this mountain is covered with d ense forests. And hence we
cannot climb straigt as the top is invisible and the path is unmarked and

Sorry I do not buy this image any more. I used to. It has been "sold" to
us for so long by so many "religions" but the TRUTH is that we are perfect
at every moment.. we are fully realised and the true essence every second
of our existence. The problem is the misplacement of awareness on the mind
or ego to the outside. When the awareness is correctly placed the truth is
found. This is Advaita. The truth is available to everyone at every
single moment in time. There is NO SEARCH - there is NO EFFORT - there is
no need to despair or struggle or be worried about EVOLUTION. Evolution is
about the planet, about time and space, about genetics and about species.
It is not about the awareness which is eternally present.

I think it is time that this old thinking which has kept man tied and
bound in illusions of "spiritual progress" be shot down and examined for
what it is... Anyone, anywhere at any time can wake up to the truth. There
is no heirarchy about it.. and there is absolutely not effort involved.
There is a humility perhaps.. that enables the experience of truth to
enter... but if you follow the teachings of Advaita.. even this is not
required. It can be found through the mind.. using the mind to find wht is
not OF the mind. Step beyond the mind.. then you are THAT.. and it is with
you enternally, has been eternally, and always will be. It is that which
is so truly YOU that you wonder how you overlooked it. There is no
seeking necessary for this.
      The reason I believe so many teachers force
their disciples to search and struggle is because of the nature of the
human (particularly male) mind which does not accept or believe in the
simple... somehow women seem more able to get this according to Osho and
many others. The truth of who you are is at every moment breathing as you
and living as you.. and that is the God and goal that you seek. So all
that is required is to be still and know this. It seems to simple.. and
yet it is true. All this broohaha about searching and sacrifice.. well I
think it was necessary for the past.. but today folks, you are being
handed your god-realization on a plate.. for you have help coming from
everywhere to get you to wake up to the truth. The angels are practically
dragging some of you along and kicking you and stuffing you with light and
saying "WAKE UP." They are kicking out your bad friends, and finding you
new jobs and sending things to you so you can get along faster.
Never before has there been so much help for you to get this NOW...
So these ancient ways.. the ways of the Indian Gurus's and even the Buddha
were fine for the past.. but I say they are too slow and outdated.. the
universe is singing a new harmony for us. We are God's new experiment and
his chosen ones.. just turn inside and BE.

Well I guess I will get off the old soap box...
That's my sermon for this Sunday...

Ruth--otherwise recognised in the galaxy as Nuith..Goddess of the Night
Everytime one realizes something of the truth, there is a dance in the
heart. The heart is the only testimony for the truth. (Osho)
Ruth Trimble email:<trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 23:18:01 +0000
From: Nancy <NancyATnospammagiccity.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Evolution?
Message-ID: <34415AA3.48DAATnospammagiccity.com>

Ruth Trimble wrote:

>The angels are practically dragging some of you along and kicking you and stuffing you with light and saying "WAKE UP." They are kicking out your bad friends, and finding you new jobs and sending things to you so you can get along faster. Never before has there been so much help for you to get this NOW...

Can you tell me more about your perspective on this? Why are angels
"stuffing" us with light? What is their role in interacting with us? Why
is it important for us to wake up now? How do you believe this works?

I'm very interested in your views.

Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 22:04:00 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: sign the guestbook invitation
Message-ID: <3441B9C2.3CC9ATnospamptialaska.net>

thanx to a link on ruth trimble's web page, people can now sign my
this is a real breakthrough, as i have been e-mailing people for monthes
about how to configure the GEOCITIES version.
i imagine people have *things* to say to me...please try to be *gentle*,
& i will respond in kind!
thankyou in advance;
valerie cooper
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 12:32:41 +0500 (GMT+0500)
From: Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Evolution?
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.91.971013121856.23825A-100000ATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

On Sun, 12 Oct 1997, Ruth Trimble wrote:

> Hi This message came from Sunil Peswami: I have some rejoinders...
> >>>>
> All life is climbing up the hill of evolution. If we make a hill
> as high as a height of distant star from earth and if human life is as

> Sorry I do not buy this image any more. I used to. It has been "sold" to
> us for so long by so many "religions" but the TRUTH is that we are perfect
> at every moment.. we are fully realised and the true essence every second
> *****
 But Ram agrees with Ruth. As I wrote that Guatam Buddha gave
instantaneous Nirvana to any person who came forward by CHOICE. Now I am
being told that highly evolved aliens have landed on Earth due to some
favourable conditions and are going to give a boost to evolution. Those
aliens coming may be Boddhisattvas , Adepts or Masters who can by
Compassion help those of us who agree by CHOICE and help themselves.
 Ram will be happy to join them for push to higher evolution.
 It is told that the knowledge that Guatam Buddha received is
benefitting more than 10,000 worlds of our type of evolution (In our part
of galaxi). Gods and goddess of our deva planes benefitted earlier and
now some other evolved world is taking the advantage of this Wisdom.

