Date: Thu, 01 Aug kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 96 : Issue 75 1 From: Subject: Re: Re UfO's / Jule & Karol Ann >From what I've read on the subject of abduction, a lot of them could have happened on an astral plane, like an obe. But recently six implants were sucessfully recovered by a team of doctors and researchers. These implants were metallic and their shape suggests they were manufactured. You can see a good picture of some of them in one of the last MUFON Journal. And they seem to be here to watch the leap in evolution we're supposed to make soon and to help us if there's a need, but not necessarily in the way we think they should. I had so many dreams about them and the last one made me realize that we're them and they're us, whatever this means. Love >Hi: Jule and Karol Ann > >Jule said: >1) We have been genetically engineered from the beginning, why the missing >link is so elusive. We seem to be some kind of galactic experiment. > >2) From a combination of reading and what I have channelled. I am > guessing >that we humans have input from all the races in this galaxy, and when we > come >of age, we will be the "galactic man". > >3) John Mack is a Harvard psychiatrist who councils UFO abductees. His > book >is called Abduction, and hespeculates that the UFO's are actually our > future >selves visiting us. > >4) It does seem that time is a local earth occurence and as we evolve we >will time travel. Some of us may be able to do this in our sleep and meet > our >future selves. > >5) since we have many auric bodies, the etheric, astral, mental ad > infinitum >for all we know, could these so called experiments simply be what happens > to >us as we develop these bodies. they need to be linked to one another, and >since we are a biological species, some kind of seeming sex experiment > would >be the means. But in that case the sexual encounters would be with another >part of ourselves, not a stranger. > >6) On a few occasions recently, I've found myself seemingly travelling as >one of the greys and lifting a body (mine i think) on a ray of light as >described in the encounters. >this was rather a wild experience as you can imagine and totally >incomprehensible in normal terms. Since our brain cells are grey, I wonder >even if they represent a holographic part of our own brains, or perhaps our >souls. this is all speculation of course, but if anyone can enlighten me > on >this mystery I'd love to hear from you. > >--------------------------------------------------------------------------- >--- >----------------------- > >About the abductions, UFO's , and this whole area. I was going to mention >abductions is my last post, but thought it better not to. > >If any one does research in to this whole area not only from an academic >educational view point, but by such unaccepted mean as out of body travel > or >meditation. Then the conclusions are always exactly the same. Karol Ann >and Jule both are extremely interesting to me. I will not post any thing >about your experiences as that is up to you. > >Last night I was thinking to post about the missing link being so elusive, >but here you come with exaclty the same conclusions. You mentioned some >time ago about our souls being actually the grays and I said no way. You >are getting closer to the answer now >. > >This mailing list is very enlightening. Conclusions being made not from >only the text book mentality, but from actual personal experience and the >exchange of information being validated. These conversations are exactly > what >will bring in the leap of consciousness as Karol Ann mentioned in her post. >It will happen over the Internet. When so many minds agree then it will >happen. There are so many people in this world now and the reason for it's >over population is just because this is the most important time in history >for our earth. Many spiritual souls or entities and UFO's are fighting to >be here at this time. This is the first time in our history that we have > all >the tools and information available to us to awaken this kundalini and >connect the earth plane with the heaven planes. Just a few years ago I >studied the teaching of Sri Aurobindo and what is called mother. Sri >Aurobindo had just one main theme and that was to bring down the heavens to >the earth planes and unite both as one consciousness. I thought that his >teachings were the most stupidest thing that I ever heard of and sold all > of >his material. He always said that his teachings were not ready to be >accepted by the average person. Now at this time in history it has already >started. Things will go really very fast now in the evolution of the earth >and it's people. We can not keep our heads in the sand any longer unless > we >want to. > >Love, >Von > > > 2 Date: Thu, 01 Aug From: Subject: Re: Healing Those unhealed part of ourselves were buried so we could function "normally" in society. We were always told that we should forgive and forget. I think the K brings forth those things we though we had dealed with and put them right in front of us so we can REALLY deal with them and go forward from there to the next step toward consciousness. This is no easy task and it's understandable that periods of depression come with it. