Date: Sat, 27 Jul kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 96 : Issue 69
From: (Michelle Withers)
Subject: just a few thoughts
Dear all,
I've been away on vacation for awhile and wanted to share some of my
thoughts with you all. I haven't really read through many posts, so
haven't kept up with conversation, but noticed someone speaking of talents.
I have been very blessed in this lifetime with natural talents in many many
areas of my creativity - musically, artistically, maternally, and just
plain old understanding this life we live, so that I am enjoying it -
totally :).
I have been wondering all of my life - What am I supposed to do with all
these talents?? They are by far WAY too many for one woman to ever use,
and I seem to go through constant changes and phases in things I can
perfect - easily, like recalling a past life trade, which I had perfected.
I know I am a very old soul, going way back to the beginning of time. I
can remember lots of my lifetimes. I haven't had a bad memory yet :)
I seem to be on a journey to fullfill this lifetime - to perfect *it* :)
To spread the news that we all can and will perfect living in love and
Kundalini has been a major part of my life, and my past lives. I can
remember being a medicine woman calling up the power of Mother Earth - over
a fire, with my whole tribe watching quietly as I carried out this ancient
ritual. And it *felt* incredible, much the same as it feels with me in
this lifetime when I allow heaven to flow through me while I dance, sing,
write, sculpt, mother, love.
Just a few thoughts, :)
In light and love,
2 Date: Sun, 28 Jul
Subject: Re: Kabbalah
Yes I am familiar with many of the teachings of the mysteries schools. The
initiation process that we talk about in regards to kundalini and the chakras
is also aligned with the kabbalah, and the tree of life. All of these forces,
energies, or frequencies are a part of the initiations and in truth it all
happens in the etheric realms. It is important to frecognize there are many
teachings coming together from many many sources, kundalini is only one
aspect of this energy coming together with many truths. That is why it is
important to be open and detached so that one can take in the overview of a
much larger picture. Gloria
3 Date: 28 Jul 9
From: DOROTHY BATES <74652.1614ATNOSPAMCompuServe.COM>
Subject: Re: From Jule--Various
Thank you, Von. Though this is not one of them, I have a number of poems
written at the height of kundalini experience...which were written
automatically. at least 3 of them are from pre-Christian times and use
language that was quite new to me.
4 Date: Sun, 28 Jul
From: Dolce Vita
Subject: Re: Sex & K
Hi George,
Excuse the judgement, and I hope that maybe I misunderstood you. but
it seems to me that you are getting in this group to advertise your
porno photography, I hope not because all of us including you are
working in our spiritual "sadhana" our path to enlightenment, and
believe that indulging in sex and photographing "children and adults
in "legal sexual pictures" what does is create bad Karma. Sex is a
natural thing,and so is eating, sleeping and doing every physical
function, but putting down people who follow masters, and using your
"kundalini awakening" to apply it to your own way, and that way is
using sex as an entrapment for yourself and others., it is my believe
that pushes you further away from the path.
I am not preaching here, just recommending that you get more
information about handling this divine energy, that when it runs wild
can run against you.
5 Date: Sun, 28 Jul
Subject: Re: Kabbalah
HI: Gloria
You said:
> Yes I am familiar with many of the teachings of the mysteries schools. The
initiation process that we talk about in regards to kundalini and the
is also aligned with the kabbalah, and the tree of life. All of these
energies, or frequencies are a part of the initiations and in truth it all
happens in the etheric realms. It is important to frecognize there are many
teachings coming together from many many sources, kundalini is only one
aspect of this energy coming together with many truths. That is why it is
important to be open and detached so that one can take in the overview of a
much larger picture.
I forgot to mention to you that the Kundalini and charkras were as you said
aligned with the kabbalah. Now that you mentioned it. Some time ago was it
you that I asked about he Angels being connected with each charkra. If not
then I am sorry. Do you remember I asked if angels had wings which I meant
as a joke, but also asked if you thought that there were angels corresponding
to each of the charkras? Like the archangel Michael the militant archangel
of (Dan. 10:13.) , Gabriel the divine messenger of ( Dan 8:16 ) and Raphael.