Ram is waiting for any sign from these aliens.
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 23:31:03 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: humble pie
Message-ID: <3441CE1C.4C82ATnospamptialaska.net>

i publically apologize for my extra-sharp criticisms this past week.
it is my own malaise, projecting.
please forgive me?
i am trying & searching & praying to be better...
valerie cooper
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 21:35:12 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Evolution?
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971012210359.2685D-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

My Dear Sunil:
I'm glad you did not feel picked on by my rejoinders.. it seems. I have
been inculcated with the same messages that you have written and I did
think I had to work hard and suffer much to get realized. But since I have
had some experiences with the grace of Shri Ramana Marharshi, I have found
that such hard work is not necessary for the state we are trying to
achieve simply because we already exist as that. I am glad to see....that
> >
> But Ram agrees with Ruth. As I wrote that Guatam Buddha gave
> instantaneous Nirvana to any person who came forward by CHOICE.
Some people say that is what Jesus died for.. the same thing.. so we could
choose to know the truth. I believe that many beings have made the
situation possible for me to writewhat I wrote.. ie. that we can choose
now to know the truth without hardships and long taspasyas.

> Now I am
> being told that highly evolved aliens have landed on Earth due to some
> favourable conditions and are going to give a boost to evolution. Those
Some of these are "walkins" who have switched souls with those who wished
to leave the body.
[snip]> aliens coming may be Boddhisattvas , Adepts or Masters who can by
> Compassion help those of us who agree by CHOICE and help themselves.
But there are beings not incarnate doing this too.. for if we fail here
then a lot more than just our solar system suffers.. like ripples on a
pond... we affect the cosmos.
>Ram will be happy to join them for
push to higher evolution.
Like I said before Ram...Sunil...is it evolution you are talking about?
Or is it what the Buddha was talking of SELF REALIZATION? I do not believe
these are the same things. What man has not been aware of all these
centuries because of genetic tampering by ET's in his DNA is that he is
totally one with God. There is no intermediary..no teacher to tell him
what to do...man is the divine. This knowledge has been cut off from man
because he was incapable of picking up the message if you like. It is as
if he had a too short aerial for his radio station, or his modem is too
slow to get God's harmonies sent at a higher frequency.. with the new DNA
and the changes going on with all the K'ites.. well then the tones and
harmonies can be heard.. witness all the buzzing, popping, explosions and
thunder in the head...! Something is changing forsure! People are not
getting the message.. YOU ARE GOD!

  It is told that the knowledge that Guatam Buddha received is
> benefitting more than 10,000 worlds of our type of evolution (In our part
> of galaxi). Gods and goddess of our deva planes benefitted earlier and
> now some other evolved world is taking the advantage of this Wisdom.
> Ram is waiting for any sign from these aliens.
Dear Ram.. why wait?. Tune in... go inside the heart.. roam there and
explore there.. you will find all the worlds tht ever existed and will
exist right inside you... you are THAT.. you are omnipresent...every
single one of us is... there is no place anywhere that cannot be visited
and no knowledge that we do not all have access to.
You are these Gods and Goddesses.. .. after all you are here at this time
for this auspicious awakening. I feel.. truly speaking there is no such
thing as an alien for all beings are ourselves.
 Blessings, Namaste' Ruth

Everytime one realizes something of the truth, there is a dance in the
heart. The heart is the only testimony for the truth. (Osho)
Ruth Trimble email:<trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 21:43:05 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Evolution?
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971012214202.2685M-100000ATnospamuhunix4>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Hi Sunil and List
 I made a typo
I said: thunder in the head...! Something is changing forsure! People
are not
getting the message.. YOU ARE GOD!
Ofcourse it should be "People are NOW getting the message YOU ARE GOD!"
Yikes those two little words mean a world of difference!
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 10:33:47 +0200
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: NancyATnospammagiccity.com
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: re: Abundance of insight in India
Message-Id: <C125652F.002EF392.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

>> What is happenning today is the path towards perfection. India
>> to learn a lot about material development and has a lot of
>> truths to give the world in return.
>This reminds me of Swami Vivekananda's dream...to pass on eastern
>spiritual wisdom of the west and in return bring material comfort to the
>east. I wonder if we're getting any closer to this ideal...