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not a locomotive. (This is such an old joke, but it still makes me laugh) Love to all. >There has been some talk in recent posts about various emotions >coming forth to be healed, and that these are being brought forth >by the kundalini energy. Each time I've read this, I found myself >stopping and wondering... just how or what are you all describing >as kundalini? > >Isn't it part of growth toward consciousness that unhealed parts >of ourselves are presented to be healed? Doesn't this happen >regardless of whether there has been an awakening of K? >s >Or is there some connection with kundalini which triggers these >deep unhealed parts to come out? > >I ask because I clearly am on a path of healing and awakening. >I remain uncertain if my experiences are "technically" kundalini >or if they might not be some sort of energy which is maybe even >a precursor to kundalini... > >Regardless of whether or not this is kundalini I am experiencing, >I am in the midst of some intense shifts... dipping back into >some deep depression, but trying this time time to look square >in the face at some of the rage generated from past abuse which >I have so often stuffed deep inside and let eat at me. >I seem to be walking through this easier this time and saying >"this is a process" rather than seeing it as something that >will go on and on and never end. > >Like a few others, I too tend toward "psychic spongeism" :) >Especially when the mass of feelings is so close to the >surface, I am just wide open to take in whatever is around me. > >And wow, whether this is from kundalini, or this is part of life, >even though very difficult at times, it sure is exciting and I >think I'm glad to be going through these tremendous changes to >who-knows-where. > >ori^ > >********************** >* ori^ * >* * >********************** > 3 Date: Thu, 01 Aug From: Subject: Re: Sex and K You've said it beautifully. Only the child knows when he wants sexual activity. It should not be initiated by someone who has power over him or her. This kind of sex is damaging and I don't think you can excuse it on your raging kundalini. Your first time can be a sweet memory or it can be such an awful one. Unwanted sex is damaging for anyone, adult or child. Love to all... > >Snowbird, > > I guess in general principle you are right in saying that children >should not be involved in sexual act with adults, only because it may be >damaging to their psyche. But I think that what we ought to be saying that >any activity, sexual or otherwise, that damages a being, in terms of soul >evolution, should be avoided. It is difficult to define when a child > becomes >an adult. Sometimes a child himself or herself looks for sex. I guess >nature-wise, it is the blossoming at puberty, that turns a child into an >adult. Any thoughts? > >Peace and love, >Tej > > 4 Date: Thu, 01 Aug From: Subject: Re: Unidentified subject! Another synchronicity. Tonight I was in the car, back from the countryside and I couldn't help but thinking about that. And the answer I came up with was just what's in your reply. I just ache when I see her all upset and angry. I wish to see her happy and serene with the process. Part of my question was: is it true that you can flip the switch to "off"? Stop it all? Thank you and love to all. >On Wed, 31 Jul 1996 wrote: > >> This is my question. How do I encourage her to change path? >> >> This is such a personal process that it's hard to touch the subject > without >> looking like a know-it-all. > >My suggestion is to simply be. Be a living, loving example of what is >good and right. I think most all of can relate to being told what is >right and wrong. We ultimately do what we want anyway. When we are >ready though, and begin searching, we remember words spoken from others, >and often, if we are fortunate enough to still have those people in our >lives, we seek them out. I personally believe that this is the best way >for you to be. Just be. > >Blessed Be > >Debee > 5 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 From: Subject: Re: Re UfO's / Jule & Karol Ann Hi: Viviane Brisson You asked if I was a women. No I am a man, I hope. Every one always asks the same question. Any suggestions on how I should write my name so people would know. Maybe ,Von the man or something? Let me know. You said: I'm a woman and I guess it shows in my posts. Yes it does! You said: >From what I've read on the subject of abduction, a lot of them could have happened on an astral plane, like an obe. But recently six implants were sucessfully recovered by a team of doctors and researchers. These implants were metallic and their shape suggests they were manufactured. You can see a good picture of some of them in one of the last MUFON Journal. And they seem to be here to watch the leap in evolution we're supposed to make soon and to help us if there's a need, but not necessarily in the way we think they should. I had so many dreams about them and the last one made me realize that we're them and they're us, whatever this means. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, what is the MUFON Journal? I would like to get a copy. These implants have been going on for some time now. I hope I don't have one. I don't think they would like me very much. One lady said that she had an implant behind one of her eyes. She went to the eye doctor and had x-rays taken. Something did show up but the doctors said that they could not operate or she would go blind. She had to leave it in. Do you think more women are abducted than men? Your observation is really good about when you said And they seem to be here to watch the leap in evolution we're supposed to make soon and to help us if there's a need, but not necessarily in the way we think they should. I feel the same way. You also said: I had so many dreams about them and the last one made me realize that we're them and they're us, whatever this means Don't you think that we came from them? I do. Also, I really believe that they do operate in the astral plane or how else could they travel so fast and also most people that were abducted also has obe. There was just a news report on T.V. last night about so many people just floating out their windows and being abducted right in New York City. I would love to hear what Karl Ann and Jule has to say about it. I bet that they will agree with you as I do. As always, Von (the man) 6 Date: Thu, 01 Aug 1996 From: Cynthia Anderson <> Subject: Thanks for your suggestions on music! Was I surprised to again have so much e-mail from all the fascinating postings. Really wonderful to know of this network of all of you out there. Karol Ann, Thanks for your suggestions on posture and yelling "Ha", have done that in the past for the throat chakra, but had forgotten about it. Have tried a few times today & feel like 5th is opening. Michelle, It was helpful to know of others that have this musical thing. I approach most of my life creatively, although haven't really done much artistically, other than in writings in the past several years. I, too, have had the sense that there is order and purpose for the various sounds of music. For several days I tracked it to determine. It does appear that my mood is somewhat affected by the sounds, or my mood affects the music...which comes first, chicken or egg? Some weeks, the musical sounds are exceedingly lovely, full orchestra, really quite inspiring, other weeks they are single, solitary, repetitive notes. I do feel that I am not accessing the puzzle pieces and keep being rather blank, which is unusual for me. I sometimes wonder if a part of my psyche is blocking to protect me from some "truth". When I read your e-mail about sculpting an angel, it made me long for some of the previous artistic pursuits I enjoyed, like weaving, sculpting in clay, working with paints. Perhaps I'll need to find time and make more visual attempts to let creative longings out. Gloria, I think you are correct when you mentioned that I am getting stuck in thought form. Many times in my life I have had helper spirits to guide & direct....lately, it feels like more of a darker I was spoon fed by loving entities from the "light" and now I need to see or feel the counter-balance of the "darker" forces, because both are equal. It does feel like at times the energy is being sucked. I usually feel quite good in the day, but by night feel fatigued, more depressed and at times more hopeless. One of the things I really miss, is that for many years I have heard the notes that Joseph Campbell talked about, the sounds of the spheres....I have heard them for years, in Manhatten, in LA, in the rain forest, in Sedona, in the Yucatan, no matter where I was. It was a balancer and grounded me to the earth. I have been able to hear these notes, because they are drowned out my the music, and I miss them. I am also having a much more difficult time focusing or meditating... Prior to the music, I felt quite in tune and linked with body, but now feel more unsettled and "blank". Jule, Interesting when you focused the spot being on the left ear, halfway between it & center of the head on a horizontal line.....I feel mine is both right and left, perhaps more dominant sounds on left, but about the same area, but a spot about 2 inches up from the ear about the size of a 50 cent piece. Often, the music seems "outside" of me and my fact, I ask people if they are sure they can't hear it. Sounds like a tape or CD playing in the same room. Sometimes I have had stereo-phonic sound, with different instruments in different sides or ears....really far out and that was quite nice! Hasn't done that for a few weeks. I have often tried to listen to the same music or different music, especially when doing the repetitive single note makes no difference. If the man made music is loud enough, it may drown it out, until a pause occurs and I hear my own through that. I can not seem to affect the music I hear, either my meditating on it, thinking of another song, or playing something else. A few times, I have thought I'd go mad, and after 10-20 hours of repetition, on a single note, it may change. Will be interesting in a couple of weeks, I've got an exciting adventure, a almost free trip to Belize for 2 weeks, a writing assignment (freelance) and will go spend time in the rain forest and interview a woman who runs Panti Medicine Trail....perhaps there is some rain forest herb that can be helpful. Enough already? Thanks for all input, and really found much of what many of you others said to be very enlightening. Love & Light, Cynthia 7 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 From: Subject: Women, sex and the big bang Tej: Loved your comment on the big bang. I think if God and the big bang are related, then God is definetly getting some kick. But what if the big bang is also part of the illusion. where does that leave us? Graham: Re Women not liking Playboy etc: This is because collectively we exploited men during the goddess era, then they got us back in the patriarchal era by exploiting us. Now we are trying to redress the balance by being taken seriously as people, not sex objects. Playboy etc, is a step backwards in our estimation. When you dig into the collective