Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/29 12:53
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #201

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 201

Today's Topics:
  Re: Out-of-body experiences.
  Re: millenial madness
  Re: Out-of-body experiences.
  Re: For David...For all of us..
  Re: For David...For all of us..
  Re: Out-of-body experiences.
  Re: no sleep
  Dear Lites
  Loving Satan
  Re: Dear confused in Mistress & Gloria
  Re:Dear Lites
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 22:19:52 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Out-of-body experiences.
Message-ID: <33651474.47BAATnospamintercomm.com>

Gloria Greco wrote:
> vic bonds wrote:
> >
> > Hi Gloria,
> > This is a Q I will attempt to answer:
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > 1. life Review of people in my life, to get a sense of peace with them.
> Gloria
> This is an excellent spiritual practice that helps you learn to love and
> detach.
> > 2. Dreaming skills, dreams can be for magickal purposes or deep
> > perceptual purposes, always teaching purposes.

> Gloria
> Dreams are an essential part of self remembering, this is the same in working with divine will.

> > 3.meeting other spirits, of like awareness.
> You are going to meet spirits all along the way, light and dark,
> Mistress doesn't seem to believe there is such things as lower force
> energies, she wouldn't say that if she had lived through my life and
> experience. And, if there was no lower spirits why the demon trap?
> By the way, Satan only exists in the lower planes, because in the higher dimensions there is nothing but love as the Christ frequency, or Krishna frequency, whatever you want to call it, but as long as there are lower planes in the universe those who are aspiring to enlightenment must pass over the abyss.
  The abyss from my experience is the fourth dimension wall, that long
tunnel everyone talks about when they die and come back. Wouldn't it be
better to have the ability while your in the body to move through that
wall without restriction without doing a ritual but because you have
become absorbed into divine will.
  This teaching I'm talking about is very safe but it is a narrow path,
& isn't for all, I agree with that. I wouldn't consider the KKK
Christians at all, as Mystress pointed out the last post... I can't
imagine that anyone with any profound beliefs in Christ or the teachings
could agree with their hate in any way shape or form. That is not to
say that the churches are balanced in the Christ frequency either. For
many it is just a thought to believe in and not a direct experience. All
humans fall, it is just fact. Not good or bad, just fact.
> 4.learning things in the spirit, and then reading about them later, as a confirmation which is fun.

> > 5. learning how to project,spirit travel.
> This is a part of the higher education for all mystics, yogi's etc. Much
> of the training comes through altered states, as well as cosmic
> energies. This can be experienced as cosmic, out of body travel as well
> as visions, etc. The more that you become absorbed into the no-thought
> space, the more you experience direct union with the creator, and detach from the oher things just because they become nothing but duality and baggage.
> > 6. understanding the nature of nature and all that it stands for.Learning
> > the language of Symbols and what it means to humans down the century
> > learning, gods and goddesses as symbols.

There is a certain glamour and excitement that exists in magic, this is
true. You may have to go through some of this before the other, either
way just go into it with your awareness and eyes open.It will be just a
part of your education, observe, learn and go on.

The bottom line is God's Will, Aleister Crowley was a great Magician who
taught 'do what thou wilt is the whole of the law'

The opposite of that is 'thy will be done'. Hitler knew Christ was the
son of God, he believed he could get to the same place without losing
his will and so he choose the left hand path. There are many who choose
this path, but to do it you must learn a great deal about ritual,
invoking, etc. And you must always rely heavily on your gurdian angel,
why must you rely on your guardian angel if there aren't lower demon
forces around? And why must the rituals be performed exactly in a
specific way if do what thou wilt isn't a regulation?? Gloria
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 20:59:21 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Peter Norton <pnortonATnospamatwc.teradyne.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: millenial madness
Message-ID: <33650198.178DATnospamintercomm.com>

