kundalini-l-d Digest				Volume 96 : Issue 125 

1 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: John Marynowicz 
Subject: Re: Psychosis vs Spiritual emergence 

At 12:29 AM 8/30/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I have a friend who experienced her K awakening some
>10 years ago.  She had no support during the initial awakening and ended up
>with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia.  She was put on heavy doses of meds when
>she became very psychotic and was a danger to herself.    

For far too long people experiencing Kunadlini have been misdiagnosed as
Schizophrenic causing them to go years of the wrong kind of treatment.
Fortunately the Pscychiatric community is now officially starting to make a
clear distinction betwen the two.

>When I met her
>about 1 year ago we started comparing notes.  When she heard voices they came
>through her left ear.  When I receive channeled information it comes through
>the area just behind my right ear.  Most of her more extensive physical pain
>was centered on her left side.  eg. Her left arm frequently would become
>numb.  My right arm goes numb.   

The fact is that many of the sysmptoms of K can sometimes be similar to
those of serious medical problems.  It is vitally important that everyone
has all thes symptoms checked by a mediacal doctor as well.  I am not a
doctor myself but your comment about your friends left arm twigged something
in me.  I have often heard it said that numbness in the left arm can also be
an indication of heart problems.  I hope she has had herself checked out.

Peace and Light
John Marynowicz

2 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: LwMema3ATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: Psychosis vs Spiritual emergence- Mark- Epilepsy & K

I too have epilepsy, and am beginning to see more people with it or who have
had seizures that where also going through Kundalini awakening.  Is there a
pattern here that I am only seeing a few threads to?  I can not quite put my
finger on it, but I feel as if 'I am on to something'.  Could it be that the
few seizures I have experienced where not epilepsy related nd actually just a
part of K?  I do not know if you have any of these answers, but anything you
think on this matter would be helpful.  I am just thinking that I may have
experienced a mis-diagnosis, or hoping anyway... I do not know where all this
will go.  
Thank you for any thoughts you have.
In light and love,

3 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: WorcaATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Why some, not all?

Good day listies (-:,

Can anyone give me some insight as to why some people experience such
traumatic episodes with K, and some don't?

K in my life has brought up tremendous emotional pain in the past (whew!),
and almost constant physical manifestations of some form, but not traumatic:
 traveling pains, stiff necks, severe at times sinus pain, neck & base of
skull pain, back & shoulder pain, a feeling of a cold coming on, somtimes
materialising, more often not - you get the idea.

My physical experience has been more like a constant "pain in the side" that
you have to learn how to live with (there's a word for that, but I can't
think what it is! Blank).  It has  felt like, "Well, what's the 'pain of the
week' this week?"  I have not needed any medical supervison except for a few
chiropractor visits during times that I couldn't help myself enough.

All my amazing stories have more to do with the spiritual world than the
physical, experiences that you only share with a certain few!

So, what makes the difference?  Who gets to go through a lot of physical
stuff, who gets to feel like they're going nuts, etc.?  I'm not looking for
definitive answers here, as there probably aren't any - just some opinions,
insights.  I'm confused!

Blessings & Joy,  Barb

4 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: SnowbirdVATNOSPAMgnn.com
Subject: Re: Physical symptom

This person had a powerful experience that was followed for several months by 
peeling of the skin on her entire body and I should have mentioned that she 
also suffered from unexplained (medically) bouts of fever. Retrospectively, 
we think it could have been a first awakening of k and that she's having a 
second wave now.
>Yes, I have that quite often on the bottom of my feet.
>karol ann


5 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 96 
From: John Halonen 
Subject: Re: Why some, not all?

HI Barb,

Obviously even though we are all the same, we are all also different.
Past life development, Current mental make-up, how strong is the EGO and
view points.
How fit and flexible is the body.  All these probably have something to do
with it.
So strong is the EGO and mind that it can stop the flow of energy, cause
blocks and pain.

