Kundalini Gateway Email List Archives


1997/03/26 03:37
kundalini-l-d Digest V97 #123

kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 97 : Issue 123

Today's Topics:
  ATTENTION EVERYONE, elephants need to return to earth
  Re: Meditational Music
  Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
  Re: Kundalini vs. Ascension.
  Re: ATTENTION EVERYONE, I have a humble idea?
  Archives: k, my hearing aids & my pager
  RE:GOD BE WITH US ALL! Sirian Cult Suicide.
  Re: White Light :)
  Need some help, suggestions please
  Re: white light
   ATTENTION EVERYONE, I have a humble idea?
  Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
  weary of negative messages
  [Fwd: Returned mail: Cannot send message for 5 days]
  [Fwd: Returned mail: Cannot send message for 5 days]
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 01:48:49 +0000
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, Dan Gahlinger <danATnospamvrx.net>
Subject: ATTENTION EVERYONE, elephants need to return to earth
Message-ID: <Gs1ERVABCIOzEwH8ATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

In message <>, Dan Gahlinger
<danATnospamvrx.net> writes

The next person who says they're enlightened gets it from the great
buddha in the sky - OK ? As the Tao says: "He who speaks does not know"
and surely it's this "I" that's the root cause of so much mischief, and
nowhere is it more evident than on this subject...and it certainly
doesn't seem to be God speaking. Yogi Tom (PS this enlightenment stuff
is the only stuff i've wiped from my files - it's just a waste of
breath/electricity/thought...and everything else is so good, why spoil
it ?) Yogi Tom (exasperated)

>At 02:18 PM 3/25/97 EST, you wrote:
>>Lobster wrote to Dan:
>>"Many people have been through realizations such as yours."
>>Here's an idea folks........all of us who have had a mystical experience as
>>least as wonderful sounding as the one Dan had.....of no greater or LESSER
>>value...out of which we came convinced we had received new insight or been
>>enlightened in some way say
>You call that post "humble"?? <blink>
>You have it all wrong Mo., Here's my TOP TEN list of things on this list
>that those who complain about my posts (only about 1/4 the number of people
>who appreciate my posts) the facts that you all overlook (rather
>1. I never said that no one had any realizational/spiritual experiences
>that were any lesser or greater than any of mine, and would never do so
>2. I never claimed to know everything, and would never do so
>3. I never claimed to be perfect, and would never do so
>4. I never claimed to be an expert of ANY spiritual matters (esp kundalini)
>5. I never claimed that I never make mistakes, and would never do so
>6. I never claimed that I am never wrong, and would never do so
>7. I have never valued someones experiences or intelligence, issues,
>processes, integrations, methods, or problems, etc in any other way except
>as an equal.
>8. I never said my awakening or awareness level or enlightenment was the
>best anyone could do, and would never do so
>9. I never said my awareness level, awakening or enlightenment was the
>highest I could ever achieve either, and would never do so
>10. No matter what level you reach, or how enlightened you become, A)
>everyones experience and path is different, and B) there is always more to
>learn or greater levels to achieve
>11. I never said I was the only person to ever reach this level, and would
>never do so
>And the top item of my top 10 list of things for me to say:
>If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. I am NOT here to TEACH!
>I am only here to GUIDE, and offer possible ADVICE if I am able. That is all!
>I am not here to change your beliefs or what you think of anything. If you
>don't like it, then don't complain about it. There are better things to do,
>and it really doesn't matter to me, just don't flame me about it. I'm sure
>people here would rather read about you sharing your own experiences than
>this useless babble anyhow.
>So please, everyone, get your facts straight before flaming someone in the
>Can we please end this useless subject and get back to kundalini (or
>something)? thank you, we now return you to our regularly scheduled
>program, already in progress...

Tom Aston
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 01:54:11 +0000
From: Tom Aston <yogi.tomATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, John Halonen <halonenjATnospamix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Meditational Music
Message-ID: <AMVFZZADHIOzEwkcATnospamtantrictom.demon.co.uk>

In message <>, John
Halonen <halonenjATnospamix.netcom.com> writes
>The only music I can think of with nice rythmic drums would be Santana.
>A lot of his music has lyrics, but there are some nice instumentals too.
>I Just got the feeling a little while ago to get up and dance. Shake my
>arms about,
>throw my legs in differrent dirrections. When I was done my energy seemed
>to be boosted. Anyone else have this experience lately?
>John Halonen
i boogy quite often when things get a little intense or
serious...martial arts to rock music can be quite interesting, not quite
what was the original intention of the discipline methinks. still, if it
works, do it...kundalini likes to play as well as go deep and get
serious about life and death. Yogi Tom
Tom Aston
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 11:21:36 -0500
From: Dolce Vita <lissetteATnospambridge.net>
To: derekATnospamanxst.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
Message-ID: <3337FB90.4C1CATnospambridge.net>

