'kundalini-l-d Digest				Volume 96 : Issue 219 

1 Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 
From: rjills 
Subject: Swami

http://members.aol.com/areoasis/Home/humor1.html    :^)

Swami Beyondananda's Guidelines for Enlightenment (edited)
1. Be a Fundamentalist -- ensure the Fun always comes before
the mental. Realize that life is a situation comedy that
will never be canceled. A laugh track has been provided,
and the reason why we are put in the material world is to
get more material. Have a good laughsitive twice a day, and
that will ensure regularhilarity.
2. Remember that each of us has been given a special gift --
just for entering. So you are already a winner!

3. The most powerful tool on the planet today is Tell-A-Vision.
That is where I tell a vision to you, and you tell a vision
to me. That way, if we don't like the programming we're
getting, we can change the channel.

4. Life is like photography, you use the negative to develop.
And, no matter what adversity you face, be reassured: Of
course God loves you -- He's just not ready to make a

5. It is true. As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts,
thought particles tend to get caught between the ears,
causing a condition called truth decay. So be sure to use
mental floss twice a day. And when you're tempted to
practice tantrum yoga, remember what we teach in Swami's
Absurdiveness Training class: "Don't get even, get odd."
6. If we want world peace, we must let go of our attachments
and truly live like nomads. That's where I no mad at you,
you no mad at me. That way, there'll surely be nomadness on
the planet. And peace begins with each of us. A little
peace here, a little peace there, pretty soon all the peaces
will fit together to make one big peace everywhere.

7. I know great earth changes have been predicted for the
future, so if you're looking to avoid earthquakes, my advice
is simple. When you find a fault, just don't dwell on it.

8. There's no need to change the world. All we have to do is
toilet train the world, and we'll never have to change it

9. If you're looking to find the key to the Universe, I have
some bad news and some good news. The bad news is -- there
is no key to the Universe. The good news is -- it has been
left unlocked.
10. Finally, everything I have told you is channelled. That
way, if you don't like it, it's not my fault. And remember,
enlightenment is not bureaucracy. So you don't have to go
through channels.

2 Date: Tue, 05 Nov 1996 
From: Peter Norton 
Subject: Re: K experience

Larry Newman wrote:
> Peter,
> That was a consciousness dream and you were asked why if what you want
> is enlightenment, why are you not committed to your meditation and
> silence. You were shown that meditation will make your life come together
> so that  you can go on in a normal fashion but in a detached state of
> being. The bottom line in spiritual awakening is fruit, one must have
> commitment, discipline, and detachment to produce spiritual fruit. Does
> this fit with what was coming to you? Gloria

Thanks for the feedback.  That is an insight I hadnt picked up on from 
the dream, how to 'go on in a normal fashion but in a detached state of
being', cooking dinner and making smalltalk after sitting in samadhi,
That is something I always wondered about, the ordinariness of the
I must admit, the hardest part of spiritual retreats for me, is the tea
cookies socializing after the retreat ends.


3 Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 
From: schwalmATNOSPAMsonatech.com (Randall Schwalm)
Subject: Re: K experience


I do not understand this use of detached state......   When detached is used
I feel it is best as a paradox... to be noth fully part of it and detached
at the same time.  This I feel is the true state of being.  Because
detachment alone is but another place in a sleep state "the living dead"....
likewise the fully part of it people are so into the experience they do not
exhale or sigh... bliss I feel is a blending of these two.....  As does each
of our Chakra ceters have other colors in them so does each thing have a
blending of other things.



>Larry Newman wrote:
>> Peter,
>> That was a consciousness dream and you were asked why if what you want
>> is enlightenment, why are you not committed to your meditation and
>> silence. You were shown that meditation will make your life come together
>> so that  you can go on in a normal fashion but in a detached state of
>> being. The bottom line in spiritual awakening is fruit, one must have
>> commitment, discipline, and detachment to produce spiritual fruit. Does
>> this fit with what was coming to you? Gloria
>Thanks for the feedback.  That is an insight I hadnt picked up on from 
>the dream, how to 'go on in a normal fashion but in a detached state of
>being', cooking dinner and making smalltalk after sitting in samadhi,
>That is something I always wondered about, the ordinariness of the
>I must admit, the hardest part of spiritual retreats for me, is the tea
>cookies socializing after the retreat ends.