Almost every one will experience emotional pain because almost everyone has
to deal with the fact of duality before moving on to oneness.  

Physical pain could come because one hasn't prepared the channels fully
before an awakening, not that everyone will have a chance to prepare.  Some
people might not know what is happening to them and bang.

Stretching and breathing exercises could take care of alot of "Pain in the
side things".

The key is to always be AWARE of whatever you are doing, stretching,
breathing, walking, eating, sleeping.
This will help one become attuned to the physical body and then eventually
the energy body.
Eventually you will SEE where your physical or emotional pain is coming from
Peace and Love,
John Halonen  

6 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: GgjiATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: ADMIN: Important Questions - Please Respond

Unfortunately, Lynet is right on. I have also just about gone off the list
many times, I have held in there because I know that a higher frequency is
possible because we've been there. But, when ever a certain vibration takes
over and everyone gets involved pretty soon it crashes. These are the
results, confusion, negative thoughts projected to one another, blame, etc.
It is the way of the world. Kundalini is a power engine that can be used
through lower centers or higher centers. This is the reflection of the lower
centers. This isn't anybodies fault, it just is. I think it is an excellent
example of the problems facing man. And, the chatter comes in when the
conversation has droped into the solar plexus. Not bad, just different. But,
it will chase the true seeker away. Why not everyone meditate on this and see
if we have anything meaningful to put out into the ether. Love to all of you.

7 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: jmckinnonATNOSPAMcc.weber.edu
Subject: Re: Psychosis vs Spiritual emergence

On Fri, 30 Aug 1996, John Marynowicz wrote:

> "Although no one but a qualified mental-health care professional can make a
> diagnosis involving mental illness, 

I have found that the mental-health care field is incredibly subjective 
and value laiden.  Psychologists, Psychiatrists etc, often disregard 
ethical and scientific guidelines in order to follow thier own incredibly 
subjective observations. 

There are ALOT of victims of 
(yes I said OF)
the mental "healthcare" field.
> She also mentions that the American Psychiatric Association has recently
> approved a new diagnostic code for the DSM-IV.  Apparently this is the
> handbook used by pscyiatrists, doctors and pscychologists in making mental
> illness diagnosies.  The new code is called "V62.89 Religious or Spritual
> Problem".  It's now being officially recognized by the mainstream medical
> community.

You will be hard pressed to find more than a few mental health care 
professionals who pay more than lip service to  V62.89.


8 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: SYL228ATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: Psychosis v Spiritual Emergence

Jean compared her "K" awakening and the fact that she had helpful voices near
the right ear with that of her friend who had hostile voices by the left ear.
 She wondered if there is a right brain/left brain thing going on here.
After "K" I have had a high pitched sound continously by the right ear. After
about 3+ years I also started to experience a similar sound by the left ear.
 They seem to be coordinated.

Some of the information I have been given by my inner guidance over that time
is that one of the balancing acts of "K" is to completely coordinate L/R
brains.  The left side of the brain is concerned with form and outer
manifestation more, while the right brain is  concerned with spirit.  This is
a rather simplified picture, but it does mean that spiritual guidance tends
to come from the R brain, and body guidance from the L brain , if this is

The body is a living thinking entity on it's own, but of a rather lower order
than the spirit.  So it is more prone to paranoia and similar manifestations.
 It fears attack and death in a way that spirit does not.  It also carries
any negative vibrations we may have in a way that spirit does not. Hence
voices from the L side may not be of the highest order, and may even be
hostile. Some of this is not really the person living in the particular body,
so much as inheritance.  The voices of the ancestors as they say in some
cultures through the genes.

I am reminded of the Norse Mythology where Odin Father of the gods had 2
ravens who whispered in his ears.  They were called Thought and Memory.
 Memory was on the L side and could be our genetic memories of the body. 

