Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/10/07 06:30
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #498

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 498

Today's Topics:
  Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
  White ?
  Re: White ?
  Prometheus Bound
  Piercing Rudra Knot
  Neil's Story
  Re: Growing with Kundalini
  Unidentified subject!
  Re: Neil's Story
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 11:16:04 +0500 (GMT+0500)
From: Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
To: Graham Dumpleton <Graham.DumpletonATnospamnms.otc.com.au>
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini and Holy Spirit (was Pentecostal Kundalini)
Message-Id: <Pine.OSF.3.91.971007110224.20772A-100000ATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>

On Tue, 7 Oct 1997, Graham Dumpleton wrote:

> > Kurt Keutzer wrote:
> > > Earlier Gloria said:
> > > Kundalini is connected to the universal in that
> > > >it is a step in the process. Gloria
> > >
> > > I've been letting this sit - while continuing to think about it. I am
> > > inclined to believe that kundalini and cosmic energy-clear light-holy
> > > spirit are not really different - they are just situated differently in the
> > > human body. ....
> >
> > HI Kurt,
> > Actually I meant to write one is not better then the other, they are
> > just coming from different places with different frequencies, ... Gloria

 The energy coming from higher level is much much better compared to
any type of kundalini energy generated.

> The way I see it, "energy is energy".
 Graham Dumpleton (grahamdATnospamnms.otc.com.au)
 Matter is also a form of energy, but it is different from any
heat or electric energy. Thought is also a form of energy but again it is
not same as heat or electric energy.

 Kundalini energy is of many types. It is energy of astral thought level.
K-energy of hate level tends towards matter more compared to k-energy of
love level.
 But higher energy is way beyond these k-energies.
E X P E R I E N C E D .................r a m.
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 19:47:45 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>
cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: White ?
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971006194130.9148A-100000ATnospamuhunix4>

Hi Indra:
I enjoy your posts. Are you male or female? I was possessed by Indra of
the Hindu Lord of Heaven fame.. at one stage in my k. awakening. It was
amazing. I had 3 heads and 4 arms. He was quite bossy too! I would walk
around with things in my imaginary arms that could not have been carried
with 2 arms, but I did anyway...!
I have since questioned my healer and I guess I got the White light issue
from someone else, because she agrees with you.. white is pure and
protective. I guess it sparked a good few letters! <GRIN>
Now I want to knwo if anyone knows the value of different colors of root
cords into the planet... I sometimes can run a white one, and other times
I can only get a yellow or purple down. any ideas on that one?
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 22:04:22 -0800
From: valerian <madammumATnospamptialaska.net>
To: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
CC: indra <indraATnospamsmartt.com>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: White ?
Message-ID: <3439D0E1.6F35ATnospamptialaska.net>

Ruth Trimble wrote:
> Hi Indra:
> I enjoy your posts. Are you male or female? I was possessed by Indra of
> the Hindu Lord of Heaven fame.. at one stage in my k. awakening. It was
> amazing. I had 3 heads and 4 arms. He was quite bossy too! I would walk
> around with things in my imaginary arms that could not have been carried
> with 2 arms, but I did anyway...!
> I have since questioned my healer and I guess I got the White light issue
> from someone else, because she agrees with you.. white is pure and
> protective. I guess it sparked a good few letters! <GRIN>
> Now I want to knwo if anyone knows the value of different colors of root
> cords into the planet... I sometimes can run a white one, and other times
> I can only get a yellow or purple down. any ideas on that one?
> *****
dear ruth,
   if one visualizes tree roots, they would be 'tree root color'
(brown?), if visualizing a steel ramrod, would be steel colored
(silver?). if one can see a laser light, it would be white.
i bet lotsa people use a rainbow - it is *so fashionable* lately.
that would take at least 7 colors.
"Ah, good taste! What a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of
creativeness." PabloPicasso
valerie cooper
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 20:05:50 -1000
From: Ruth Trimble <trimbleATnospamhawaii.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Prometheus Bound
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.971006200005.9148E-100000ATnospamuhunix4>

