Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/17 10:32
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #172

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 172

Today's Topics:
  Re: Here is some love/Raven"s answer
  need some advice
  Re: Phil Hurley
  Re: baking yogis - journeys through hell........poisoning the well
  Poem/Spiritual Springtime
  Between nothingness and society
  RE: collective intelligence
  Anyone have contacts
  Re: need some advice
  Re: a great tan
  <<<<<Where Soma Grows
  Re: Baked and ready to serve (read twice, please)!
  <<<<<Controversy - Contention - Contentment
  Re: a great tan
  Re: a great tan
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 00:49:48 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Here is some love/Raven"s answer
Message-Id: <04494828404239ATnospampeconic.net>

Walls of Fire, bent entire, softly burning, rapidly dancing in key,
I can't stand near it, it is burning intensity waiting for me,
Bar of gold, jewels of delight shine darkly in the caves of our desires,
Life entire vibrate with passionate lovemaking of lonely desert nights,
Swiftly time passes, and our breaths embrace, our bodies intertwine like
grape vines
Hours and hours drifting, leaning over my lover in deep sleep, I watch
I am the King of the Lion of Love, who spends the night in Ectasy's Wings,
Heaven above only knows what she means to me, in the sweet darkness of
nights gone by,
I look up at the stars that rang so true to the tune of my lovers breath
The sighs turned musical, with a soft sweet tone that ring endlessly of Peace.


At 09:04 AM 4/16/97 -0400, you wrote:
>In elegant isolation of my favorite retreat. Starting over to record words
>that to be absorbed into others. Softly to the sea I give new birth. No four
>years to come with more combat zones. Love is my carrying package to arrive
>to end the campaign of terror. To all national language already poised in the
>air, I will give a balance autonomy. What crisis they say, the sign says
>earth is a disquieting place that needs a hospital recruited with love. No
>one trusts anyone and they move with cautious lives. I was sworn to end this
>casket venerated with suicides of bad grade. It is my year-round labor of now
>to bring back basic occupancy without firing shotguns. Put your earphone on
>in your suspended body for I will give you moments of peace. Spirit window,
>the conversation you family in me. I will take to each beauty of remain that
>walks alone. Growth of weathered wildfires, it will no burn much longer. A
>rock will fall with cardinals of love that is rare but trapping. Here to
>resolve this privy gallery questionable. I am here down to bring the light of
>operation. This will not be myth blasting with excavation. The lighthouse is
>now open to bring your direction into the symbol of life. The temple I came
>from did not avoid me and will not you. Your schedule will be powerful into
>this paradise. I am here to get you ready by putting symptoms of disease
>behind first. You make me a busy man with a physicians hand of love. Thank
>you for making me this rare catch to clock the walls of time to come. New
>land I shall make with the engineering you teach me. Road ahead, love is my
>major crop to clone and reclaim. I come taming with obvious reason with a
>dimensional x-ray. Love into me into you. Do not freeze, look forward and
>link it to others. Growth stands in my love of passion to reach. Always going
>and never ending. ....PenofLove
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 22:17:57 -0700
From: Pamela <pamelaATnospamserv.net>
To: Kundalini <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: need some advice
Message-ID: <3355B285.28C5ATnospamserv.net>

X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by mailgate.execpc.com id MAA04593

Hello list members!

I have some questions I hope someone can help me with. I recently
purchased to wonderful pieces of Kyanite. I have been forever having
problems with my throat chakra. I have a feeling it is blocked. There
are times when I just cannot say the proper words. I stammer and can't
get things out. I get flustered etc.. I have suspected for a long time
that this chakra is blocked. I also believe because I can't wear
anything directly on my neck. It is extremely uncomfortable, that there
is something going on with this chakra. I do believe maybe in a past
life also I had been choked, hanged or have had some serious trauma to
my neck.