Love Jule

9 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: Mark Rivera 
Subject: Re: Psychosis vs Spiritual emergence- Mark- Epilepsy & K

Dear Lori:

Since I am not a Doctor and hold no medical expertise whatsoever, I can
not say if your condition is brought on from the krias
Shakti-pat/kundalini awakening sometimes incurs or if it is a medical
problem. I know that the woman who had epilepsy only knew it after her
kundalini was awakened after the fact, as far as I know. I could be wrong
since I am telling this swtory second hand. She had to go through a lot of
medical stuff and some medication, however it is my understanding that she
is okay now, so I'd say to use your best judgment and don't rule out
western science, since I believe both Kundalini/Eastern Science and
Western science do compliment each other. I hope this was helpful.


10 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: Dan Gahlinger 
Subject: kundalini info

I have seen a *LOT* of posts lately which distress me about whether those
who state they have had a kundalini experience are *REALLY* having an
kundalini and not something else.
I have seen recently posts about "the end result" which was a long thread,
and other posts very recently (as today) stating (and I quote) statements
along the lines of "... after kundalini..." and such other comments.

Those of you who think you've "finished" your kundalini, and know the
"end-result" please wake up and smell the coffee!

I hate to tell you all this, and I hope you're sitting down, and I really
don't mean this to be harsh, but... *REAL* kundalini *NEVER* ends!
That's right, it goes on and on endlessly for the rest of your life. It may
"quiet down" or lessen in some small areas of impact, but it NEVER goes
away, not ever. I was going to say (humorously) that it went on drearily day
by day endlessly and gets rather dull after awhile, but that's not true. :)

This has really bothered me, and I wanted to reinforce it, this is
regardless of personal insight, etc. and has been reinforced for me as well
by such good people as Dr. Kason.

I'd still recommend those two books, "The Farther Shore" (by Dr. Kason) and
"Spiritual Emergence" (not sure who wrote this one).

Still doing the 'k' thing...
there are always possibilities...

11 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 96 
From: tseewATNOSPAMservtech.com
Subject: Preparing the Temple 

Warmest greetings to all...

I've been subscribed for a few weeks and this is my first post.  I've have been
spiritually moved by many of the posts and thank you all for sharing!  This
post has the potential of being kind of long so I'm going to be purposely
terse.  I have no commercial connection to any products mentioned here.

After years of suffering from negative manifestations of energy I wondered if
there wasn't something I could do or take to enable my body to better handle
a higher vibrational state.  For some people just eating "right" and
exercising seems to be enough.  Didn't work for me, though.

I would very much enjoy hearing from those of you who share one or more of my
areas of study, and especially from those of you with fully-awakened k that
have successfully achieved a balanced state.  I feel that this group of people
are uniquely qualified to comment on the efficacy of these paradigms.

It is my sincerest wish that something in this post may help some of you
avoid some of the negative manifestations.

(thread_id: subtopic) (Hmmm...useful?)

Temple: Intro

42 y/o male, married, four kids.  Spent about five years studying Eckankar(TM)
starting in my teen years, read all of the Castaneda books, actively pursuing
out-of-body experiences using the Monroe Institute tape series and now
experimenting with nutritional supplements.

In 1976 I successfully "stopped the world" to use the DonJuanian term, in general
terms I believe I achieved "Cosmic Consciousness".  This state of consciousness
gradually slipped away over the course of a few days and I've been endeavoring
to "get back there" on and off for the past 20 years.

This state was one of profound insight into the nature of the universe.  The
answers were there even before I could ask the questions.  Incredible Joy,
Peace and Love.  In that state I was overwhelmed by the *simplicity* of it ALL!

I would love to hear from those of you with a yoga background as to what this
experience is classified as within that discipline.

Early this year I became aware of a mandate from my Higher Self (or was it the
Universe?) that the time has come prepare the temple of the Soul (my body) in
preparation for more spiritual growth and earth changes.  Has anyone else heard
this call?  Does anyone have directions to the "Gathering"? 
Temple: Food for the Light Body

After doing extensive Internet research on the topic of nutritional supplements,
I have settled on the following regimen; vitamin C, DHEA (hormone precursor),
DMAE (nootropic), proanthocyanidin (super anti-oxidant, monatomic), Aloe Vera
Inner Gel (monatomic), Ginko Biloba, organic carrot juice, selenium (heavy
metal detox) and colloidal silver (ultimate antibiotic, preventative).

