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1997/04/13 16:11
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #161

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 161

Today's Topics:
  The Philosopher's Stone - April, 1997
  A great tan
  Re: Meditational Music/Musical Meditation
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 17:40:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: voltronATnospamvoy.net (Jon Locke)
To: voltronATnospamvoy.net
Subject: The Philosopher's Stone - April, 1997
Message-Id: <v01530501af76b24d6586ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

VOL. I, ISSUE 1.......................APRIL, 1997
UNTIL THE END OF TIME or MY ASCENSION, whichever comes first. We pray it
will meet your standards of reporting on the past, present and future of
human events. In the name of Love, I am yours. - Voltron. My sincere desire
is that we all shall meet in Heaven, whether that is in /on the Earth or
within our Hearts.
Legend has it many crystals were in Atlantis before it went down. These
crystals powered the vehicles of that time. When the earth opened up it
swallowed them. then the rains came and filled them up. They became rivers.
A local Cherokee legend has it that One of them is the Tennessee River.
Where it flows between two bridges is where the crystal lays. Some think it
is in Chattanooga, Tennessee. There are three bridges there. Also it is
near Cherokee, N.C. Somewhere at the corner of Georgia, Tennessee and North
Carolina there lives a Cherokee (100%) in a deserted part of the country.
He can take you to view a circle of stones which he says were used as a
launching pad for space craft. He will also show you some stone pieces. He
says they are spent rocket fuel. The Cherokee have long known they are
descendants of the Star Elders. Today they would be referred to as
extraterresterials. Another little known fact is the picture in the Keys of
Enoch which shows the picture of the Dove with its wings spread over a map
of the united states. Where the center of the wings are is a safe region
during earth changes. The wing in the west centers around Sedona, AZ. The
wing in the East centers around Chattanooga. Thousands of people are now
moving into nearby Asheville, N.C. That is because the crystal is leaning
in that direction. A traveling shaman said there is a lot of energy coming
into Chattanooga from the etheric. Then he added, But it does not stay
here. It is diverted out to a radius of 350 miles. The second circle (if
you drew them under the Dove's wings) is closer to the center and extends
out 150 miles. These cities are within 150 miles of Chattanooga: Atlanta
(Is there any more similar name for Atlantis in a big city?), Nashville,
TN, (Home of Country Music), and Knoxville, Gatlinburg, (Home of Dollywood
and huge mountains.)And Asheville, N.C. Mecca of the New Age is almost 150
miles away from Chattanooga.
Cherokees believe many of their elders who long ago passed away to the
other side are coming back because they are drawn by this crystal. I have
met several people myself who said they didn't know why they came to town
but felt somehow drawn here.
Could it be because of memories of worshiping long ago in a temple which
housed this crystal? There are many roadside stands in North Carolina
selling huge rocks cheep. That proves there are many smaller crystals in
the mountains.
If you are a Cherokee, by birth or by belief and feel the urge to head for
high ground before the shift you are welcome to move to Tennessee. The
scenery is beautiful, the cost of living cheep. Lots of food grown locally.
4 season weather. Metaphysical meetings, churches from Christian to Hindu
and Jew to Muslim. Good schools, Chattanooga State and University of
Tennessee at Chattanooga. Sights :Lookout Mountain, Signal Mountain, Ruby
Falls (100 foot underground water fall) Riverboat, Large Aquarium. Hang
Gliding contests. And World famous Rock City. They have natural crystals
there in a hall wich are so big you can't get your hands around them.
Quartz ones at that.
 I sound like the Chamber of Commerce, but really I am not a real
estate agent. If I were I would tell you about a 2 bedroom house for
$4,999.00. But that is not my business. I am in the Enlightenment business
and therefore exist on the gratitude of listeners like you who generously
give of your love and time to read this. For the satisfaction of a writer
is like that of a cook: What he has prepared he enjoys seeing people eat.
 So I would say if you fell like visiting call up on your computer
and get the Chattanooga Times or Channel 12 and look around. Or write me a
letter. (I'm friendly.)