Hi Kurt:
Your note:
Sometimes I think that the myth of the prometheus is the story
of how prometheus ``stole'' the kundalini from the gods and brougth it to
humankind. Sitting inside us it gives a freedom and independence from the
cosmic will. But the ultimate destiny is to return the kundalini to the
gods through its ascension.
   Seems to be very close to the thesis of the books by Sitchin about our
relationship to the Gods and Gilgamesh. I have read in Hand Clow too that
this K. awakening was an implant in us from a very long time ago byu the
Sirians who did not want us to entirely perish in this era..so they gave
us this special ability to wake up... much the same as Prometheus was
given fire....or maybe it is the same fire they are referring to. The
implication is tht with this fire we will endure and survive.. without it
NOT. In Sitchin the thesis is that the Nibiruans (our progenitors) really
do not like us too much and would not give us full power as they needed
man to be a slave. However, this plan has been foiled by the generous
interference of other ET groups...
It all makes for great epic and it's a helova lot more fun than the Bible
and Darwin!

Everytime one realizes something of the truth, there is a dance in the
heart. The heart is the only testimony for the truth. (Osho)
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 16:18:40 +0930
From: Susanne Macrae <smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Piercing Rudra Knot
Message-ID: <3439DB47.4ED4ATnospamcamtech.net.au>

Dear list members,
K is working on piercing the Rudra knot. My head feels like a ten pin
bowling ball in motion with legs and arms flailing. My stomach is
churning and I have nausea. I am on the edge of a reality shift. This
has been happening for a while and very intense today. Can anyone help
with some stabilising techniques while encouraging the process?
love, sue
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 16:19:10 +0930
From: Susanne Macrae <smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Neil's Story
Message-ID: <3439DB66.7F5AATnospamcamtech.net.au>

X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by mailgw00.execpc.com id IAA00956