Keep in mind that I took a "shotgun" approach to supplements hoping to cover
most bases.  The result after six months?  Excellent general health, no colds,
no infections.  I'm also experiencing frequent full-body rushes that run
between the crown of my head and the base of my spine...a most delicious
feeling!  When I'm outside the feeling is really intense; the top head feels
like the surface of a vanDeGraff generator!  Considering my past accute medical
conditions, I'd say I've come a long way.

I received the greatest vibrational boost from, surprisingly, the Aloe Vera.
It has a delicious "smoothing" effect on the consciousness.  Your milage
may vary...
Other areas of interest, research and/or experimentation:

WhiteGold - A naturally-occurring substance that contains "monatomic" elements
discovered and patented by David Hudson. It contains monatomic forms of
irridium, rhodium, gold and other elements.  Monatomic elements are
reported to be "food for the light body".  Mr. Hudson started the Science
of the Spirit Foundation and is ramping-up to manufacture and distribute
this material to members.  It has been reported that some people who have taken
this material have experienced spontaneous kundalini awakenings.  Much scientific
controversy surrounding this material right now and I haven't tried it yet.
A couple of companies are selling the raw, unprocessed material on the web
and some people believe the raw material may be toxic.

According to Hudsons' research, there are naturally-occurring forms of monatomic
irridium and rhodium in Acemannan (Aloe), Pycnogenol (Pine tree bark, grape
seed extract) and carrot juice, to name a few.  Now you know why I picked
some of my supplements... 

A LOT of info on the web right now to go along with the controversy.  Check
out http://monatomic.earth.com/ as a starting point.

Kombucha Mushroom - Great for detox; reported cure for *many* maladies.  I've
tried an extract, but not the "real" thing yet.  See...
http://www.sease.com/kombucha/ for more info.

Colloidal Silver - Do you have an infection?  This stuff is incredible and you
can make your own.  Read the FAQ at http://hills.net/~sage/silver/2sage05.html
and say goodbye to infections.

DHEA - Can we reverse the aging process?  Take a look at some scientific
research at http://aeiveos.com/agethry/hormone/dhea/

Temple: Book Recommendations

I've mentioned the Carlos Castaneda books; The basic premise in all the books
is that we are beings of energy--a fact that few on this list could take
exception to!  Life is all about saving energy, creating energy and using
energy properly.  I'm currently reading a book titled 'The Teachings of Don
Carlos' by Victor Sanchez that presents many *practical* ways of effectively
managing our energy.

For those of you with a predilection towards the healing arts, Barbara Ann
Brennan' book 'Hands of Light' is excellent!

Well, enough for now.  In closing, I must reiterate--do your own research!
If anyone enhances their k-handling abilities with any info in this post,
please share the experience on the list!

Have a safe holiday!
Warm regards,

12 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: Dan Gahlinger 
Subject: Re: Preparing the ad campaign
At 07:24 PM 8/30/96 PDT, you wrote:
>Warmest greetings to all...
>I've been subscribed for a few weeks and this is my first post.  I've have 

wow, that's got to be the most commercial post I've seen yet (to date on any
list)... are you sure you're not getting any royalties? 

BTW: there was a study of "white gold" done a few months back, apparantly,
its a "do nothing" substance. Has no positive effects, has no negative
effects, actually, has no effects at all. One might as well eat dirt for all
the difference it makes. :)

I don't think there is yet a "fully awakened" k. its a life-long process. As
Dr. Kason will remind us, even those who have REALLY had the kundalini say
20 years ago, are still experiencing pretty much the same thing these days.
It never goes away. it haunts you .

this cosmic awareness you "achieved" seems interesting though. I am apt to
ask if you have "achieved" anything without the use of drugs or the need for
"stimulants", have you done anything "naturally" ? sorry, the phrasing here
is awkward, and I don't mean it to sound as harsh as it might seem.

