Date: Wed, 31 Jul kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 96 : Issue 74 1 From: Subject: Re: Prejudice It seems you see prejudice whenever people don't agree with you. You just said in you other post that you like kiddy porn along with the rest. What is it exactly? I can assure you I have nothing against erotica. Love >I don't write to get my kicks. But I know people who do. I warn about >following false gurus for I have done that myself and wasted both time >and money. > >A good Page to surf is >it is the home page of writer Peter McWillians who is known for books >like, "Life 101", "You can't afford the luxury of a negitive thought," >and "Life 102 What to Do When Your Guru Sues You." > >Some of the Gurus are True and some are not. I don't follow any at the >moment. > >I see nothing wrong with sex unless one is having sex in a unlawfull >sense A.E: with children, rape, sexual misconduct, etc. I have been >writing to create some support for people who have sex and are into >playing with fire. One can learn how to be a FireFighter or work with >fire. > >I am intrested in promoting Safe sex and conscious sexuality in >imagintive ways. Most of what I write about sex isn't even physical. >These are mental creative states not physical reality states. I work >with a creative mind to develop a kind or Buddhist right action. With >the awakening of the kundalini ones awareness become much more vast so >that there actions are more right or causes less suffering to others. >They have the insight to have the choices of the neutral mind where >many different choices are there to be taken for a given situation. > >I will still excuse the prejudice because I have noticed that this can >happen when the information is not all there. I am sorry if I offended >anyone even thought I notice that we have all learned how to become >offened from something. For me I learn to clease myself from the need >to even be offending or be offended because both are created by >illusions that I have learned. When the clensing is done then I notice >sex for what it is and I pass that gate. I also pass the other gates >too. > >george > >>From: (HyperMedia Technologies) > >>>I excuse your prejudice. >>> >>>george >>> >>>>From: Dolce Vita>>>> >>>>Hi George, >>>> >>>>Excuse the judgement, and I hope that maybe I misunderstood you. but >>>>it seems to me that you are getting in this group to advertise your >>>>porno photography, >> >> >>Hi, Lissette. >> >>Don't waste your time with this person. He gets his kicks by trying to >>bring sex into the list whenever the topic dies down. >> >>He does this on a regular basis. >> >> >>Best, >> >> >>Martin > > > > 2 Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 From: Cynthia Anderson <> Subject: Kundalini - Musical hallucinations? I tried to send this directly, but server was down? (I wrote a whole bunch of life history and it was lost, so here goes again. I had my first full K experience about 8 years ago, during the process of some breathwork; during that session, I felt enormous and rather painful pressure in my 1st & 2nd chakras...survival and sexual - I kept breathing, feeling stuck, when suddenly I felt a shifting and an electrical charge that raced from my feet went all the way to the top of my head, back down to feet, up again, and made a total of three complete circuits before it went out the crown chakra.....the feeling of overwhelming bliss, peace, beauty, connectedness, was awesome. I became the clouds, billowing through space, and then became the eye of an eagle...the physical sensations were like a giant tingle/electrical charge that was like a whole body cosmic orgasm.....This was my first breathwork and first K experience. During the next 5 years, I had the repetition of 3 more K experiences of a positive nature, although not as intense, still the tingling and full electrical circuit. The last time was about 3 years ago, and I literally felt elevated while laying on my bed, with simultaneous tingles and electric charge. I've also had the darker or flip side of K, with depression, feeling at times like I was dying; going crazy, having bizzare thought processes; almost hospitalized for depression. Something happened to me 10 weeks ago in mid May, where I went to a sacred Native American place, Cayon de Chelly in Arizona. During that time, I felt strangely at odds with everything, much subdued, and was leading a group, with Navajo guides, where I organized the trip for single people. A wild horse broke into our camp in the middle of the night and terrorized the horses, including a foal. The screams, the cries, were unearthly, and I became very frightened, as my tent was near the horses. I thought they were being slaughtered and would stampede my tent. Ever since that episode, I have had non-stop 24 hours per day music.....auditory hallucinations, if you will. They are usually limited in notes, instruments of flute, drum, oboe, violin, piano, etc. and occassionally all the naunces of notes will play together and be very beautiful. I am not musically inclined, don't