k u n d a l i n i
t h r e a d s
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 00:59:40 -0400 From: V487 Many people spend a life time trying to awaken this Kundalini and may never succeed. I have a stupid question for your Newsgroup to help me with. I should know better, but what is the real reason some one would want to awaken this force. Would it be just for a spiritual quest or for power? Maybe they think they would become a grate master like Buddha or something. Even though I went through this awakening and it did change my life for ever I still wonder way people want to go through it. I read many books and studied many autobiographies of people who have awakened this force, but in the end what is the reason. It seems to me that once some one goes through this process then that person does not go through it again unless they intentionally want to continue playing with this force and to hold it for longer periods of time through meditation. Please answer this question for me. Thank you very much Von Date: Tue, 18 Jun 96 09:00:35 PDT From: John ------------- For as long as I can remember I've had a spiritual side that wanted to know God. It has been in the forefront or background according to the circum- stances and demands of my life. A few years ago I divorced and began a long journey of self-awareness and healing. I discovered that as I healed, more life opened up to me. It's hard to put into words, but the deeper I mined into my psyche, the more gold was brought to the surface, and the more I embraced life and others. It was damned hard work, but the benefits far outweighed the cost of tears, pain, and lonliness. I would often tell my friends that I used to be dead, I could only go forward, to go back meant death to me. I would look at old pictures of myself and couldn't relate to who that person was. Then, several months ago, my process took a spiritual turn (Godward), and had a great deal of energy around it. Not long after, the kundalini began and here I am. I did not have it as a goal, it just came as a natural sequence of the work that I was doing. I didn't even know what it was for a while. I honor your question. For me, it all revolves around the ego and the Self. Attitude is everything. If I am aiming to feed the ego, I am doomed. I have to constantly be aware of this tendency with each step toward the Self. My motivations are first my own salvation, and second, service to humanity. The reason I put my own salvation first is that I know only too well how much destruction and suffering are caused by well intentioned people who want to help, yet they themselves are blind. A side note: I think "playing with this force" is a poor choice of words. Anyone who is involved in plumbing the depths of the psyche knows that it is not to be played with or approached casually. Regards, John ===================================== Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 12:41:42 -0700 (PDT) From: Karol Ann It's my understanding that the k-energy is propelling us forward in a very physical, very real evolution of the human species. And it seems that, like any change, it's awkward at first, but with experience, becomes more elegant. Karol Ann ===================================== Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 01:06:03 +0000 From: Patti Subject: kundalini's plans for us...? I can't say for sure what the k is or means. I only have my hunches & personal observations. My own personal mythology, even. I feel that the k force within me has an agenda. When I am in alignment with it I feel normal, even good. In alignment means following my personal passion (of course, which came first, the k or my passion?)...WHen I have deviated, (by not following the course I am on now, as a publisher, author, teacher, etc) it tortures me and forces me back on to this path. I already quit my job as a high-powered money manager on Wall ST. due to this force. (YAY!) I am fascinated with the Internet as a means of connecting the planet and bringing out a consciousness of love and connectedness. In my fantasies, we need a global elevation of consciousness if we are to protect the earth from destruction. We need a global mindset that is compelling us to a more loving, holistic, balanced coexistence with nature. And at the same time, this mindset must be economically compelling also. Not only can the Internet spread this concept, but it contributes by reducing our needs for physical resource consumption. We can telecommute, teleconference, read, all from our screen, and talk to 20 million other people without using up resources. Individuals are empowered to think for themselves, everyone is the ruler of their own domain. We are empowered to think about non-patriarchal systems when so many alternatives coexist. Diversity of thought may flourish anew one day to all our benefits. If the kundalini is a great mother, then she- like the Internet- is broad, everywhere, connective, linking, not authoritative, single-minded, and doctrinaire. We are all equal children to her, all people, all things on this planet. Studies