Philosopher's Stone: How are things in Heaven?
Voltron: Everything is beautiful. There are flowers and lakes and trees.
Water runs clear and clean. It sparkles in the sunset. The grass is so
green it looks like an emerald. In fact everything glows with an inner
P.S. How do you feel?
V. The waves of ecstasy constantly flow through my consciousness.
P.S> Even while you are walking around?
V. We travel by thinking ourselves there and go instantly. But the answer
is yes.
It is hard to describe because whatever you want is created by your mind.
So it will be different for everyone who comes up here.
P>S> What if someone else wanted something different?
V. that is on the 3rd dimension. and to some extent on the 4th dimension.
But by the time vibrations reach the 5th frequescy there is no disharmony.
And the beautiful thing is that you meet people who want the same reality
you do. If you want to talk they will listen. They were fasinated to hear
my stories about Earth. Some of them haven't been to or seen or heard about
earth for thousands of years. They say that is where all the action is.
P>S> I heard they have their own space ships here. Can't they broadcaset
earth stuff back to their homw planet?
V. Yes. Many of them do. And their are groups that share a common broadcast
station, as you say. But as on earth the physical performance is better
than a recording. Yes. a lot of people are able to tune to a kind of
Galatic News Service and get all the latest update. I was travelling into
the future when I will be looked upon as a Veteran of Armegeddon. Some
people like to hear old war stories, etc. You could become a living history
book on ano9ther planet. In fact some people do.
P>S> O.K. What is your typical day like up there?
V. I sing and play and run around in circles with people in skimpy pastel togas.
P>S> Does everybody up there do that?
V. No. I said Heaven is Interactive. So this is my conception of what
Heaven looks like. Also there is beautiful music. It flows through you. You
can actually FEEL the vibrations. Like a boombox only you get any note you
want. And it is wondrful when someone else joins you and picks up on your
note and amplifies it and adds to whtever you want. At first you are
surprised becauase you are used to Earth where everybody steals what
everybody else has. But soon you ealise they are reading your mind and
doing whatever you want. And theya re enjoying it. And then more and more
join you until the feeling is so over whelming.
P>S> And then what do you do?
V. Well then you blackout.
P>S> And then what happens?
V. Depending on your Karma, you either wake up in Heaven again (the next
day) or you go back to earth.
P>S> Why?
V. BEcause if you cannot handle the higher vibrations of ecstasy, which by
definition, is what Heaven IS, then you are cast down on earth where you
have to learn how to behave.
P>S> Why did you decide to Remote View Heaven at this time?
V. BEcause there are a lot of people going there and as you would like to
view a brochure before going on a trip, we thought you would like to have a
view of Heaven.
P>S>Who else has been to Heaven and come back to tell about it?
V. Dannion Brinkley for one. Millions says Dr. Moody who researches near
death experiences, and hundres through history. Yogis are masters at astral
projection and ecstasy endurance. And more everyday than have Every done it
in the past.
P>S> I have to ask this question. Is there any sex in Heaven?
V. Everybody does. That is one of the most common questions. The answer is:
There is an orgasm in every atom of your body all the time. (You can get
used to it.)
P>S> So the idea of sex never occurrs to anybody.
V. Sorry. To enjoy that sensation you must return to the fourth dimension
or the third.
P>S> What else can you not do in Heaven?
V. A list would be too long here. To make it easy imagine the dropping of
the lower three chakras or cerebral spinal centers. You will not need them
any more. You will remain in the Heart Center and above in the Throat
(you'll be able to sing if you want to or be a great orator.) or conquer
hunger and thirst. You actually will not have to eat up here. But if you
wish you can create food made of light. (However it will appear real to
Then there is the third eye. A;though you have in the 4th dimension been
using the two eyes of duality you may wish to drop them If so then you
will feel like you are in a ball or bubble of clear white light. Everything
that happens there is beautiful . It includes everything you can imagine
because you are co-creating it. Everything you do is magnified 10,,,000
times if you want it to. Visions? Did I hear you ask about Visions? How
would you like to see th entire Universe as it rises up out of the VOID?
P>S> Voltron, I think you need to come back to earth.
V. No. I want to stay in Heaven.
P>S> Sorry but our karma account only allows you five minutes in Heaven.