Also others in a particular order. I am not really a Christian and I am not
quoting from the bible as I don't even have one. On a deeper level all the
religions say the same thing anyway. The Kings, Queens and high priests of
those times have almost completely destroyed the real meaning of the bible so
they could control the people. It should become clear by now why the
teachings are in parables, angels and allegory. After my kundalini
experience things like Christ dying on the cross took on a completely new and
powerful meaning. After that I could clearly see where the bible was
completely altered for personal power and of course money. So I went more
toward the Hindu and Yoga teachings because they confirmed the things I could
now relate to easer.
I mentioned the seven seals and the seven churches in the book of revelations
in a past post for a reason, but didn't receive an answer. If you think hard
you should see the relation of the above archangel to the charkras and the
seven seals as mentioned. When a person is fortunate enough to see through
the third eye then many things take on a new and more power meaning such as
this. I really think that these teachings have another completely different
meaning and are really written more for the person that can see spiritually
than for the average person anyway. Those deeper meanings are still intact
because the Kings, Queens and high priests of those times never had their
other abilities developed enough to see. Concentration on a much higher
charkra is needed order to see it! If these things were not so then
initiation would not be needed.
Not many people posting today so will post this.
As always,
6 Date: Sun, 28 Jul
Subject: Re: From Jule--Various
E-mail me some of you poems sometime.
7 Date: Sun, 28 Jul 96
From: Richard Satin <>
Subject: Fwd: Re: Author and book list
------- FORWARD, Original message follows -------
Subject: Re: Author and book list
Hi. I must say I disagree with anyone who thinks Depok Chopra is an expert or
authoriy on anything. Ive met him and read his books and also his
cassettes and i find him really uninformed and way off in his
understanding. Just a personal opinion . Love Royale
------- FORWARD, End of original message -------
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by
people who annoy me.
Noel Coward
9 Date: Sun, 28 Jul
From: Richard Satin
Subject: Fwd: newly connected (I hope)
------- FORWARD, Original message follows -------
Subject: newly connected (I hope)
The journey to finally be a part of the larger K community has been as
strange as my K awakening. Lately I have been feeling intensely lonely and
impatient. During my awakening, I actually had such a strong vision about
how education needed to be transformed, that I tried to implement it at
school. Unfortunalely, my sense of time was a little compressed, and noone
was quite ready for my ideas. I spent three days in a psych. unit, and was
placed on administrative leave. Fortunately, I have been a successful
teacher for many years, so I am not totally shunned by our small community,
although noone looks at me the same. Some of my friends have been fine, but
they still consider me quite fragile. Shortly after my awakening, a good
friend died in a kayaking accident. In order to tell me, they brought
together 3 friends and a nurse. Really. Before this happened, I knew
absolutely nothing about Kundalini. Since then, my life has been changed
forever, and I am still learning new things, and experiencing different
levels of awareness. I know that my service will be in education, and many
of my visions will be realized. My problem is that my body seems so
sluggish, and I still have lots of anxiety about what can go wrong. I admit
it. I want even more signs that I am on the right track, and that I won't
be shamed again. Today I went to a big local celebration with the parade
down main street and the whole bit. I could maintain my enery shield for a
while, but suddenly it came crashing down, and I felt as if everyone was
either speaking to me through pity or anxiety (she really is crazy). It's
hard to maintain a strong ego, even though I have had several
sychronicities and other signs that things are going in the right
direction. How can I strengthen my outer persona, and just let things
happen? My inner dialogs are still constant.
A really good book for me has been The Liquid Light of Sex. No, you
guys, it is not about sex. I've been reading the recent postings. It's
mainly about how astrological events coincide with awakenings. She really
has found some amazing correlations. 40 does seem to be about when this
happens to many people.
Anyway, I look forward to staying in touch. This feels better
already. Thanks. Anne
------- FORWARD, End of original message -------
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by
people who annoy me.
Noel Coward
11 Date: Sun, 28 Jul
Subject: Re: Gloria/Von and Tarot and Revelation
Hi everyone:
Two great books that helped me were Jung and Tarot, and Archetypal Journey by
Sallie Nichols, published by Samuel Weiser Inc 1980
ISBN 0-87728-480-6 (hardcover)
ISBN )-87728-515-2 (paperback)
The other isThe Revelation published by ARE press and available through
them.Their address is Atlantic Ave and 59th st., Virginia Beach Va23451
This latter is a synopsis and evaluation of readings given by Edgar Cayce on
the Revelation. Itrelates the book to the seven chakras.