unconscious, you find there is a whole archetypal theme on woman as prostitute. MaryMagdalen in the Bible is an example Yet she was the one who first saw Jesus after the resurection. The fact is women often feel unworthy within themselves because of our past. That is why battered wives stay. We are just as worthy as men and are trying to find that sense again. Because sex was the means of making us feel unworthy, this is why we are so against sexual exploitation. As we proceed with evolution, we will be getting in touch with our souls more. since the soul is feminine, we all need to learn to value the feminine as being a force with equal value with the masculine. Love Jule 8 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 From: Subject: To Debee and Cynthia Debee: I agree that just being there and loving is the best medicine in any situation. That is why when I pray I merely send love and light. I don't attempt to do anything else. Love is very powerful, even though it doesn't seem like much to just be there for a person. this quote helps me: The rustle of a butterfly's wings can set off a tornado at the other side of the world. Cynthia; Since you mentioned the horses and the stampede, as setting off the music, I assumed the left side was the culprit. The reason being that the zodiac is a map of the brain, and the area I was referring to is the Lyre, which is next to Pegasus. I know this sounds very mystical, but it really works, and has helped me enormously to understand what is going on. If anyone wants me to explain this in more detail, I will, another time. However there is a corresponding side in the Right brain. For me the singing stuff tends to come from there. If it's any comfort, the aboriginees claim that God created the world by singing! You mentioned a sense of oppression. I went through this music stuff pre"K" and had some very dark times. Physically I was a mess and I can only compare it to being in the depths of hell. At that time I did seem to be actively fighting some dark forces. After "K" this manifestation cleared up. The focussing I mentioned does work, but it takes a lot of practice. Love Jule 9 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 06:21: From: Karol Ann Barnett <> Subject: Re: Re UfO's / Jule & Karol Ann Von, you are right on target on the alien scenario. DId you see CNBC the other night with Bud Hopkins, Stanton Friedman and the graphic artist who'd been abducted? A fascinating show. Yes, I think the aliens (and we call them that because they are foreign to our understanding, not necessarily because they are from another planet) slip through portals into multi-dimensions. But maybe I'd better be clearer, that not all aliens are of the same stripe. There are good, bad and indifferent ones, just like humans. But the abducting ones are highly advanced in technology and way behind in spirit. They have underestimated the human beings' spiritual potential and they are desperate for it because they can no longer create without it. THey have gone so far to the negative extreme that their species is dying out. That's why they need us. But anyone who has ever been abducted against their will also has the power to stop it. They just have to take back their power and they can. The abducting aliens forgot that they were created by the Divine. They believe that they created themselves. But now that they are a dying breed, maybe they are having second thoughts about that and they want what we have -- spirituality. They have it too, but they have long since forgotten all about their own Divinity. The negative ones have controlled humans for so long, they are very worried about what the kundalini and evolution means. Sorry everyone, didn't mean to go on and on about it, but it's a subject that has captured (pardon the pun) my attention in the past few years. BTW - Stanton Friedman will have a new book out soon. Bud Hopkins has a new book out on the woman who was abducted from NYC apartment house -- with witnesses. Dr Jacques Vallee's latest book is fiction, but it was the only way he could tell his latest research about Majic 12. 10 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 From: Subject: UFO's Well Von: You asked for it, you got it. So here goes. There is a series of books called The Earth Chronicles by Zechariah Sitchin which goes through all the Sumerian records, of how Adam and Eve were created and why. the Old Testament Genesis stuff was taken from this source. He is an OT scholar and compares with the Bible at every turn. If his interpretation of events is to be believed. There is a Twelfth Planet in the solar system which only appears every 3,600 years. this planet no longer supported life and we were genetically engineered by them so they could live here. I am simplifying. They were astral beings, and were forced to use apes as the raw material. Hence the missing link. Actually the records say they came to mine gold and needed to use us as miners because it was so hard to do. You have to read between the lines if you read this material, but I suspect that the greater plan was much more complicated. They seem to have been a warlike people who deliberately put themselves into these bodies. They also seem to have forgotten all their knowledge, which was considerable otherwise how could they have genetically engineered us? So I suspect that mining for gold can be translated as looking to learn love, which they badly needed if they were to avoid total annihilation. In other words they may