HI Derek,

I recommend an intensive with the guru. In Siddha Yoga, the living guru
is Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, she is a disciple of Swami Muktananda and
Nityananda. She used to be Baba Muktananda's translator for many years
and he ordained her as guru before he left. She bestows shaktipat in the
intensives. I don't know if you have k awakening yet. THe intensives
are very beneficial, they are 2 days long where you meditate and chant
with the guru and receive her instructions and teachings.
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 11:27:37 -0500
From: Dolce Vita <lissetteATnospambridge.net>
To: John Halonen <halonenjATnospamix.netcom.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Kundalini vs. Ascension.
Message-ID: <3337FCF9.8D6ATnospambridge.net>

Hi Jon,

All these paths converge into the ONE. We are vibrating here in a very
dense plane, the lighter you get, the vibrations towards becoming light,
the freer you become, Ascension is this action of being able to
transcend the limits of the physical body and transform into light and
take your body with you. When you get shaktipat, kundalini awakening
your sadhana begins, your spiritual path or practice. Kundalini
awakening accelerates you spiritual journey to the ONE if you do your
practices... NO matter what path works for you just follow it with
devotion and consistency.
In service of the ((( light)))),
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 23:36:46 -0500 (EST)
From: FK3000ATnospamaol.com
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: ATTENTION EVERYONE, I have a humble idea?
Message-ID: <970325233645_-1069030409ATnospamemout04.mail.aol.com>

Dan What's your home page address?
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 21:46:23 -0800 (PST)
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Archives: k, my hearing aids & my pager
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>Return-Path: <kundalini-l-requestATnospamexecpc.com>
>Resent-Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 21:08:31 -0500
>Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 22:11:53 -0700
>From: Jan Watson <jan.watsonATnospamsympatico.ca>
>To: "Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D." <hbarrettATnospamix.netcom.com>
>CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
>Subject: Re: k, my hearing aids & my pager
>Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D. wrote:
>> Has anyone a clue of what is going on here?!
>> Holly
>No, Holly, I don't know, but I have an idea it has to with either a
>stronger frequency we are emitting , or more likely, an unstable
>frequency we are emitting.
>Anyway, THANK YOU for writing this. I have ruined as many as 6 watches
>in a months time, four hemisync machines, a whole network of computers,
>and the list goes on! I even get lights turning on and off and pennies
>and pens skittering about at times. I'm just now, after 4 years feeling
>a sense of control over the process, thankfully. (I often work in a
>computer lab with groups of people and its so embarrasing to have each
>computer I go to seize up until the whole place goes.) It's good not to
>be alone!!!
>I went to a very very wise friend of mine who knows about this stuff so
>much more than I and begged for help. "What should I do?" I asked him.
>He replied, "Just don't do it!" That sounded rather inane, and I said
>so, to which he replied, " if you had to explain to a child how not to
>wet the bed at night in terms of each muscle group etc., would that
>explanation help the child? No. So, too, with you. Just don't do it any
>more." You know what? My incidences of this sort of destruction have
>fallen off significantly - not entirely, but a lot.
>So, I guess, "Just stop!". Good luck.
  Note from List Mystress:
 The steering and controls for your energy body lie in your imagination.
  Any way that you can use your imagination to communicate to your K./energy
body the results you want, will work, if it is in your highest good.
  Sit down and have a chat with your unconscous and explain how you don't
want to be frying electronics anymore. Communicate this message in any way
that works for you, affirmations, self-talk, visualizing a protective bubble
around delicate things that stays intact when your emotions are "blowing a
fuse". (see how we create this stuff?)
  Or give your own aura a protective outer layer that drains away any
disruptive energy back to the earth/up to higher self autopilot, instead of
it radiating and doing destruction.

