kundalini-l-d Digest				Volume 96 : Issue 213 

1 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: On meat and meatheads

Philip St. Romain wrote:
> From: fluteATNOSPAMprodigy.com (CAROLYN MALONEY)
> To: kundalini-l
> Resent-From: kundalini-lATNOSPAMexecpc.com
> X-Mailing-List:  archive/latest/2963
> X-Loop: kundalini-lATNOSPAMexecpc.com
> Precedence: list
> Resent-Sender: kundalini-l-requestATNOSPAMexecpc.com
> >Everything is as you believe it to be.. If you believe that you can't
> >have meat to understand the energy rising experience then you
> >probably won't be able to.   Just remember that the only limitation
> >are the ones you place on yourself. Find where your beliefs stem from
> >and if you wish.. change them..
> >hugs,
> >flute
> >Carolyn Maloney
> >Reiki Master, Empathic, Light worker
> >Kundalini Awakened. Intuitive Explorer (psychic)
> >http://pages.prodigy.com/flute
> Hmmm... Within limits, Carolyn!  Or, such is my experience.  How I would
> love to drink beer like I used to, or smoke Kool cigarettes, or eat
> barbequed pork ribs and bacon (yum), or have sex like I used to (pretty 2nd
> chakra).  It wasn't my narrow beliefs that forced me to give up these
> things, for, initially, I didn't even know what was happening.  My dietary
> and sexual beliefs were pretty liberal {even for a Catholic :)}.  It was my
> bodily experience that called me to change my dietary and sexual practices.
> I can "cheat" a little from time to time, but not for too long without
> paying consequences (unbalanced energy, raw nerves, sluggishness, etc.)
> The body is real and it operates within its own realm of lawfulness.
> Thought can alter it for awhile, but not for too long.  Even the Buddha
> died after consuming poison!  Each must find what works best to bring the
> body into integration with the process.  In fact, this seems to be
> precisely the point of the process: to transform the body so that one can
> live more fully and consistently in spiritual consciousness.  So it seems
> to me, at least.
> Peace to all.  Phil St. Romain (a nostalgic pork-eater)

Hi to all,
	There is a simple rule that works well in so many things in life,
everything in moderation. If you pretty much live a balanced life in
focus with divine will, your body will tell you what is appropriate and
what isn't. And, without even trying the habits will change because the
focus is different. So much falls away because of the pure frequency of
the energy you live through, and the neat thing, it just happens. It's
like, it is natural for me to not speak in profane langugage, it just
doesn't happen, what is more interesting, when people are around me and
they same something, they always apologize. And, for the most part it
just goes in one ear and out the other side without even in real notice
on my part, but I have had people come up to me and really apologize.

2 Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 
From: stampmanATNOSPAMix.netcom.com (Daniel Rusch-Fischer )
Subject: Hallowe'en

Hi all ya (k)ites,
Last night we passed out the goodies as usual and as usual there were a 
passel of mini-candy-bars left over. OK, OK I admit it - I was into 
them even before Hallowe'en started. But, it brings up a very important 
point as far as k-awakening and diet goes. I have been craving sugar 
like crazy since this thing began. Also, I have been fighting it like a 
madman as my weight has always been a problem - I mentioned that I have 
managed to take off 130# and keep it off over the past two years.

Anyone wanting practical, scientific, AND non-judgmental information  
about all forms of spiritual emergence (including k-a, I was surprised 
to find that UFO experiences are catalogued right along with us) is 
heartily recommended (not only by myself, but MANY others) to read the 
works of Stanislav Grof M.D. and Christina Grof (the founders of the 
Spiritual Emergency Network). In their book "The Stormy Search For The 
Self" 1990 Putnam Books, N.Y. the subject of diet is covered in depth 
(I read with delight the account of a vegetarian attracted by the 
mystical glow of the Golden Arches and his overwhelming desire for 
BigMacs). I had assumed that my desire for sugar was simply a 
manifestation of my on-going diet - the odd thing is that previously my 
urges for verboten snacks had always been of the 
salty-crunchy-deep-fried variety. I had always eschewed candy or 
sweets, even at my heaviest. Now I find, in reading Grof, that craving 
for sugar is a common phenomenon among the spiritually-emergent and 
appears to be a self-defense mechanism to provide the hyperdriven mind 
with the glucose it needs to process the k-a overload. How's that for 
putting a practical, scientific point on the spiritual?

