Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/14 18:08
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #165

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 165

Today's Topics:
  Re: Shopping
  Re: Kundalini Energy
  (no subject)
  [Fwd: Re: On the subject of egoism]
  Re: Shopping
  Re: gurus
  Re: Kundalini Energy
  Re: Mind
  Re: Kundalini Energy
  Re: More sex ? and dorje ling
  Re: [Fwd: A great tan - well done]
  Re: Mind
  Re: Mind--Word breakout
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 14:43:06 -0400
From: imtgATnospamjuno.com (tg xxx)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Shopping
Message-ID: <19970414.144719.3982.5.imtgATnospamjuno.com>

lphurley writes....

<<<<. My question is--Can one find Kundalini at the grocery
store? If so, why? If not, why? Also If one can find Kundalini at the
grocery store--how does one keep the serpent in the shoping cart till
one gets to the checkout counter. Should I shop elsewhere?>>>>>>>>

If one finds Kundalini at the grocery store, you cannot keep it in the
shopping cart, unless of course, you found it in the shopping cart, or
you place it in the shopping cart while in the grocery store.

Should you shop where the Kundalini isn't? Only if you are not ready to
face it....

You found the wisdom.
Do you want to keep it
until you are ready to use it?
Then you must put it
where you can remember
where it is...
and then, when you are ready
to use it to check out,
it will be there.



"Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories...."

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997 13:40:19 -0700 Phillip & Leigh Hurley
<lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com> writes:
>The Phenomenal Universe
>Remember; we are all walking around in our own Muladhara Chackras -
>inner self "writ large". What you see is what you are. Thus shines the
>wisdom of the Bhuddist who becomes Bodhisattva (abode of Akasha). They
>vibrate the mantra of instant enlightenment with every movement -
>"Yadihasti tadanyatra yannehasti natatkvachit" - "What is here is
>elsewhere: What is not here is nowhere" -Vishvasara Tantra. Thus every
>object and person becomes a personal adventue in Serpent awareness,
>so arises the science of Feng Shui. Before you, is spread a living
>for you to read - Omens - Pathways - labyrinths - with many signs to
>guide the way. For light, you have the sun by day and the stars and
>by night. When there is total darkness at eclipse, you know that there
>can be no light without darkness -Yin is in Yang, and Yang in Yin.
>is nurtured and brought to fruition, and thus all is confirmed and
>conspires to illuminate.
>I overheard these snippits of conversation, the other day in a store
>near my house. Now, I live in a strange neighborhood and the
>storekeepers name (so he says) is Lucifer(light bearer). What a
>character! But, be that as it may, I was wondering if anybody knows
>all this means - or anything for that matter. The locals here are
>strange, but I did have the feeling that there was some wisdom here
>perhaps. Now these people, are rather crude, and are not self
>enlightened Yogi's or Shaktipaters or even snowmobile buffs - but I
>can't seem to get this conversation out of my mind, so I thought I
>share it with you. My question is--Can one find Kundalini at the
>store? If so, why? If not, why? Also If one can find Kundalini at the
>grocery store--how does one keep the serpent in the shoping cart till
>one gets to the checkout counter. Should I shop elsewher and does
>have any good kundalini recipes--I like fried food--LaVaRaYaHaAum
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 17:20:06 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, PenofLoveATnospamaol.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini Energy
Message-ID: <mxycmMA2klUzEwCsATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