I have experienced 3-4 "different" cosmic awareness episodes. 1 was coming
in contact with what I call the "totality", I have introduced others to this
"totality" conciousness but been very careful, it is necessary to keep
oneself from becoming part of it, otherwise you'll never return to your body
. 2 was becoming "whole" myself, that is becoming pure thought, pure
energy, experiencing "wholeness" utterly and completely. 3 was visiting the
nexus. 4 was something else which would take too long to get into but lets
just say the fundamentals of the nature of the universe have been mostly
revealed (for all the good they do me).

there are always possibilities...

13 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 96 
From: tseewATNOSPAMservtech.com
Subject: Re: Preparing the ad campaign 


I made no wild claims about WhiteGold; I stated in fact that some consider it
toxic and I have not taken any.  That part of my post had more to do with
naturally-occurring substances containing monatomic irridium and rhodium
like in carrot juice.  Do you have a problem with carrot juice?!

Although there is no scientific evidence yet that monatomics have any
"philosophical" benefits, I consider it more than coincidence that many
of the naturally-occurring substances containing them like aloe, pine bark
extract and kombucha have *very* clearly defined and sometimes amazing
health benefits.

Other things I mentioned like the infection-fighting qualities of colloidal
silver are supported by vast amounts of scientific data.  Colloidal silver
is FDA approved as an antibiotic and could benefit those on this list
suffering from ANY kind of infection.  No commercially-available anti-
biotic can destroy 650 different kinds of bacteria/disease-causing
organisms like it can.

That post was from the heart Dan, and your response hurt.  I will be a
little less likely to openly discuss my 'cosmic' experiences on this list
because of it.  Naw, I take that back... 

Feelin' great but my feet still hurt!

14 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: Wendy 
Subject: beginner sinner

Feels like i've stumbled into some secret kundalini 'sect' where only the
know (and ain't "tellin").

This is obviously not a great place for a beginner sinner like me.  I
haven't a clue what's going on here *all of a sudden.*

Is there a decoder ring available for the mixed messages?



15 Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 
From: cmwithATNOSPAMcris.com (Michelle Withers)
Subject: Re: beginner sinner

Dear Wendy,

I will explain what I think is happening - from my perspective.

Now - this is MY reality, so please - nobody stomp on it.  If it tastes bad
to you - spit it out and delete me.  :)

I feel a great heavenly energy/storm brewing.  Funny how it corresponds to
an incredible energy I am feeling with regards to the hurricaine Edward -
which is coming my direction - I think.  I absolutely love storms  :)  Just
get really caught up in the energy, I have done all of my life - it runs in
the family - and you can always find many members of my family on the step
outside when a big storm is coming - we can sense this excitement from
Mother Earth.  This is VERY hard to explain.
But - my point being, that I am feeling a very large spiritual and natural
building in the earth energies.  Crazy things are happening.  :)  A woman
in England is carrying 8 babies!!!  I mean.....this would be a litter -
right???  :)

What I'm getting at is, we are just reacting like everyone else, and
thrashing around within ourselves - trying to figure out what we are
feeling, trying to integrate (again), and discerning our new reality.  We
live in crazy times.
On the flip side, I feel honored to be living at this time, and I am
extremely honored to be experiencing it with all of you.  This is a VERY
important time in the history of mankind, and all of us are playing a role
in some wonderful story about evolution.

Let's just go with the energy, and talk about what we are feeling - instead
of flinging this energy around - let's discuss it.  You never know what we
will learn.....

In light and love,


>Feels like i've stumbled into some secret kundalini 'sect' where only the
>know (and ain't "tellin").
>This is obviously not a great place for a beginner sinner like me.  I
>haven't a clue what's going on here *all of a sudden.*
>Is there a decoder ring available for the mixed messages?