Peter Norton wrote:
> off topic, sorry, maybe of interest given the recent Heaven's
> Gate episode, more evidence for mass induced transformative
> experience, probably many K cases among the 'religious insane'
> mentioned in this bit about the religious fervor that arose in
> the 1840's in America when William Miller predicted the
> apocalypse, (this was the origin of the Seventh Day Adventists, I
> believe):
> from "White and Negro Spirituals" by Jackson 1943, 784.4J134w pg 99
> ----
> "Others had been talking about the Day of Wrath. Vermont farmer
> William Miller did something about it. In 1831 he picked up his Bible
> and his pencil and he reckoned.
> The result: The end of the world would come in
> the spring of 1843. ... Miller's new idea was electrical. They flocked
> to him. His meetings quickly took on all the camp meeting aspects, with
> shouting, falling-out, rolling - the whole list of hysterical symptoms.
> Nature seemed to work hand in hand with Miller. Biblically promised
> portents appeared in plenty during the years of waiting, cholera
> epidemics ... meteor showers ... rings around the sun ... Halley's
> comet in 1835 ... another large comet in 1843 ...
> 'Miller Madness' filled many a suicide's grave and put many more
> in the insane asylums. The 'religious insane' admitted to the
> Worcester, Mass. asylum grew from 4 to 12 percent of all admissions
> during the years 1841-3"
> ----
> how many stories of misunderstood religious/K awakening are hidden in
> that one closing sentence! somebody oughta write a book ...

Peter, That's interesting thanks for sharing. Gloria
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 22:41:43 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: John Halonen <halonenjATnospamix.netcom.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Out-of-body experiences.
Message-ID: <33651991.2D60ATnospamintercomm.com>

John Halonen wrote:
> At 06:18 PM 4/28/97 +0100, vic bonds wrote:
> >Hi Gloria,
> >This is a Q I will attempt to answer:
> >----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >-------------
> >Raven,
> > I'm not sure I got what you are saying, can you clarify this for me?
> > And what is a shakti-sorcerer path? And how did you get there, how did it
> > come to you? Gloria
> >A (shakti)energy Sorcerer Path could be an assortment of various odds
> >and ends of shaman practices. The one I am currently studying is
> >Carlos Castaneda's series of books on the Teachings of don Juan.
> >The experiences I am experiencing is first of all is of course custom
> After reading the whole post, it sounds as though you are being modest.
> Blessings, and good luck on your path.
> John Halonen

Thanks for explaining that, appreciate it and hope I didn't offend
anyone. When something comes to me I write it.
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 22:46:07 +0100
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Indira Singh <76460.3057ATnospamCompuServe.com>
CC: "INTERNET:kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: For David...For all of us..
Message-ID: <33651A99.4FFDATnospamintercomm.com>

Indira Singh wrote:
> -------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------
> Message text written by INTERNET:david.bozziATnospamsnet.net

> I-A
> "Practice safe dreaming - no alcohol and for god's sake, keep your eyes on the
> road!"

Great sharing. Gloria
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 02:01:20 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: For David...For all of us..
Message-Id: <06012053100988ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>"I am very much into lucid dreaming and have been able to do this since a
>child. I have also read a lot of Carlos Castenda's techniques and was
>how this fits into what you are talking about. He talks about contacting
>inorganic beings in our dreams. Is this the spirit realm you speak of?
Yes, it is all spirit.
but, Spirit itself is inorganic, see.
I am still new at this,
I see what I have in my universe, now.
Later, I may see stickmen and such,
I have seen odd things like shadows,
and strange creatures not seen on earth,
but lately, not.
I dont see what CC saw especially, then,
but I do see what I see, now, CC may
have seen ancient symbol creatures
 which have a life of their own, given by the
ancient sorcerers, or seen by them, he was and is
an anthropologist so I am thinking he saw what
he saw then, and sees what he sees now, and it
 is simply a dreamscape, perhaps built out of
spirits and ideas, and creativity, you know
thoughtforms have a life of their own and
can be projected into different universes of ours,
so this goes to show you one can be very creative
cant they, I would worry about your dreamscape
 and look for the allies and such, but dont
have attention on copying his items, unless
it happens, because if you have a Sorcerer
 for a Teacher, more or less, just flow with the go,
if you know what I mean.Dreams are very fluid creatures and mastering
them takes a while and some effort, as well as skill, some people
are natural Dreamers, while others are skilled at Sorcery, or Warrior,
Stalking, etc.