Yes, abslutely true, this has been the dream of Swami Vivekananda.
As for getting any closer to the "goal", there is a story by Swamiji
in one of his lectures. It was about a ghost who had come to a person's
house and wanted to work for that man. The man asked the ghost to build
him a house, get money, get cars etc. Once all the material wishes
were fulfilled, the ghost (like a genie) still wanted work, and
threatened to eat up the man if he did not get any more work.

So, the man asked the ghost to get hold of a dog, and hold his tail
straight for some time and leave it. It it curls back, the ghost would
have to hold the tail straight again for some time till finally the
curled tail of the dog became straight. Well, the ghost was finally
busy with straightening the curved tail of the dog to this day !!

In conclusion, Swami Vivekananda said that this world is the curved
tail of the dog. It is our duty to straighten it, but as for the
results, of the goal, that is not for us to decide or think about.
Maybe we are getting closer to the ideal, maybe we are not.
Saints come and go, governments come and go, criminals come and
go, the world continues ever changing, ever evolving into newer
manifestations of Energy states......

Cheers and love to all
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 13:01:40 +0200
From: "Sen Ashanka"<sashankaATnospamaismi.ais.it>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: chakras and radionics
Message-Id: <C125652F.003C62EB.00ATnospamais.it>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

>A few years ago I was visiting a friend whose father was a practitioner of
various >types of alternative medicine. I happened to see a number of
books on radionics >there. Some of them seemed to have to do with
measuring or manipulating energy in >the chakras. If anybody has knowledge
about this I'd like to hear about it.

There is a site on the Internet


They claim to have developed instruments to photograph the aura of persons
and things. They also have e-mail addresses to correspond.

Looks interesting.

Cheers and love to all
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 08:03:09 -0400
From: "F. Drew Leyda" <leydaATnospamvalunet.com>
To: "Spirit-Mind-Body" <spirit-mind-bodyATnospamtikipub.com>
Cc: "Kundalini" <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
 "Self Knowledge List" <selfknow-lATnospamspiritweb.org>,
 "Sacred Wind" <sacredwindATnospamusa.net>
Subject: Grounded
Message-Id: <9710131450.AA07022ATnospamns.valunet.com>


How long has it been since you have walked barefoot in the grass ?

We talk of being grounded. I assume that means being connected to the
ground , our Mother the Earth.

Remember, as a kid, jumping into puddles, rolling in the grass, dancing in
the rain ?

Grounded .

" So Far : So Good "
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 07:46:28 -0500
From: amckeonATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini forum is us
Message-ID: <1335393708-71131890ATnospamhsmail.nfld.k12.mn.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Lobster wrote:

>The Kundalini forum is us. The movement of messages is
>the K. It has both a gross and a subtle form. The opening
>of particular debates would represent the flowering of
>different chakras. As we can see this is very much a
>random and undisciplined growth. Some are quite happy
>with that . . .

I have had this thought also, but at a subconscious level. Lobster put it
into words. I am very happy with this list in general. There were a few
long-winded, somewhat over-intellecutalized posts a few days ago that
seemed to belong more on the genius-l list than here, but I didn't want to
stick my nose in about it. And of course that trend came and went without
my intervention.
You are all a blessing to me. I love getting so many perspectives. Back
when my K. was spontaneously activated I got some very bad and destructive
"advice" and was given to believe that it was the only "truth" there was.
Thank you all for being so different from each other! I've always valued
having many choices. Baskin-Robbins 31 flavors!

Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 07:55:13 -0500
From: FIute <FIuteATnospamprodigy.net>
To: "kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>,
 Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
Subject: Re: Evolution?
Message-ID: <34421A31.58FBATnospamprodigy.net>

Ruth Trimble wrote:
> Hi Sunil and List
> I made a typo
> I said: thunder in the head...! Something is changing forsure! People
> are not
> getting the message.. YOU ARE GOD!
> >>>>
> Ofcourse it should be "People are NOW getting the message YOU ARE GOD!"
> Yikes those two little words mean a world of difference!
> Ruth
Amergene the fist recorded poet aalso said.. You are God.. only by
"I am the wind rushing across the sky" etc. I'll see i I can find the
poem.. Its totally beautiful and states that we are a part of all there


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