Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/08/15 04:19
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #398

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 398

Today's Topics:
  Re: Non-amusing musings:
  The Destruction of Destraction
  Sacred sexuality
  Re: De-lurk
  please forward to K list
  Re: De-lurk +re: LINK
  The mail...being touched
  RE: Reincarnation
  Re: Drugs, sex and kundalini
  Re: Reincarnation
  Back Pain
  travellers tales
  happy, happy, happy, happy
  re: happy, happy, happy, happy
  sexuality and ks-list
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 01:54:57
From: TPp4tATnospamaol.com (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Non-amusing musings:
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

  Lobster, so glad to hear of and from you again my friend. Glad to see that
the powers that are have returned you safely. Here is to the future
developmental phases of all us children. :) Joy
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 13:32:35 -0700
From: vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com
To: heresyATnospamcoollist.com, sp3664ATnospamwheeler.northland.edu, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com,
Subject: The Destruction of Destraction
Message-ID: <33F36B63.1A5CATnospamdial.pipex.com>

There is great simplicity in the path of the Buddha. The complexity that
some people enjoy is also available. The natural human tendency to
engage in limiting behaviour, and call this "the search for truth", is
hypocrisy. If we are attached to one way of thinking and behaving and
this is deepening our awareness - all well and good. Otherwise we are
emphasising limitations rather than overcoming them.
People are quite willing to unravel "confusing" koans but not from any
but an orthodox source. They are limiting their experience to their
preferences. However there is a whole variety of experience that has
this potential for learning. From the simple words of children to the
very great koan of life itself. In this way, practice is not only a
formal expression and reinforcement but a continual awareness.
We all know this. The effort to implement creates the impetus for
genuine and continual deepening of our understanding.

Most Kind Regards

Lobster playground . . .
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:33:50 -0400
From: Doug Houston <loraxATnospamworldpath.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Sacred sexuality
Message-ID: <33F34F8E.1CF8ATnospamworldpath.net>

Dear k listers

For anyone interested in a OPEN discussion of sacred sexuality there is
a new moderated list ATnospam


I am very frustrated by the fact that people have taken issues of
interest to many members of this list, off line, without the general
knowledge of the group. I have been a member of the k-list for more than
a year and was wondering if I could could afford the bandwidth in
addition to the sacred sexuality list. Poof comes my answer. I think
this is the functional opposite of spam; Hmmmm...yang spam: output of
information I don't want (expansive) yin spam: lack of information I do
want (contractive)? I regret leaving here feeling cynical, it has been
such a warm place to be.

  Doug aka Lorax
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 12:54:21 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: john collier <jcollierATnospames.co.nz>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: De-lurk
Message-ID: <33F2F1EC.73D1ATnospamintercomm.com>

john collier wrote:
> I decided finally to delurk myself. I found the k-list at Christmas and
> have been lurking ever since. I am a 41 year old male and I first found k
> (or the k found me) 23 years ago through a friend/teacher. That began my
> spiritual path.
> I have been married for 20 years and have been pushing
> or attempting to push the k and my spiritual path to the side for ten
> years to keep my marriage together. This was because I felt that my wife
> couldn't grasp or accept my belief's. About a year and a half ago I came
> to the realization that I had to pick up where I left off.

 Welcome and I'm glad you came out to share. Your right it is all about
learning to find your inner and outer balance. Kundalini empowers you on
every level, but at the same time it empowers it also challenges. This
is the learning process, the primary focus however, is evolution into
the knowing of who you are in the divine spectrum of things. By the way
I'm Gloria.
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:03:02
From: Mary LaPorte <mlaporteATnospamscnc.holt.k12.mi.us> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: please forward to K list
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Best wishes to all of you out there who have been contributing to the list.
You have been an inspiration for me to resume meditating after a hiatus of a
few years. Kundalini for me was a gradual happening, culminating in major
phenomena such as OBE's, states of bliss, and electricity moving through my
body and crackling in my brain. During all this time I was very sick with
chronic fatigue syndrome and migraines, probably due to blockages. I did
break through and felt that I was on the verge of something big. Then I
became involved in a relationship and everything stopped. Now that I am
meditating again, I again feel the energy, however, as before, it gets stuck
at the base of my skull and causes severe headaches. I know I can't go
through all the pain and sickness again. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Also, what about this sex thing. Is it possible to have K activity and sex?
Thank you for all the help you can give me.

Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:25:17
From: brEYEnPR0stir <wakemupATnospameskimo.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: De-lurk +re: LINK
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

(^well, jc wrote:and it's go0DD 2 C Use!

jc>I decided finally to delurk myself.

(^ I'm glad! I found myself twisted up
(^ in y0ur sentence structure. thanks.

(^I would call myself an empath and have
(^always found that people came to me
(^with their problems, then blamed me
(^that they had any in the first place.

(^... that's how deep I go to unkink bruises^)

(^I have also been married, but K+I pushed my
(^7 year partner into someone elses life.
(^This was because I felt that my wife
(^wouldn't grasp nor accept my "ways".

((^Y? because, she wasn't supposed to.

(^My spiritual path would only be sidestepped
(^for as long as it took to teach my head
(^to stop thinking it was in charge.

(^I needed to go through the abandonment
(^in order to be traumatized enough for
(^my bodies only choice to keep my brain
(^from destroying it was to call up "K".

(^About 4 years ago I came to the
(^ painful conclusion that I had to
(^ pick up where I had been left off.

(^ I told my second long term lover that "I"
(^was giving her 6 months to find another life,
(^I wrapped up my final job in LA, and went to
(^Nebraska to my Mother and Grandfather's farmland
(^to have a good, strong , 9 month mental collapse.

(^..and then, IT got weird.

(^Late shift waitresses that worked at a Sherry's Diner
(^where I'd go to people- watch started sitting down
(^with me on their breaks to see me draw.
(^their boyfriends started kicking back and jawing, too.

(^><Problem people started showing up to play, and
(^I started to grow up again with /through them.
(^ I'd quit drug(S) in '79 ((REALLY))
(^ and people use when my wife went g'bye('89)
(^but I was trying to quit MYSELF by '94.
(^ I thought of myself as a dangerous toxic waste dump.
(^and humans in contact would become psychic lepers.

(^...sigh.. maybe so. SO ? start a leper colony!

(^I, too find that when share/teaching
(^ it becomes very useful to teach pupils
(^ to dialate and engulf the teacher.

(^..and then, I got weird. I started acting like I
(^ was 17 years old. With all the angst that goes
(^with it. I would only hang out with the teenagers.
(^they accepted me on FACET value. however....
(^the fact that I was 32 caused a bit of a problem.

(^not with the kids, mind you...They found it amusing
(^if also strange that I could free-base life without
(^ resorting to alcohol/chemical inducement.
(^kept trying to figure out out why I could out trip them.

(^..ah, but the parents. yes. Bayard Nebraskan adults.
(^I was gathering and bonding "troublesome" youth,
(^giving them a safe haven to explore thinking options
(^not allowed for in their mid-west broken homes.

(^ I ended up leaving, after a serious "oobe"..
((^I guess... someone FAQ me on that word, ok?^))

((^but, ohm, mEYE.. that section of this story IS long..^))


(^ ....Since then, the link has been breathing(un-evenly)
(^ and at times, the gaps have been almost bearable.

(^ I have found "whatEHver "it" is can be very confusing...
((^which I like! and take great glee in creating!^))
(^ recognize, accept and come to terms with .."them"..

(^I have found that if I try to oppose the energy,pain is
(^ often the result until I accept the energy as wanted.

(^I also have found that I cannot live without a body..
(^ Life WILL go on in the physical level/plane as well.

((^..dern it. vacation's not over YET!

jc>I hope some of what I have said makes sense.
(^my go0DDness, yes!

jc>Thank you for listening.