1961..........At 6 years started experiencing unusual zzzhut feeling
deep in the brain. In bed, in the mornings when I
    had an ache in the head (not like a normal headache).
A pleasant feeling which I could prolong by staying
    very still. It would relieve the ache. This
experience continued over the years, sometimes happening up
    to twice a year.
1967..........Questioning the meaning of life since 12 years old.
Started reading the Bible. Never liked Church or
     Sunday School but felt deep connection to Jesus and
what He did.
1970...........Started dropping heavy things on my big toes. This
continued periodically for the next 20 plus years.
1973...........Started shearing at 18. Soon felt the need to pray
regularly and read the Bible often. Given a book called
     “God Calling” and later bought “God at Eventide” both
anonymously authored and channelled by the
1979...........At night in bed using the mantra “I Love you Jesus” over
and over for hours. Within a day of this practice
     noticed a strange feeling in my toes, then feet and
legs. Warm vibratory feeling that slowly moved
      upwards. It was wonderful. When it reached my
heart, it would get excited and pound furiously. I
      could stay really still and prolong it for a minute
or two. Was sure it was connected to Jesus, maybe his
      presence. Thought also that maybe the vibration
and hum of the electric shears, the heat of the sheds
      and my deep thinking all played a part in this.
This has stayed with me off and on since then.
26 Jan 86 When 30, became very ill with sunstroke after a fishing
trip. Couldn´t leave the darkness of the house for
     days. Led to severe health problems over next 13
years. Had difficulty sleeping, tossing and turning. Lost
      strength and could only go outdoors in hot weather
if covered up with singlet, shirt, jumper and hat. In
      very hot weather had to be in a breeze and needed
shade or I would really heat up and be very weak.
      Since the sunstroke had a constant headache. Out in
the sun, it would burn my head, neck and upper
      back. Felt the sun just boring into me. Loss
interest in reading. Concentration became difficult. Hair
      started to fall out. Stomach problems I´d had for a
few years worsened with alternate
     diarrhoea and constipation. Certain foods caused
problems. Started on Aloe Vera Juice which really
09 Dec 86 Dad died. His death affected me badly. My head hurt deep
in the brain for years afterwards. When ever
      I thought about him the pain would start up. Gave up
shearing for others and now worked full time
      running the farm and shearing own sheep. Coping
with health best I could. Cold showers help.
20 Aug 91 To doctor again about headaches.
03 Sep 91 Have been put on anti depressants that I took for a month
Didn´t make any difference. Heat and
headache still there.
18 Mar 92 Really got worse. Been painting house roof. The reflection
of the heat against galvanised iron roof
      has worsened all my symptoms. My eyes have gone
bloodshot. Can´t sleep at all. Previous symptoms
      have all worsened. Tossing and turning in bed. Can´t
lie on my back. Am so hot that my mattress has
      disintegrated and am scorching pillows. Bought a
piece of 3 inch foam for a mattress and have cut
holes in it to allow my body heat to dissipate.
Dread going to bed as I get up in the morning worse than
I was the night before.
05 May 95 Noticing memory loss as well as hearing loss.
23 Mar 94 Went to Tumby Bay for tetanus shot after treading on rusty
wire. Again disaster! My strength just
evaporated. Testicles very sore, no sex drive
left. Still pushing through it but need to find some
      answers. Still no sleep and heat overwhelming at
night in bed. Sun heats me up during the day and
I stay hot all night.
06 Nov 94 Bad cramps in anal passage. ears ringing
17 Feb 95 Went to Whyalla for a brain scan. Didn´t show anything up.
25 Apr 95 Chilled myself in bed. The outside temperature pretty cold
and I lay with no clothing, just a light sheet.
      Felt an electric shock jolt my body and the heat
went down. 4 nights of blissful sleep for the first time
      in years.
29 Apr 95 My few nights of sleep is now over. Slept on a woollen
underlay and now the heat is back with a
      vengeance. Am in trouble now as everything worse
than before. Have to be REALLY careful in the
      sun now.
19 June 95 Many sores on head so have stopped shampooing. Scalp clears
up eventually and small
sores become intermittent
23 Oct 95 Grandma died.
02 Nov 95 Erotic dream of women stripping and jumping on me. They
were aggressive, pushing themselves on me.
I was reluctant. Looking forward to more of these
12 Dec 95 Felt Grandma´s presence. Very consoling. Told her over and
over I loved her. This lessened my worries
      and fears. I became very accepting of my heat and
health problems and was ready to die if that was my
08 Jan 96 Went to a Healer who has the ability to see inside the body
and know what is wrong. He said my pineal
gland wasn´t working . Other glands and organs
working 2-3 times more than normal. At his
suggestion started swimming in the sea daily.
Felt good whilst in the water. Headache and heat
lessened. Would start up when I headed home in the
car afterwards.
18 Feb 96 A lot of fatigue. Out of body experience last night. Felt
myself sliding sideways out of bed. Jerked
      myself awake so wouldn´t fall on the floor but
discovered I hadn´t moved from the centre of the bed.
25 Feb 96 So tired, just fall into bed at night. Still no sleep.
26 Feb 96 Dreamt Dad was bitten by a snake. Also seeing snakes around
in paddocks. Rode over the middle
    of a snake on my motor bike. Also rode over snake
skin. Also dreaming about fire. Another dream
     where a woman stripped and climbed on top of me. I
felt overwhelmed.
28 Feb 96 Joint pain bad.
23 Mar 96 Had Reiki session. The heat flared up badly. My body got
angry. Really bad headache. Started on vitamin
    and mineral supplements. Didn´t make any difference.
Also homeopathics to no avail.
04 Apr 96 Visited Chiropractor and Centre for Personal Growth. Given a
Tesla watch to use. No luck with that
09 Apr 96 Finally some answers. Given the book “Living with Kundalini”
by Gopi Krishna. It has a name, Kundalini.
11 Apr 96 Healing session to help alleviate heat through arms and
     Kundalini rose tonight. Brain orgasm. Felt great.
12 Apr 96 Worked all day. Felt good. Looking forward to another night
like the last. Not to be Energy rose again
      at night. Not unbearable. Warm.
13 Apr 96 Didn´t work today. Sat outside in the sunshine and watched
my veins light up. Saw colours around me
     brighter than before. Saw colours in the concrete.
hearing and sight improved dramatically but have
     become very sensitive to noise. Just rested.
14 Apr 96 Shocking night. Fires from Hell in the head. Lost appetite
but remembered Gopi Krishna and his need
      to eat meat. Started eating meat, large amounts.
Needed to get up through the night and eat meat. It
      was vaporising before it reached my stomach. Felt 2
“lines”going from my stomach to my testicles
      and felt the meat was bypassing digestion and going
straight to testicles.
19 Apr 96 2 day Spiritual Healing Workshop. Looked at Barry and he
became a TV screen. Also say spirit lights
24 Apr 96 Sleeping now. Not so hot. Headache remains constant though.
03 Aug 96 Had Spiritual Healing with Barry. Asked for healing on my
head. Was told Jesus appeared and
      helped with healing. Got worse initially but then
headache permanently eased.
Today Energy bubbles away inside. Feels good. Comes up more
intensely on a monthly cycle. Not as much
      fatigue. Slight headache only infrequently. Good
sex drive and appetite. Feel good. Looking forward
      to the future.