Love Jule
12 Date: Sun, 28 Jul
Subject: Re: Comments on focussing too much on sex
Hi everyone:
According to the esoteric Tibetan buddhist tradition, the energy from the 2nd
chakra has to eventually be moved up to the 5th chakra, in the form of
creativity. So when George says he is using sex creatively, my reaction is,
this is half a step in the right direction. At least it is creative. but of
course to move completely from that place, it is necessary to find creative
outlets other than the purely sexual.
Think about this George.
Love Jule
13 Date: Sun, 28 Jul
Subject: Chakras and Clearing
Dear Ones, thank you for all of the information and the "helping hands" who
are out there. I do believe that what I am going through shall pass in time.
I feel like I am doing some emotional clearing of the planetary
consciousness as well, as was mentioned in one of the responses to my
The analogy of the Biblical seven seals to the seven chakras is one I have
thought about before. I have heard lately about the important need for us to
clear the lower chakras sufficiently before we can really take advantage of
what the upper chakras have to offer us. I have some concern about that
concept, because for one thing the words "lower" and "upper" denote the exact
kind of separation that is keeping us in this maya of duality. I feel the
ultimate goal is to unify the entire chakra system so there is no
separateness. How we go about doing that is a lifelong process.
I too have taken an affinity to the
teachings of the Hindu religion. Tuesday is the day of Guru Purnima, a day
to honor our Masters and Teachers. When I talked to my friends back in
Crestone, Colorado, where a Divine Mother temple is located, they said that
this day is especially powerful this year because of the energies that day of
Jupitur in Sagitarrius in Jyotish astrology. I'm not sure what that means
exactly. I know they are doing a fire ceremony and meditation that day.
I also think it is a day to really start honoring ourselves as the Masters and
Teachers that we really are, for that is what a Master does, is lead you on
your own way to your own divinity and own Mastery. Thaks again for all the
help. Many Blessings, Christine
14 Date: Sun, 28 Jul
Subject: To Anne
Welcome to the list.
Many of us have been through the kind of experiences you describe.
You did not indicate, how long ago your "K" awakening was. Mine was almost 4
years ago, and it is only recently that I don't feel so vulnerable especially
in crowds. Even now I limit how long I am with others, even when i know the
group to be totally loving.
Things do get better though. so hang in there, and keep reading the letters,
you will feel less alone, i know I do.
thank heavens for this list.
Love Jule
15 Date: Sun, 28 Jul
From: (Michelle Withers)
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Author and book list
Dear Royale and all,
Michelle here, Royale was saying....
>Hi. I must say I disagree with anyone who thinks Depok Chopra is an expert
>or authoriy
>on anything. Ive met him and read his books and also his cassettes and i
>find him
>really uninformed and way off in his understanding. Just a personal opinion
>. Love
I haven't been following the conversation on authors and books - I have
been away, but I just wanted to comment.
I respect Depok Chopra immensly becausy he has gone WAY out on a limb in
addressing the possability that we have a higher self. I am not going to
pass judgement on his teachings, for there are so many ways to the
enlightenment, but I do respect him for getting the word out "there" that
there are other possabities other than this reality.
He has probably opened up more minds than anyone else in the U.S. lately -
on a grand scale, and for this I honor him.
In light,
16 Date: Sun, 28 Jul 1996
Subject: Re: Comments on focussing too much on sex
Hi: Jule
You said:
According to the esoteric Tibetan buddhist tradition, the energy from the
chakra has to eventually be moved up to the 5th chakra, in the form of
creativity. So when George says he is using sex creatively, my reaction is,
this is half a step in the right direction. At least it is creative. but
course to move completely from that place, it is necessary to find creative
outlets other than the purely sexual.
You are 100% correct!
17 Date: Mon, 29 Jul 1996
Subject: Re: Fwd: newly connected (I hope)
If you spend your time getting in touch inside, you won't be so aware of what
others are thinking and doing. Blessed are those persecuted should help you
to realize that it is a part of the awakening process since we all of a
sudden stand out as different.
I've always worked with people to see these signs as reflections of being on
the mark. If everyone was standing by and understanding, etc. there would be
no test. The ego is what is challenged here, right, and that has to go
anyway. So, be thankful and learn to observe yourself and others, it will
take away the negative energy. God Bless Gloria