(^ thank YOU for watching!
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:28:51
From: JustafeinATnospamaol.com (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: The mail...being touched
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

hello all,

i seemed to have made a mistake and deleted the mail, being touched. would
anyone mind sending that to me again, it would be so appreciated. thank you
so much.

Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:27:50
From: David Tompkins <gurudaveATnospamsoback.kornet.nm.kr> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: RE: Reincarnation
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Matt questioned:
You can of course demonstrate that John and Jesus believed in reincarnation
:) ?????

No, reincarnation is not an important question. We understand from the
ground we stand on and the facuties we use to perceive. John and Jesus are
likened to the Essenes because they used a culturally specific kind of
language; it has a significantly different linguistic pattern from the
language commonly used in that era. There is no further directly known
evidence known (as I understand it). And the Essenes definitely believed
in reincarnation, but not the kind we associate with Buddhism. I don't
know the differences specifically. I think others can more clearly explain

Much time is spent questioning what is beyond the life we experience now,
especially in religious circles. They are all fine questions, but first
you have to find solid ground before you begin to look at the sky---- one
of my students here in Korea asked me today what I thought of Korean
students. That's always a troublemaker. A pattern in relationships that
recurrs here, and other places, is that of a dominator and a submissive
person. There is the active and the passive with a very clear line between
the two behaviors, although each person will change roles depending on who
they are relating to and what their social status is relative to
themselves. Active and the passive. Dynamic and static. Yang and yin. A
dualism that expresses the reality people have created for themselves.

This is the same difference between intelligence and knowledge. You can
have all of the facts in the world, be an intelligent person, but that's
all it is---words from a book that have lodged in your brain. Knowledge is
different. It's more. Knowledge comes from your experience the life
you've lived, and your studies.

My point is that people have many opinions about what comes after this body
falls away. But what does it matter. And if the truths you find are
different from mine I will put it up to the unknown, and I'll love
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:29:42
From: Nancy Kar <watrfallATnospamniagara.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Drugs, sex and kundalini
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Bliss (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent ) wrote:

> The trouble, I suppose is... although I am aware of its presence in
> everyday life, and if I concentrate, I can 'bring it up', I can hardly
> ever experience it at its full whack like I do when even only slightly
> under the influence of drugs (it only takes literally two drags on a
> joint for the full thing to go off, without any concentration from me).

I think that the drugs were a vehicle to get you there...
Now you know where you want to be in the energy just not quite sure who
to get there.
But I'm *really* confident that if you meditate and use
visualizations.... very simply doing an energy chakra cleansing.. by
imagining all of the colours of the chakras. One colour at a time moving
from the base of your spine up pausing at each chakra, up and out the
top of your head... imagine each colour going down deep into the earth
and getting cleared there as it moves through the earth mother. Then
back up from the earth to your base chakra and up through your body
again... do this over and over with each colour.
That's mine.. but any kind of energy moving exercises. Even dancing to
work up the energy, moving it over your body.... work up a sweat and
then flop on the floor and meditate:) your body will buzz...

I used to do this to cleanse my chakras and I noticed that each time it
got more intense. Until one day the colours turned into rushing water
and I had an incredible experience where my main past life, effecting
this life was unveiled to me. By pictures, feeling and an audible
pressence. Who was my father in that life, White Eagle who is now acting
as my story keeper and guide... it was the story of WaterFall.
> I have experienced a 'full body kundalini orgasm' (does this make sense?

It sure does and the reason that I jump into the conversation is that it
can be pretty freaky if you don't understand what is happening.
I can move the energy through meditation and have a full body orgasm,
while meditating.
The first time it happened to me I was afraid that I might be posessed:)
Until I came across some native teaching in a book where she explained
how to do this and that it was seen as a form of healing.
It's different but actually I enjoy it better than just the physical
Also I wanted to mention Tantra, which I've had some training in and
since you already are experiencing some aspects of it. It might be a
good thing for you to look into and maybe get some more information to
develope this side of yourself. You can even bring up this sexual energy
and channel it through your hands for a very powerful healing energy.
It really feels like a power house.