>Do you lucid dream?
Yes, I do, and do I ever.I also have seen lucid dreams created by my Teacher,
and they are by far 30 times more clear and lucid than I ever could do on
 my own unless I was having an intense bliss energy experience, and then
My detail is not so 5 demensional as his, I mock up dreams rather foggily
and it is extremely changible, so when I dream with my teacher it is
clear, color , 5 demensional with great depth of perspective, and great
 beauty, it seemed to be a worked on dream or vision that he looks at
and sculptures, they are so beautiful that if he painted them, they
would be the most beautiful paintings I have ever seen that move, let
me tell you that they are also the most graceful and complete studies of
animals such as jaguars, and various creatures in the jungles, of brazil or
any rainforest, I think that when he brings me into deeper attention like
the 2nd attention things become more colorful and detailed, it is fun to
create and then have the teacher create the intensive details and the
whole rest of the dream, when he lets me co-create in a controlled way
where he runs his energy by my dreaming facilty and allows me to
create as undextarious as I am. Also, he allows the dreams to fast
flow in their natural flux of the 2nd attention, or a deeper astral sense,
and the effect is just gorgeous.

I think that you are going try to be a guru in your own rights because
you are asking questions that no one has ask me before. The voice of
my teacher said this just for and to you.
>Also, have you experienced these astral travels yourself?
Yes, in many degrees of wakefulness and in deep meditation.
>I believe lucid dreaming is a helpful tool on the path to enlightenment.
>But what about traveling to different dimensions in the way that you
>refer to?
There seems to be many dimensions available for us to explore such as
the higher one goes the lighter the frequency gets, the lower one goes
 the darker it gets and the heavier it gets.
Dimensions, are of several kinds, one has to do with time factors and the
 other had to do with abstractly formed worlds. and there are more.

>-------------------- End Original Message --------------------
>Hello David:
>To answer your questions, sort of, yes and yes. Lucid dreams are a starting
>point of one mental developmental tool available to us all. Carlos
Castaneda was
>taking about the same fundamental energy.
>Other dimensions that are talked about are basically the dimensions encountered
>by our subtle bodies. You have subtle bodies. They are "nailed" (my terminology
><g>) to your physical body around the region of your chakras. Depending on
>system you use, we have three to 7 subtle bodies. I like to work with the 7
>(rainbow body).
>I would be very surprised if anyone on this forum did not have a lucid
dream, an
>OBE or other psychic experience as a child. It is part of the human condition,
>part of the unused 80% of the brain to have our consciousness work this
way. You
>are supposed to use it, which is why we get acquainted with these things 'for
>free" as children. Yes, these experiences are our birth right. Then why are
>they not easily part of our adult life? Because of the potentially terrible
>power behind them - *both* east and west (esp. the "native peoples" ref.
>Castaneda) have developed societies where *very selected few* get taught to
>develop them as youngsters. Why that is so - for practical reasons - I'm sure
>we can all find answers within religions, socio-economics, and the politics of
>"crowd control". For other reasons - oh boy - there's a lot more at stake than
>just one person developing ESP powers.
>About the body and the mind. Things happen in our brain to take care of the
>body, and things happen in our brain to take care of the mind. We know a lot
>about the former, we know a lot about the latter - but it just isn't as easily
>accessible. IMO, it shouldn't be. It's a filter mechanism - not the best. Some
>of our regular dreams are just to take care of the body (stress etc.) Other
>dreams are to take care of our mind, our being, our energy, our evolution to
>higher states of being, which goes on and on - from incarnation to incarnation.
>The point is to develop to the stage where you can escape this cycle of
>existance and move on to the next stage. this is generally known as
nirvana, but
>is also known by other names.
>There are several ways of kick-starting these energies that cause these
>phenomena: entheogen-induced (ref. Castaneda), trauma (e.g. surgery, NDE).
>Needless to say, these are extremely dangerous ways. Other times they are
>spontaneous (e.g. as children). What we are looking for are safe ways to
>"develop" them. The spiritism based courses "provoke" these energies, sometimes
>using very destructive techniques. They also borrow some techniques from
>societies that mass induce them (trances, voodoo -- scary, more-mind-crowd
>control stuff). This has traumatic side-effects even they are not aware of.
>Systems such as kundalini and others, develop them within an "ecologically"
>sound system of ethics, with (not foolproof) checks and balances. Many of these
>checks and balances are cultural - and this is considered the big problem with
>them today.
>When dealing with development of the mind, care must be taken to protect it and
>others. People think this *be careful* advice is so they can avoid harm to
>themselves. No! others are involved!! Remember and believe the 100th monkey
>story - we can create a world for ourselves that makes Hitler seem like sunday
>school. On the bright side, good systems have developed over thousands of
>This is not new stuff. I ask my friends to pick their system well, be careful,
>but most of all, be successful. The rest of us are at stake.
>"Practice safe dreaming - no alcohol and for god's sake, keep your eyes on the
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 07:19:16 -0700
From: John Halonen <halonenjATnospamix.netcom.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Out-of-body experiences.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