4 Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 
From: "James Vernon, Allison" 
Subject: Re: Love, Kundalini, & God

> James Vernon, Allison wrote:
> > 
> > Well, here am I. (etc.)
> Sorry, but... is your name James Vernon Allison (with the comma placed
> in the common law sense)?  Or is it Allison James Vernon (with the comma
> placed in the conventional sense)?  Or are you part of a husband and
> wife, James and Allison Vernon????  
> Just couldn't quite figure this one out...  You know how email is...
You chose right (get it? (semi-private freedom loving intelectual 
non-joke)) with your first guess!  :)  I am heavely into rights and 
freedoms.  I am hoping to be able to heal alot of the wrong that is 
in our current situation.  

> (signed)
> Puzzled

James  (much easier this way)  :)
> (really Juliet)
> P.S. Great posts!  Welcome to the list!

Thank you for your welcome, I am just starting out on this path, but 
I have been eyeing it for awhile now, so I think things will work 

5 Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 
From: "James Vernon, Allison" 
Subject: Re: Love, Kundalini, & God

> Wow.  Now let me see if I get this... you see a possibility of using
> kundalini energy as an engine for political change??  What is your
> position on the 14th amendment?  How would this relate to the
> pan-cultural notion of kundailini?  
> Am I on the right track?
> Juliet
> P.S. You can post this back to the list if you want, I think it's an
> interesting discussion, could be controversial...

Controversy, hmmmmm, wasn't it the druids that said that there can be 
no growth without friction?  But you are on the right track for sure! 

I have heard stories of times when a great many shamen would get 
together, and use a concerted effort to make a hurricane change its 
course.  Much power was involved, and it worked/works.  What I am 
wondering, is what would happen if a great many people who could 
raise others K got together, and in a concerted effort, raised the K 
of a majority of the world leaders all at the same time?  I can only 
imagine all the leaders walking around filled with love and harmoney. 

6 Date: Tue, 5 Nov 1996 
From: mabATNOSPAMrio.com (Margaret A. Blaine)
Subject: allergies

Dear Gloria,
    Yes this is reprogramming the subconscious. The whole mind body
connection is so deep and powerful.  Too bad the world still sees most of it
is being psychosomatic

7 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: Swami

rjills wrote:
> http://members.aol.com/areoasis/Home/humor1.html    :^)
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------

> 10. Finally, everything I have told you is channelled. That
> way, if you don't like it, it's not my fault. And remember,
> enlightenment is not bureaucracy. So you don't have to go
> through channels.
> attributed to: Steve Bhaerman
> Lite Headed Productions

Great message here with great humor, sent it on to a couple of people.

8 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: K experience
Peter Norton wrote:
> Larry Newman wrote:
> >
> > Peter,
> > That was a consciousness dream and you were asked why if what you want
> > is enlightenment, why are you not committed to your meditation and
> > silence. You were shown that meditation will make your life come together
> > so that  you can go on in a normal fashion but in a detached state of
> > being. The bottom line in spiritual awakening is fruit, one must have
> > commitment, discipline, and detachment to produce spiritual fruit. Does
> > this fit with what was coming to you? Gloria
> Thanks for the feedback.  That is an insight I hadnt picked up on from
> the dream, how to 'go on in a normal fashion but in a detached state of
> being', cooking dinner and making smalltalk after sitting in samadhi,
> yep.
> That is something I always wondered about, the ordinariness of the
> absolute.
> I must admit, the hardest part of spiritual retreats for me, is the tea
> and
> cookies socializing after the retreat ends.
> cheers