**If anyone has had a similar experience, let me know, Neil.
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 12:58:01 +0100
From: "Jason S. White" <zymphtATnospambluewin.ch>
To: tg xxx <imtgATnospamjuno.com>
CC: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Growing with Kundalini
Message-ID: <343A23C9.AAE23D2FATnospambluewin.ch>

tg xxx wrote:

> Evening All....
> I've noticed prior to and after my K awakening, there has been a
> *sort-of* preparation towards a balance and unity among my body, mind,
> and spirit. I realize this is no new news to you, but what I've
> noticed, is that it is occurring automatically, with the K (or me?)
> focusing on, for the most part, one major thing at a time, while
> continuing to grow in the other parts that had already begun to grow.
> For the last three years I would say, it is not working at it, but just
> happening....

Automatically? In the physical world, growth happens without effort - a
child grows into a physical adult without specifically trying to do so.
Beyond the physical, I feel that there is one attribute that gives humans a
special capacity for growth - willful awareness. I feel that spiritual
growth is perhaps the willful expansion of awareness. It takes a special
kind of (non)effort to accomplish this expansion. As you say, it is the
process of unlearning. We have learned limits to our awareness and in order
for awareness to expand, we must unlearn them or remember them as the
arbitrary boundaries that they are.

A beautifully refreshing idea that has entered my awareness is that a great
big, arduous spiritual effort is not required to expand awareness. That
special (non)effort can be exercised under any condition or circumstance of
being alive and conscious. One needs only willful awareness to expand

So what, throw away the books and stop actively "practicing" spirituality?
No. This is too idealistic. I feel that some effort is helpful and perhaps
accelerates the process (why is acceleration a goal?). As you know, examples
of expanded awareness can be found in books from all over the world. These
can be quite inspiring and may open new doors and directions for your own
expansion. And some form of exercise is indispensable, if only as a
re-affirmation of the will to expand. Pop!

In the race for perfection, don't forget to include human imperfection in
that perfection. Darkness, ignorance and an "imperfect" body are also valid
and present expressions of humanity including each and every one of us. They
cannot be excluded or removed from your ever-expanding bubble. They give you
a depth and beauty that is perfection.

> http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~ on the web now!

I enjoyed your web site! Lots of interesting links.

Date: Tue, 07 Oct 1997 04:39:59 PDT
From: "Colin Jones" <ombabajiATnospamhotmail.com>
To: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Unidentified subject!
Message-ID: <19971007114001.21440.qmailATnospamhotmail.com>

Fellow Spririts,

   The following is an essay which I wrote. It is the result of my
years of contemplation and search for "Ultimate Truth". I hope you
enjoy it...

