kundalini-l-d Digest				Volume 96 : Issue 150 

1 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: Juliet 
Subject: [Fwd: Re: kundalini & asanas]

Dan Gahlinger wrote:
> ok, onto yoga and kundalini (on topic!)
> can anyone explain the weird desire for people to do these "postures", I
> find this part of kundalini possibly the weirdest. people who have not done
> yoga at all are suddenly doing yogic postures, and they dont even realize it.

I find this really interesting.  I got into yoga *after* kundalini, and
was (delightfully) suprised with the familiarity.

In my own humble experience, movement into postures and breathing were
simply to facilitate passage of energy.  I get a kind of visual
"blueprint" of the body, and can see immediately when I twist and turn
(and breath) how that effects the "blueprint."  Then I naturally
experiment and adjust myself to create the most orderly (or completed)
pattern.  Bio-feedback.  

What I find really interesting about this is that it is so instinctive. 
I am "reminded" (if this is the right word) of what it must have been
like in the womb--

Like a plant, heliotropic, naturally turning itself and growing toward
the sun, with this "blueprint" as a kind of compass.

There is one other image though, what I call (to myself) "the Brass
Ring."  Sometimes there is the sense, the impulse, that I need to
"force" the energy into the next state to get "the prize."  Over time
I've come to regard the Brass Ring as just that... a kind of "booby
prize."  I think it acts initially as a lure, an instinctive motivator
to get the process going but, in the end...
> its not that they are bad, they stimulate the kundalini. perhaps there is a
> psycho-spiritual effect of kundalini making its presence known, driving the
> body to create the energy (or whatever) that the kundalini needs more of.

Anyway, that's my take on it.  I would be curious to know how this works
for people with other dominant modalities...


2 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 96 
From: Tim Seewald 
Subject: RE: kundalini & asanas 

Dan and John,

In the late '70's I spent six months in Korea on business and found
myself totally immersed in the culture and history and I had a
uncommonly easy grasp of the language.  Some part of me was
reconnecting to an oriental past life, I believed at the time.

Anyways, when I returned home and was standing in the living room,
the paradigm shift hit my body like a ton of bricks.  I watched in awe
as my body performed a kata that lasted more than an hour whose purpose
was to somehow help me work through the change.  My previous martial arts
experience was rather minimal and occurred almost ten years prior so
I clearly didn't have the expertise to be doing what I was doing.
It seemed to be my body's way of dealing with the energy shift at some
I think it was also a "going away" present from another part of me.

I believe there exists an "official" term for this specific behavior;
I remember seeing it someplace on the net.  The definition was something
like, "temporary possession by an ancient warrior".

Perhaps in a similar fashion, people's past-life experience with yoga
finds it's way to the surface of our consciousness in times of great need.
An ancient body "memory", if you will...
Warm regards,

--- On Tue, 17 Sep 1996 11:19:28 -0500  reikiATNOSPAMbbs.pennet.com wrote:

>   you asked about an explanation for why some people with k assume
>spontaneous yoga postures...ect.
>    coming from the chi kung end of things, the same thing can and does
>happen, when a practioner assumes a chi kung attitude and posture.
>the feeling that i get when this happens to me is like, gee the energy
>wants to do this or heal that so lets do it....
>also, my back keeps getting spontaneously straighter,  sometimes its
>pretty funny, because i don't think sit straight, position head, ect.
>but it sorta just jumps to a straighter position.
>anyway,  have a wonderful awesome day

3 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: traveler 
Subject: re: left side pain
Hi everyone. I finally got my own mailbox.

I have noticed left side pain predominant too. Sometimes it's like molten
lava energy flowing up and down my legs, from my soles to my groin,
sometimes into my back. 

Occasionally it crosses over to my right side, but the left is much more active.

I found that taking 400 or 800 mg of magnesium was very helpful in reducing,
and at times eliminating this. On further research, magnesium deficiency
comes with not having enough protein. 

By the way on the right side it seems my muscular system is more imbalanced;
so tendonitis, etc. from ankle to hip to jaw. This probably unrelated to k,
but the left side does seem more active and is absolutely from the k. All
that nerve stuff. 

Reading all the posts on yoga has inspired me to start again. Question: Is
classical hatha yoga ok as in beneficial too? Or are Astanga or Iyengar
clearly better for k people? Also: I am visiting an ATM class on Thursday.
(ATM is Felderkreis's teaching of Awareness Through Movement.) Any one with
experience on an ATM to k connection?

Best, Patti

4 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: hbarrettATNOSPAMix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
Subject: RE: kundalini & asanas 

During the first days of my k-opening, not only did I find myself in 
spontaneous positions (later understanding them to be asanas and 
mudras) but I was dancing very specific but unfamiliar dances that were 
clearly some kind of ritual.  Don't know about the past life part but 
"something" was assisting me with the initiation.