3 Date: Fri, 1 Nov 1996 
From: Juliet 
Subject: Meetings with Remarkable Meatheads (was Re: conference)

SYL228ATNOSPAMaol.com wrote:
> So in two days I have read a slew of both mail that attacks others 
> points of
> view , and mail that wants us all to meet face to face.
I have been working around the computer lately, and therefore have been
amusing myself by keeping track of the list and posting and I must say,
I actually don't know what you mean when you say "attacking."  I've
noticed a certain spititedness--but isn't a certain level of spirit in
discussion necessary?  Interesting?  Playful? I really don't get this.  

Wouldn't it be kind of a snore if whenever somebody posted, everybody
else just shrugged and nodded and agreed namby-pambily?  How would one
ever clearly hone ideas?  It seems so obvious!
Isn't it to a great extent about honing intellect and wit and ability to
articulate this difficult material?  To develop a language?  This is a
part of the challenge, part of the point... isn't it?  After all, this
is a *written* medium...  

I'm resisting the temptation to put it in "new-age" terms and talk about
the need to develop other chakras... but in terms of getting kundalini
"out of the closet" this is really part of what needs to be done, IMHO.
Intellectual development.  It's a kind of grounding in a funny way, and
a way of bringing it into the world using a language that is palatable.
An advancement.  We've had a good fifteen (twenty?) years of the
beginnings of new-age--isn't it time to take it to the next level
already?  Jeepers!

And, frankly,  this is actually what a "conference" would do...

To polish a stone you've got to tumble it around for a while in a jar
with other stones...
> Seems to me  ( and I admit I am playing Devil's advocate a bit)----if 
> we
> can't handle the energy on this list via E-mail very well, how on > 
> earth will
> we be able to do this face to face?

Hmmmm, I think the question might actually be: "if you can't handle the
energy on this list very well, how on earth can you handle...

Just a thought...


4 Date: Fri, 01 Nov 1996 
From: Chuck Tedesco 
Subject: Re: Hallowe'en

Daniel, Thanks for the Grof idea on sugar as fuel for the hyperdriven
mind.  I am still trying to figure out what is going on with me--whether
k-a is happening. In the last 5 weeks or so I have been doing a major 
overload of sugar and starches.  I am almost sure that it has something 
to do with the energy stirred up by the Rolfing series (have finished 
the ninth).  Have experienced numbness at the top of the head and a 
stirring/electricity behind the eyes.  Electrical buzzing, too, in the
heart area and genitals.  Meditation more unsettled, "committee won't 
shut up".  Would appreciate feedback as to whether this could be  part 
of a k-a.  
Also, as to Grof, have participated---before starting Rolf series--in
Grof's holotropic breathing.  My experience was that of major, nameless
relief, then on the following day a craving for starches and sugars. 
Don't have a sense as to whether that's about fuel for processing or
wall-building or maintenance!
 Chuck Tedesco      Smoking Release Associates  HTTP://WWW.SRA1.COM
 Smoking Cessation Coach   Service via phone/e-mail/products shipped
 For free "Stress Management Tips for Smokers" send blank e-mail to:
 TIPSATNOSPAMSRA1.COM    Unique, proven programs for individuals and groups.