"Being Truth" - The Most Rapid & Direct Path to Enlightenment For
Dedicated Students of Spirituality

   Whilst "Being Truth" may not be simple to grasp immediately, with
regular contemplation it is not at all difficult to implement. It
requires no change in one's physical interaction with the world. The
change takes place in the mind, culminating in the complete
transformation of all thinking processes into a new Truth-encompassing
framework. The ultimate goal of every spiritual path, Enlightenment, is
discovered through the "Being Truth" mental transformation in a minimum
time with minimum effort. Not everyone may be ready to implement all
the concepts completely, but for those who do, the reward is beyond

   Beyond any conceivable idea of time and space exists our true being.
Essentially indescribable, it can only be imagined as pure "beingness"
in a state of eternally unchanging awareness. From that Unchanging
Awareness, the concept of consciousness arises. Within the resulting
field of consciousness the world appears. Every single thing that
appears to exist within the universe is merely a perception in the mind.
This is not negating the world. It is simply realising that it is
appearing only in consciousness. However long the world and it's
objects may appear, their appearance is but a moment in a dream. What
begins and ends can only be appearance. The world can be said to
appear, but not to be. The appearance may seem to last a very long
time, but ultimately it comes to the same. Whatever is time-bound is
momentary and has no reality. It may appear to occupy your entire field
of consciousness at present, but in your true eternally unchanging state
it is not even a speck.

   The idea that you or anyone else actually exists as an individual is
merely an appearance in the mind. In reality there are no localised
points of consciousness, there is only one Unchanging Being. There can
be no separation from this Unity, not for anyone ever, not even in the
slightest. This is a complete denial of even the concept of
individuality. "Being Truth" is not a cure for a problem - there is no
real suffering and no real separation. You have never been limited by
any condition - it has been merely an appearance in consciousness. You
are beyond all attributes. All descriptions, no matter how seemingly
divine or supreme, are illusory. All that can be described is merely a
play in consciousness. You cannot truthfully say anything about your
true state since it will be based only on your mind's perception of an
illusory world. With the mind you can know the false only. The true,
you must yourself be.

   All you need is to get rid of the tendency to define yourself. It is
your fixed idea that you must be something or other, that blinds you.
Stop imagining that you were born, have a body, and will die. Stop
imagining yourself as being or doing this or that. You are neither
living nor dieing, thinking nor feeling, active nor passive, happy nor
unhappy. These are only aspects of the temporary personality that you
appear to exist as. By not identifying with these dreams, the
realisation that you are the source and heart of all will dawn. You are
beyond the concept of location, beyond the concept of time, beyond the
concept of mind. Suffering appears only because the mind is confused
and addicted to identifying itself with names, forms, descriptions. To
identify yourself with anything is the only obstacle stopping you from
Being Truth. Complete non-identification is essential.

   To remember what needs to be remembered is the greatest key to
success. Continuously become aware of yourself as unidentifiable
Unchanging Being. Live as Truth as much as you can, until you revert to
it spontaneously. Watch your mind continuously, moment to moment, and
free your mind of all thoughts that contradict Truth. There is no
simpler and easier way.

   Get rid of wrong ideas, that is all. Collecting right ideas will not
get you there. Let go of your attachment to the unreal, and the Real
will swiftly appear. You need not get at it, for you are it. It will
get at you, if you give it a chance. You need not seek it - duality
exists only in the mind. What you are, you already are. Enlightenment
occurs when the temporary personality accepts that it is in fact
completely temporary, and therefore completely unreal, non-existent, and
certainly unimportant and unworthy of any real concern. By not
identifying with what you are not, you are free of it and remain in your
naturally liberated state, spontaneously and effortlessly.

   Once "Being Truth" becomes natural, life still remains a succession
of events just like before, but you are detached and see the passing
show as merely a passing show with complete non-identification. You may
interact with the world all you wish, yet not for a moment will you
forget that the world is not, that you are dreaming. A dream may be
complex and elaborate, yet it has no foundation in reality.

   Detach yourself from things that makes the mind restless or
disturbed. Completely allow the natural flow of life. Desires and
fears are merely habits based on memories, and are not obstacles unless
you identify them as belonging to you and feel the need to act on them.
Can Pure Being, which has no shape or form, fear anything? Can the
unchangeable want or need anything? Identifying with memories
inevitably leads to confusion, since they rely on the past perceptions
of an essentially confused mind. There is no need to free the mind of
all desires, as that will become a process without end. Simply observe
what happens, as and when it happens, without identification, realising
that you are not what happens, you are not even the witness, you are
Pure Unchanging Being.