Anyway, I have been doing some meditation with the Kyanite on my throat.
I have noticed that my voice is getting deeper. I am concerned about
this. Does anyone have a good method to cleanse and open this chakra
with the Kyanite? Is this unusual for one's voice to deepen? I have no
idea if I am doing this correctly. Is there another way that I should be
using to handle this chakra? Any a suggestions would be wonderful. Thank
you all !
Love and light
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 22:32:18 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Phil Hurley
Message-ID: <3355B5E2.5DCCATnospambest.com>

Phil Hurley wrote:
 I like myself
> too much to refrain from doing what I do, as a matter of fact all these
> wonderful responses have only added to my delight. So my answer to you
> is "No way Jose!"
 Besides I'm only getting warmed up - I have more
> surprises in store for everybody.
 Oh, Yes this "qualified" thing you are
> talking about---"I don't need no stinking badges"--qualified? you must
> be kidding. "Just to the Purpose"--Heh-Heh-Enjoy your karma---Phil

Hey K-list,
I just read this....I'm more than sad about this.
I'm not reading any more posts from this source.
Not to suggest you do the same, do as you will.
Enjoying my karma,
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 01:48:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: LibraKat11ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: baking yogis - journeys through hell........poisoning the well
Message-ID: <970417014855_212834096ATnospamemout08.mail.aol.com>

Yogi Tom wrote:
<<Why not drop me a private email all to myself on this thread?>>

I don't know about everyone else, but I'm relieved to hear that this *debate*
might possibly be carried on via private email! It's disturbing to find so
much harshness and pettiness on a list that is such a support for all of us
most of the time.

Everyone has the right to their own opinion and feelings, and all should have
the right to express that, but to continually inflict argument (not debate)
and insults (and seem proud of it) on the entire list has gotten old really

Perhaps it's the solar flare, the eclipse, Hale-Bopp, or whatever that should
be blamed for such spikey emotions, but maybe we should look at the fact that
regardless of how much one studies, it's all just _book learning_ if it
doesn't come from the heart. All this button pushing is definitely nothing
more than that -- button pushing.

Hopefully this is the end of it and we can Move on!

Tired of deleting posts,
but Love to all anyway,
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 02:23:45 +0100
From: vic bonds <wildwingsATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Poem/Spiritual Springtime
Message-Id: <06234541004364ATnospampeconic.net>

The other night, I sensed sorrow and sympathy in the
> air of early morning, the winds rushed over me, frosting my breath,
>I vicariously grabbed some sleep, hoping the good fairy would watch
>over me.
>When I woke up, I slide out of bed with love in my heart, standing up,
>I waltz to my closet door and put a gown on, which enveloped me
>with love.
>I walked slowly over to the window, and saw a bird sitting quietly,
>watching the eagle soar above him, innocently, a shadow passed
>nearby, then, eternity, for I saw that the dove of peaceful intent
> was soulfully safe from the claws of love, that day.
>The flowers looked so sweet, I sensed their raptuous descent from buds,
>and dew dripping so lavishly, the freshness from the fog of morning's break,
>the winds and breezes blowing the broken blossoms from the early trees.
>The swirls of water in the ponds wrinkling in a way that is forbidden,
>the fortress for the fish rising up out of the water reaching for the sky
>an early butterfly, lands gently on it, polishing the top in a waythat
becomes it.
>A mirror forms, reflecting the sweet dreams of the night before, will there
be more?
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 03:05:23 +0100
From: Charles Wildbank <wildbankATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-Id: <07052307204399ATnospampeconic.net>

Dear K-list:

Have you watched Mandelbrot's animated fractal (chaos computer generated art
using numbers)
last week?!! Originally I thought these colorful images were beautiful
however when viewing
them in slow motion on television or film, I went into instant ecstasy! To
be doubly sure, I
played it back from my VCR and it happened again! Only when it is in
motion!!!! Could it
be something to do with our etheric systems or perhaps more basic as DNA?
These images
aren't animated on this homepage provided but you get an inkling of it. I
printed these out
on high gloss Hewlett Packard paper (expensive=$1 a sheet of 8 by 11 paper!)
and they
are stunning and suitable for framing. In the gallery there is one named
for you,LOBSTER,
called LOBSTER TRAP, ha! Each image takes about 3 minutes to download on your
screen from Netscape 3.0. These images are made by a nice European couple.
I think it
has alot to do with KUNDALINI on a deep level, don't you think?


Charles Wildbank
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 02:13:01 -0500 (CDT)
From: Nothing Is <holi0007ATnospamitlabs.umn.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Between nothingness and society
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95q.970417014714.20341A-100000ATnospampiranha.itlabs.umn.edu>

what do "I" want...
really dont know anymore.
Before I *thought* I knew but
did not realize that was the
cause of the cyclic "swirling" mess
or to be cliche:
the higher the high, the lower the low.