Each month we elect someone who has achieved outstanding duty upon Earth.
To qualify the person must follow the following requirements:
1) They must be able to pass for human.
2) They know who they are.
3) They know their mission in life.
4) They love everyone.
5) They are here on Earth to help everyone to have the faith they have and
share in the joy and bliss of Heaven.
6) They are dedicated to this task no matter how hard or long it takes.
Because they cannot enjoy Heaven knowing a part of them is trapped in
delusion of suffering.
7) They must be pure of mind, Heart and Spirit.
It gives us great pleasure to present to you the Angel of the month for
March,1997, a lady who has over 150 angels in her beautiful home in
Florida. She is one who talks to Jesus, Archangel Michael, METATRON, Saint
John and Ashtar on a daily basis. . .Her photograph is on our web page, THE
PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. Just click on the link at the bottom which says MY
FLORIDA VACATION. . She knows what hard times are but prefers to
concentrate on the beauty and joy of life. You can visit her own web page
if you want to. It is called GATEWAY TO ONENESS, a beautiful page with
angels and soft pastel colors. (What else?) The URL is
Long hours, hard work and no pay. But the benefits are out of this world.
Apply within. (Yourself.) Your intuition will tell you where to go. You may
even already be where you should be. A Cherokee Shaman says it is time to
go to your "Duty Station."
He also says it is not necessary to be a martyr any more. You don't have
to die this time. This time Great Spirit is coming. You will all be taken
alive. Even those who must die will go through the resurrection. That is
good news, isn't it? Drunvalo says "We are all going to make it this time."
I see someone out there who loves to organise written work, and work on the
Internet. And is computer literate (Else you wouldn't be reading this, I
know, but I had to say it.) New Age Lightworkers preferred. Send emotion
filled resume' and picture with spiritual requirements to voltronATnospamvoy.net

Patronize our sponsor.
EARTH CHANGES CALENDAR 1998. WAS $6.66. NOW HALF PRICE $3.33. Because there
are only 6 months in it according to many predictions.
(just kidding.)
############################################################Book Review:
LUCIFER'S LAST STAND!. The book that has everything!: Earth Changes and
UFOs; Your Future Forecast; new world order update (They're running
scared.) How to protect yourself from abduction (Build a white Aura around
you by Mer-Ka-Ba meditation.). Live in the light. The dark side lives in
the dark. Take away the darkness and you take away their food source.) The
2012 Dimensional Shift (The Gregorian Calendar is wrong. Thrown off during
the rule of King Draco [who else?] in Rome. That means we may already be in
the YEAR 2000 and into the shift into higher dimensions. Shawn David Morton
on the Art Bell Radio Show said Mar. 13, 1997 that the end of the Milennium
was in 1998.) This book grips the imagination as It spells out the final
battle between the forces of the dark and light. If you are able to read
only one book this year read this one. Told in traditional Christian Bible
terms but with a New Age twist . Story line: As we stand on the brink of
Armegeddon we see Lucifer trying one last ditch attempt to throw a monkey
wrench into Earth's Ascension.
A story told with passion...and heartache.
But wait, Armegeddon is averted at the last minute by Divine Intervention.
Be sure to read it! Published in chapters on the web page THE PHILOSOPHR'S
MEDITATION FOR DUMMIES - For those who think it is too hard to meditate.
Simple easy steps to quietness and inner peace even a human can follow.

