kundalini-l-d Digest				Volume 96 : Issue 171 

1 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: benjamin 
Subject: year of snake

-       How would one know if thay were borned in the year of the snake?

                                       Raven Lacroix

2 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 96 
From: Theresa "A." Catoe 
Subject: Holy Spitit

Thanks Larry. I have found myself going within a lot the last 3 to 6 

Love & Light,


3 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: Mary Knapp 
Subject: Re: year of snake

At 03:36 PM 9/29/96 +0000, benjamin wrote:
>       How would one know if thay were borned in the year of the snake?
>                                       Raven Lacroix


A Chinese Astrology Web page says: 1941,1953,1965,1977.  About every twelve
years either side of those.  Starts about Feb. most of these years and into
Jan. or Feb. of the next year.  Use a search engine asking for "chinese
astrology"  for details.

	The Reluctant Earthling

4 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: melody.gaviganATNOSPAMnvonline.com (Melody Gavigan)
Subject: Re: DAVELONG-CHAKRA EMPHASIS                                

Subject: Re: DAVELONG-CHAKRA EMPHASIS                                

CW>We cannot reach our goals without integtrating all chakras. Empasizing the h
-  >only leads to effete snobbery and false realizations.

I would have to agree with this, as negative as it sounds. There must
be a more empathetic way to state this fact.


 * 1st 2.00 #7384 * Trust Synchronicity in your life!

5 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: melody.gaviganATNOSPAMnvonline.com (Melody Gavigan)
Subject: Question: Polarization

     I am having a problem that I would like to ask for others feedback 
on. Recently, I became aware of one part of my "shadow nature" - 
personality deficit called "splitting behavior." It manifests itself by 
my affect (emotions) getting totally compartmentalized or polarized on 
a psychological level. It is a defense mechanism. Even my unlightened,
ego-controlled abusive ex-boyfriend could see it and commented on it.

     So, I have been holding that question out to the Universe and 
strange things have been happening but I haven't gotten an answer yet.
Such as, the phone company assigned me two phone numbers at my new 
apartment because they thought I was two different people (you know, 
bureaucratic incompetence). Also, I was in an office a couple of weeks 
ago and a girl named Melody comes walking in. Then, on Friday, 
suddenly the other Melody comes walking and the whole staff commented 
on the fact that there were 2 Melodys there.

     I believe that the Universe is trying to heal my Primal Split 
between my thoughts and my feelings (I have even been diagnosed as 
bipolar. It's a polarized situation, not a multiple personality 
situation). The messages that are coming to me is that there are two of 
me. And remember, I posted that I had a dream about a two-headed 
monster where one head was OK and the other head was ugly, malformed,
not developed?

-     Any feedback is appreciated. How do I integrate my polarization?

Thank you,
- fully aware of the Unity underlying all creation

 * 1st 2.00 #7384 * Dijon Vu: The feeling you've tasted this mustard before

6 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: lodpressATNOSPAMinetworld.com (Larry Newman)
Subject: Re: year of snake

Mary Knapp wrote:
> At 03:36 PM 9/29/96 +0000, benjamin wrote:
> >Royale,
> >
> >       How would one know if thay were borned in the year of the snake?
> >
> >                                       Raven Lacroix
> A Chinese Astrology Web page says: 1941,1953,1965,1977.  About every twelve
> years either side of those.  Starts about Feb. most of these years and into
> Jan. or Feb. of the next year.  Use a search engine asking for "chinese
> astrology"  for details.
> Mary
>                 Mary,

>         The Reluctant Earthling
Thanks Mary, I was born in 1945 so I wasn't born in the year of the
snake. But, I was given a baby quilt with dragons on it, really
different. Gloria

7 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: Mark Rivera 

"Our little lives get complicated."