Yeah, Peter and the message came through to you loud and clear, just
flow with it and don't make a big deal out of it. There is a time and
place for all things so when you are in the power of the moment, each
comes to its own fulfillment. Gloria

9 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: K experience

Randall Schwalm wrote:
> Larry,
> I do not understand this use of detached state......   When detached is used
> I feel it is best as a paradox... to be noth fully part of it and detached
> at the same time.  This I feel is the true state of being.  Because
> detachment alone is but another place in a sleep state "the living dead"....
> likewise the fully part of it people are so into the experience they do not
> exhale or sigh... bliss I feel is a blending of these two.....  As does each
> of our Chakra ceters have other colors in them so does each thing have a
> blending of other things.
> Randy
> >Larry Newman wrote:
> >>
> >> Peter,
> >> That was a consciousness dream and you were asked why if what you want
> >> is enlightenment, why are you not committed to your meditation and
> >> silence. You were shown that meditation will make your life come together
> >> so that  you can go on in a normal fashion but in a detached state of
> >> being. The bottom line in spiritual awakening is fruit, one must have
> >> commitment, discipline, and detachment to produce spiritual fruit. Does
> >> this fit with what was coming to you? Gloria
> >
> >Thanks for the feedback.  That is an insight I hadnt picked up on from
> >the dream, how to 'go on in a normal fashion but in a detached state of
> >being', cooking dinner and making smalltalk after sitting in samadhi,
> >yep.
> >That is something I always wondered about, the ordinariness of the
> >absolute.
> >I must admit, the hardest part of spiritual retreats for me, is the tea
> >and
> >cookies socializing after the retreat ends.
> >
> >cheers

First of all, it isn't Larry writing that, Larry is my partner in the
publishing company and that is why you see his name. I am Gloria who you
are communicating with. Detachment is a state of inner calm, it means
that one stays neutral in both positive energies and also negative
energies. So as in the case of the Samandi, the reason it can happen is
because each of the centers are in balance, and having been brought to a
state of neutral force/0 or clear movement, it naturally opens the door
to the bliss state of samandi when one can move with lifeforce as a
total participate in union. Without detachment one stops the flow
through thoughts, emotions, excitement, memories, impressions, ideas,
etc. Detachment has to be an automatic reflex so that all of the above
energies have been cancelled. So then, it is because of detachment that
one has the power to enter union with the beloved, or to be the Christ.
On the path to enlightenment there are many obstacles on the journey,
unless one has mastered the art of detachment each of those obstacles
will set a block up. When detachment is a way of life, each obstacle is
cancelled by simply moving through it as an illusion. This is what
detachment is, and without it, enlightenment is impossible. With it, the
playing field is leveled. One knows the illusion because it is totally
drained of energy by detachment. It is a very important and serious step
in the enfoldment. Gloria
> >
> >
> >

10 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: Love, Kundalini, & God

James Vernon, Allison wrote:
> > Wow.  Now let me see if I get this... you see a possibility of using
> > kundalini energy as an engine for political change??  What is your
> > position on the 14th amendment?  How would this relate to the
> > pan-cultural notion of kundailini?
> >
> > Am I on the right track?
> >
> > Juliet
> >
> > P.S. You can post this back to the list if you want, I think it's an
> > interesting discussion, could be controversial...
> Controversy, hmmmmm, wasn't it the druids that said that there can be
> no growth without friction?  But you are on the right track for sure!
> I have heard stories of times when a great many shamen would get
> together, and use a concerted effort to make a hurricane change its
> course.  Much power was involved, and it worked/works.  What I am
> wondering, is what would happen if a great many people who could
> raise others K got together, and in a concerted effort, raised the K
> of a majority of the world leaders all at the same time?  I can only
> imagine all the leaders walking around filled with love and harmoney.

And, can't you see them sitting around discussing the burning hands and
feet, now knowing what they have a band around their heads. etc. Gloria