In message <970414083110_418281002ATnospamemout16.mail.aol.com>,
PenofLoveATnospamaol.com writes
>Have a question...My kundalini was released back in Nov of 96 by accident.
>Maybe from my body being totaling twisted by a yogi with pure presure and my
>part on meditation traveling into a spiritual nature. After feeling so much
>energy within and many other things..I read the what effects it has on a
>person. Then visited a kundalini guru for advise which was then told it was
>true about my release. ...Now I seem to crack every bone in my body trying to
>release some energy inside me. Constantly moving my head around, feet
>..twisting my arms in directions, my back ..everything to calm the flow or in
>trying to control it. It seems the energy wishes to escape from within.
> ....Is this natural and will it continue?? thanks penoflove
This sounds like classic shakti running wild symptoms and "you" trying
to control the situation in vain.......shakti cannot be controlled in
this way, much better to cooperate and learn to find ways of being that
are in harmony with her needs....letting go of one's sense of self can
sometimes help, as can generally yielding to her subtle intuitions and
whims...this is not about you finding a way to control shakti, but about
shakti finding ways to control your sense of self and make it
subservient to her will...in a sense, if the energy is as powerful as it
sounds, your destiny has been decided by this awakening, you must
cooperate with this energy and understand it is the engine of spiritual
development...in some ways cooperating with shakti is all that
spioritual development involves and she has her own methods and whims
and it is up to you to pay attention to them...the first thing to do
might just be to lie on the floor and let go at the deepest levels of
being or take a long relaxing bath and review life and where it's going
and what is the nature of your central experience....you got this
process started, it is up to you to cooperate now and avoid willfulness
and crude energy manipulation techniques that only complicate
matters...if its as strong as you say it's not going to disappear
overnight,if ever, so you may as well make things easy and go gently and
humbly into the cave of self-surrender and understanding from which no
ego ever returns....regards Yogi Tom
Tom Aston
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 15:19:15 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: (no subject)
Message-ID: <3352AD63.75ECATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 15:33:36 +0100
From: Charles Wildbank <wildbankATnospampeconic.net>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-Id: <19333652201158ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

As below so in Above....

Wonder where taxes correspond above (Karma debt? )


Or is it plain NUMEROLOGY at work in the COSMOS?

Or is it so you can sleep and meditate soundly while the government is
keeping the streets as safe as possible from the lower chakra gangs?

Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 15:17:33 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: [Fwd: Re: On the subject of egoism]
Message-ID: <3352ACFD.73E6ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Content-Type: message/rfc822

Content-Disposition: inline

Message-ID: <3350DA99.3B21ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 06:07:37 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01 (Win95; I; 16bit)

To: Indira Singh <76460.3057ATnospamCompuServe.COM>
Subject: Re: On the subject of egoism
References: <970413005650_76460.3057_CHR51-1ATnospamCompuServe.COM>

Indira Singh wrote:
> <Lurk Off>

Oh joy
keep off
and be more than welcome

> ""I am"
> "I like"
> "I am"
> Your one message is full of the egoism"
> Once again, I am saddened that the wisdom of the east is being misused by well
> meaning and fervently searching members in the west.

As someone who does not belong to the East or the West
nor judge without knowing I judge myself
Nor consider myself searcher or finder
I say to you:
No need to be sad
when you can put me right . . .

> Lobster, egoism has nothing to do with the number of times the subjective
> pronoun is used.

I know
I am sure

> PenofLove, you are right to question a lot of what you are receiving here. The
> value of staying is to see how others' honest struggle on the same path as yours
> can lead mostly to errors. Their courage in exploring and sharing their new
> experiences and ideas verbally is laudable - and is the only way we all learn.

Now you're cooking
and make sure you point out our errors
and deliver us from temptation
and Penoflove is staying with us . . .

> The wisdom to separate what is valuable for your path from that which is
> misleading is something you have to do in pursuit of this sort of knowledge.
> This forum, from what I have seen so far, might be a very worthwhile environment
> to do that.

Exactly so
and your participation is most welcome

> And at times, there might be some real insights into kundalini practice.
> Indi-Anna
> "If you meet the Buddha, kill him."
> </Lurk Off>

I am sorry you are not permitted to lurk off
Provide your insights into snake charming
If you have the ability to Kill the Buddha
kindly do so
Or do you subscribe
to the cowardly assertion
that the best answer to a fool is silence?

Most Kind Regards
Lobster (not a spectator sport)
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 18:19:35 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Shopping
Message-ID: <3352D7A7.471ATnospamdial.pipex.com>

Phillip & Leigh Hurley wrote:
> The Phenomenal Universe
> Remember; we are all walking around in our own Muladhara Chackras - Your
> inner self "writ large". What you see is what you are.

interesting but . . . <snip>

> My question is--Can one find Kundalini at the grocery
> store? If so, why? If not, why?