5 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: Re diet

SYL228ATNOSPAMaol.com wrote:
> Many of the things that have been touted on the list I am allergic to.  Like
> Angelique I must eat meat as I am allergic to all grains, milk and many
> fruits.  So I am left with meat and vegetables.  But I am also allergic to
> things like flaxseed, herbs, and lots of vitamins.
> So everyone beware.  You must sort out your diet in your own way, always
> listening to your body to find out what is good for it.  We all have
> different genetic makeups, racial groups, and harmonic vibrations. What works
> for one does not work for another.  There is no right or wrong diet.
> Since "k' I have become very aware that even rocks are alive.  Everything is
> alive, and so whatever I eat even dirt is a living being.  This is by way of
> saying, until I can live on light alone, I must eat something to survive.  So
> I let my body decide, not the ethics of one belief system or another.
> Love Jule

Hi Jule,
	Glad you are back, did you have a great trip? I just picked up the info
you mailed me again, did you get what I sent you? We will have to talk
soon. Gloria

6 Date: Mon, 27 Aug 1956 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: Sexual Energy

eileenrcATNOSPAMix.netcom.com wrote:
> I'm new here - woman, age 52 - experienced a spontaneous
> explosive kundalini arousal nearly 30 years ago. So I can't address "how
> to arouse" this power, but a note of interest - I found that during the
> many months I was undergoing the bulk of my event of opening, sexual
> activity INCREASED Kundalini activity. Understandable, as they are
> closely related energies - I did not at this time feel any change in my
> sexaul energy per se, but the Kundalini was so AWAKE and roaring that any
> stimulus at all increased its power.
> Personally, I doubt the wisdom of purposely rousing this tremendous
> transpersonal hurriciane. If you are not spiritually mature, you could
> blow your personality to shreds, and burn out your circuits. You
> can't make use of the Kundalini power if you are not "ripe". Instead, I
> would advise patient development of compassion, insights through
> meditation, and faith in untimate cosmic justice. Let go of attachment to
> results and let the rose of your beingness bloom in in its own time.
> Easy to say for one such as I, who was thrust into the maelstrom of the
> Heavens and Hells with no conscious effort on my part.
> And I confess, if this had not happened to me, I would also very likely
> be actively seeking it. Just, please, be careful.
> Eileen
Very goo advise, and remember this, it is a lifetime unfoldment, there
is nothing to do but stay with it and ride it. When the going gets rough
I have just three words of advise, 'tuck and roll.'

7 Date: Sun, 03 Nov 1996 
From: Paco 
Subject: re: Flax seed oil
M. Angelique,
	Yeah, that is really right on what you say about
flax seed oil, I read about it around two years ago, and
I drink a Tspoon of it every few days, sometimes more often.
Leukemia patients given it lived two years beyond projections
as their red blood cells got healthier or something.
It is better for you than lecithin, fish oil, avocado, you
name it. You shouldn't overdo any oil...but flax seed seems
to have helped me alot. There are many other infos I've read
about it; it's related to pumpkin seeds. I think it helps me
meditate. If it tastes good, that usually means my body wants
it, and I like the taste, I keep it in the refridgerator and
take it cold. not as good as Pepsi...


8 Date: Sun, 03 Nov 1996 
From: Paco 
Subject: re: re: everybody read this

This is what Greg Kernaghan wrote to me:

>Dear Paco,
>how do I get off the list... I've been trying for ages.

>The number of emails I recieve from Kundalini seems to have reduced, yet
>it persists.

>please help

>greg kernaghan

	I felt really bad when I read this, especially seeing from
his email address that he is in Australia.  His network is probably
connected to some primitive email reflector which sends all his
incoming email (twice) to everybody in his office. The business
grinds to a halt as everybody watches the many messages from this
list clog up in their AT's and 286's, as they frantically push
buttons etc. They turn off their computers only to realize it
just continues "Now receiving message 3 of 274". Haa haa haa
Of course Greg most likely signed up for several lists all at
once, so the problem is compounded.  I suppose if he found out
how to escape this list, he could figure out the rest..........
As dogbert says "Get the book that came with your computer...
it's a story about a Spanish guy named Manual. Now, crush your
computer into tiny bits and bake 2 hrs while you read the book.
If you ever run into these problems again, don't call here.
Thank you for calling the no-help-whatsoever-line".