16 Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 
From: Juliet 
Subject: introduction...

I'm new to the list as of this evening.
I've been living with kundalini on and off for the past eight
years--probably initiated (I realized later in retrospect) by shaktipat
which I received when visiting a Syda ashram with a friend.  Though I'd
had several extraordinary "mystical" experiences prior, I was in no way
practicing any sort of yoga at the time, nor did I have anything more
than passing familiarity with kundalini--in fact it was several years
before I recognized that "kundalini" was the appropriate term. My
relationship to kundalini has always been predominantly body/visual in
nature. I'll go into my specific experiences in a later post...

Recently I have begun an "Ashtanga" hatha yoga practice (as taught in
the tradition of Patabhi Jois)--and the results kundalini-wise have been
just phenomenal (more later on this as well).
I am particularly interested in:
Sharing "tricks o' the trade"--and perhaps even finding a way of doing
somewhat controlled experiments within the context of a group of
experienced people (hatha? visualization? other ideas?)...

Knowing if anyone on the list with awakened kundalini has worked
specifically with an Ashtanga practice...

Knowing if there are others out there with academic backgrounds...

That's it for now, thanks for a great concept for a list!

17 Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 
From: John Marynowicz 
Subject: Re: Psychosis vs Spiritual emergence

At 12:04 PM 8/30/96 -0700, Mac wrote:

>I have found that the mental-health care field is incredibly subjective 
>and value laiden.  Psychologists, Psychiatrists etc, often disregard 
>ethical and scientific guidelines in order to follow thier own incredibly 
>subjective observations. 

Yes that's true, but there are some who are beginning to see the light ;-)

>There are ALOT of victims of 
>(yes I said OF)
>the mental "healthcare" field.

That is the sad truth.

>You will be hard pressed to find more than a few mental health care 
>professionals who pay more than lip service to  V62.89.

At least it's a step in the right direction, albeit a small one for the time

Peace and Light
John Marynowicz

18 Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 
From: John Marynowicz 
Subject: Re: Why some, not all?

At 07:14 AM 8/30/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Good day listies (-:,
>Can anyone give me some insight as to why some people experience such
>traumatic episodes with K, and some don't?

My moneys on:

Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Lifestyle
Physical, Emotional, Spiritual
Balance is the key!

Peace and Light
John Marynowicz

19 Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 
From: John Marynowicz 
Subject: Re: beginner sinner

At 12:28 AM 8/31/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear Wendy,
>I will explain what I think is happening - from my perspective.
>Now - this is MY reality, so please - nobody stomp on it.  If it tastes bad
>to you - spit it out and delete me.  :)
>I feel a great heavenly energy/storm brewing.  Funny how it corresponds to
>an incredible energy I am feeling with regards to the hurricaine Edward -
>which is coming my direction - I think.  I absolutely love storms  :)  Just
>get really caught up in the energy, I have done all of my life - it runs in
>the family - and you can always find many members of my family on the step
>outside when a big storm is coming - we can sense this excitement from
>Mother Earth.  This is VERY hard to explain.

Hard to explain, but somehow, not at all difficult to understand.  From here
it feels like you've hit the mark.  Yeah, I love watching a storm too.

>On the flip side, I feel honored to be living at this time, and I am
>extremely honored to be experiencing it with all of you.  This is a VERY
>important time in the history of mankind, and all of us are playing a role
>in some wonderful story about evolution.

Woudn't have it any otherr way.

Peace and Light
John Marynowicz

20 Date: Sat, 31 Aug 1996 
From: GgjiATNOSPAMaol.com
Subject: Re: Why some, not all?

There is a multitude of things happening when kundalini starts to move,
everything from unmasking throught forms, to removing and recreating memories
from the past. EAch person's soul is at a stage in the process, depending
where it is and how much connection there is to God determines the manner in
which the awakening will occur. Gloria