8 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: Mark Rivera 
Subject: Re: Question: Polarization

I think it is important to remember that all duality is anm illusion.
There is only the oneness of all things within nature that we are a part
of. My first question would be is do you have a Guru because a Guru can be
helpful in answering a question like this or sending healing energy your
way. I know not all our readily available to their devotees, but some are
and I can give you a web address to an organization if you would like to
learn about my Guru. The other thing I would remember is that whatever
strange stuff that is happening right now may be due to the times we are
living in. The Dhyanyogi had said that the last few years of this century
will be a dark time for all because of planetary and astrological
influences. He recommended intense meditatation to counteract the
planetary effects. I believe that you are probably experiencing an an
intense clensing due to you practices, which is good. I think this will
pass on it's own and I think meditation would be helpful no matter what,
even if it's just to give you a little more peace of mind. Kundalini
awakening is a difficult road. We all need help along the way, that's why
I think a Guru or someone who is very high up there is good because they
have been where we are before and can give guidance and advice that is
extremely valuable. If you want the web address, write me. Otherwise, I
recommend, "Daughter's of the Goddess":The Women Saints of India by Linda
Johnsen. It contains much information and contact info too on female
saints, one of whom is my Guru, and is a great book. It's $12.95 and
published by YES International Publishers.

Hope this is helpful,


10 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: John Danu 
Subject: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center 

Hi, Everybody....

I've been reading mail from kundalini web for sometimes now, and here 
are my comments : 
1. I FEEL SO SMALL, Everybody seems to have an awakening Kundalini 
   According to Theravada : 
         Budha reached enlightment after practising 6 years of 
         intensed deep meditation in the jungle.

   According to Gopi Krisna : 
         He spent 12 years to awaken Kundalini with consistent, full
         concentration, peace meditation
-   According to Swami Sivananda : 
         We ought to practice Meditation and yoga now to reach Kundalini 
         later which may come in our time or in other life (Next 
         Reincarnation of ours)

2. I FEEL SO CONFUSED, Everybody seems to understand that Kundalini 
   is the same as activating chakras.
    * There are 7 major chakras ( according to most yoga books)
      but only 1 kundalini.
    * Chakras are active to everybody, kundalini is active to only
-      0.0000001 % of total population of the world. 
          eq. Only the prophet and the saint who had/have the awakening 
              of Kundalini which myself personnaly to low to compare with.
    * Sexual drive is caused by active muladara chakra not by kundalini.
    * Kundalini awakening is pure ( no emotion, no selfishness, unearthy, 
          universal love, no desire , etc. , etc. )       
    * Chakra activation : Lust, desire, brave, ... wisdom ( from muladara
          up to ajna chakra )

It could be right that most members of this kundalini mailing list have 
had the kundalini awakening. That's really a happy news for the world 
will be more peaceful.
But then, What will happens if it is wrong ?????

Your respectfully

11 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: hbarrettATNOSPAMix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
Subject: Re: Question: Polarization

Your tagline is your answer.  I don't know who diagnosed you as 
"splitting" but it is a defense all humans use -- splitting thoughts 
from feelings, yes, but primarily splitting good from bad.  It is the 
mechanism by which we can be excruciatingly self-critical.  Just know 
that when you are seeing yourself or something else as all bad you are 
probably protecting yourself -- you would have to figure out why it was 
important to develop such strict and rigid rules for yourself as a 
child.  And then even as human healing of this split occurs, we move 
into cosmic resolution of duality as well.  The psychoanalytic theory 
from which the notion of splitting comes says that maturity means the 
ability to tolerate ambiguity.



12 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: NannuATNOSPAMsanctum.com
Subject: I^m baaaaaaaack! ...I think...?

Dear Royale,

You said "While hoping for K enlightenment I was made aware of the 
sexual aspects there, but can pretty much ignore or overlook those 
things in favor of a more spiritual reward."
I can only say from my perspective, that what you overlooked ^is^ 
your ^spiritual reward^. As there is no day without night, no up 
without down, no good without bad,  ...so to, there cannot be no sex 
without sex.  To deny yourself, ...is to deny yourself...

Hey Howard,

Yes, Temples ^Festooned with a zillion Kama Sutra^ say^s it about 
right. I think the one showing a priest in meditation with an erection 
say^s it all. (a picture being worth a thousand words). They sure as 
hell didn^t create these awesome works of art for nothing. Well, as 
Christ said, "Let them that have eyes to see,...SEE!"