Many people wonder why so many people wander off topic
- they do not.
It is quite possible for people to talk on different levels
However you are not asking questions
but displaying knowledge
Perhaps sharing occurs easier with partners . . .
On the Kundalini forum kundalini exists in the Heart
and if you take that to the grocery store
the serpent comes too . . .

Most Kind Regards
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 16:44:26 -0500 (CDT)
From: Narahari Phatak <forehamATnospamimsa.edu>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: shaktipat
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.96.970414164028.740B-100000ATnospamcoke>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

This term has been used here often lately and as I am new to all of this,
I ask you who are verily more experienced than I to teach me what it is. I
realize that the root shakti is roughly translates as power or the
feminine aspect of power.

If you believe that is a waste to mail to the
list, please e-mail me personally

Narahari Phatak
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 17:53:26 -0400
From: Dolce Vita <lissetteATnospambridge.net>
To: Charles Wildbank <wildbankATnospampeconic.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: gurus
Message-ID: <335155D6.4592ATnospambridge.net>

Hi charles,
Gurumayi is giving intensives and is not afraid of people, anyone can
come to the ashram in South Fallsberg. the site is
http://www.channel1.com/siddhayoga/index.html for more information.
At your service,
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 18:05:33 -0400
From: Dolce Vita <lissetteATnospambridge.net>
To: PenofLoveATnospamaol.com
CC: Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini Energy
Message-ID: <335158AD.3A65ATnospambridge.net>

HI PenofLove
What is happening to you is a natural expression of Kundalini energy,
dont try to manipulate it or change it, it will quiet down eventually,
the same happened to me. I was a bit overwhelmed with the process but it
is harmless and it is an intelligent energy. Dont meditate near bedtime
so the kriyas dont go on during the night and eat a bit more rich foods.
Stay away from red meat and cigarretes.
If I can be of help, let me know.
At the service of the light,
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 17:58:19 -0400
From: imtgATnospamjuno.com (tg xxx)
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Mind
Message-ID: <19970414.175833.3982.18.imtgATnospamjuno.com>

If we are merely dreaming this life
(Life is but a dream......)
Then the mind must be
where the dreamer is.

The size, hmmmmmm,
I would say, about
a size 7.

If we are truly dreaming
whether it be a good or bad dream
we can dream up our past,
whether in this life or another.
We can dream up our spirits or angels
or ghosts or goblins.
We can dream of our wishes and hopes
and our wonders and our dreams
We can dream of energies and creativity
and memories of whatever we want.

And we can dream of a Kundalini
which arises and brings forth
great energies and ego-bustings
and awakenings.

But we are still dreaming.
As a man dreameth.... so shall he be.

My truth may not be your truth.
I'm just here to play and have fun with life.

A long long time ago, God sent all his children out to play,
and as he waved to them, he yelled "Have Fun! Have Fun!"

And the children turned to each other and
asked, "Why is God saying "Heaven! Heaven!"?
And we've been searching ever since.

"Eat a live toad the first thing in the morning
and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day..."
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 15:43:53 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: PenofLoveATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini Energy
Message-ID: <3352B329.60E3ATnospambest.com>

PenofLoveATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Have a question...My kundalini was released back in Nov of 96 by accident.
> Maybe from my body being totaling twisted by a yogi with pure presure and my
> part on meditation traveling into a spiritual nature. After feeling so much
> energy within and many other things..I read the what effects it has on a
> person. Then visited a kundalini guru for advise which was then told it was
> true about my release. ...Now I seem to crack every bone in my body trying to
> release some energy inside me. Constantly moving my head around, feet
> ..twisting my arms in directions, my back ..everything to calm the flow or in
> trying to control it. It seems the energy wishes to escape from within.
> ....Is this natural and will it continue?? thanks penoflove

Let go, let the energy escape. It's clearing energy blocks from your
body. You'll have plenty of years to sit in meditation and focus the
energy within after you've spent the time needed to let the kundalini
open the energy centers of your body. Relax, trust the proces, and
release goals of "enlightenment". A lot of people get stuck chasing
enlightenment, let it chase you.
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 15:08:11 -0700
From: J Flarity <joeATnospamflarity.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: More sex ? and dorje ling
Message-Id: <3352AACA.24DEATnospamflarity.com>

Dear Tom,

Thank you for this in depth post. I appreciate the amount of effort you
have invested in this important area.