nothing like being open about things :) hehe:)
WaterFall in spirit

> it, but I'm suspicious of that one... What about the sexual aspect of
> it... for me, kundalini and sex are inextricably linked, although I can
> see how the energy can be channelled, but I use sex to 'whip up the
> energy into a frenzy...(!), so then when I come it feels like the
> universe has exploded. Is it wrong to use the energy for personal
> pleasure in this way?
> Ohhhhh... so many questions...! I'm young though (twenty five) and have
> only just discovered that this whole thing I've been feeling for the
> past four or five years is experienced by all of you people too, it's
> very reassuring...! My boyfriend is much younger than me, and doesn't
> quite know what the hell is going on, sometimes he gets a little
> afraid..!
> I look forward to any comments, opinions, suggestions or advice.
> Thank you!
> love, Bliss x x x
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:27:01
From: destinyATnospamcyberramp.net (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Reincarnation
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

"Matt Bell" <mbkbellATnospamaapi.co.uk> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent
<mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>) wrote the bottom commentary.

>> From: dorATnospamhlc.com
>> To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>> Subject: Reincarnation
>> Date: 13 August 1997 18:19
>> Hi,
>> As to the subject of reincarnation being removed from the orthodox
>> of the Old and New Testaments date no further back than the sixth

>You can of course demonstrate that John and Jesus believed in reincarnation
>:) ?????


Read the Bible: JKV : Matthew 11, 11-15

This is the "CLEAREST" direct quote from Jesus concerning reincarnation and
John the Baptist.

It obviously escaped the Church of Rome, Constantine who chose to burn
large sections of the Bible in order to destroy Goddess-based religions and
to turn everything Masculine for control, exploitation and dominance over
women and the world.

I don't care if you agree. It's the Truth.

John bill beaudine
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 14:26:09
From: "Dr. S. Marathe" <dr.maratheATnospamjwbbs.com> (by way of Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Back Pain
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I have been having a similar problem for the last 2 weeks. And I discovered
a technique, rather it came to me.

Lie down on bed, preferably naked; with face up and lying on your back. Put
your hands below your back at the position where there is a pain. And move
your pelvis slowly up and down; as if you are having sex with a woman on
top of you. (Assuming you are a man, otherwise imagine !) After a cople of
minutes, slide the hands at differenct positions below your spine. And
raise your hips up and down in a rhythmatic way. It is nice to have a
pillow below your head. The key is to kind of play with the energy and see
where the pain is.

Kundalini is a wise and all knowing power and if you trust it and don't
bring your mind in the picture, it will direct your body positions by
itself. At least that is my experience. And the foundation of Kriyas.

Also you might be having gases in your stomach. I found recently it helps
to take them out by belching while standing up. If that is the case a cup
of hot milk in the evening with half spoon of ghee may help.

There is a traditional tribal Indian medicine for body aches and cramps.
Crushing some Garlic with Ghee (Clarified butter, or if you can't get it
use any natural oil like Olive, Coconut) and applying it at night to the
place in the place it hurts. It really works. This is my personal
experience. Do this if your partner doesn't mind it ! For one smells Garlicky.

With regards and love,

Sw. Anand Kamaal
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 22:47:15 -0700
From: vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com
To: jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: travellers tales
Message-ID: <33F3ED63.641CATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Doug Houston wrote:
> I am very frustrated by the fact that people have taken issues of
> interest to many members of this list, off line, without the general
> knowledge of the group. I have been a member of the k-list for more than
> a year and was wondering if I could could afford the bandwidth in
> addition to the sacred sexuality list. Poof comes my answer. I think
> this is the functional opposite of spam; Hmmmm...yang spam: output of
> information I don't want (expansive) yin spam: lack of information I do
> want (contractive)? I regret leaving here feeling cynical, it has been
> such a warm place to be.