You have never offended me.
I love most everything you write.
And most everything written on this list.

There are so many techniques to raise energy and so many techniques to help
prepare for kundalini,
but for beliefs there is no technique. I'm still searching within myself
for many answers that probably
aren't there. I'm probably asking the wrong questions. I do know what I
learn most here and in a lot of other places is love.

Things have always happened to me when I was ready for them to happen.
That is a faith that lives within me. When I am ready, it will happen.
Sometimes I make the mistake of searching to hard and slow myself, but
eventualy I realise my errors.
Sometimes I feel very inadequete in life when I realise I'm less than a
spec of dust in the universe.
I realise I don't have any ansers yet. But then I also realise there's
bunches of others just like me.
Maybe together, maybe as one, we will find an answer. And if there is no
we will find that too.

On topic:

Two nights ago I was meditating on the group before bed time, and I could
really feel some of the groups presence. I know I had an out of body
experience that night, but I could not bring back any memories no matter
how hard I tried. Just a feeling that I had been there with some of you.

Love to all,
John Halonen

At 10:41 PM 4/28/97 +0100, you wrote:
>John Halonen wrote:
>> At 06:18 PM 4/28/97 +0100, vic bonds wrote:
>> >Hi Gloria,
>> >This is a Q I will attempt to answer:
>> >-------------
>> >Raven,
>> > I'm not sure I got what you are saying, can you clarify this
for me?
>> > And what is a shakti-sorcerer path? And how did you get there, how did it
>> > come to you? Gloria
>> >A (shakti)energy Sorcerer Path could be an assortment of various odds
>> >and ends of shaman practices. The one I am currently studying is
>> >Carlos Castaneda's series of books on the Teachings of don Juan.
>> >The experiences I am experiencing is first of all is of course custom
>> After reading the whole post, it sounds as though you are being modest.
>> Blessings, and good luck on your path.
>> John Halonen
>Thanks for explaining that, appreciate it and hope I didn't offend
>anyone. When something comes to me I write it.
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 07:23:12 -0700
From: John Halonen <halonenjATnospamix.netcom.com>
To: Frans Storms <fransATnospamtelebyte.nl>, kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: no sleep
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

If you would like to put my picture on a page I have a scan of my wife and
I at

At 03:01 PM 4/25/97 +0200, Frans Storms wrote:
>Hello All, last night in bed i had an idea, couldn't sleep.
>After reading thousands of moving stories, deep opinions,
>shocking experiences, wonderfull advices and childish quarrels
>i am often curious about the faces behind the posts. What about
>pictures??? I could publish them on the web under an adress ONLY WE
>know of. (i host mirror sites about Kundalini in Europe).
>People who already have electronic pictures of themselves
>could send them to me per e-mail as an attachment, i could also digitalize
>paper pictures sent to me by regular post. Idea?
>Frans, on a sunny friday in Holland...
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 11:02:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: CGIAJWATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Siddhas/Magic
Message-ID: <970429110205_186893379ATnospamemout02.mail.aol.com>

Although this doesn't directly relate to K, I am requesting the information
as advanced energy excersises which I believe will alow me to refine my
control of my own energy and aid in my quest for full, permenant K awakening.