P.S. That page that Juliet recommended is amazing. The winking Jesus 
page hee hee hee


9 Date: Sat, 2 Nov 1996 
From: Mistress Angelique Serpent 
Subject: Big and little Faerie folk.

   This morning freya and I were sitting on the couch after breakfast,
trying to get the energy to do more packing. The conversation wandered
around to the Faeries who are coming visionquesting with me. As we talked
about them, I idly watched invisible energy forms gathering around us. I
felt a coolness around my legs. freya started taking to them, telling them
they had to all be 6' tall today, and strong like a bull and smart like a
woman, so they could help pack. Out of my mouth came this amazing clear
tinkling bell like laugh, that had none of the snideness of a giggle, but
all of the delight. It seemed to hang in the air for about five minutes
after the sound, as we commented that the laugh did not sound quite like me.
  I noticed that invisible forms were climbing up and cuddling freya, and
felt tiny soft touches on myself. I felt a being standing on my shoulder. It
felt slender, about 11" tall. As I regarded the air where I felt it to be,
and said hello, suddenly an awareness of it's appearance popped into my
head. I laughed in surprise-because it looked exactly what my conception of
an elf should look like. From the pointed ears to the robin hood green peter
pan siut.
  Of course, when artists imagine what faerie look like, they are actually
drawing from unconscous sight. 
  I turned my attention to the big one, that stands behind me, saying hello,
as we speculated on his nature. Suddenly an image of him popped into my head
( and freya's.)  I startled me in it's clarity. His skin looks like the
thing from the fantastic four, but dark grey. He is also taller and more
slender, but powerfully built. His features are blunt, like worn stone. He
is beautiful, and I told him so. He said humans did not usually think so,
and we had a brief converstion about the atractiveness to him of females of
his kind over humans. We could not quite catch his name. it sounded gaelic
to freya and native indian to me. The languages sound similar, or perhaps it
is some earth language that is the root of both.
   This area that has been my home for these past five + years is called
Khat-sah-lan-oo in  Haida, and was sacred ground before suburbia turned it
into trendy Kitsilano. I discovered he was dreadful homesick for the sound
of native chants and drumming. I thought I had a tape of native tribal
music, but I could not find it for him, so I played the Pipes and Drums of
Scotland, instead. Not quite the same.
 S o now I have made a promise, somewhere on this visionquest, there will be
native music, to please my new companion. It's a really good idea to keep
promises made to Faerie! Everybody knows that. I'n not crazy about native
music myself, but I have no doubt keeping my promise will lead me to some
interesting experiences.
  freya's pentacle pendant, which disappeared from the couch 5 days ago,
turned up under the waterbed sheets today. 
  I think the Faerie appreciate her sense of humor. The pentacle is filled
with this incredible energy, now. 
   Life continues to be Amusing.
That is my personal motto. It's a good one. 
   Blessings, Angelique.

10 Date: Sat,  2 Nov 1996 
From: fluteATNOSPAMprodigy.com (CAROLYN MALONEY)
Subject: Re: K experience
giggling.. yes  Julie, "person with Gloria here".
I was noticing the same thing. We are all part of the whole..and we 
should focus on the unity rather than the differences.  Exploring the 
different ways and different words used for the same experience 
should be more of a focus, accepting them all as part of the complete 
truth.  There is a lifetime of information to learn. 
I speak with a friend from India sometimes.. and he doesn't know what 
the word Kundalini means. Ed says its an Americanized word. He 
totally understands the experience and is very in tune with the 
harmonies of the universe however our version is a tad bit difficult 
for him to understand. 
Another word used by "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Yogananda is 
"Kryiban".  So can anyone tell me about it?. I believe Sri Yuteswar 
was a teacher.  (and a guide that has appeared to me a couple of 
I took a class in Kundalini yoga and found myself in an exercize 
program that mentioned spirituality but didn't really focus on it.  
The class was very much like the Tai Chi class I took..
Oh.. Chinese use a healing called Qi Gong or Chi Khung that is very 
very smiiliar to Kundalini.  They call the energy CHI.
I have been Kundalini/Chi awakened for several years now.. My first 
year I was a total space cadet and was in and out of body constantly..
 grin.. ALL RIGHT.. fun!!.. Love the floaty experience.. It was a 
totally new thing for me.. I have never used drugs including alchole 
or tobacco.  (can't even spell the stuff - giggling).  I still have 
to remember to ground myself. I realized that if I was to be in this 
level.. meaning.. "earthbound"  by the body.. that I was going to 
have to learn to control this feeling and figure out what use it was. 
 Being such a obvious powerful thing, It has to be good for something,
- right??
I understand from the Mystic that helped me achieve my first 
experience that I was ready (mature spiritually enough) to handle the 
full awakening.  I also understand from others that it can be a very 
difficult experience if it happens abruptly to someone that isn't 
ready. I have been told that I am very powerful.. However I don't 
really have an understanding of what that means literally.  I can 
bring up the kundalini in an individual that is ready but I think 
this is something most people can do if they really have the 
experience.  There are no real words to explain.
"and where two or three are gathered together".. I do a meditation On-
Line and Off Line that helps others to channel this energy toward 
healing.  The circles have also initiated/awakened the Kundalini in 
many that have attended.  The healing has been amazing for everyone.. 
"What you give out returns 7 fold"
Since my awakening.. I have been more Empathic than ever and More in 
touch with ESP/Telepathy/Psychic ability.  I fall over coincendences 
every day and delight in every one. I have guides and messengers 
teaching me in my dreams, even in my waking state.  I began writing 
Poetry which I know all came from spirit.. cause I couldn't quote it 
if I had to. My entire life has changed and I love it.. Former 
Corporate America with a background you wouldn't believe..and I'm 
throwing it all out the window cause it's all material BS with no 
real substance.
brightest blessings to scatter your shadows and leave you standing in 
the light.
Carolyn Maloney
Reiki Master
Earth Mother Alternative Medicine and Metaphysical Store
San Antonio, Texas