read notes, although I love music. But the repetition made me crazy the first week. Same notes, like 4 over and over hour after hour. The first week was a sensory bombardment of obnoxious music, like "Jingle Bells Chorus" over and over for 20 solid hours. Sometimes I recognize the chorus of sounds, but am not able to affect it, change it or stop it. I have tried Shamanic drumming, singing along with the music, retreat to meditate for 3 days; fasting, smudging, burning white candles, listening to other music, relishing the music, hating it, letting it flow.....but over all, I feel stuck. I have consulted Shamanic Warriors, psychics, clairvoyants, etc. and no one seems to have any answers (that work) of how I can work through the process and not feel "stuck". (Also for much of this time and more the first month, my throat chakra was blocked, I was hoarse and raspy sounding when I talked and felt a real tightness & constriction. Has anyone heard of musical sounds as part of a K episode? Would appreciate any help and information you may have. Cynthia age 50 - have had many insightful profound spiritual experiences & feel I am usually in contact with my spirit guide and since this occurance, having been able to access my guides for clarification or information. 3 Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 From: Karol Ann Barnett <> Subject: Re: Kundalini - Musical hallucinations? Hello Cynthia and welcome to the list: I personally have not heard of constant music with the K experience, but I don't doubt it at all. Certainly it falls within the realm of possibilities. What a wondrous adventure you have been on! I wish I could offer you a suggestion, but this is a first for me. There are so many on the list that have offered such valuable insights, I know you'll get what you need here. Keep us posted on your progress! Karol Ann 4 Date: Thu, 01 Aug 1996 From: Graham Dumpleton <> Subject: Re: I am awakening again! wrote: > > You started out great, but now I very very sleeeeeeeeeeeeeepy again! Well, I hope you enjoy your adventures on the astral when you sleep. :-) -- Graham Dumpleton ( 5 Date: Thu, 1 Aug From: (Mark Hohenberg) Subject: Re: Viruses Hi all, Having read all the mails I've had on the Good times virus being a hoax, I think it is safe to say it is. When I first got that warning, I hadn't heard of the virus before and my reaction followed. Thanks to all for listening, and sorry for the inconvenience. Regards, Mark 6 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 From: Subject: Various Mary: After reading your story, think I'll move my geraniums! Gloria: The problem with astral bombardment is to recognise this is what is happening. When it happens, you experience feelings that are not normal for you, and which you may have discarded in one way or another a long time age. Then suddenly they are back in full force. You wonder why, and think you are regressing. If it is astral bombardment and you can recognise the fact, then it is easier to deal with. Then you can address the matter directly. Christ's words to Satan, Get behind me Satan are appropriate here. If you turn your back and send 'them' packing they will go away. If you don't ignore such attacks, you give them energy. they get their "kicks" from being taken seriously. Cynthia: I often experience the musical sounds. It's as if something got stuck as you said. The area where the sounds emanate in my head are about halfway between the left ear and the center of the head, going in a horizontal line. If you consciously focus on another part of your brain, they will disappear. You can test this by focussing on another area, then going back to that spot, and the sound will reappear. Another method is to listen to music, then very often the tune in your head will at least change! At one time it was so bad , even my dreams had background music as if I were in the movies. love Jule 7 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 From: Subject: Sex and K Hello everyone. I thank all of your for your welcome messages. I was not in contact for sometime. Looks like I will get the chance this weekend to read what all of you have been posting. I am glad to be talking to all of you. Patti, Thank you for the message. What you said is at the heart of the matter, in the sense that mind (with all its attendent conditioning) is one thing, and k is quite another. Mind has us in its grip all our lives, and K, once activated has the mind in its grip. In the cleaning process, the k will throw up all the so called dirty stuff of the mind (including unconcious) to the surface, for us to look at it. Somehow, this process makes it (mental things) lose its hold over us. When I said that the energy was PRIMAL, this has been at the core of my experience with kundalini. It sort of reminds me of the time when I was looking down a canyon, standing upon the edge, on the island of Kuai in Hawaii. It was like looking down several ages of time into the primal past, when there was possibly no humankind. But kundalini was there, in the same form - primal creative energy. The energy in sexual contacts feels somewhat of the same nature. Tej 8 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 From: Subject: Sex and K Shailendra, Thank you for your post. My experiences have been so varied and many that I could bore you for months. I think it may not be fair to unload all that on the list for all. The gurus I left behind also I would not like to put on the list, since some of the list members may be offended. I can send those to you personally. I guess my point was that typically these "gurus" or "masters" can be dangerous for those on the kundalini path, because they are not in "tune" with the K, and try to impose their own set of man-made values and conditioning, depending upon their own conditioning and upbringing. Here we Indians are the most to blame. Sorry for that, but that's the truth. There were several times that I wanted the energy turned off. It has never ceased to amaze me the kind of "stuff" that we carry in our unconciouus mind. It is nightmarish and it all comes out, thanks to the K. My own living nightmares are over, but I think that you can imagine some. There were times when I was too paranoid to even come out of the room. Then there were times when I thought I was going to die, and so on. Actually the times in India for me are not that good, simply because the society here is too damn conservative and medieval. Peace and Love, Tej. 9 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 From: Subject: Sex and K Snowbird, I guess in general principle you are right in saying that children should not be involved in sexual act with adults, only because it may be damaging to their psyche. But I think that what we ought to be saying that any activity, sexual or otherwise, that damages a being, in terms of soul evolution, should be avoided. It is difficult to define when a child becomes an adult. Sometimes a child himself or herself looks for sex. I guess nature-wise, it is the blossoming at puberty, that turns a child into an adult. Any thoughts? Peace and love, Tej 10 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 From: Subject: Sex and K Jule, You said: >Everyone: >A semi-facetious question. >Since "k' is the primal energy of the universe, at least in one particular >manifestation, and we're all agreed that one way it expresses is very >sexual.. >Is the big bang God having an orgasm? >Love Jule. Equally facetiously: Big bang and God, I don't think do mix. In Big bang there is no God. Very much like in " Military" and "Intelligence". However, if Big bang God is having an orgasm, then he/she must at least be having a kick out of what he/she is supposed to be doing. Peace and love, Tej 11 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 00:02:54 +0 From: Subject: Sex and K Graham Dumpleton, You have posted any interesting piece which raises some very fine points. I guess it is really subjective what constitutes "erotic art" and what constitutes "pornography". But if I gather your conclusion correctly, you are saying that the difference between "erotic art" and "pornography" is that the latter arouses our desires whereas the former doesn't. Then if "pornography" is having such a negative connotation, then it must be due to the fact that it is arousing desire in us. Then arousing a desire must be equally bad. But then, it is the arousal of desire that leads to to the ultimate act of creation - procreation. Now that's quite a twist !. And if the microcosm and the macrocosm are inter-related, then that's how God must be??? It may just be that whatever there is in the creation, is equally a valid expression of the creativity of God. What really would be the reaction of the people to seeing a center-spread from Playboy, with a few touches of the brush, in a famous art museum? I think it is not degrading to have desires. I think that typical pornography actually upsets most women because they find that women in it have been treated without respect and adoration. They may have a point in that, and their pride is hurt. Tej. >There have been a number of messages about how people feel that there >musical abilities and the compositions they have produced manifest >because of the Kundalini being awakened within. To make this claim is >reasonable as through some mechanism, Kundalini may have the effect >of inspiring us to be more creative. Allowing any additional energy >to flow into a creative task is actually helpful to our development >as the opposite to allowing it to flow in this way is to block it, >thus restricting its flow with possibly subsequent affects on the >subtle and physical bodies. Creativity can be expressed in many >ways. It may be expressed through music, through work, or through >art. It may even be expressed through what can be called erotic art. >The question is though, when does erotic art become pornography? Do >we lump everything which shows man and women in their nakedness in >to the category of pornography? Would you say that paintings >from the renaisance period depicting naked, voluptuous women