Does anybody know of any book that explains how to preform genuine siddhas?

Most books which talk about the siddhas, describe them, but not how to do
them. I would greatly appreciate it if people who know of a genuine book
could let me know.

Thanks and Lotsa Love
Aaron :)

PS. Yes I know about the common fears that when a seaker learns a siddha they
may abandon the quest for enlightenment and will look for ways to become rich
and powerful in this world. I am well aware of how real magic is viewed, and
would personnaly fear for my life if any powers I developed became public
knowledge. I veiw siddhas as advance excersices for the chakra and energy
system, and will always check myself to be sure that I harm no one, including
myself :)

PPS. Any replys which are not helpful to my search will be deleted with a
minimal of thought, please don't bother.
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 13:17:53 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca
Subject: Dear
Message-ID: <33665771.2C4CATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Peter Norton wrote:
> I think this is being quite unfair. I certainly did not associate
> Gloria with intolerance. She has always sounded loving and truly
> concerned with everyone's best interests.

I would agree with that . . .
When a certain clawed marine life form recently forcibly questioned
her about born again, Pagan scare mongering she was able to respond with
understanding, compassion and maturity
I would certainly be honoured to have her in my Satanic Coven
- she could bring baby Jesus

My dear friends do not be beguiled by words - here are some words
nothing in them is bad but your associations and imagination . . .

The Devil Is God
The Hardest Love to Bear is Hate
Magick is Powerless
God is non-existent
Words are meaningless
I am the Truth, the Way and the Life
Hail Bopp awaits our ascension
E=MC2 (squared)

Now Dear Friends - you know the power of words to create mischief
and misunderstanding
Therefore ensure your words spread trust and understanding

> let's all hug!
You mean group Hug?

___ ____ ___
  ____( \ .-' `-. / )____
 (____ \_____ / (O O) \ _____/ ____)
(____ `-----( ) )-----' ____)
 (____ __________ \ \____/ / __________ ____)
   (______/ \ `-.____.-' / \_____)
 \ **HUG** /

Most Kind HUGS
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 13:47:49 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Dear Lites
Message-ID: <33665E75.1FB7ATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Mystress Angelique Serpent wrote:

> I suspect that Lobster's assessment of your friend as a con artist is
> likely correct.

Never believe anything Lobster says that is incorrect
Make up your own mind

> This is meant to be a forum of tolerance, with understanding that only
> the individual can know what path is right for them. Unfortunately the
> Christian Churches have a nasty history of intolerance, and you seem to
> have a knack for manifesting examples of that for us. I write thus,
> knowing I am not the only person on the list who equates your name with
> Christian intolerance. Is this how you want to be percieved?

Dear Ms Serpent,
If people knew what path was right for them
would they Hail Bopp?
You can not trust people to know what path is right for them
this is why we have the Pope
and Gloria
Each individual represents their understanding and people learn to
accept, ignore and so on.
My feeling about Gloria is she has a great deal to offer
and provide in terms of genuine advice, concern and so on
Bigotry, intolerance and imperfection are part of our human condition
and it is right that this is pointed out in a gentle and caring way

> While she had mentioned having had experience of the Holy spirit...as
> have I, tho I am a pagan Witch.

Dear Friends cast out your Demons and your Holy Ghosts
Even the Holy Angles and Angels are doing the work of the devil if
they seperate you from Love . . .
(just doing my bit for bigotry, intolerance and imperfection) :)

> I hope that you can find that tolerance inside yourself in future,
> because it is a standard that K. list aspires to... in knowing that each of
> us must listen to the Voice of our own heart, and choose our own path.


> Know that there are Witches and Illuminati on the list. Respect this
> shared space.

Jesus Mother of God (murmer murmer) Heaven Protect Us!
Unsubsribe - I am in the company of heathens and devil worshippers!!!

> And should a Satanist join the list, I would expect their beliefs to be
> given respect as possibly the best path for them, as well .... without a
> herd of well meaning Christians dabbling in dark magic themselves, by using
> prayer to coerce the beliefs of another without their consent.