Would settle for nothing...
but it seems too easy for the soul
while too hard for the ego in
this world today.

Does it matter....?
is this souding like
an existential predicament?
who cares: everything is nothing.
"It doesnt matter":
this attitude cleanses the mind in some
situations, but as an aspiring
spiritual approach: it makes me suffer.

How will I know...
if its worth it,
maybe its better to "swirl"?
Could I missing something that
I should be getting from
society if I wasn't seeing
through it so much?

One torturing dualism...

bye, nothing is
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 97 10:49:00 PDT
From: Manoj Nanda <MNATnospamlangley.softwright.co.uk>
To: Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
Cc: "'kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com'" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: RE: collective intelligence
Message-Id: <335662FCATnospammsmailgate.softwright.co.uk>

of in India, or has the wave of
> materialism found its way there.
  For last five years I was going thro' terrible pain due to this
so called K-energy. I was also feeling loniness as there was noone to
talk and take help. I went to Himalayas and to many other places. None
could understand my process. My inner voice was all the time advising me
to always rmain in samta or balance. People in India know theortically
about K but I could not get even one cotraveller.
>>I find this very strange that there was so little technical expertise
available at the time, maybe it was just your luck , karma where your
forced to go round in circles looking for something and u just cant find
it. Nevertheless youre with us now Raam.

The vedas point is fascinating dome datnigs of the Vedas date to 8500 BC
where the first dip into the unified field occured but what Im not sure
about is , did the Rishis work this out themselves, were they given
Divine guidance, or was theyre working it out themselves the divine
If the collective intelligence was already there to be drwan from (The
vedas is somteimes reffered to as the knowledge of God hence leading to
the phrase ..sanatan dharma eternal truths)

I would really like to know of others thoughts on this.
and what sort of knowledge they've perceived from the cosmic
intelligence, it could come in the form of premonitions, science,
physics, chemistry free energy etc etc
The Rishis mentioned that the truth is a dynamic form which should be
revised during time.
This whole source of religion thing has got me hooked at the moment : )

there could be some buddhic intelligence from past alien civilisations
 whooowhooo : )
Still a fascinating topic nonetheless

Today I know how Vedas were written. Inner voice is the voice of

collective intelligence . All the life that has crossed over in past
centuries has left their intelligence at Buddhic level wherefrom any one

can tap with THOUGHTLESS AWARENESS which vacates his own mind so that he
can receive knowledge or love or any other thing which unites humanity.
My process of K -energy is still going on. But now struggle is
gone.K-energy with SAMTA OR BALANCE is the fastest process of evolution
and one can end this process ultimately by merging at a level where

 both merging parties are ready. ram

Anyway thanks for reply Ram and stay in touch.
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 09:05:44 -0400 (EDT)
From: PenofLoveATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Anyone have contacts
Message-ID: <970417090544_1952143039ATnospamemout06.mail.aol.com>

Hi folks..I am looking for a highly recommended channeler or physic to talk
with...No phone call bull with 900 #'s. Also am seeking alien contact ..any
idea how to make this happen..wish only to travel in the US....thanks
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 09:27:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: PenofLoveATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: need some advice
Message-ID: <970417092717_1885046607ATnospamemout15.mail.aol.com>

Pamela..this fifth chakra it externalizes as the thyroid gland and governs
lungs. Vocal cords and bronchial apparatus and metabolism. I am sure you know
it is the center of expression, communication and judgement. When you
meditate think of the color blue spinning like a wheel and keep it spinning
in your mind as you travel into the sixth and seventh chakra..Here are a few
gems of wisdom I recommend. Blue Tourmaline..adds spiritual strenght and
knowledge to the wearer. Intensifies creativity and inspiration to artistic
or innovative person. A peaceful and natural healing stone. Health aids are
throat, thyroid and speech. And Emerald..strengthens memory, increases
intelligence, toreesight and prophecy, clear seeing, wisdom and enhances
speech and creativity. Heald aids...diseases of the eyes and speech
impediments.....hope this helps
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 10:56:48 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: a great tan
Message-ID: <33566460.758DATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>