Lorax, Dear Lorax,
Lorax Dear,
I have started a special email forum that is so secret that I do not
even know how to get on it! However in the words of Groucho, "I would
not join any club, that would have me as a member." Why not ask
Angelique if you can join her top-secret orgasmatronic forum? I am sure
one more member would be welcome especially if you have been having
spontaneous orgasms . . .
Good luck to all concerned.

The difference between those who have arrived at a destination and
those who have heard about it is simple. If you are closer, you will
probably come across more travellers tales. Occasionally a few kind
hearted people try and encourage stragglers to increase their pace. Some
are gentle, some are rough and their behaviour may be emulated by well
meaning travellers.
By the roadside sit some very serene looking folk who say "the path is
the destination - there is nowhere to go - for in leaving we have
arrived". Some are shouting "sit down, sit down - the destination is
within." Some people arrive at a town and are amazed at their attainment
but the city is further on.
Only that individual attains, who does not look within or without, left
or right, does not listen to the arrivers or the detractors but
continues beyond the town, beyond the city, beyond the capital and
a few words . . .


Lobster playground . . .
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 20:06:55 -0400
From: "Sharon Webb" <shawebbATnospamyhc.edu>
To: <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: happy, happy, happy, happy
Message-Id: <199708150017.UAA12210ATnospamhoboken>

Hi everybody,

<bg> :-)

After two months of spontaneous k, I finally told my husband what was going
on---and he was wonderful.

I'd even gotten channelled writing saying that he would be far more
understanding than I thought. But I doubted. I was so afraid. I was
afraid he would laugh at me...or think that I was nuts...or who knew?

But he was wonderful.

I cried, I laughed, I shook and trembled, I got k chills up my spine and
all around the crown chakra---but I told him.

And do you know what he said? He said, "I don't know much about this, but
I would say that after a time you would be enlightened, and healthier than
ever before in every way. Don't ever call this crazy. Don't ever let that
mindset in. Just say that it *is*."


A new Fractalscape gallery was posted to this site on August 3rd:
USA Today Hot Site; Cosmic Site of the Night; Cool Central Site of the
Day; ENC Digital Dozen for June '97; Enchantment Award; ArtSearch
Featured Site
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 19:55:19 -0500 (CDT)
From: hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: re: happy, happy, happy, happy
Message-Id: <199708150055.TAA24455ATnospamdfw-ix4.ix.netcom.com>

Sharon -- just the title of your post made me laugh! I and some others
on this list have found our partners to be astonishingly supportive
without necessarily seeing the cosmos the way we do. I think this can
be one of the miracles of K, though I don't by any means believe the
"householder" path is for everybody. I have no doubt that the current
sanctuary that my partner helps provide for me is a divine gift --
maybe not forever (we're not young), but a blessing I never, ever
expected would happen. Your husband is blessed, too. Lovemaking can
be almost unbearably sweet and ecstatic. Some time ago it occurred to
me that there must be such a thing as conjugal shaktipat! Holly
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 00:04:14 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: sexuality and ks-list
Message-ID: <33F3FF40.56EDATnospambest.com>

Doug, thanks for the posting and the list address.
I'm a member of the ks-list, and the intention behind it was not to
OFFEND members by posting x-rated stuff to the main list.
  There have always been a number of people who are offended by the
frankness already on the list and DO NOT want to see postings about
full-body orgasms, etc.
   If your next-door neighbors were making love on the front lawn, would
that be appropriate? NO, because it is public.
The intention was never to exclude and certainly not to form any "inner
circle" or "club", just a "safe room" for people who had to share
intimate stuff in a protected forum.
Anyone on the list who indicated in the least through their postings to
the main list that they were in need of expressing sexual issues of
kundalini was issued an invitation.
  Now everyone knows it exists, and that is appropriate. Those who need
to join and want to join are joining.
  I personally know of a lot of lists, and most of them I wouldn't join
because it's not a good fit (and who wants to wade through the mail)
and I don't feel excluded.
  You assumed that your sharing would not be appropriate, and so
believed in this assumption that you never dared to fly a test flag.
If you NEED this forum, don't be sensitive about it, ask to join!
Love, Morgana


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