FUTURE NEWS - Typical Article:
It is sometime in the future...AS YOU KNOW THE WORLD IS FULL OF THE SICK
We catch our first breath as the first ascension is over. We weren't taken
up with the Chosen. That means we DECIDED to remain on earth until all
others have been evacuated or secure in underground caves. Survival is a
day to day affair, yet you find time to help the sick, visit hobo camps,
tend to the wounded and dying. One day you look back at the things you
have done; healing the sick. You have been performing miracles. But why
didn't you notice it? Because if you did you would have become self
conscious and thought, "Hey, I can perform miracles!" That would have
brought back your ego. (Easing God Out.) So in order to perform your
miracles you were blocked from this view of yourself. Actually you were in
the fourth dimension where everything you think comes true instantly. You
got through on your good thoughts/karma. Congratulations.
Now imagine you are just walking on board the giant ship awaiting you. You
are in a large auditorium where you sit with thousands of others who have
made it on the first ascension. Someone comes to the center of the stage
and speaks.
"To Those of You Who have come aboard during the First Ascension please
have a seat for your briefing.
Welcome aboard. And congratulations on graduating from Earth on your first
try. As Jesus said, "Except ye become as little children, ye shall in no
wise enter the kingdom of Heaven." So some of you have made it because you
are young, at least in Heart. In fact you wouldn't be here if you didn't
have enough LOVE in your heart. That LOVE will now be magnified with others
until it reaches the farest corners of the Universe. Others of you have
made it because of your good works/karma or the prayers of others... Rest
assured that no matter how you made it that you could not have made it
without the Grace of Divine Mother who pours her radiance upon you every
day. And it is to her that we owe the Glory; for She has intervened upon
our behalf. Sheila, Sheila, Amen. Shanti, Aum. Amin.
The necessity for this briefing is because the higher vibes of Heaven would
cause the impurities still in you to be thrown off like a centrifuge and
this could be disrupting to your nervous system. We have seen this happen
in cases when people were brought along too fast. The result is spontaneous
human combustion. So slow down before you make an ash of yourself.
ASTROLOGY FOR EXPERTS: So you think you know everything about Astrology.
I'll bet you don't even know what year this is? According to the first
point of Aries we are 197 years into The Electrical Age. In Eastern
Astrology it is called the Dwapara Yuga. Man becomes familiar with the
electricities but still does not fully know how to use them. In three more
years we will enter the Age of Leo. Since western astrologers use the
Vernal Equinox it is called the Age of Aquarius. This is easily seen by
looking at page xii in Sri Yukteswar's Book, THE HOLY SCIENCE, available at
Metaphysical book stores everywhere. He has single handedly restored the
calendar long lost to humanity through the dark ages. Even Hindus think we
have hundreds of thousands of years to go in Kali Yuga/Dark Ages. A sad
prospect. And fortunately, one not true. Actually we re out of the Kali
Yuga and 197 years into Dwapara Yuga. It is not the age of enlightenment,
but is the dawn or beginning of a better age of life on earth.

