Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/04/07 08:01
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #149

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 149

Today's Topics:
  The Three Gunas
  [Fwd: Re: sex and Tantra - a few technical points]
  Love with God
  Re: That Man/Woman thing-thang
  Personal Mother - Shakti?
  Re: balance
  Re: That Man/Woman thing-thang
  Re: That Man/Woman Thing-thang--David White
  Wishing Well
  Re: working from home
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 06:49:45 +1000
From: Jens Grejsen <jogATnospamozemail.com.au>
To: Kundalini <Kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: The Three Gunas
Message-ID: <33480C69.1BDAATnospamozemail.com.au>

Dear people,

I'm new to this site, and thirsty for knowledge. I'm particularly
interested in the three Gunas (Prakrti - the three states of matter)
which are Sattva, Raja and Tamas and how they relate to the three
sheaths around the Citrini through which (if conditions are right, the
Kundalini travels on its path to join Earth with Heaven). Is there
anyone out there who have some 'current' knowledge/experience they would
like to share on this topic?

I have read Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe): The Serpent Power,
Dover, N.Y., c1916, pp. 52+. However, I would dearly like some
up-to-date information not couched in archaic terminology.

Love and peace,

Date: Sun, 6 Apr 1997 13:37:30 -0700 (MST)
From: Cameron <purenrgATnospamgoodnet.com>
To: K list <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: balance
Message-ID: <Pine.GSO.3.95.970406131636.2962A-100000ATnospamgoodguy>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII


First, many thanks to everyone who responded to my rather irrational
posting Friday. Not only did I not express myself very clearly, but I
made it seem like there was a big 'ol problem in my relationship. What
was *truly* the case is this: Annie gets times where she feels rather
disconnected from source and asks me for a little meditative hand.
However, she will often get frustrated and want to quit after a short time
due to unnecessary attachments to results. This makes the sepratation
greater at times. When this happens, I just let her know that I am
available if she wants to talk and then give her some space to work
it out on her own which she usually does just fine.

I was reacting (oops) to an extreme version of this scenario that had very
recently occured and which was weighing on my mind. My ego wasn't
accepting things as they come in their own beauty. Old control patterns
were trying to come out...Ego doesn't like it when sought after help is
suddenly rejected. Actually, the letter I wrote was very cathardic as
once I had sent it the impact of my folly sunk in and was released. :-)

In these days of sometimes extremly high energy fluctuations (and not just
in the realm of K) within myself and my sphere of sensation, it can be
easy for ego to become overwhelemed and seek external validation. When I
see this happening, I quiet down and take a broader view of events which
helps me to see the beauty in all things...even when "rational" mind
falsely percieves a problem. All the wonderful advice from the listers
helped to reinforce the benefet of that practice.

On a funny note...Annie and I were giving our dog healing energy last
night (each in our own way) when she remarked, "It's so cool how easy it
can be to connect to source...You'd think there would a charge." :-)

(I can barely *imagine* that I thought there was a problem on Friday :-)

In Acceptance(most of the time) and Love,


 Cameron Dye | "Existence is pure joy...sorrows are
 purenrgATnospamgoodnet.com | but as shadows; they pass & are done;
 A really great home page: | but there is that which remains."
 http://www.goodnet.com/~purenrg | - The Book of the Law -
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 1997 16:47:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: voltronATnospamvoy.net (Jon Locke)
To: voltronATnospamvoy.net
Message-Id: <v01530500af6d735ace81ATnospam[]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

On the Art Bell Radio Show Friday night, Saturday morning, was his guest,
Father Malachi Martin. he is a Catholic Priest of the Jesuit Order. Highly
disciplined in the field of Exorcism. In his 70s, he has been around for a
long time. He was on the show for 5 hours before Art got around to
predictions. Asked aboutt he near future, Father Malachi said, "If you see
something phenomenal in the sky between April 15th and May 31st, 1997, you
shall know it is the beginning of the shake up in the social, religious and
financial orders. If nothing happens during that time then we are safe for
awhile." He said the event, if it happens, would be seen in the sky by
every eye.
Pass it on, Jon

P.S. Art BEll's Web Site is required reading for the First Wave of
Ascension. Questions will be asked aboard ship upon arrival.