have shown that people growing up today are not thinking the way we were taught. They are not accepting other people's doctrines. There is hope that with newer generations, newer thought-tools can emerge that empower all of us to be in our hearts and in our compassion for all living things. Maybe the kundalini wants this to happen. Everytime there has been a major evolution, smaller organisms melt into a larger one, without losing their individual function. Perhaps we as humans can become a more functional networked system...and perhaps the k is using the internet as a tool? Just a thought........, Patti Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 15:46:44 -0500 (CDT) From: Debee Von, There is no such thing as a stupid question. Save maybe those left unasked. I'm no expert on Kundalini, and I didn't know a thing about it until my dream concerning it. I guess it came to me as opposed to me seeking it. However, now that I'm learning a bit more about it, I can tell you why I personally may want to awaken it if I had the option to do so. In this life experience, I want to learn all that I can. I want to evolve as much spiritually as I possibly can. If awakening the Kundalini helps empower me to do so, then it's well worth seeking. There are so many possible roads to travel. But the best traveled path is the path within. Seeing as how Kundalini energies are already within and dormant, awaiting the right time to awaken, I'd say let's wake them and continue to grow. Might it be likened to an 'accelerated' growth? This is my thought on it and if I'm a bit off base, will someone throw me a life line and correct me please? Blessed Be Debee ===================================== Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 14:28:42 -0700 (PDT) From: Mary On Tue, 18 Jun 1996, Karol Ann Barnett wrote: > It's my understanding that the k-energy is propelling us forward > in a very physical, very real evolution of the human species. And ^^^^^^^^^ I have read this many many places and it just doesn't make sense to me. Most people with awakened Kundalini do not seem to be of the age or temperment to have children and pass on their genetic material. Or is evolution meant in a more spiritual way? If so, how do we impact the species with it? If people have been having kundalini awakenings for centuries, what has been the evolutionary benefit to homo sapiens? I just don't get it. The Old Testament and the Greek tragedies, etc. seem like our late 20th century news broadcasts, talk shows and soap operas. Has there been evoluion of the soul? I do not mean to seem irreverent, but htis has just never made sense to me. Actually never only means 7 months. That's how long ago it was that I first started reading about kundalini. Personal evolution I could understand, but isn't there a better word for THAT? Thanks in advance for help with this. Mary Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 17:19:08 -0500 (CDT) From: Debee Hi Mary, I'll share my personal views with you on this topic for a moment. I believe that the evoloution is indeed that of the soul. Now, I also believe that we live more than one earth experience so it's safe to say I also believe in reincarnation. I beleive that we grow spiritually as well as physically. Just like a new born child can not just get up and walk but must first go through a few stages, I believe we do so spiritually too. With each life we live, we go through a few more stages of growth and development. Now, for your question as to how we can have an impact as a species with it. I also believe that we are all tied together on a spiritual level. What happens to one, happens to all in a way. There has been scientific studies done on 'subatomic particles' which shows conclusive evidence that they appear to constantly be making decisions. Not only this, but their decisions seem to be made based on particles in another location. Now, to better explain this thought let me give you a tiny example which came to me one day bright and early. I work in fast food. We open at 6:00 am daily. I've come to rely on our first hour in that it sets the pace for the morning crowd. It has not failed yet! Customers come in and order, and within the first order a pattern or two is established. I've listened to co-workers comment on this and just smiled. Once or twice I've explained my thoughts on it and it made them stop and wonder. Realistically speaking, we know for certain that one person doesn't call the next, so on and so forth and inform them of what they intend to eat for breakfast. Yet, people will come in and be ordering the same thing in abundance! Is this just a coincidence? Or, is it just possible, that like those subatomic particles, that are seeminly connected by a means we can not see, that we too are all connected by a means which we can not see? How else can we explain how everyone seems to want the very same thing to eat at the same time on the same day? It's a pattern I have been observing for quite some time now and it's how I guage what is needed for the day. Now, let's take this one step