Morgana Wyze wrote:
> Phillip & Leigh Hurley wrote:
> >
> > Morgana Wyze wrote:
> > >
> > > Phillip & Leigh Hurley wrote:
> > > >
> > > > lobster wrote:
> > > > > Just To The Purpose
> > > > >
> > > > > Strut . . . Strut . . . Strut
> > > > > "I am clever than you"
> > > > > "I give advice"
> > > > > "I take it"
> > > > > "I am a doughnut"
> > > > > Strut . . . Strut . . . Strut
> > >
> > > The only other time I have seen such
> > > > behavior has been at office Christmas parties and Sufi practice sessions
> > > > for newbies. I would suggest the Betty Ford clinic. If this doesn't work
> > > > for you-get back to me and I'll see what is in my crystal ball for
> > > > you--Lobsters aren't afraid of the future-are they?
> > > > Phil
> > >
> > > My, touchy aren't we? Perhaps the only object in your crystal ball is a
> > > large reflection?
> > > Morgana
> > No cigar Morgana my dear--give it another shot and this time --T H I N K
> > !
> This is simple rudeness. You're not funny, and I was holding your
> disagreement with Yogi Tom in equal regard. He has displayed wisdom and
> heart-centered awareness. This would give credit to his methods, in my
> opinion. For a newbie to the list, you are certainly winning friends and
> influencing people.
> The Lystmystress has called for cooling off and higher regard. I won't
> post this to the list for that reason. Let's make up and be nice.
> Morgana
My dear Morgana (not so wise) -If to you heart centered awareness
includes making statements like buggering the Buddha and fucking your
mother as a representation of left hand tantrika practice as tom has
stated then your right-I am one rude dude because I am not impressed
with this statement and I need to say something about the sewer he
considers his source of enlightenment. He like many others feels that he
is immune from the effects of his statements to others. Not so. and I am
here to prove that point. It is easy to lead sheep - They do not ask
questions -about your credibility - they do not challenge - and thus
they become so much mutton for the rack. It is no wonder that the
heaven's gate incident occured. By the way I am not judging their right
to do what they wanted to do --but one does wonder about what could be
a sad case of lack of discrimination on the part of the followers. So
you need to be a little more on the ball dear. You have children-so give
them your best and for your sake I hope they dont become tantrikas as if
Mr. Aston is correct then.......................-You fill in the blanks.
Aren't you glad he left that bit of wisdom for us all never to forget?
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 08:04:04 -0700
From: "Daniel L. Rusch-Fischer" <stampmanATnospamix.netcom.com>
To: k Address For Posts <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
CC: 74657.3001ATnospamCompuServe.com
Subject: <<<<<Where Soma Grows
Message-ID: <33563BE4.3E8DATnospamix.netcom.com>

Hi k-ites,
 A while ago I posted about the use of Amanita muscaria and the
speculation that it is the SOMA mentioned repeatedly in the Vedas as the
source of their inspiration. It appears that the U.S. Government is
relenting somewhat in their zealous persecution of the religious use of
entheogenic substances. This from CNN:
Military to allow American Indian soldiers to use peyote - Apr. 15, 1997

ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico (AP) -- Marine Staff Sgt.Shawn Arnold has spent
the past 18 years protecting the freedom of others but has been banned
from a practice that is central to his religion.
 That changed Tuesday when the military said it will allow American
Indian soldiers to use peyote -- a plant with psychedelic properties --
in their religious services.

'It's a sacrament, not a drug'

 "If they're using peyote in their religious practice, it's a sacrament,
not a drug, just as sacramental wine is not considered a drug," said Air
Force Maj. Monica Aloisio, a Pentagon spokeswoman.
 "This opens some doors for our church, and it marks the first
sanctioned use of a hallucinogen by members of the armed forces," said
Frank Dayish, president of the Native American Church of North America.
 For Arnold, 38, the decision ends years of frustration. "My record book
says I can't go to church. I've been threatened, two times, with
courts-martial. I wake up every morning, and I don't have that full
feeling of freedom because I have to consider that ... it could be this
day that they decide to prosecute me," said the platoon commander
stationed at the Marine base in Quantico, Virginia.
 The new policy applies to any of the 9,262 American Indians in the
military who use the plant to follow their faith. Peyote is a small
cactus that grows naturally in
the Southwest. While it's illegal for most people to use, federal law
permits peyote use by the 250,000 members in 20 states of the Native
American Church.
 The theology centers on the belief that peyote brings peace of mind and
heals illnesses if one sincerely believes and concentrates. Peyote is
not addictive and doesn't cause flashbacks. It is usually eaten but can
be smoked. Some people have hallucinations they interpret as visions of
 The new guidelines, still in draft form, allow American Indians who
wish to enlist to answer "No" when asked if they have ever used drugs.