Jon Locke
The Philosopher's Stone
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 16:52:58 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: [Fwd: Re: sex and Tantra - a few technical points]
Message-ID: <3348375A.ECEATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
Content-Type: message/rfc822

Content-Disposition: inline

Message-ID: <33483720.42CDATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 16:52:00 -0700
From: Phillip & Leigh Hurley <lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com>
Reply-To: lphurleyATnospamplainfield.bypass.com
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0Gold (Win16; U)

To: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Re: sex and Tantra - a few technical points
References: <VJNQYHAcV9RzEwOkATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

Tom Aston wrote:
> Not a pope, but do like some aspects of mystical Christianity...and i
> know what you're saying here...thought for a long time before posting
> it...but. well, wouldn't like comfortable Tantric myths

What's this? - tantra's not typically perceived as a comfortable
discipline, and I don't know any comfortable tantric myths...

> about sex and
> the left handed path to fool a kundalini yogi into actually trying it
> without knowing the possible downside.

All life has a down side from a physical point of view - it's called
death.... Kali eats all her children, brahmacharya and tantrics alike.
> had a read of your pages and liked them. especially the themes of
> globalism, interdependence and cooperation. am writing on these themes
> of personal and global myself...but would have been more interested to
> hear positive views as Christianity is an easy target and content seemed
> to dwell on its problems....

A target is as a target does. There are major problems with
Christianity that most of us have integrated into our perceptual
constructs, and from a tantric perspective, they need to be seen as
cultural biases, not cosmic truths.

> as i said - this was a technical point about people working with shakti
> and "free love" in the specific context of a debate about left hand
> Tantra. I doubt that people who have mastered this art would be on the
> kundalini list somehow, although maybe i'm wrong here....in general,
> Tantra is not recommended until one has a firm foundation in meditation,
> compassion, wisdom and devotion at the very least, as far as i know, so
> i was assuming that one already had a deep connection to the "universal"
> nature of mind and energy and spiritual practice....that's basically
> taken for granted in everything we write on the list
> if you've experienced shakti awakening from the muladhara or read some
> of the yogic literature you will probably be aware of the dangers of the
> energy getting concentrated in the lower chakras before they have been
> purified.....if someone had told me that even "normal" sex can gradually
> undermine one's purity in these centres as one rides along with all the
> Western popular misconceptions about sex and the spiritual path i may
> well have saved myself and others a lot of grief. i got into spiritual
> trouble for a while just from a fairly conventional sex life, so i hate
> to think what can happen if one actually purposefully indulged without
> understanding the full implications of what was going on....there is a
> scientific aspect of yogic understanding which helps one understand the
> subtle safeguards and symbolism of the right hand Tantra in which there
> are very clear warnings about these things and mechanisms to bypass the
> dangerous drops.
> So if you're working with shakti, by all means do what you like,
> sexually or otherwise, but i wouldn't base my actions on homilies about
> the cosmic nature of Tantra as generalities about life, existence and
> the universe are often the first things to prove useless when handling a
> rampant kundalini awakening and, if followed, can rapidly produce a
> karmic disaster on a grand scale before one even knows what one has done
> wrong.

Making mistakes is part of the learning process.
> there is a clinical technical esoteric aspect to Tantra which the
> conditioned mind does not like at all, as it basically spells its
> deathknell and undermines many of its most deeply assumptions about
> everything, including sex.


> it really doesn't matter whether we agree or not to be honest, but if
> you channel the awakened shakti into the lower centres you are playing a
> dangerous game - you play if you like, but i'm not sure it's a good idea
> to encourage others to do so too.
Obviously you think I am a stupid person... Why do you think that what I
do is play and what you do is serious?

> My guru is the shakti and the unbrakable principles of trust and
> spiritual friendship and i have been silent for 14 years since shaktipat
> exactly because i knew that telling people that this is how the chakras
> work when shakti is awakened would not be popular with Westerners in
> particular.
> Interestingly enough, your email is the first negative email i've
> received amongst hundreds, many on the theme of sex, so it's a useful
> exercise for myself just to see if i can articulate this esoteric
> understanding.....surely we must have something in common here as i
> cannot believe you don't realise there's dangers in the lower nature
> hijacking sexual relationships, for instance, especially when practicing
> Tantra with all its links to the occult ?

It appears to me that you are using the term "occult" in a negative
sense. All the term means is "hidden." As kundalini is activated and
circulated, we gain vidya, that which was hidden is plain to see.

> what i'd really be interested in is - instead of a general criticism
> that i'm just not open to other paths concerning sexual relationships -
> to hear is whether these points are wrong - for instance, does sexual
> energy not remain concentrated in the muladhara and svadhisthana in
> conventional sex ?


>how does one avoid the arising of animal and lust
> consciousness in sex over time ?