being >amorous to similarly attired men, is art or pornography? A number of >photographers have published collections of works featuring the nakedness >of the female body when pregnant. Is that art or is it pornography? >Similarly have their being exhibitions of work featuring men and women >in naked poses, having sex and even showing them engaging in >masturbation. The term pornography is used to describe text or images >which arouse sexual desire. Although some will lump all or some of the >above into the category of pornography, the intent has been to depict >the beauty of the human form and help people appreciate the body they >have, not arouse ones desire. As these works manifest from the creativity >of the individual, the human form can be said to have manifested from >the creativity of God. When the human form is used in this way as art, >as distinct from how it is often used in magazines such as Penthouse or >Playboy, can we say that it is pornography? Can we deny that as art it is >a valid expression of the creativity of an individual? >-- >Graham Dumpleton ( 12 Date: Fri, 2 Aug 1996 From: Subject: Sex and K Robert, Thanks for your comments. To tell you frankly, I had my kundalini awakening while I was smoking pot in Sunnyvale, California. Those were heady days. Some may feel that that makes my kundalini sort of "impure" and suspect. However, quite the contrary has been my experience. The energy in me has been very strong, powerful and surprisingly very protective. I dont take drugs any more, in fact I left them, or they left me a very long time ago. Ironically, if you ask me, intuitively I would say that there is no relation between the K and drugs. K is the master, it mat use any excuse or any rouse, when it wants to get going. Peace and Love, Tej 13 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 From: Mary Knapp <> Subject: children >To: >From: Mary Knapp <> > >At 10:53 PM 7/31/96, you wrote: >>I was talking more in term of child pornography. Anything between adults is >>fine with me. But, from a personal experience, I can tell you children don't >>want sex. >> >>I'm comfortable with sexuality between partners of same sex or not, but I >>must be stuck in my personal evolution, I just don't get why an adult would >>find children sexually arousing. Any thoughts on this subject in the group? >> > > >People who are sexually attracted to children are often just not very sexually sucessful with adults. Also, there is a powerlessness about them. They need to feel powerful in order to participate in sex and it's easiest to feel that way with kids. They do not feel safe with the give and take, or the shifts in the balance of power that go on in an equal partnership. Often these power problems stem from early childhood experiences of abuse at the hands of a (powerful) adult. They switch roles to get away from their uncomfortable feelings rather than work them out with therapy or spirituality. > >A contributing factor is how 'youth obsessed' our society is. We also give more love and attention to children - they are the hope of the future, they are innocent, etc. - than say to our senior citizens. I know some seniors who objected to those child-on-board signs that peolpe put in their car's back windows just as vehemently as African Americans might have objected to signs saying "White People On Board". They certainly have a point. > >Mary > 14 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 From: (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.) Subject: frequencies Deep thanks to Jule, Mark, Eric, Brenda and all others who have made such helpful comments about anger and depression, personal and transpersonal. Again, I am so grateful for this list. I've also been remembering Richard Moss's comments on emotions (in "The Black Butterfly," quite good and ecumenical in theory), where he essentially describes each emotion as an energy frequency to be handled as just that, energy. Of course K seems to make everything SO MUCH MORE SO! Holly 15 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 16:56: From: Mark Rivera <> Subject: Re: frequencies No problem. I hope you are feeling much better. 16 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 From: Mary Knapp <> Subject: Re: Sex & K At 10:53 PM 7/31/96, you wrote: >I was talking more in term of child pornography. Anything between adults is >fine with me. But, from a personal experience, I can tell you children don't >want sex. > >I'm comfortable with sexuality between partners of same sex or not, but I >must be stuck in my personal evolution, I just don't get why an adult would >find children sexually arousing. Any thoughts on this subject in the group? > People who are sexually attracted to children are often just not very sexually sucessful with adults. Also, there is a powerlessness about them. They need to feel powerful in order to participate in sex and it's easiest to feel that way with kids. They do not feel safe with the give and take, or the shifts in the balance of power that go on in an equal partnership. Often