Use restricted

 Only enrolled members of Indian tribes may use peyote, the guidelines
say. It may not be used, possessed or brought aboard military vehicles,
vessels, aircraft or onto military installations without permission of
the installation commander.
 Meanwhile, Chaplain Capt. Mel Ferguson, executive director of the Armed
Forces Chaplain's Board, is giving chaplains a go-ahead to let American
Indians use peyote in religious services. "When people are allowed to
practice their faith and nourish the spiritual dimension of their lives,
that promotes and enhances military readiness," he said.
 The policy change stems from the 1994 American Indian Religious Freedom
Act. In 1996, the Department of Defense began rewriting its guidelines.
Historians say peyote has been used for at least 10,000 years by tribes
in North and South America. "This peyote medicine, to use it right you
have to pray," said Yazzie King, a Native American Church leader near
the Rock Spring Chapter on the Navajo reservation in New Mexico. "This
is not to be mixed up with marijuana, cocaine, all those drugs."

 Copyright 1997 The Associated Press. All rights
 reserved. This material may not be published,
 broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Date: 17 Apr 97 11:11:13 EDT
From: Michael Yoshpa <74657.3001ATnospamCompuServe.com>
To: "INTERNET:kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com" <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: Baked and ready to serve (read twice, please)!
Message-ID: <970417151113_74657.3001_BHW62-1ATnospamCompuServe.COM>

... then all these years in "famous" Russia of 1970's and 80's. Being brought up
in the 'hood where "Kike" was MY middle name. MY fellow jews used to say: "my
last name is a curse". I hated Germans, for all they've done to MY country, to
MY people. And, later, Stalin, and all revlations that come with HIM. And, then,
all OUR OWN concentration camps, millions killed without a trace left, like
sweat in the rain... And, this "NO JUSTICE" bitterness, and, of course, the
DESIRE to be " THE JUSTICE", and to bring lond-awaited punishment... And the
last night in the International airport, where, while waiting for the flight, we
were sitting among "Russian Germans" (sorry of an official Americanism), that
Stalin sent to Kazakstan during the WW2 (sounds familiar?). "Russian Germans" of
"Folksdoitsche" were awaiting the same fate - departure for the better future to
Frankfurt... So, what else is new, I came all the way around the globe to "THE
country of MY dreams".
... then, as Shakti found her way into my existence, i experienced an enormous
horror in wiev of the fultility of my own existence, haterd and fears, as
lessons "par exellence" to be learned, as mirrors to be looked in. All the World
history as one enormous lesson in sayng big "FAREWLL" to all the Ego bluffs...
... then, an unexpected liberation, dicontinuity, from being myself...

Russian-American-Jew that Hitler and Stalin had fortuantely killed,
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 08:36:44 -0700
From: "Daniel L. Rusch-Fischer" <stampmanATnospamix.netcom.com>
To: k Address For Posts <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: <<<<<Controversy - Contention - Contentment
Message-ID: <3356438C.622FATnospamix.netcom.com>

Hi k-ites (should that be a majuscule k?; no disrespect intended =-)