further. If we are all connected by some invisible means, and we can affect others with what we are hungry for, is it not possible that if we focus more on love, compassion, understanding and positive things that we can also affect others in this way? Isn't it possible that they will begin to think more along this line? If this is true, then just think what the potential is! We can each make a difference whether we truly believe it or not. How often do you think of someone you haven't seen or heard from in a very long time only to 'bump' into them one day or have them call you? How often have you wanted something only to have it turn up as a gift from someone? Is it just coincidence or is there indeed an internal link? Just my personal thoughts. Blessed Be Debee Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 03:40:07 -0400 From: V487 Dear Melissa: Please accept my two cents worth. My understanding is that there is no problem at all in deliberately awakening this kundalini. In fact that is what most yoga schools of thought teach. There is a real danger however involved in not having a solid foundation first to which I surely never had. In the state mental hospitals you will always see patients that really should not belong in such a place. I was in the medical fild for many years so that is way I mentioned this. The patients just went out of control due to the fact that so much (strange new and different) material came into their consciousness so fast. There is just way to much on the other side for any one person to comprehend and sort out alone. Of course the natural awakening is much better because it happens at you own speed. You may wonder what the awakening has to do with the other side? If you notice the out of body experiences go hand in hand with a lot of people and probably most. I tried to answer you the best that I could. Good luck Von Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 15:16:50 From: MaceSpace On Tue, 18 Jun 1996 15:46:44 -0500 (CDT), the conversation went as such: >> Many people spend a life time trying to awaken this Kundalini >>and may never succeed. I have a stupid question for your >>Newsgroup to help me with. I should know better, but what is the >>real reason some one would want to awaken {kundalini} >In this life experience, I want to learn all that I can. I want >to evolve as much spiritually as I possibly can. If awakening >the Kundalini helps empower me to do so, then it's well worth >seeking. First, let me apologize that I am mostly "book-learned" about K with only a bit of personal physical/spiritual experience. But just from the books of others' experiences, I've learned that Kundalini is not just some powerful flow of energy up the spine. It is also connected to the seven (or more) major chakras, many minor chakras, tons of mini-chakras. Each of these are related to meridians, nadis, etc. So the whole system is affected. Just a study of the seven major chakras tells one that different aspects of personality is affected, physical health is affected, latent karmic energies are stimulated (in order to be cleansed thru personal experience) and the physical vessel becomes an endless font of the purest spiritual energy which can then be transmitted to others for healing. Also, another note on an e-mail I just read about someone whose third eye is open, but no excess kundalini energy...... We can open and close specific chakras, like the third eye without the whole K channel being stimulated or closed. Practically EVERYONE has such imbalances in their energy fields. K-power may blast a hole in some of these closed chakras, therefore the dangers of premature excitation (careful, this is a G-rated list!). So I see the bigger picture for K energy, not just the single channel up the spine. There's Ida and Pingala, there are Chakras higher than the physical body, there are over seven layers of energy, blah, blah, blah, and ALL are affected by each other, ESPECIALLY the condition of the main Power Source, the Kundalini. RHM Date: Fri, 21 Jun 1996 15:42:59 +0000 From: Niles Subject: Kundalini I am an egg i r r e s i s t i b l y d r a w n to the light that shines in through the crack in the shell Kundalini is the process of metamorphosis from male or female to male and female. Once this state is achieved, usually through meditation, one becomes whole and complete. Thus, one wakes up to their true nature. Because the Civilized world has decided that this shouldn't be so, and ostracizes anyone who would be different from their belief system, it has been kept rather well hidden, and transferred mostly thru word of mouth. It has absolutely nothing to do with religion, but rather is a normal part of the evolutionary process,...which sadly has been interfered with by our unwittingly putting up fences, because, we know better than God, what should and shouldn't be. God being that which is. Mankind built a cage, locked himself in it, and wonders what's wrong? Fearful of what he may find, he hides from his own shadow, in the sanctity of his ego.
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