One should not avoid it, one should balance it - ida-pingala-sushumna

> how does one know whether the logic and
> language of the manipura in justifying sexual licence is not just a
> subtle disguise for indulging the physical and sensual ego ?
> is not the
> waste of sexual energy and fluids once the shakti has awakened a bad
> move ?

No. Everything is rooted in reciprocity. You get back exactly what you
put out.

>what happens to the karma of one's sexual partner if they are not
> able to maintain spiritual consciousness during sex ?
>why should both
> yoga and Chinese medicine discourage the waste of sexual fluids and
> energies ? doesn't sex tend to reinforce the identification with the
> physical body when detachment may be healthier at certain points of the
> spiritual path ? etc etc etc i could find nothing about any of this on
> your pages so if you want to, feel free to answer any of these points -
> which are surely of practical concern to any shakti yogi practicing sex
> - especially if you're serious when you say i don't understand sexual
> relationships and my teacher is no good and i'm intolerant of other
> paths... ?
> this is an old debate actually, as left hand Tantra has been criticised
> by many spiritual teachers over the years as dangerous, degenerate and
> self-destructive....and some have even gone further and condemned tantra
> in general for similar reasons...

Does this condemnation by some people make tantra yoga invalid to you?
Five million Baptists would agree...

>and i can see why even though i found
> certain aspects of tantra very positive and pure. it has its dangers and
> surely we should be debating these dangers in a detailed, practical and
> focussed manner on the kundalini list as there are people with genuine
> dilemmas and problems, specifically with shakti, reading this stuff and
> maybe even acting on it....my policy is simply safety first, cosmic
> consciousness later

There is no real safety in life - you are fooling yourself. This is why
tantrics meditate in the graveyard as a beginning discipline, and is
clearly illustrated in the first tarot card with the picture of the fool
about to step off the cliff - that's us...

>.....better to do no harm and take modest steps
> towards enlightenment, than leap for the sky and fall into a chasm never
> even knowing there was a secret law called gravity...

And they told the Wright brothers that people would never fly...

You ask good questions, I'm sorry I must be brief today - if you wish
elucidation on any specific point, ask....

Make Love! Leigh

"Tantra teaches that Artha(prosperity), kama (fulfilment of sensual
desires), dharma (spiritual and moral duty), and moksa (release from it
all) are one... The tantric hero (vira) goes through the sphere of
greatest danger, and rises by means of nature, not by rejecting it."

Vivian Worthington - A History of Yoga, p.110

Date: Sun, 6 Apr 1997 18:52:27 +0100
From: Charles Wildbank <wildbankATnospampeconic.net>
To: :ATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Love with God
Message-Id: <22522758900076ATnospampeconic.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Perhaps this non sexual state of being completely in love, which is often
>felt towards a lover, is also a big part of the equation which were
>forgetting. The God/Goddess refering to how we feel with a lover, during or
>right after sex, but instead towards ourselves and everything in our reality.
>Infinite Love till your dizzy and giggling

Dear Aaron,

This big Kundalini awakening....how old were you and what were the circumstances
around that moment, were you meditating, if so, how actively involved were
you in
meditating or any other practice that you felt triggered the Kundalini
Any suggestions for some of us who haven't had any big awakening yet?

Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 15:55:08 -0700
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: DChern1123ATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: That Man/Woman thing-thang
Message-ID: <334829CC.4D32ATnospambest.com>

DChern1123ATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Morgana, with respects, where in the animal kingdom is same sex going on all
> the time? Give me a break. I think you will.Denis

Ask any rancher, especially one who raises sheep. A small percentage
prefer the same sex. Not a lot, maybe 3% , but it's a constant.
How would you like your break, hot or on ice?
Date: Sun, 6 Apr 1997 19:01:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: VidentATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-ID: <970406190130_570996426ATnospamemout03.mail.aol.com>

Many years ago I was reading Fr. Martin's book about several possessions and
exorcizisms. It was truly horrorific for me. Every time I picked up the
book to read it something really bizarre would physically happen in my house.
 I was out to dinner with a friend and our husbands when the friend looked at
me and said " you're reading something very disturbing, aren't you?" I
nearly fell off my chair. "Get rid of it as soon as you get home", she said.
 "It's having a very bad effect on you and your house." I did this. The
images in that book have always followed me, though.
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 22:45:23 -0500
From: Ana Maria
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Personal Mother - Shakti?
Message-ID: <33486DD3.4A50ATnospamprismnet.com>

Greetings all!

I have been lurking for the past few days and I've had so much fun reading and already learned so much
from reading all of the posts.