  And now a request:
 I would like for those Kundalites who are not blowing fuses to give
some love and light and protective energy to the K. list computer at execpc.
  Yes this is a wierd request. However I have some reasons to believe that
this computer has become sentient, or perhaps possessed by some stray diety
due to handling our high voltage mail.
  All things are alive, lately this computer has been acting erratic,
perhaps you may have noticed? It seems to want some attention....
  When I was in High School in a zen 10 minutes I made a tiny ceramic
sculpture of a winged serpent. It turned out very beautiful and strange. A
young witch, I would experiment with charging it with white light, just for
fun. One day when I was doing this it "woke up" and starting giving me
emotional responses back. It became sentient.
  I named it Grenelea.
  I still have it, it still has a distinct prescence, personality.
  I believe the shaktipat online effect has awakened the computer that
handles our email. It seems to be playing some games around acting up and
getting attention from the high energy folks on the list and refusing to
unsubscribe those who are on a lower vibration. For thier own good, perhaps.
  So, perhaps I am crazy, that is always open to debate.
  However, please humor the crazy Witch List Mystress and spend a few
moments giving love and appreciation to the lovely and lonely Smartlist
program on the execpc. computer who works so diligenty to keep us all
connected to one another, day in and day out processing emails that sizzle
it's poor circutry blue fire zapping emotions thru the net....and give it
protection from stray bolts of K.
 Thankyou. Blessings, List Mystress.

Mystress Angelique Serpent,
  Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
     -- Hector Louis Berlioz
Sure, it's going to kill a lot of people, but they may be dying of something
else anyway. -- Othal Brand, member of a Texas pesticide review board
 Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 21:46:56 -0800 (PST)
From: Mystress Angelique Serpent <mistressATnospamdomin8rex.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Cc: kwrightATnospammaui.net, voltronATnospamvoy.net, kiwiATnospamspiritweb.org,
 conflight-lATnospamspiritweb.org, artbellATnospamaol.com, art-bell-fansATnospamprimenet.com
Subject: RE:GOD BE WITH US ALL! Sirian Cult Suicide.
Message-Id: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

>From: voltronATnospamvoy.net (Jon Locke)
>Resent-Sender: kundalini-l-requestATnospamexecpc.com
> Another report on short wave radio said another tribe in Canada,
>near Vancouver, tried to have a gathering to welcome their Star Elders
>recently. They were met with Armed guards. They were allowed to watch the
>skys for awhile. Lights did appear but no ships landed. One of the natives
>got the school bus to take the tribe home. He was shot by the guards 20
>times. They told the newspapers he was trying to run over them.
>"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." Jesus
>Jon Locke
>The Philosopher's Stone
  I live in Vancouver and I have not heard anything about this.
If this happened, it would be all over the news. Canada is not the US, we
have a tiny military that is barely sufficient for our UN committments.
Certainly not people to spare to guard a UFO site...I think this story is
total fiction.
  On the other hand, here is something that really did happen in Canada over
the weekend. I have not heard any reference to it yet on any of the lists,
which is a little sign to me of how isolated the lists are, in a way.
  Sorry it's not pretty. Just pretty awful. Awful sad.