5 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: "Rondi McBoyer" 
Subject: Loved Ones Who "Don't Get It"

I had to leave the house early this morning, and had a wonder full (sic)
nights sleep, felt happy and bubbly, and floaty when I woke up.Rolled over
and hugged my groggy husband and said" Don't let me float away OK?"
He mumbled something, and I got in the shower and left.
When I returned, he had left a note  " please don't float away, I know
things are tough right now and you are trying hard to make the best of
things....." He thought( I called him and told him I wasn't going
anywhere)that I meant I was thinking of leaving him..... NO WAY.!!!  Alll
the things that are worrying him, are just things, they really don't matter
to me. 
I have tried so many times and ways to get him to understand that my
spiritual growth, kundilini rising, awareness, nowness, what ever anyone
wants to call it , is causing me to see and do things differently.  I**
know**that one of the reasons I am here, is to bring him up here with
me.... to make him get it, to help him see it, and least catch a glimpse of
the real light..... I will try to surround him with it more than I have
been able to... 
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated., and anyone else with similar
experience, who  wanted to get in on the act, here's your chance.

6 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: Roman 
Subject: Re: Loved Ones Who "Don't Get It"

Keep in mind that you may require your husband to remain "dormant" as a
way of grounding you.

Roman A Marszalek

e-mail: ram20ATNOSPAMhermes.cam.ac.uk
postal: c/o St Catharine's Coll., Cambridge, CB2 1RL, U.K.
"Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers."

On Tue, 17 Sep 1996, Rondi McBoyer wrote:

:I had to leave the house early this morning, and had a wonder full (sic)
:nights sleep, felt happy and bubbly, and floaty when I woke up.Rolled over
:and hugged my groggy husband and said" Don't let me float away OK?"
:He mumbled something, and I got in the shower and left.
:When I returned, he had left a note  " please don't float away, I know
:things are tough right now and you are trying hard to make the best of
:things....." He thought( I called him and told him I wasn't going
:anywhere)that I meant I was thinking of leaving him..... NO WAY.!!!  Alll
:the things that are worrying him, are just things, they really don't matter
:to me. 
:I have tried so many times and ways to get him to understand that my
:spiritual growth, kundilini rising, awareness, nowness, what ever anyone
:wants to call it , is causing me to see and do things differently.  I**
:know**that one of the reasons I am here, is to bring him up here with
:me.... to make him get it, to help him see it, and least catch a glimpse of
:the real light..... I will try to surround him with it more than I have
:been able to... 
:Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated., and anyone else with similar
:experience, who  wanted to get in on the act, here's your chance.

7 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 

Subject: strange spasms

I'm hoping that someone can shed some light on this for me.

Last night I was doing my standard 15-20 minute relaxation, when I found
that a tingling sensation was growing in my back between my shoulder blades.
The sensation grew quite rapidly and preceded to course though my back.
(Even thinking about it now, is making it well up again.)  From there I
started to have muscle spasms (it's the only way I can word it) throughout
my body.  The only very rough equivalent I can say is that is was almost
orgasmic but there was nothing sexual about it.  It lasted for several
minutes (at least it felt that way).

I had never really heard of kundalini (in any knowledgable way) before I
joined this list.  I do not do yoga or anything else that is an "exercise".
My relaxation is done with breathing and visualizations so there really
isn't anything very physical going on.
Is there any significance to energy forming and centering within the
shoulder blade area?  Could this somehow be related to kundalini?  If so,
what would the next step be?

I tend to be a very analytical person, so just letting it happen is
sometimes difficult for me.  I'm going to do a few experiments to see what
happens with the energy.

Again, I'd appreciate any comments anyone can give.

In love and light,


8 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: traveler 
Subject: Re: Loved Ones Who "Don't Get It"


Maybe your husband is on his chosen path in life, travling at just the
perfect speed for him.

We create those around us continuously, with every smile and every frown. I
feel that if you love and accept him unconditionally, you will be able to
teach him the k message. I feel the k can be transmitted physically as well
as mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. It will always be up to your
husband to choose how to respond.

One thing you could do (in addition to acceptance and comminication of who
you are, which you seem to be doing): the more people you can get to
surround your husband, who carry this k energy consciousness, whether
physically they carry k or not, the more you can at least inspire him to
move in this direction. (I do think we can all inspire others to be more
loving. It's then always someone's choice as to whether to respond.) 
Sending love, Patti

9 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: SnowbirdVATNOSPAMgnn.com
Subject: Re: Pessimism, no hope, perhaps dying 

To answer a question by a "I just know" is very childish. And to demand that 
nobody mention God or whatever deity is even more childish. What do you think 
is going in the process of kundalini? 