   The universe is complete and perfect, and where there is perfection,
where nothings lacks, how can suffering exist? Each part of the whole,
when seen in relation to the whole, is also perfect. It is only when a
part is seen in isolation that it seems to become deficient and thus
suffering can appear to exist. It is the naturally dualistic state of
the mind that constantly separates, automatically obscuring the whole.
It is only by going beyond the mind that wholeness is found.

   Do not be concerned with physical limitations. Unchanging Being is
never concerned with this temporary appearance. Let the physical
expressions appear limited. So what? It makes no difference. There is
no need to change anything in the world, since it is only appearance.
Truth is only found beyond the world of appearance.

   The final mistake is to imagine that you are the witness of this
life. This is still identification with the mind, although in it's
cleanest state. It is still a separation from Truth, there is still
duality. You are still a stranger to reality. Only where there is
absolutely no identification is there Pure Unchanging Being.


   Ending the Search - The Path of Pure Meditation

   Within Pure Unchanging Being resides the natural qualities of Perfect
Peace & Bliss, Perfect Freedom & Unity. But these cannot be achieved.
They are not dependant on progress or experience. You are not lacking
anything necessary, you are always already in that state. To experience
that state, there must be absolutely no contraction of the naturally
infinite silence, through a total lack of attention.

   There is no need to do anything. Pure Being is prior to effort.
Nothing can help you achieve a state of Unchanging Awareness. No special
techniques or meditation exercises - no visions, no colours, no lights,
no energies, no entities. Nothing that involves change. These are all
forms of effort and indicate your identification with temporary
experience. Pure Being is prior to effort.

   Truth arises spontaneously when there is no contradiction of it.
Identifying with anything involving change is a contradiction of Truth.
There can be no identification with hopes, plans, goals, progress. No
seeking of true form or purpose. No future, no past, no present. No
conclusion, no escape, no perfection. No dilemma, no suffering, no
search. No gain, no release, no direction, no distance. No assessment,
no interpretation, no perception, no differentiation, no need for
understanding. No body, no name, no childhood, no death. No
difficulty, no resistance, no opposition, no conflict, no concern.
These all indicate identification and change, contradictions of
unidentifiable Unchanging Being.

   No experience can be Truth. It is merely a brief appearance in
Consciousness. Truth is Perfect Unchanging Awareness. It is not
possible to be aware of Unchanging Awareness - it cannot be an object of
attention, which is a form of activity and therefore separation. By not
creating any separation, you may naturally and spontaneously enjoy
Unchanging Awareness, not as the object of enjoyment but as enjoyment
itself, the very Being. No experience should be seeked, not even
spiritual experience. Truth appears only when there is no-one to
experience it. To allow it, you must simply Be.

   To go beyond the mind like this, it must first be eased into a silent
state. Start by asking "Who Am I?" Since you know that the answer is
unknowable through the mind, as soon as any thought appears, state "I am
not this" and instantly release it. Don't bother to pause and assess
any thought, it can't be important or valid, since it can only be
distraction to this process. Continually release all arising thoughts
instantly, and very soon the mind realises the futility of it's action
and will be silent. Then you must ensure that there be absolutely no
contraction of the naturally infinite silence, through a total lack of
attention. No Attention = No Identification With Mind = No
Contraction of Silence = Pure Meditation. The more time spent in this
state, the greater connection you will feel with Pure Being.

Written by : ombabajiATnospamhotmail.com

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Date: Tue, 7 Oct 1997 08:01:13 -0400
From: imtgATnospamjuno.com (tg xxx)
To: smacraeATnospamcamtech.net.au
Cc: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Neil's Story
Message-ID: <19971007.093242.10862.13.imtgATnospamjuno.com>


Thank you for sharing and welcome to the list! I have not experienced
the K as you have, but I can tell you that being here with this list has
helped me tremendously, mainly for my state of mind knowing that I wasn't
alone in all of this.


http://members.aol.com/Teeegeee/tgsplace.html <~~~~ on the web now!


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