> Inner sex has its dangers, just as outer sex can have all kinds of
> karmic implications for oneself and other....

Isn't danger only real to those who believe in the mortality of their
own flesh (or soul). Haven't your 'mistakes' been the best of teachers?

> anything less, and one might survive, or even progress, but why take the
> risk when the forces at stake are cosmic and the implications of getting
> it wrong extremely serious in a way our mundane understanding cannot
> figure out easily

Isn't this the major reason we are here--to figure it out for ourselves?

> To enter into a series of sexual relationships as one develops, choosing
> partners according to one's needs and chemistry, may simply undermine
> the whole foundation of one's practice by manipulating and using "other"
> selfishlessly for one's own transcendental ends, missing the whole point
> of the exercise which is learn to nurture, love and liberate.

Tom, this is a wonderful example of pure writing skill. Unfortunately,
I cannot make sense of it, except with a sophist viewpoint. If your
'chemistry' is selfish, wouldn't a complimentary 'needy' partner
be a good match? Don't we all get what we need?
> There is also the problem of using others in this practice too who may
> have no idea of what is involved in entering into what may seem an
> ordinary sexual relationship.

Wouldn't the 'ordinary' person find exactly what they expect to find?
If they did became expanded, couldn't that be a good thing? Maybe that
what they needed? The greatness of 'ordinary' sex is often found in the

> Once started, the changes this inner sex brings are irreversible so do
> not start on this path lightly.

I dance with mirth
down the path with no end.
Why am I here?
I see a bucket in one hand.
It will make a fine hat.
As for the staff in the other.
Is it for parting seas
or striking snakes?

We shall see how
God loves a fool

> hope this helps add to the debate, and enriches one's understanding.....

It is always a pleasure to feel your love.

As Tom has adamantly pointed out, the world is rife with dandy. Resting
on my couch this afternoon, I listened to the highly recommended CD from
David Parsons' "dorje ling". I thought,

'This is like the chanting Tibetan monks only more soothing,' and
promptly went to sleep. I awoke as the CD ended with the sensation of
hot coals on my forehead. It has been 6 hours and the energy has
diminished to the intensity of a hot plate on the medium setting. I
would like to warn every K list member to indulge this music only with
parental supervision.

If you're already a parent, and decline to find a sitter, please
consider putting them in charge of you before you touch the play button.

Bon appetite


ps. my phone lines crashed and I didn't get to send this out last night
at 9:00 PST. It is now 4:00 PM and I still feel a pleasant warmth. My
reaction to this album has been almost as intense as seeing the live
monks. Thanks
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 19:34:30 -0400 (EDT)
From: DChern1123ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: [Fwd: A great tan - well done]
Message-ID: <970414193120_1388111833ATnospamemout15.mail.aol.com>

Perhaps Leigh and Phillip are, one person, since there's safety in
numbers.....It's hard to go up against five thousand year old spiritual
traditions alone, give 'em a break.
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 19:11:50 +0100
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, Sunil R Peswani <peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>
Subject: Re: Mind
Message-ID: <EzW0mhAmNnUzEwHcATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

In message <Pine.OSF.3.91.970414160121.9351A-
100000ATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in>, Sunil R Peswani
<peswaniATnospamgiaspn01.vsnl.net.in> writes
> Has the subject of mind cropped up earlier on K list.
> What is the view of list members regarding mind on following points
> Its location , size ,working, life ,funcctions etc.
> How does it keep karmic records if any,or how
>does it contacts past lives etc. etc.
> What is its relation with vast amount of energy
>or other processes that K awakening produces.
> Its relationship with dreams , with spirits with
>creativity with memorries, with human evolution
> Any other information any can give.
> Ram
Some thoughts on mind.....