Review: FINAL KEYS TO ASCENSION - Mystery School Workshop - Seminars with
ALTON. They say Alton is taking up where Drunvalo left off. In this
workshop you will learn the TRI-PHASE MER-KA-BA with a "LASER BEAM" phase
lock, working as an "INDIVIDUAL" with the Earth, the Cosmic Christ Lord
Sananda, and the Ascended Masters. It will help you to manifest your
"MER-KA-BA LIGHT BODY" with Sacred Geometric Science, through
"UNCONDITIONAL LOVE," as taught in the ancient Mystery Schools. It says you
can manifest and experience the "NEW EXTENSION" to the Merkaba which allows
you to explore the 'NEWLY" formed "13th UNIVERSE" with high frequency
Divine Creative Light and Unconditional Love. It includes a section on how
to explore with "BI-LOCATION" with your Merkaba! 'FUNTASTIC."
Explore the AMAZING Flower of Life Holographic sphere. Learn how to use it
as an automatic transmission to transcend this waveform universe and to
explore the new 13th UNIVERSE! (God. Just reading about this course gets me
Whenever you see an Alton workshop offered, get it. It may be your last
chance on the planet to learn an Ascension technique.
It may be a little sloppy, but it is our first edition. We have been
prompted by Love to move out into the world at this time and make a
contribution to the vast body of knowledge already out there. But everybody
has the right to a home-page in this freest of all democracies so I am
entitled to put in my $.02 worth. (Or $19.95 a month as the case may be.) I
use Humor as a "carrier wave." Humor opens the door of the heart like no
other. So I hope I have not offended you in any why but have enjoyed my
humble attempt to bring a little light into the world. - Ed.
To unsubscribe send such notice in the subject area of an e-mail letter .
Direct all comments to the webmaster: voltronATnospamvoy.net

Whitley Strieber said on a recent Art Bell Radio Show that he had seen the
Area 51 video tape of an interview with an alien. This will be shown Monday
Night on Mysterious Universe on UPN-TV an independent Network. Whitley says
the alien is small, pinkish-grey skin, and has large black eyes. The eyes
are not as pointed as in the usual greys, but are more rounded like humans.
The alien is seated at a table and being interviewed by a general on one
side and an interpretor on the other. The interpretor is a civilian in suit
and tie. The questions are put to the intrepretor and then to the Alien.
The alien answers telepahtically and the civilian rubs his head and closes
his eyes and then gives an answer in English. During the tape the alien
becomes nervous, starts shaeing and emitts tears from its eyes. Then two
doctors dressed in white lab suits come up and hold the alien while
whipping the tears away. Whitley says they are unnecessacarily rough on the
creature; one holding his head while the other rubs his face too hard.
Finally the creature has a convulsion and falls over unconscious.
 What does all this mean? Using the theory that the government does
not let anything come out which they do not want to come out and they have
had time to stop this one if they wanted, it could be this is another
release of pictures of aliens to condition us to receive them when they are
officially announced. MJ-12 has been under orders to condition the public
ever since the movie "Close Encounters" was made. Then production shut back
as MJ-12 found out the aliens were evil. They had been shucked. Some wanted
to reveal it to the American public. But a few wanted to continue working
with the aliens in hopes to gain an advantage over them someday. Though
divided the committee of 12 voted to keep the silence. Still another
minority of MJ-12 decided to release information to the public over a
period of time and in various media such as tabloids and ads, and
science-fiction and alternative news sources without the official stamp of
approval, so the public would eventually become conditioned to receiving
aliens in their lives. So could this be another release of information they
want us to know? If yes, then should we not look at it? NO. Do look at it.
Whether fake or real it depicts an incident which many millions believe
really happened: tht our government really does have aliens in captivity.
But why didn't they release a video of a negative alien, say during an
abduction? Probably that would be too scarey. So they come on with a
helpless little alien being bullied around by authorieis. Message: "Poor
litttle alien. We are so much bigger than he is. We don't need to be afraid
of him."
 I heard the government is running stuff up the flagpole to see who
slautes. Next in line they have a half-human; half alien hybrid that looks
a lot like us. That will get us to accept them more likely.
 If you want to forgoet about all this an join the Love and Light
group in Bliss and positive thinking, that is O.K. As for my and my family,
we are the warriors on the front line on earth and we arepledged to fight
till the end. And I am a communications officer in that Command. One of my
dirctives is to transmit whatever news I feel is important tot he human rce
at this time. Sometimes that includes transmissions from off the planet.
Since earth is on the brink of historic change we should accept the
possiblity of communication with all life everywhere.
 In fact some people on earth born in human bodies feel they are
from off earth. They call themselves light-workers, star-seed, walk-ins and
wanderers. They have a web page.