I must say that the response, as to the sexual nature of K, and some 
of the personal statements have definitely caused me to realize that 
I am not alone in my findings. I intend to go into great detail as to 
my experiences, including background information  that lead me to 
this point in my process. 

My entrance into the world of K was on purpose, with the attitude of 
a scientist. With  microscope in hand, I studied and experimented 
with K.  It has been one hell of a journey, as will be detailed with the 
writings to follow.

Till then... 

       CHILDREN of the UNIVERSE,  ...Nannu      ؃

13 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: Mark Rivera 
Subject: Re: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center 


I'm concerned by your mail. I don't know if you are quoting something, but
if you are not, don't feel bad at all. Speaking for myself I'm miles away
from enlightenment, maybe more than that. It's hard. If it were easy, no
one would be here writing to everyone else because we would all be
enlightened and not feel the need for conversation, companionship, etc.
I'm sure there are people who are enlightened 100% out there, but they are
the inspiration for us all to strive for. As long as you keep trying, you
will be okay, don't get frustrated. Believe me, I know what it's like to
feel frustrated and stuff and I know it can be troubling, emotionally,
mentally, even physically, but always remember, once the kundalini is
awakened in the body, it is always working even at the most subtle levels.
Hang in there.


14 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: NannuATNOSPAMsanctum.com
Subject: In search of...
TO: John Danu

I would have to say that the only way to find out,...is to find out!

But keep in mind the words of a wise old master...

                    " To those who would enter upon this path,
                           be it known ....there is NO return...."
       CHILDREN of the UNIVERSE,  ...Nannu      ؃

15 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 
From: Dolce Vita 
Subject: Re: where to next?

> Hi PACO!
   YOu wrote:
,That is a really hard question to answer, at
> least to put into words...I will share this with you
> however, that eight years ago I was awakened by an
> Swami Chidvilasananda...I had thought, up to that point,
> that I was "getting it", that I was learning from and
> meditating with her, progressing...I used visualization
> and concentration, looking deep inside myself for
> about one year...but one time eight years ago she just
> looked at me for a long while and then smiled and after
> that, forget about visualization, faith, "believing",
> whatever because everything became extremely tangible...
> she just changed me, and it never stopped.
> It has certainly been a blessing
> to me without any doubt whatsoever, and even though I
> don't see  her too much anymore, only very occasionally,
> yet she still means so much to me because I feel like out
> of all the people in the world who couldn't care less about
> me, she really did something good to me...she really helped
> my life, helped me...and she really didn't have to...but I
> am so lucky for that and I know I will love and respect her
> even on the day I die...no matter what, and very very much.

I really understand you, I got awakened also by Gurumayi (Swami 
Chidvilasananda) I believe that one need a guru, a true guru when one 
gets awakened. The Guru principle is very hard to comprehend on thes 
plane. Even Gopi Krishna recomends to have a guru when awakened that is 
the safest way. I got into Siddha Yoga very skeptical, I was getting 
over a very destructive cult called Scientology, in which I had been for 
many years, so something that I did not need was a guru. Then I started 
receiving the correspondence course for Siddha Yoga and I just read 2 
lessons a month in which you don't have to memorize or study anything, 
just read.... I went to a meditation center after 6 months of the 
lessons, I had never meditated and on my first visit, I already felt an 
incredible thing happening to my body... my awakening started gradually 
in the center, and then I went to South Fallsberg where she is and it 
was unbelievable the experience with the intensive....
I hope this can help someone  like it did to me
Love and Light to you and to all,

16 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 
From: GrandmmaATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: Question: Polarization

At times during my K awakening I found myself feeling split.  For me it was
as though part of myself was lost or actually dying.  I felt that part crying
out, " I am lost" while another part was saying, "I am found".   I worked
through this experience by actually talking to that part of myself that was
feeling so lost.  I loved that part of myself back to a unity with my higher
self.  For me it almost felt like a small child within me crying out "don't
forget me don't leave me."    I had to assure that child that I would never
leave and that together we would unite and be as one.  Some days I still feel
that I am lost and I am found, but there is a greater part that is found than
is lost.  I hope this helps.     Love and Light       Jean