 Early on during my spontaneous emergence I went through a tremendously
fragile period when the slightest negativity affected me deeply;
actually profoundly. When this happened the other k-listees jumped in
and stroked me and patted me and pampered me until I was better; note
that .... until 'I' was better. There was nothing inherently wrong,
hurtful, distressing, etc. in the negativity; just my perception of it
and how 'I' let it affect me. Those who had been through this knew where
I was and gently wheedled me back; Holly Barrett, Richard Satin, and
Gloria Greco come immediately to mind ... there were many others
including suprising lurkers who had never posted to the list.
 What I am getting to is that the arguments have been made repeatedly
here that negative energy should be taken elsewhere and only
loving/laughing/tickle-me-Elmo light should be permitted to blossom.
Sorry, laddies and lassies, it takes shit to make the posies blossom.
Look at the erudite Tom ... the bullying/bantying/head-butting going on
has made him do a reassessment of himself that would not have happened
without the 'shit'. Also, he has revealed things of unbelievably deep
meaning to some on the list that none of the rest of us know about, not
even him ... and that revelation and its unimagined positive effect is
totally unrelated to the argument/flaming.
 The old witness-behind-the-witness has been developing in me and more
often than not he giggles a lot. Watching contention, insteading of
engendering disdain, rejection, disapproval, (fill in the negative
emotion), has my Keebler-elf looking for the outcome, the REAL purpose,
the motives-behind-the-motives, and when he gets to giggling he is
usually tugging my ear for attention and saying, "See, bonehead, THAT'S
how you act in this same situation." And then I laugh, too and heartily
agree, yup, that's me!
 Someone a while ago got on the vegetarian high-horse and was
expounding, somewhat self-righteously and with more than a little
pomposity, about what you SHOULD eat, and what you SHOULD avoid because
it hurts animals indirectly, etc. etc. Then list-Mystress Angelique got
on HER high-horse and promptly tilted at this windmill that was waggling
its ferocious, judgmental arms directly at HER. She has a number of
allergies to plant products that precludes her consumption of them and
champions the carnivorous diet to the hilt.
 Anyway, it was a brief e-fire and when done I was giggling and thinking
about how the Buddhists are for the most part vegetarians (the Japanese
ones seem, excepting actual priests, to view most animals as nothing
more than finny/feathery/legged vegetables!). And then it popped into my
head that Gautama himself died from eating tainted meat! And how that
could be taken to support BOTH arguments.
 Ain't contention wonderful? Without it the world would be a piece of
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 11:00:40 -0500
From: jeannegATnospamicon.net (Jeanne Garner)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: a great tan
Message-Id: <199704171600.LAA17904ATnospamns2.icon.net>

>> The Lystmystress has called for cooling off and higher regard. I won't
>> post this to the list for that reason. Let's make up and be nice.
>> Morgana

Have we sunk to the level of posting private email on the list now?
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 12:28:49 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: JTP
Message-ID: <335679F1.4C19ATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>

Dear Kundalites. To clear up some misconceptions. I hear tell that some
people think that I consider myself some type of Guru. For the Record: I
am not a guru (could you tell) You see Guru is a swear word on my block.
I definitely do not considered my self enlightened -that is a game for
true fools only. I am a teacher of Tantra-Left Hand- VaMaCha. Now there
is varied opinion as to the quality of my postings. To my fans I say
thank You and sincerely wish you a thousand delights. To Those that
don't like me I say I'm sorry> but not that sorry. Life is a bowl of
mixed "nuts". Yes you are in that bowl too - even if you don't want to
admit it. What do I ultimately believe in:
"We do not know the purpose
But we do know that the purpose is in process as manifestation
Thus all manifestation is JUST TO THE PURPOSE"

What this means is that I AM JUST TO THE PURPOSE. I AM VALID. I HAVE
COSMIC ROOTS AND LEGITIMACY. Whether you like it or not. I get the
impression that there are some people on this list who think they are
better than I. That would be a shame. What really is a snore are those
who think they are the embodiment of love, sweetness, kindness and
light. Folks I hate to tell you this but nobody is as pink as I have
seen some people try to come off here - I'ts just not real life. When
you get that pink, your headed for the boobie hatch. There are many on
this list who think that cute word games and long winded expositions
that look like reprints from old theosophical literature makes them
interesting. Why there are even some people who like this stuff. Some of
it I even enjoy. We all have our tasks to [perform -do we not?) By the
way I do not think that I am here on his list to teach any body anything
- I save that for my students. WhatI am here for is to participate in
the term" kundalini". Thats all. Oh Yes, you will have to forgive me but
occasionally I get the urge to expose fake gurus and things like
that-especially those claiming to have an understanding of kundalini. I
guess you might say a self styled Ralph Nadar of the "New Age set" Oh
well we all have our delusions don't we? You see its very easy to be
well read and then go into cyberspace and claim a chicken house for your
self. One can play word games ad nausium. Does this mean that the
speaker is enlightened? Some people lie you know. Some people pick
pockets. And some of these are very good at it. Enjoy your karma--Phil
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 12:41:48 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: a great tan
Message-ID: <33567CFB.49F2ATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>

Jeanne Garner wrote:
> >> The Lystmystress has called for cooling off and higher regard. I won't
> >> post this to the list for that reason. Let's make up and be nice.
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >> Morgana
> Have we sunk to the level of posting private email on the list now?
No. I have inadvertantly posted this in the wrong place. My apologies to


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