Perhaps this is not the best moment (or just the right moment) to introduce myself - I am writing from a
moment of confusion - just after an emotional encounter with my mother. I hope I'll be able to put some
words down coherently and that perhaps someone on this list has some insight through my fog.

I've been aware of kundalini (as a concept and its effects) for several (12) years now. I have meditated,
practiced yoga, studied ayur-ved, gone for long walks, learned about hands-on, met with shamans, danced in
the moonlight, cooked until dawn and many other things as well but I'm not really interested in discussing
these right now.

I have been able to bring what I know into many aspects of my life and into many relationships - all
except the one I have with my mother. It continues to be the most reactive and regressive realtionship I
have. She seems to hold me responsible for every slight I have ever caused her - and even as I try to work
through my own attachments of feeling "wronged" by her - and try having a relationship with her in this
moment - all forces seem to pull us back into the past.

My fear of her power over me and my moods has greatly diminished - but the effect she used to have on me
was of making me full of holes - like swiss cheese. Perhaps I have had a similar effect on her - I don't
know I can't see this way around her. Now I just feel very frustrated and angry - I want to have some sort
of relationship with her - I feel I need her. Perhaps I just need Great Mother. But the personal level
also exists . . .

How to make progress through historic resentments? How can I be gentle enough with all concerned when I
just want to scream?

I greatly appreciate any of your comments -

Ana Maria
A whirling fire sprite who's wanting to go into the sweat lodge
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 19:22:20 +0000
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: Cameron <purenrgATnospamgoodnet.com>
CC: K list <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: balance
Message-ID: <3347F7EB.3620ATnospamintercomm.com>

Cameron wrote:
> Everyone,
> First, many thanks to everyone who responded to my rather irrational
> posting Friday. Not only did I not express myself very clearly, but I
> made it seem like there was a big 'ol problem in my relationship. What
> was *truly* the case is this: Annie gets times where she feels rather
> disconnected from source and asks me for a little meditative hand.
> However, she will often get frustrated and want to quit after a short time
> due to unnecessary attachments to results. This makes the sepratation
> greater at times. When this happens, I just let her know that I am
> available if she wants to talk and then give her some space to work
> it out on her own which she usually does just fine.
> I was reacting (oops) to an extreme version of this scenario that had very
> recently occured and which was weighing on my mind. My ego wasn't
> accepting things as they come in their own beauty. Old control patterns
> were trying to come out...Ego doesn't like it when sought after help is
> suddenly rejected. Actually, the letter I wrote was very cathardic as
> once I had sent it the impact of my folly sunk in and was released. :-)
> In these days of sometimes extremly high energy fluctuations (and not just
> in the realm of K) within myself and my sphere of sensation, it can be
> easy for ego to become overwhelemed and seek external validation. When I
> see this happening, I quiet down and take a broader view of events which
> helps me to see the beauty in all things...even when "rational" mind
> falsely percieves a problem. All the wonderful advice from the listers
> helped to reinforce the benefet of that practice.
> On a funny note...Annie and I were giving our dog healing energy last
> night (each in our own way) when she remarked, "It's so cool how easy it
> can be to connect to source...You'd think there would a charge." :-)
> (I can barely *imagine* that I thought there was a problem on Friday :-)
HI, Hey this was a good lesson it means you are getting to detach faster
and that is a big step, plus being able to share it. I'd say there has
been progress. Gloria
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 19:39:35 +0000
From: Gloria Greco <lodpressATnospamintercomm.com>
To: VidentATnospamaol.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Message-ID: <3347FBF5.1F3ATnospamintercomm.com>

VidentATnospamaol.com wrote:
> Many years ago I was reading Fr. Martin's book about several possessions and
> exorcizisms. It was truly horrorific for me. Every time I picked up the
> book to read it something really bizarre would physically happen in my house.
> I was out to dinner with a friend and our husbands when the friend looked at
> me and said " you're reading something very disturbing, aren't you?" I
> nearly fell off my chair. "Get rid of it as soon as you get home", she said.
> "It's having a very bad effect on you and your house." I did this. The
> images in that book have always followed me, though.