these power problems stem from early childhood experiences of abuse at the hands of a (powerful) adult. They switch roles to get away from their uncomfortable feelings rather than work them out with therapy or spirituality. A contributing factor is how 'youth obsessed' our society is. We also give more love and attention to children - they are the hope of the future, they are innocent, etc. - than say to our senior citizens. I know some seniors who objected to those child-on-board signs that peolpe put in their car's back windows just as vehemently as African Americans might have objected to signs saying "White People On Board". They certainly have a point. Mary 17 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 14:15: From: Karol Ann Barnett <> Subject: Re: Sex and K > I guess it is really subjective what constitutes "erotic art" and what > constitutes "pornography". But if I gather your conclusion correctly, you are > saying that the difference between "erotic art" and "pornography" is that the > latter arouses our desires whereas the former doesn't. Then if "pornography" I think the difference is intent. Erotic art celebrates the sensuous while pornography, IMHO, is manipulative and seeks to dominate which is negative. 18 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 From: Subject: Re: Kundalini - Musical hallucinations? Cynthia, I've had music as a beautiful awakening tool, it sounds like you are getting stuck in a thought form. In your visions are you having a lot of spirits around manipulating or drawing on your energies. Usually when I see this kind of thing something is coming into your space and sucking out the energy. Do you align yourself with divine will and center in on God's Will for you? Tell me more. Gloria 19 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 9 From: (Mark Hohenberg) Subject: tcpeg-l list Hi all, Just a brief note to say that if anyone is interested in joining a new list, which still has an undetermined theme, and is presently inactive waiting for more people to sign up, then send a mail to: with the body of the message: subscribe tcpeg-l and hopefully soon the list will decide it's issues, and get running. Regards, Mark 20 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 17:44: From: "Debee L. Thomas" <> Subject: Re: Unidentified subject! On Wed, 31 Jul 1996 wrote: > This is my question. How do I encourage her to change path? > > This is such a personal process that it's hard to touch the subject without > looking like a know-it-all. My suggestion is to simply be. Be a living, loving example of what is good and right. I think most all of can relate to being told what is right and wrong. We ultimately do what we want anyway. When we are ready though, and begin searching, we remember words spoken from others, and often, if we are fortunate enough to still have those people in our lives, we seek them out. I personally believe that this is the best way for you to be. Just be. Blessed Be Debee 21 Date: Thu, 01 Aug 1996 From: Prema Qadir <> Subject: Re: Sex and K Dear Tej, You sound like you know what's going on. Where do I go to find out about Kundalini? 22 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 From: Subject: Re: Unidentified subject! Hi: Debee You said: >My suggestion is to simply be. Be a living, loving example of what is good and right. I think most all of can relate to being told what is right and wrong. We ultimately do what we want anyway. When we are ready though, and begin searching, we remember words spoken from others, and often, if we are fortunate enough to still have those people in our lives, we seek them out. I personally believe that this is the best way for you to be. Just be. -------------------------------------------------- I just sent a suggestion to some on the mailing list with a similar problem, but my suggestion did not come out as nicely as yours did. Hope you don't mind if I ask this person to read yours as I am only confusing him. It must be the feminine touch. Maybe many people are asking very similar questions. I always say men and woman are equal. A women should not act like a man and a man should not act like a women. Both are important as they compliment each other. Competition is not needed as both are special in their own way. Thanks Von 23 Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 From: "Debee L. Thomas" <> Subject: Re: Unidentified subject! > I always say men and woman are equal. A women should not act like a man > and a man should not act like a women. Both are important as they compliment > each other. Competition is not needed as both are special in their own way. I disagree on just one small point. That being, we are working on balancing the yin/yang energies within. Our male/female opposites. At times, men should be more sensative, and in a sense, kind of like a woman. On the flip side, women should be a bit more aggressive and in a sense, like a man. So, there are times when the opposite side of us should be a bit more strong than it is as a general rule. Blessed Be Debee