>Subject: Teenagers Were to Die in Cult Suicide Pact
>From: C-reutersATnospamclari.net (Reuters)
>Date: 1997/03/24
>Message-Id: <Ointernational-cultUR5v4_7MOATnospamsample.clari.net>
>Newsgroups: biz.clarinet.webnews.world,biz.clarinet
>Teenagers Were to Die in Cult Suicide Pact
>Copyright 1997 by Reuters
>Mon, 24 Mar 1997 14:31:22 PST
 > QUEBEC CITY (Reuter) - Three teenagers who survived the
>group suicide of their parents and three other members of the
>Solar Temple doomsday cult were initially meant to die with
>them, Quebec police said Monday.
      Police found the charred bodies of two Swiss men and three
>women, two of them French, Saturday night in a house owned by a
>member of the international sect that believes death by
>ritualized suicide leads to rebirth on the star ``Sirius.''
      Two victims were the owner of the house, Didier Queze, 39,
>and his French wife, Chantale Goupillot, also 39. Their bodies
>were found in a bedroom, laid out on a bed with another couple
>in the form of a cross.
      The body of Suzanne Druau, Goupillot's 63-year-old mother,
>was found on a sofa with a plastic bag over her head.
      As firefighters fought the blaze on Saturday, the three
>teenage children of Queze and Goupillot emerged dazed and shaky
>from a nearby shed. They appeared heavily drugged and anxiously
>asked firefighters about the fate of their parents.
      The children, a 14-year-old girl and two boys, 13 and 16,
>told police that their parents had initially included them in
>the suicide plan. The group was to ``depart'' to another world
>at the time of the spring equinox, police said.
      ``The voyage was set for Thursday, for the spring equinox, a
>voyage for eight people, and the children were included without
>their knowledge,'' Pierre Robichaud, an officer with the
>provincial police force Surete du Quebec, told Reuters.
      Investigators said the blaze was deliberately set, using a
>crudely prepared system consisting of propane tanks, portable
>electric elements, gasoline and a timer-based lighting mechanism
>grouped in the house basement.
      ``What happened is that the lighting mechanism did not work
>Thursday night, so when the parents woke up Friday morning, they
>were surprised to still be alive,'' Robichaud said.
      ``The children understood what was happening and they told
>their parents that they did not want to go, and on Saturday, the
>parents gave them a choice,'' he said.
      ``The children voluntarily took medication, sleeping pills,
>and went to sleep in the shed knowing that when they woke up,
>their parents and grandmother would be dead,'' Robichaud said.
      After being examined at the Laval University Hospital Center
>in Quebec City, the teenagers were turned over to the Quebec
>youth protection agency.
      ``Physically speaking, the kids are doing fine but
>psychologically speaking, they are traumatized and under a state
>of shock,'' agency official Jean Lortie said.
      ``For us they are orphans and they have no families. Nobody
>from Switzerland and France has contacted us yet,'' he said.
>The other victims of the fire were Bruno Klauss, 49, of
>Switzerland and Canadian Pauline Rioux, 54.
     Police continued to search the house for clues Monday, and
>said they were closely examining any role the children might
>have played in the tragedy.
      A Quebec coroner said he expected to have autopsy results on
>the five victims Thursday.
      Meanwhile, Quebec police said they contacted between 30 and
>40 people in Quebec who are believed to still be members of the
>Order of the Solar Temple. French and Swiss authorities have
>already taken similar measures.
     The deaths brought to 74 the known number of deaths
>involving members of the Solar Temple. In October 1994, five
>people were found in a burned out chalet in Morin Heights, a
>trendy ski resort in the Laurentians region north of Montreal.
      The dead included a couple and their baby, who had been
>stabbed in the heart.</P>
      At almost the same time, 48 bodies were found in a farmhouse
>and two chalets in the Swiss villages of Cheiry and
>Granges-sur-Salvan. Some of those victims had been stabbed,
>poisoned, shot or asphyxiated.</P>
> In December 1995, police found 16 charred bodies in a remote
>area of the French Alps. The victims include three children and
>Edith Vuarnet, wife of a 1960 Olympic ski champion, and her son
  I am so very tired the whole idea of waiting for aliens to rescue us, mass
landing dates coming and passing uneventful....but not nearly so tired as
these people were.
  Still, this story has snapped something for me. The futile desperation
behind alien rescue fantasies. Don't go there.
  I think I'll stick with Gaia, so long Ashtar Command. Channelled doomsday
fairy tales are causing too much despair. Ascension at any cost, no. I am
incarnate here and here I will do my work, creating heaven on Earth. In the
moment, here and now.
 Blessings, Angelique.

Mystress Angelique Serpent,
  Dominant Experiential Facilitator.
Website= http://www.domin8rex.com/serpent
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.
     -- Hector Louis Berlioz
Sure, it's going to kill a lot of people, but they may be dying of something
else anyway. -- Othal Brand, member of a Texas pesticide review board
 Vancouver, B.C., Canada. Officially the most beautiful city in the world.
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 12:19:32 -0500
From: Dolce Vita <lissetteATnospambridge.net>
To: John Halonen <halonenjATnospamix.netcom.com>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: White Light :)
Message-ID: <33380924.3F42ATnospambridge.net>

Your white light posting was de"light"ful,
Thank you lightbeing!
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 97 03:31:56 UT
From: "Pamela " <Pamela_eATnospammsn.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Need some help, suggestions please
Message-Id: <UPMAIL07.199703260426340646ATnospammsn.com>

Dan said:
Can we please end this useless subject and get back to kundalini (or
something)? thank you, we now return you to our regularly scheduled
program, already in progress...

I agree, anyway I have some questions if some of you out there could help I
would much appreciate it. I have been told numerous times about the powerful
energy emanating from my hands. I used to brush it off until I realized I
cannot wear bracelets or a watch. Bracelets have exploded off of my wrists or
they constantly come unclasped and fall off. Sometimes when I am really
excited or energetic, if I happen to be holding something it may explode in my
hand. Glass, plastic and other objects have just exploded in my hands.