17 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 
From: susanmayATNOSPAMdigital.net
Subject: Re: yr. of birth

Hi Royale,

Now, I remember where I saw your articles now: The Mountain Astrologer, quite 
recently too.  Wouldn't you know it, I'm one of those slinky critters!  
Actually female sankes are considered quite auspicious, I hear.  Sometimes, I 
have snake dreams and horrible nightmares and according to my vedic astrology 
chart, I need to do pujas to Naga, the serpent deity.

Regards (and fangs retracted per social conventions etc) : ),

Royale you said:

>>I want to test an idea. If any of you could tell me if you were born
during the year of the snake, id appredciate it. (chinese astrology).

18 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 96 
From: Mistress Angelique Serpent 
Subject: Re: Christs frequency

At 07:28 29/09/96 GMT, you wrote:
>     I think I may finally be starting to manifest the physical 
>symptoms of kundalini. But it is amazing to me just how much these
>energy rushes that travel up the spine and leave me totally shakey 
>and blissful for hours afterward, feel exactly like the descent of "The 
>Holy Spirit" as I learned years ago in charismatic Christianity.
>     So right now, I'm wondering if the kundalini awakening is just how 
>eastern thought describes the *same experience* that western thought 
>does in the form of fundamental Christianity! The experience felt 
>exactly the same to me. Can we be experiencing the same thing as truly 
>surrendered Christians do, yet we are calling it something else?

Yes yes yes!
 When I experienced the opening of enlightenment, being an ex-catholic, I
had some questions about the experience, for my Angels. They explained to me
that the experience of unification with All is a universal phenomenon, but
that each person interprets their experience according to the spiritual
doctrines they have learned.
-  They also said that there is no sin, but the cosmic law, that you get back
from an experience what you put into it. Give love, get love. Give fear, get
fear back.
  Additionally, it said that it is a part of life, that everybody spends a
certain amount of time being someone else's 'bad' karma. Try not to do it
deliberately, but forgive yourself if your actions unwittingly create
'evolution opportunities' for another.
  Goddess made mosquitos, too. And they are also a mirror of you.
                        Blessings, Angelique.

>     Could it be that the division between eastern thought (kundalini 
>awakening) and western thought (Christianity) is just one more evidence 
>of the Primal Split underlying the Unity in all creation? Ying&Yang.
>Science is slowly catching up to what we already know here.

19 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 
From: LwMema3ATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Fwd: k, my hearing aids & my pager

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Re: k, my hearing aids & my pager

Dear friends with K,
I too have problems with some electric things.  I can not stand to wear a
pager, they feel warm against my body- hot almost, like a burning through the
clothes.  My boyfriend has a pager that has message screen on it and a light
to read it in the dark.  When he activates that function I can hear this high
pitched ringing, whining type sound.  No one else but me can hear it.  It
reminds me of how a silent whistle can hurt dogs ears and make them bark.  I
find it very un comfortable.  Just thought oyu might be interested.  Oh- but
I have never blown out any lights, unless it was a candle  LOL!  Humor
is good sometimes.  Just kidding.
In light and love,

20 Date: Sun, 29 Sep 1996 
From: davelong 
Subject: Sayings of the Desert Fathers

[The Sayings of the Desert Fathers are from the 4th Century A.D.
Scetis was a hermit community in Egypt.]
Someone came to Scetis one day to become a monk. He had his
son, who was scarcely weaned, with him. When the boy became a young
man, the battles against him began, and he said to his father, 'I am
returning to the world for I cannot endure the warfare.' His father
persevered, encouraging him, but the young man said again, 'Abba, I
cannot do any more, let me go.' And his father said to him, 'My child,
listen to me just once more. Take forty measures of bread and palm
for forty days' work with you, and go into the interior desert, and stay
for forty days; and may the Lord's will be done.' He obeyed his father,
arose, went into the desert and stayed there in hardship, plaiting the
leaves and eating dry bread. He stayed there for twenty days; then he
the power of the devil coming towards him: it appeared to him like an
Ethiopian woman smelling so vile that he could not bear it. So he drove
her away, and she said to him, 'I usually seem to be pleasant to the
of men, but because of your obedience and your labour, God has not let
you be deceived and he has revealed my bad smell to you.' So rising up
and giving thanks to God he returned to his father and said, 'I no
wish to go back to the world, abba, for I have seen its power and its
smell.' Now what had happened had been revealed to his father, and he
said to him, 'If you had remained forty days and kept my commandments
you would have seen a greater vision.'