Kundalini is not linear. There is a lot of backwards and forwards that go 
with it. There are no ascended master here, least of all you.


10 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: SYL228ATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: Shoulderblade chakra

I read in the Alice Bailey material, that there is a temporary chakra created
between the shoulder blades, before the energy moves up to the head centers.


11 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: hbarrettATNOSPAMix.netcom.com (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)
Subject: Re: Loved Ones Who "Don't Get It"

I agree with the other posts on this so far -- have a similar situation 
with my adored one.  Whatever he believes or doesn't is just fine with 
me.  There is no question he is here to ground me, and therefore to 
free me to go wherever.  I don't think it is my job to figure out why I 
am here for him (though I am curious!).  He will allow, however, that 
something mighty unusual happens when we make love -- I mean to him, he 
can feel that the K energy goes wild in me!  So I think, hmmm, am I 
some sort of conjugal shaktipat?   


12 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: Geoffrey Keyte 
Subject: Emotions as Spiritual Tools

Hi, Everyone

My partner - Georgette - who is a Life Cycle Healing Therapist will be 
presenting a series of workshops on the subject of 'Using Emotions as 
Spiritual Tools for Growth' . I felt that the subject matter would be of 
interest to members of this list. If you would like further information 
please email me privately:-



There are many tools available to us in these days of Spiritual
Development to bring us closer to the Divine Source. Some of the
simplest, yet most profound tools are our own emotions. When you
consider that each emotion is an energetic experience, you can
appreciate that this energy can be used to balance your energetic field
and heal you spiritually, emotionally, mentally and even physically.

Georgette Vachon has written in easy to understand format the
techniques brought to her through meditation and other spiritual 
practices over the last twenty years. She, and other members of the staff 
of The Mystical Crystal Center for Vibrational Therapy, will guide you 
through these techniques.
Through this one-day workshop, you will learn exercises, meditations
and other spiritual practices that will offer you support through these
times of Transition. This workshop lasts from 9 am to 4:30 pm. Course
notes will be distributed on the day of the workshop.

Dates for this workshop are:

September 22, 1996 and October 20, 1996.


You will be invited into the home of Georgette Vachon and Geoffrey Keyte 
for these workshops in Thompson, Connecticut.


13 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: Juliet 
Subject: Re: yoga/left side pain

traveler wrote:
> Reading all the posts on yoga has inspired me to start again. Question: Is
> classical hatha yoga ok as in beneficial too? Or are Astanga or Iyengar
> clearly better for k people? 
These *are* classical hatha... as taught in the style of these
particular (living) teachers: Jois and Iyengar. In fact, they tend to be
more classical than the approach of a "new-age" teacher who simply
describes what they do as "hatha."   

Try them and report back!  I'm very interested to know how other people
experience yoga from a kundalini perspective...  

Where are you located?  Maybe someone could recommend a good class in
your area (they say that the teacher is everything). I know that Iyengar
certified teachers have to go through a very rigorous training
program--with study over many years. A junior or senior Iyengar
instructor is *very* qualified. Find out who they've studied with, what
their history is, just like anything else.  It's easy to just hang out a
shingle that says "yoga lessons."  

Also: I am visiting an ATM class on Thursday.
> (ATM is Felderkreis's teaching of Awareness Through Movement.) Any one with
> experience on an ATM to k connection?'
I tried this once and personally didn't get as much out of it...


14 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: Juliet 
Subject: Re: Fwd: AutoPost from Kundalini Resource Center
> From: Jonathan Back            \ CompuServe:  (106260,2045)
> Dear All,
>         I had what I think was a kundalini experience (perhaps others
> can advise me)about 5 years ago. It was sort of by accident. 

> it followed my first foray into the occult (a la Llewellyn practical
> guide). 

What, exactly, were you doing?


15 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: melody.gaviganATNOSPAMnvonline.com (Melody Gavigan)
Subject: Re: Ego Challenges

H7>            Dear Mary, don't try to have "magnitism". Go out to others and
  >"magnitism " will come.

That was the point I was trying to make. The personal magnetism comes 
naturally; you can't cause it by effort - in that case, you'd be a 
phoney, salesman-type and have lower energy "charisma." 
When you open yourself completely to divine love, you *naturally* 
overflow on to others. Personal magnetism is definitely NOT a goal to 
strive toward, it's just a phenonmena that happens as a result of 
spiritual emergence.