have deliberately made themselves the equivalent of congenital idiots , by coming into the bodies. They are supposed to have been behind the pyramids etc, so in fact they may have left records behind, which could be read when they were ready to handle the knowledge again. That might explain the explosion of knowledge this century. There are other groups that came in too, at different times..Atlantis, Lemuria, the Egyptian civilization, to name a few. All of these people used the bodies that had been engineered. Seems to me there was some kind of Galactic agreement to do this. then when man finally evolved, he would be a representative of all these galactic groups. One advantage of the earth plain as opposed to the astral, is that the slowness, allows us to see the consequences of our actions better. The astral plain is much faster, and things can disappear before you can properly comprehend them. Sometime after"K" when things were still very jumbled, I had a dream in which I was about to enter an ape body for what seemed the umptienth time. I was thinking how much longer is it going to take to get these creatures to think properly. There was a feeling of absolute frustration, yet determination to continue. I'm sure this is related in that all of us are from one or other of these groups that came to earth and entered these engineered bodies. We have to remember that before Earth was here we were here somewhere, doing something even if we can't remember what it was. So they are our future, but also our past i would say. If we think of ourselves as members of the galaxy rather than of earth or just the solar system, it's easier to comprehend. Love Jule 11 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 From: Subject: UFO's again Just a clarification from my previous post on this subject. Some of the warlike beings are still out there because they don't want to change. We the ones here wished to change and evolve, hence the engineering etc. This universe operates on freewill, so those who wish to remain warlike have that option. If we remember who we are, beings who had everything they the warlike ones had, and gave it up to learn love and evolve spiritually, then we have nothing to fear from them. We are inherently more powerful because of our tremenduous love. Those living in fear have forgotten that point, and so these creatures can have an influence on them. If you turn your back on fear, and know only love they cannot touch you. Perfect love casts our fear. This is from both the Bible and A course in Miracles for those interested. Love Jule 12 Date: Fri, 02 Aug 1996 From: Pat WelshSubject: Deepak Chopra Snowbird wrote: >I've been aware for some time now of an author named Deepak Chopra. He's >everywhere around us, the papers, the bookstore, etc... > >Has anyone on this list read his books? If so, what's your evaluation of it? I may be unpopular in this position (I've only caught up to Digest #60--whereas you're all reading #74!), but I find Chopra full of hot air, and *wonder* how he came to be such a media-sought-out "expert"...?! When I read: I read to excerpt (into my diary and/or newsletter). Chopra's writings have given me NO "meat" to consider--rather, his airy words remind me of a book I tried to read, about Reiki: just plain No Substance (note: I'm not saying that the *subject under discussion has no substance,* only that the author-in-my-face *doesn't* help me further along on my path). I want concrete terms, not if-only "promises"... --Pat 13 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 07:28: From: Karol Ann Barnett <> Subject: Re: UFO's that's my understanding too Jule 14 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 From: Mary Knapp <> Subject: Re: UFO's >I was about to enter an ape body for what seemed the umptienth time. I was >thinking how much longer is it going to take to get these creatures to think >properly. There was a feeling of absolute frustration, yet determination to >continue. I'm sure this is related in that all of us are from one or other of >these groups that came to earth and entered these engineered bodies. > Jule, I feel this way most every day. Have for years. Pre and post K. I once burst into tears at a big picnic/party when the (we all thought phoney) fortune-teller started by saying that when I leave the planet 'they' will all rejoyce and congratulate me for a "job well done". The words really hit the core of my being and I was embarrassed by my own public tears. I am getting more comfortable with these kinds of messages. Mary 15 Date: Fri, 02 Aug 96 From: John Halonen <> Subject: Firends of OSHO Home Page. I was on the web going through some yoga pages and this and that. And I happened upon OSHO's page- I started reading his discourses and found them very interesting. If what he says is true, all of this is simply a game that leads away from dropping the ego and becoming enlightened. Witnessing the moment, every individual moment takes us away from the ego. The ego thrives off the future and relishes the past. But all that really exists is the moment. The future does not exist and the past is gone, it does not exist either. Has anybody else read these discourses? what do you think? It makes sense. How can you be angry about something that doesn't exist anymore? That is in the past. How can you be angry or emotional about the future? It hasn't happened yet. It doesn't exist. All that exists is now. Now I am typing. Now my energy flows. What do you think now? John Halonen