Does anyone else have guides that have appeared to them in dreams to 
teach them about the experience. Or have you just been ignoring the 
dreams.. smile.. 
The Cherokee also have experienced the same energy rising and have a 
different name for it.. (I haven't a clue as to how to say it, or 
spell it).  I attended a Medicine Wheel this past year and was amazed 
at the energy and obvious Kundalini experiences.. without drugs..  
Cherokee is a woodland Tribe and they believe in the absolute natural.

From:	  SYL228
Subject:	 Re: conference
Date:	 11/01
Time:	 12:44 PM
Have just returned from an extended trip, and caught up with the list.

So in two days I have read a slew of both mail that attacks others 
points of
view , and mail that wants us all to meet face to face.

Seems to me  ( and I admit I am playing Devil's advocate a bit)----if 
can't handle the energy on this list via E-mail very well, how on 
earth will
we be able to do this face to face?

I'm with Gloria here.  Wait and see.

I have been priviledged to be in the same room with someone else who 
went through a huge "K" experience, and believe me when two of us 
together, it is very very powerful.  It is particularly hard when one 
of us
has just gone through the experience and is not fully grounded yet.  
You are
apt to fly out of your body for one thing!

I'm not sure anyone is ready for several of us in one room yet.

Where two or three are gathered together-------?????????????
Are you really ready?
Love Jule

11 Date: Sat,  2 Nov 1996 
From: fluteATNOSPAMprodigy.com (CAROLYN MALONEY)
Subject: Re diet
and guess what.. you can get rid of your allergy.. I have.. 
YES!.. everything has a vibrational energy that is part of the whole 
even rocks.
and If any of you are old enough to remember.. Radio's transmitting 
sound waves
used Crystals Long time ago.. grin.
Reiki Master
Empathic Healer
rock hound.. giggling

Many of the things that have been touted on the list I am allergic to. Like
Angelique I must eat meat as I am allergic to all grains, milk and many fruits.
So I am left with meat and vegetables.  But I am also allergic to things like
flaxseed, herbs, and lots of vitamins.

So everyone beware.  You must sort out your diet in your own way, always
listening to your body to find out what is good for it.  We all have different
genetic makeups, racial groups, and harmonic vibrations. What works for one
does not work for another.  There is no right or wrong diet.

Since "k' I have become very aware that even rocks are alive.  Everything is
alive, and so whatever I eat even dirt is a living being.  This is by way of
saying, until I can live on light alone, I must eat something to survive.  So I
let my body decide, not the ethics of one belief system or another.

Love Jule