21 Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 
From: susanmayATNOSPAMdigital.net
Subject: Re: Question: Polarization

Melody you said:

>>     I am having a problem that I would like to ask for others feedback 
on. Recently, I became aware of one part of my "shadow nature" - 
personality deficit called "splitting behavior." It manifests itself by 
my affect (emotions) getting totally compartmentalized or polarized on 
a psychological level. It is a defense mechanism. Even my unlightened,
ego-controlled abusive ex-boyfriend could see it and commented on it.

>>     I believe that the Universe is trying to heal my Primal Split 
between my thoughts and my feelings (I have even been diagnosed as 
bipolar. It's a polarized situation, not a multiple personality 
situation). The messages that are coming to me is that there are two of 
me. And remember, I posted that I had a dream about a two-headed 
monster where one head was OK and the other head was ugly, malformed,
not developed?

>>     Any feedback is appreciated. How do I integrate my polarization?

Thank you,
- fully aware of the Unity underlying all creation

I think your question is so aptly put right now as the entire planet "appears" 
to be reeling from ever-increasing effects of increased polarization.  It 
almost seems to feel unsafe to sit on the fence about anything or claim to be 
middle-of the road politically etc.  I, too, have often felt split and have 
lived long periods under the control of the shadow side of myself because I 
would not own the splits.  We are all reclaiming our wholeness.  I like 
reading of the methods of the Shamans who perform feats of soul recovery and 
extraction; it may be like psychic surgery; our souls understand symbols 
better than words oftentimes.  But here are a few anyway:
For all of our personal healings, it might be easier if we all not ask that 
question "How do I integrate my polarization? but rather recognize that the 
polarization represents the face of maya itself.  (But you can't stop me from 
asking questions like this either. I guess we just have to be willing to live 
fully in the questions.)  We really don't need to DO anything but recognise 
the dream and live in the center (of the appearance) of the cyclone and just 
BE.  I know you know, it's easily said but requires constant vigilance over 
our monkey minds.  They're so easily tricked into thinking that anything in 
our dramas is 'real'. 	ATNOSPAMATNOSPAM 
-			~~
I think the question you ask, you answered yourself by line you give us at the 
bottom: as we grow more fully aware of the oneness of all creation, (we begin 
to live more fully in the questions and the answers always come).  I hope this 
helps.  It helps me to always re-affirm it, too.  

To get through my thick skull sometimes, Mother will say only one word to me 
really LOUDLY and only once and it hits me like a ton of bricks sometimes.  I 
give my monkey mind too much credit and have way too much pride over its 
abilities.  I must continually master it through mantra and meditation.  If I 
have truly been listening to Mother, the message reverberates through chasms 
and canyons in my soul echoing over and over.  

My last question to Mother was in reference to my challenging health and what 
I should do and Her answer was "Breathe".  It made me joyful and blissfully 
happy to release that feeling that I had to DO something.  But then my mind 
kicks in later: If breathing's what She wants me to do, then by golly, I'll 
learn to DO it so well, my monkey mind thinks.  But I am s-l-o-w-l-y "getting" 
it.  I aspire only to be a great devotee at Her blue lotus feet.  Love is our 
liberation from these dream bodies, minds and personalities we wear.  
Souls in unity and light,

"The mystery of spiritual emptiness may be living
in a pilgrim's heart, and yet the knowing of it
may not yet be his.

Wait for the illuminating openness,
as though your chest were filling with Light,
as when God said,
			Did We not expand you?"

				-- RUMI