Hi RAther then react to this, look at it as an illusion. Those faces are
very much a part of the astral world, but it is the result of misused
energies. If you train yourself to look at it without thought and really
use detachment, then when you face something like this on the other side
you just immediately dismiss it through the Christ power. At some point
you do meet this stuff and it is very helpful if you work on
fearlessness now. My book goes into both high and low frequencies for
this very reason. Detachment is the essential tool for moving from one
step to the next. Gloria
> S.
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 23:45:14 -0500
From: Ana Maria
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: That Man/Woman thing-thang
Message-ID: <33487BDA.419ATnospamprismnet.com>

There are also many bird species and apes that do, possibly all
species, it's part of orthodox evolutionary theory (sterile workers for
the gene poll and all of that) but that's exceddingly dry. Check out
Richard Dawkins _The Extended Phenotype_ if you'd like more . . .

> > Morgana, with respects, where in the animal kingdom is same sex going on all
> > the time? Give me a break. I think you will.Denis
> Ask any rancher, especially one who raises sheep. A small percentage
> prefer the same sex. Not a lot, maybe 3% , but it's a constant.
> How would you like your break, hot or on ice?
> Morgana
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 22:12:35
From: ori^ <oriATnospameskimo.com>
To: Kundalini-l <kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com>
Subject: Re: That Man/Woman Thing-thang--David White
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

David White wrote:
>What I don't quite understand is what happens in Homosexual relationships.
>the goddess to be found in a male person, or a the god in a female person?

The simple answer is Yes! (or shall I say... *One* simple answer)

The not-so-simple answer is we are all *both* male and female in
different blends and percentages. Just because we happen to be born
in a male or female body doesn't mean we don't have access to the
qualities of femininity or masculinity. While it is true that we
are taught from earliest childhood that girls like dolls, and that
boys don't cry... how true is this really?

A book I read recently (A gift from Daniel-- recommended!) expressed
it as we are all born with certain parts, and as soon as we see those
parts (or our parents do) we throw out half of who we are.

So in same-sex, or any-sex, or self relationships I would venture to
say that the finding of god/goddess will lead one to what is needed
to balance the masculine/feminine aspects and that physical anatomy
is a very minor part of this.

In light,

Kundalini Resources on the Web
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 1997 22:13:24 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca
Subject: Wishing Well
Message-ID: <33488274.57A2ATnospamdial.pipex.com>


Celibacy is a perversion
- and why not?
The basis of some aspects of Kundalini
are attraction
Communication and interaction are part of
an energy flow
many of us choose to follow this
and whether our union is intellectual, spiritual
physical or emotional we can elevate
the profane or debase the exalted
Some of us refuse to differentiate

All aspects of experience are reflective
We see in our preferences truth and profundity
what we disagree with is clearly less than this
Therefore our response is indicative of us
for which we are responsible

There is nothing wrong with who we are
or how we experience
each is entitled to their interpretation and efforts
is valued and worthy to
share, if only in presence

. . . and the strong words?
I lied
and that is the Truth

Love and Blessings


  WEB 3 - WWW Design, training and . . .

Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 00:36:55 -0700
From: kathyb34ATnospamowl.csusm.edu
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: working from home
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear list friends:

Lately, I've been keeping pretty busy with a few companies who send me
handwritten names/addresses that I input into the computer and create
mailing lists for these people to use.

The addresses are garnered from fairs and events that sponsor raffles and
the like. They send me large envelopes of handwritten sweepstakes entries
and I create a mailing list for them. However, I'm swamped with my other
businesses and cannot keep up.

If anybody is interested in earning some extra cash by working on their
puter's out of their home, please e-mail me privately. I'll give you the
address to which you can write for this type of work. It's not full time,
but it can help a bit with your finances and it's easy, however a bit
tedious, work.

Hugs to all,


Kathy B.
Warning: Dates in Calendar are closer than they appear
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 1997 08:17:40 -0700
From: E Jason <vv60ATnospamdial.pipex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
CC: jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca
Message-ID: <33491014.315DATnospamdial.pipex.com>


What it is:
An on going course devoted
to an exploration of ones own possibilities
Participants will have ample opportunity
to disseminate their own understanding

Who does it:
You do
Any attempts to engage in ego or
authoritarian behaviour
will be dealt with by non-existent higher forces

What will happen:
Ha Ha Ha Ha <evil cackle>
Your very soul will be sacrificed
you will have to start thinking
and making decisions for yourself

Before you begin:
Please be aware that any inclinations to guru worship
commit suicide
or otherwise behave in a cultish manner
will be punished by unconditional ignoring

Why should I do it:
You should not
we strongly advise people not to
become involved in this course

How much does it cost:
It is priceless

email to:

with the following
1. Why I do not want to do this
2. Why I am
3. What I know
4. What I would like to know

We have an unlimited number of places
but not for everyone

Most Kind Regards


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