Melody (not Mary)

 * 1st 2.00 #7384 * 

16 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: melody.gaviganATNOSPAMnvonline.com (Melody Gavigan)
Subject: Re: Fear & Conflict

LA>        I had what I think was a kundalini experience (perhaps others
  >can advise me)about 5 years ago. It was sort of by accident. I say sort of
  >because it followed my first foray into the occult (a la Llewellyn practical
  >guide). I was in an Indian restaurant with a group of other people
LA>I cursed my involvment in the occult and started to try and burn the

     I am very afraid today. I was brought up as a fundamental 
Christian and I have fundamental friends who are warning me about all 
this "New Age crap." I have been experiencing intense overflowing 
feelings of love, among other spiritual emergence signs the last few 
years. I have been reading The Celestial Prophecy and The Tenth 
Insight, which my family and friends would regard as Occult and of the 
devil.  How can I integrate this fear-causing Yin/Yang cognitive 


 * 1st 2.00 #7384 * All energy fields within the universe interact.

17 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: melody.gaviganATNOSPAMnvonline.com (Melody Gavigan)
Subject: Re: Waiting, ..patiently................                    

Subject: Re: Waiting, ..patiently................                    

     "The power of God, particularly at this time, is pouring into us 
at a rapid pace and high velocity. If our vessel, our vehicle - our 
human channel - is not prepared properly through devotion and deep 
reverence for life, then the very power that is meant to save us begins 
to destroy us. Our creativity, rather than making us personally 
powerful, then makes us hysterical. That is why creative power - God 
within us - is experienced as a double-edged sword: if received with 
grace, it blesses us; if received without grace, it drives us insane."
     Miracles are everyone's right, but purification is necessary 

 * 1st 2.00 #7384 * Mania prematurely exposes us to unfiltered consciousness.


18 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: melody.gaviganATNOSPAMnvonline.com (Melody Gavigan)
Subject: Re: Emergence of a higher

This message was originally addressed to WORCAATNOSPAMAOL.COM 
and was forwarded to you by MELODY GAVIGAN 
Subject: Re: Emergence of a higher self                               
WA>It helps that my husband and 3 other people that are friends of ours are 
  >experiencing the same types of things with the same timing.  We compare 
  >notes, and find out we must not be nuts, because there are similarities to 
  >all of our experiences (much like this list).  At least, if we get hauled of 
  >to the asylum, we get hauled off together!! (-: 
Barb, I, too, have several friends who have been going through  
emergence since about the beginning of summer. Some are completely  
surprising to me, such as a fundamental Christian friend of mine has  
admitted to me that she is hearing "voices" of divine direction. She is  
NOT mentally ill, but her church would tell her that she is demon  
possessed. I am in communication with a other people - on computer and  
on telephone - we describe the "coincidences"/miracles to each other. 
P.S. A "breakdown" is in reality, a "breakout" or a "breakthrough." 
It's a "breakout" if the signs are limited to emotions; if a 
it's a "breakthrough" then it might mimic psychosis/schizophrenic  
psychotic break. 
 * 1st 2.00 #7384 * The eyes are the mirror of the Soul! 

19 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: Karol Ann Barnett 
Subject: Re: PS

Excellent post, Melody.

I might add that Gopi Krishna said that people who are really 'crazy' 
cannot and do not question their sanity.

Also, I retrieved this from the Net's astrologer Jonathan Cainer.  
His interpretation of events matches nicely with my other sources.

"The duet of the decade takes place towards the end of this week.  To 
enjoy it, you need neither book a seat nor subscribe to satellite TV.  
You merely need to attune your inner ear to the symphony of the spheres.  
CLose your eyes and listen to the call of your heart.  Alternatively, 
keep a close eye on the daily world news.  Pluto and Uranus are singing a 
song of change, inviting the world to awaken to bright new possiblities.  
Between now and early next year, when they give a final performance, much 
will change."

Karol Ann

20 Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 
From: Dolce Vita 
Subject: Re: astanga yoga and K

Hi Mike,

My awakening was fast since I never meditated in my life and after 2 or 
3 meditations at the  siddha Yoga Center here in Miami, I had Shaktipat, 
descend of shakti, or awakening of kundalini. I did not know what I was 
going through,  I jsut know something incredibly powerful and awesome 
was happening to me. I have always been in a spiritul seach and involved 
in other practices, but I had never done yoga. What I have gone through 
are physical manifestations as well as emotional and phychological. I 
have learned that you need the guidance of a guru. It is very necessary 
because a guru is a verymisunderstood term.Some people thing that you 
must know the guru and theguru must know all about you. but that is not 
the case. My k awakened just by meditating and having Gurumayi's picture 
around. It has been a safe path and pleasant, some people can't say the 
same. Whatever path or guru you choose is fine, but this provides a 
protection. Siddha Yoga involves all the other yogas spontaneusly.
Hope that answers some of your questions.

In love and light