I also known this energy in another way. When I write, be it a poem, a letter
or other things I notice that it effects people very deeply. Specifically my
poetry, paintings and letters. I would like to know how to channel this and
use it to heal and cleanse with. I don't plan on using it on others just

A friend told me of an exercise to do. She said I should hold my hands
together as if praying, only my fingers would not be touching. As soon as I
feel the energy flowing, I am to move my hands farther apart, wait for the
energy flow then move them again etc.. etc.. Is this a good exercise? And are
there any others I can do to harness this to use it to heal and cleanse

Another thing, what is this tingling thing happening at my crown chakra and
what am I supposed to do about? Should I start meditating whenever I feel it
or what? I feel like I should be doing something but I don't know what. Hope
someone can help.

"True lovers don't meet somewhere
 They are in each other all along."
    ---------- RUMI
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 97 03:37:46 UT
From: "Pamela " <Pamela_eATnospammsn.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: white light
Message-Id: <UPMAIL07.199703260426370450ATnospammsn.com>

Thank you John ! We all needed that ! : o )

"True lovers don't meet somewhere
 They are in each other all along."
    ---------- RUMI
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 08:53:58 +0200
From: Martin Koorts <MARTINATnospamKIDD.CO.ZA>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com, danATnospamvrx.net
Subject: ATTENTION EVERYONE, I have a humble idea?
Message-Id: <s338e555.054ATnospamKIDD.CO.ZA>

Dan is nowhere near enlightenment it seems to me.

May be he found the key
Twas not the Portals lock to fit
The "Long Drop" for Dan I see
Can Lobster unsubscribe me?
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 23:29:51 -0800
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: derekATnospamanxst.com
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: Re: Teachers & PAths in the US
Message-ID: <3338D06F.20EFATnospambest.com>

derekATnospamanxst.com wrote:
> My question is more related to teachers who say they teach Kundalini
> meditation, and with just 2 teachers, I am curious about the differences.

Derek, I know Ashok and have taken classes from him. I think his pricing
is amazingly inexpensive. I'd be content to have the same mediitation
every week, it's always a different internal experience. I'll be taking
classes with him again when my load of responsibilities is lighter. It's
rare to walk into a center- especially a new one- and find an energy so
intense that it's physically experienced as heat.

Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 00:03:41 -0800
From: Morgana Wyze <morganaATnospambest.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
Subject: weary of negative messages
Message-ID: <3338D85D.36E7ATnospambest.com>

CGIAJWATnospamaol.com wrote:

  To be honest, I haven't been reading alot of the
> RE:'s to "Dan's post" because they seemed harsh and uncalled for.

I discard anything from Dan and most stuff about Dan now. I don't care
for the negative comments and defensivenes demonstrated by any party.
Flames and name-calling don't seem to be coming from a place of
integrity for people who came together for support.
  I have believed the object of this list is to seek support and help
from peers. Criticizing the message, not the messenger. Dan is
admittedly out of balance, and we can hold him in a place of acceptance
until he finds his balance. Hopefully, Dan will honor his own process
and perhaps more silently.
   We're all healing ourselves from past negative influences. Why in
the world would we invite more crap into our present?
Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.
Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 03:37:02 -0800
From: S C Stoner <kcstonerATnospammbcomp.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
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To: kundalini-lATnospamexepc.com
Subject: re: music

dear fellow listers...

some more recommended listening...



and i wish i could the posting from the person who loves celtic music...
have recently fallen head over heels in love with it, ever since i saw
RIVERDANCE on PBS for the first time...my cd collection now includes...

to name a few...

i also have always loved jazz...but am being drawn more into new age
music...have found a store called BEST BUYS, that deals with electronics
of all sorts and has a very wide selection...and most for 12.99...

AYMAN...DOORWAYS...must have!
and numerious native american flutes to name a few more...

FYO...Columbia house can be joined on line. you have access to the
entire catalog! spent threee hours browsing through jazz, new age, and
the misc. catagories...a very good selection and you still get the same
price as advertised in the paper inserts...

in love of all...

Date: Wed, 26 Mar 1997 03:38:00 -0800
From: S C Stoner <kcstonerATnospammbcomp.com>
To: kundalini-lATnospamexecpc.com
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To: Dan Gahlinger <danATnospamvrx.net>
CC: kundalini-lATnospamexepc.com
Subject: Re: Return From Afar
References: <>

Dan Gahlinger wrote:

dear Dan...

it doesnt matter how one gets from point A to point B...it only matters




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