there are two classic metaphysical conceptions of mind - universal
consciousness as the ultimate reality - spiritual and material, and mind
as essentially empty of all essential reality along with everything else

all spiritual practice is ultimately a means to realising either cosmic
mind or empty/no mind depending on one's view

cosmic mind is sometimes equated with universal love and mystical
experience of primordial unity

empty/no mind is sometimes also linked with a primordial unity from
which compassion and transcendental wisdom arises spontaneously

on the way to these primordial states, which are always open to us
should we care to listen, we pass through many worlds which reflect
aspects of our true nature and of our illusory self...which since it's
illusory...doesn't really exist...so we live in an illusory world best
described by the mystics of the East

cosmic mind is often described as the union of the soul with the Godhead
or divine entity

while empty mind is sometimes described as the annhilation of all ideas
and experiences linked to the very notion of such a soul...combined with
a great primal silence on the question of whether there is a divine
being at all....

in the meantime, probably the best bet for those starting out is to get
to know the chakras and the brain and to integrate and refine and
balance their energies before seeking to expand and transcend the
mundane understanding and experience as a means to getting closer to
either cosmic mind or no mind or both.....but since they're already
there...well, all this is rather futile...it is something we have to go
through simply to learn just how futile it all was....

then there is the physical, subtle and causal anatomy about which many
of us know already....the causal body in particular stores every aspect
of our being and consciousness and determines the causal process of our
lives and deaths

many people hope to purify the subtle and causal bodies through
spiritual practice, and often find that life imporoc=ves when they do
attain deeper levels of purity and skillful states of consciousness
rooted in positivity, kindness, healing energy etc etc

so in practice, most mere mortals have to first purify, integrate and
balance that which they already have, then concentrate, purify, deepen
and expand and transcend this experience, and then, well, understand its
true nature and just let it go altogether.....

again in practice, we tend to distinguish along the way between waking
consciousness rooted in the five senses and the brain and perhaps the
chakras too if we have a yogic outlook and the dreaming consciousness of
sleep in which we can access forms of the primal energies that are in
fact reflections of our true natures....so when we are dreaming we are
awakening, and when we are awake we are asleep, until we start to
manifest and realise the dreams in waking realms of being and a
primordial unity begins to emerge which Jung described as a process of

however, some people just receive a message or energy from the
transcendental realms without ever consciously going deep into the
unconscious and follow that energy or guide and in so doing fully
integrate all aspects of their experience and so enter into the cosmic
mind that is always there waiting for us.....

sometimes one finds one's mundane sense of self being squeezed and
dissolved by energies emerging from both above - the transcendental -
and below - the unconscious - and gradually it becomes clear they are
the same reality, and distinctions like above and below make little
sense.....in reality....especially when one encounters mystical light
and energy in the waking realms.....

as the mind is cleansed of all illusory impurities it manifests as an
experience of bliss, wholeness, stillness, energy...etc etc which can
grant boons to others should they be open to them.....

sometimes one can get a tiny glimpse of some aspects of these realms
through chemical stimulation of the consciousness with psychedelic drugs
which can give a sense of expansion, bliss, insight etc that is
astounding after the mundane world of the senses and ego

but in some ways this stimulation of the chemical balance of the brain
and nervous system is just another diversion from the primordial state
of consciousness/no mind that is our innate character...for it in effect
colours the stainless waters of the pure mind so should not be mistaken
for direct knowledge of the cosmic mind.....

a process of making the psyche whole and rooted in personal reality is
the safest way of developing a direct experience of the cosmic mind..one
must integrate all aspects of one's physical, emotional, mental, psychic
and spiritual nature on the way as a foundation for ultimately, letting
go of all these aspects of consciousness in favour of
...well...nothing...and everything.....and well, not letting go at
all...in other words there is just the great roaring silence into which
mystics, saints and yogis through the ages have surrendered

but some beings know they are perfect already, that the mind is already
pure, that there is an intuitive understanding which is rooted in the
cosmic mind of which they are simply a reflection and
manifestation....that their purity defies conventional notions of purity
and can embrace the impure...

sometimes one could say "living truth" is a reflection of the cosmic
mind...thus it is, a lifetime of delusion and deception can be washed
away by one moment of self-sacrifice, compassionate action, witnessing,
speaking of truth, confession, forgiveness, remorse, love....that takes
us beyond our mundane selves

so any situation can be redeemed, for we are all part of the cosmic
mind, always, no matter how much our experience might suggest

in some ways, there is no situation to be redeemed at all, no matter how
bad things might seem......