As a practicing Demonologist
I hope that my practices of deepest depravity
will be most welcome . . .
I thank you!
Just off to sacrifice a few unborn baby birds
(yes Lobster eats eggs . . .)

Most Kind Regards
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 12:50:42 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Loving Satan
Message-ID: <33665112.5671ATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Gloria Greco wrote:

> > By the way, Satan only exists in the lower planes, because in the higher >dimensions there is nothing but love as the Christ frequency, or Krishna frequency,

I would not advocate loving Satan because it is beyond the capability
of most people.
The highest mystical expression is unconditional Love
This includes the capacity to Love that which we fear, upsets or harms
for most of us we must first learn to Love that witch is good . . .

> The bottom line is God's Will, Aleister Crowley was a great Magician who
> taught 'do what thou wilt is the whole of the law'

Great Magicians are unknown - too busy practising Magick rather than
publicising the nature of their Greatness.
In Love there is No Will, No Law, No Doing - just Love

Most Kind Regards
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 15:05:57 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Healing
Message-ID: <336670C5.7003ATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Those who wish to heal or receive healing could try
mailing to


with the following message


- it is a healing list . . .

Most Kind Regards
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 97 15:04:30 EDT
From: chelseaATnospamsuperaje.com (Dominic & Maureen Marando)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Dear confused in Mistress & Gloria
Message-Id: <9704291904.AA24832ATnospamsuperaje.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

> List Mystress call: Foul, Gloria!

Peter Norton Wrote:

whoa. methinks Mystress doth jumpeth the gun

   Most folks who have been on the list more than five minutes know that
> only Christians become Satanists... nobody else can, because nobody else
> believes in Satan...

so tempting to muse here about belief in faeries vs belief in satan.
no doubt intensely 'real' illusions of either can manifest to
whatever degree of reality one prefers?

> I write thus,
> knowing I am not the only person on the list who equates your name with
> Christian intolerance.

.**...........List Mistress....maybe you shouldn't speak for others? I for
one am not included in this group...(Mo)**.

I think this is being quite unfair. I certainly did not associate
Gloria with intolerance. She has always sounded loving and truly
concerned with everyone's best interests. (Peter)

> And should a Satanist join the list, I would expect their beliefs to be
> given respect as possibly the best path for them, (mistress)

phew! not by me! (Peter)


> this list should be a safe haven from that kind of ignorant judgement.

yes, but not a safe haven of ignorance of evil/satan either.
(given that evil is another word for ignorance.)

Dear List Mistress and Peter:

I agree Peter......List Mistress seems to be venting harshly. I for one do
NOT find Gloria as judgemental as the Mistress sounded in this last post
(which IS unusual for her!)

ALSO........SATAN exists as evil for many people I am sure....whatever you
want to call it, Satan is just another name.....
ALSO.........I would NOT welcome a SATANIST (I hate that "just their path"
kind of thinking...can I say crapoola?..) NOR a Klan member.
I draw a line at what is acceptable..there is mostly grey in the world but
there IS some black and white, and when you see it, call it by it's name!
There IS such a thing as TOO MUCH tolerance......(hey that murderer was just
following the path he was sure was set out for him!)

A lighthearted traveler,
who only goes in for so much new age crap ;-)
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 97 15:23:13 EDT
From: chelseaATnospamsuperaje.com (Dominic & Maureen Marando)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re:Dear Lites
Message-Id: <9704291923.AA25205ATnospamsuperaje.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Lobster wrote:

>Dear Ms Serpent,
>If people knew what path was right for them
>would they Hail Bopp?
>You can not trust people to know what path is right for them
>this is why we have the Pope.........


>As a practicing Demonologist
>I hope that my practices of deepest depravity
>will be most welcome . . .
>I thank you!
>Just off to sacrifice a few unborn baby birds
>(yes Lobster eats eggs . . .)

*****WHOA! Mo calls this black! Back! Back demon! back to the salty ocean of
sin from which you have arise........*chuckle*......

Sorry everyone.......This guy in a shell just cracks me up...(get it - shell
- cracks me up?)

>Most Kind Regards
Once again the lighthearted traveller,
Mo :-) (Who still doesn't go in for some of that new age crap!)


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