Here is an exceprt found on the WANDERER'S PAGE.
You might enjoy it.

WE come into this world as "strangers
  in a strange land", not knowing who we
 are or where we are from; only knowing that we
 do not belong here,... that this does not feel
 like home. We walk through the light and we
 walk through the shadows and it is all wrong
 somehow. Nothing truly satisfies or seems to
 be the way it should. It is not just a matter
 of being unhappy with life, it is much more
 than that. It is something that strikes at the
 very heart of who we are, of how we define
 ourselves and how we relate to the world
 around us. We search and search far and wide,
 struggling to find meaning and belonging, and
 whatever glimpses of these we may find only
 leads us further away... elsewhere... beyond
 the confines of this world.

 WE are those called wanderers, walk-ins,
 star-people, and many other names; those who
 are born into this world but are not of this
 world. This alone does not define us for there
 is no easy definition, no sharp boundary line
 that separates us from others. All souls may
 be said to be wanderers in one sense or
 another, yet there is that which can make a
 wanderer yearn and know a homesickness that
 others do not feel. A wanderer may live a
 normal life or have a very difficult one, but
 whatever kind of life it is, it does not seem
 to be his or her own; as though one's true
 life has been stolen and another put in its
 place. The typical wanderer often walks
 through life on the fringes, never quite
 fitting in, never really joining in the
 pursuits of others and usually spending much
 time pursuing something without really knowing
 what that something is. The name wanderer is
 truly appropriate. Many of us manage to awaken
 to some degree of knowing who we truly are,
 some more, some less. Many others, perhaps
 most, remain asleep; the truest wanderers of
 all. But awake or asleep, we journey through
 life trying to answer the same questions that
 all do; "who am I?", why am I here?", "what is
 the purpose of it all?"

 THIS forum is dedicated to the wanderer, to
 whatever that may be, and to finding some
 possible answers to those questions. This is
 not a forum for debate, though debate is not
 forbidden. This is not a place for
 confrontation or challenge; there is an
 abundance of that to be found elsewhere. This
 is intended to be a place of safety, of
 comfort, for the sharing of common experiences
 and the search for answers; it is a place
 where one can hopefully feel free to open up
 and be vulnerable and to discover that you are
 not alone; that, in fact, you are in a great
 company of others who feel as you do.


"Everyone has Eternal Life. Some just don't know it yet."
Jon Locke
The Philosopher's Stone
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 15:24:56 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: A great tan
Message-ID: <33515D38.66C0ATnospambest.com>

Hey Tom, Phillip, and Leigh,

All spiritual paths are valid, don't we all end up at the same place?
I say potata, you say potato....I'm for the middle way and I don't see a
need to justify it [center align]. ;) Sex is great, but as the mother
of a very young child, I'd have to say that sleep is better. It's all
in the life experience.
And, Jason, if I can't say I then who is the I that is addressing the
you? I'll take plain grammar, pretty-please.
Thanks to everyone who gave me support during my tax blues, including
practical advice to certify the return. Wrists still intact, the red is
only ink on paper.
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 1997 18:28:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: FervidElanATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Meditational Music/Musical Meditation
Message-ID: <970413182828_1616485981ATnospamemout16.mail.aol.com>

I also love music... and I was wondering... I read that music can arouse the
kundalini, well... I feel that I have done this, but i'm not sure. I've
had this sensation for a while.
When listening to music... this energy, starting at the lower region of my
spine, shoots through my body. It started to happen a while ago. When I got
heavely into music. And over the passing of time and experiencing it so much
I learned to control it. I can now induce it at will. Whenever I want to.
 This has led me to seek out what this sensation is. I heard about Kundalini
through a book on yoga that I have....and I then got a book on the arousal of
the kundalini. I have not finished the book yet.. I was wondering if this
sounds like I'm arousing my kundalini or tell me what it possible could be?
  Thank you for your time.

Luke Duffy


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