for as long as we use our minds to understand reality, we understand

and as long as the mind reacts to things it imagines to be outside
itself....well, we remain locked in a ycle of false consciousness... in
some ways at least...

when the mind is still, the conditions arise for us to understand our
true natures

while the mind may become still naturally, meditation often helps

there are many apparent forms of mind....

there is the small mind which many of us know only too well

this consciousness tends to be scattered and pulled this way and that
and has no real centre except for a false sense of self

there is the concentrated mind that is the key to solving so many
practical and intellectual problems

there is the vajra-like single-pointed mind that is the key to attaining
transcendental insight into reality

there is the expansive mind that opens up to both self and other in all
their glory and infinitude...in some ways this is the heart, manifesting
as love, compassion, kindness and wisdom in so many ways

the ultimate form of the expansive mind is the totally unified mind,
which is, in some ways, the heart yoked to the totally clear vision of
the head..which is, well, both cosmic and empty..and beyond any
distinction between head and heart, but quite happy to embrace both....

the quickest and simplest way to true mind may be simply to surrender
totally to the Divine Grace and open up in its light like a flower
blossoming in sunlight

but many of us have a long way to go and a lot of work to do before we
understand this kind of spiritual simplicity

in practice most people rarely get far beyond the scattered mind or
moments of concentration of quite a mundane level even though there are
plenty of teachings and methods for developing beyond this level.

thus, the highest truths we experience tend to be rooted in intellectual
or emotional experience, which both raise us above the levels of simply
following our instincts and being pulled by the senses and driven by
outer conditioning...yet also become just more baggage between our true
state of being and our false sense of self.

yet a world without rationality, ethics, justice, human rights, systems
of law and accountabilty of those in power....would, well, be a total
nightmare, even for those in touch with cosmic mind....so it is worth
holding onto these aspects of civilisation even if we have let them go
it is not so much the form or nature of the experience, but of our
relationship to that experience that is often the biggest obstacle to
our understanding the true nature of mind

even in conceiving there is some kind of dualistic aspect to our
experience we create the drama of illusory self which lies at the root
of the process of seeking outside ourselves that accounts for so much
spiritual searching.....which can lead to a sense of dilemma...or to
holding on...or simply limiting and contracting that which cannot be
limited or contracted.....

but even expansiveness or letting go can become another form of
hindrance to realisation of our true mind.....

the buddha mind holds no position or line or opinions on all this...

but there is a path, in fact many paths

and there is a teaching, in fact many teachings

yet there is no path, no teaching, no path and no buddha

which all adds up to...well, all this has to be experienced ultimately
and we can dream up forms of words till the end of time....

one either knows or one doesn't and nothing i can say can change that...

and yet one knows often what one doesn't know

and words can bring understanding

and understanding can bring words

and words perhaps help most on the kundalini list simply in providing a
mirror to extraordinarty experiences that often do approach the cosmic
mind, but which leave us baffled and can easily be ignored...

which can be a profound cause for regret later on when the light begins
to dawn....

as long as we use outr mind to understand realtiy we will understand

Zen calls this the doctrine of no mind

which sounds like a psychiatric complaint

but who's sane ? and who's mad ?

when we're all going to die.....

and we're dying already....

or at least we think we are....

whoever we are

and whoever may be writing this.....

regards Yogi Tom xxxxx

Tom Aston
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 16:48:42 -0700
From: J Flarity <joeATnospamflarity.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Mind--Word breakout
Message-Id: <3352C25A.1250ATnospamflarity.com>

Tom Aston wrote:

> Zen calls this the doctrine of no mind
> which sounds like a psychiatric complaint
> but who's sane ? and who's mad ?
> when we're all going to die.....
> and we're dying already....
> or at least we think we are....
> whoever we are
> and whoever may be writing this.....

This is the first instance in your many postings in which I recall
seeing the idea becoming bigger than the words. As the spirit swells
the words become more 'single minded' and multilayered as they expand to
catch it. The heavy and weak fall away and only the pure ones glisten
and smile in their ultimately futile endeavor.


in my field

reaching for them

with my mouth open





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