Date: Tue, 23 Jul kundalini-l-d Digest Volume 96 : Issue 65
Subject: Re: I am awakening again!

I'll take the title of goddess any time!!! Even princess Di doesn't have this 


Snowbird :-))

Need that bit of humor here and now.

>HI George
>I am sure the women will love you for making them out as a sex object again
>and especially a Goddess sex object!
>On the area of sex I don't have anyone that I can have sex with do I
> meditate on it. I created a inner lover or goddest who allows me to do
> what wills so that I can learn insights to sexual/creative energy. I
> have learned to reguide the sexual energy so that it is right in its
> action.
> I have notice that many people seem to think too much about the
> physical body and not about the mental/spiritual body. I have created a
> goddest inside that helps me evaluate my choices in my actions. If I am
> sexually energised I can convert that energy into heartfelt compassion
> and love.
> I love to meditate on sex but much of what I do is mental/spiritual and
> not physical in the sense that most people relate to sex. I have always
> had a different point of view of sex that most people becasue I wanted
> to improve sex in the idea of higher desires. Much of what makes sex a
> problem is in misconduct. When people learn one way they think that it
> is the only way to do it.
> I work with my sexual impulses in my photography and way of life.
> I'll try to illustrate how I do this. In my mind I visulise who is my
> sexual subject. Im my mind I evaluate my action and convert it into
> what I want for that situation. 
> My thinking is sexually disposed and it might be becasue I am a Scorpio
> but I have figured out a way to work with sexual feelings that is
> positive.
> I have had it a goal to figure out a way to help highten both sexual
> pleasure and right action. Much of the problems with sex is wrong
> action. The action of lust not love.
> When the Kundalini opens for me I realise the way to have sex right and
> also how to guide others in this action. Becasue the opening of the
> Kundalini is like a mental/spiritual orgasm or bliss releace one
> doesn't need to be focused on the physical orgasm all the time. One can
> dream about touching, kissing, going to romatic places, and experincing
> higher states with their love one.
> For my way of love I have to take this path of Kundalini so that I have
> the right guidence of my right action. I become balanced in the area
> that I fret the most. To have a lover who accepts that you need
> guidence and allows you to learn higher truths through them is really
> helpful.
> I have always noticed that sex is never delt with holy highness as it
> should. I have made it my intent to create Images of what right sex
> action is as the kundalini awakens all higher states of a person. I
> feel if people learn a positive way of sex it will promote a right way
> of sex choices.
> george

2 Date: Tue, 23 Jul
Subject: Re: me too and earthquake

I would take this occasion to ask of all of you a little prayer for the 
people here in the province of Quebec that are left out in the cold (yes, 
even in the summer) with anything but the shirt on their back. In case you 
haven't seen it on tv, there were big floods there that wiped out most of 
Chicoutimi and La Baie. 10,000 people out on the street.

>Holly asked:
>	Do many of us live near faults?
>I do! I drove over the Hwy 14 overpass at about 2 AM,
>going in very early to work. It collapsed at about 5 AM.
>Having suffered from occasional schizophrenic delusions
>in the past, especially regarding messianic grandeur,
>I was very excited to have caused that earthquake. 

3 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: Crown chakra

Besides your head becoming ten feet tall and your life changing completely,
nothing happens much. No seriously it is a dramatic consciousness change that
is never reversed when it syncronizes all the chakras it is a major
initiation. Gloria

4 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: Re earthquakes

I have also felt these frequencies, but it isn't absolute that earthquakes or
other things will be as big of disaster as is thought, intercession is in
operation big time in this hour. Many factors go into the equation in the
cause and effect process. Those who connect up to divine will for instance,
can assist in balancing the gap between frequencies and decrease the impact.
I know this is true because I've seen it from the other side and am working
with this directly through the Holy Spirit. Gloria

5 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: I am awakening again!

How are you doing with my book? Did you receive it snail mail? Gloria

6 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: Re earthquakes

Yes, this is what I am talking about in decreasing the gap in frequencies, we
do assist with cause and effect on a planetary bases when we are aware and
open to the Holy Spirit. Gloria

7 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: Re earthquakes

Everything in life has its frequency, when you are moving through the octaves
and learn to use your body like a musical instrument you are indeed in tune,
or at one with matter. How else could Christ walk on water? Gloria

8 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: me too and earthquake

My love and life force reaches out to those in Canada in need. They have
protection, God knows and see all. Gloria

9 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: A short pause

Natha, Have a great trip, I will join you in spirit. GloriaWe will talk again
when the time is right.

10 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 9
From: Raymond 
Subject: Crown, Tears and Silence 

>Richard mentioned the temporary inability to speak.

After a period of deep meditation or a sudden shift in consciousness i also
experience this inability to speak.  In fact the ability to reason with the brain
completely ceases so that language itself appears foreign.
This is not to say that reasoning and intelligence also cease. 
Instead the mind is crystal clear and extremely focused. It is easy to regain 
control if need be.

i believe this is caused by the spiritual consciousness momentarily taking
control of the physical.  The two minds (physical and spiritual) sit on a scale.
As long as the physical is in complete control the spiritual
is silenced and vice versa.

By the way, i believe that freeing the spiritual mind from the slavery
imposed by the physical is our main purpose in life. 

>Jule asked about the crown opening.

i have only experienced the crown opening a few times.  One of the more
esoteric results was a coloring of my perception.  Everything took on
a violet hue.  Also there was an extreme sense of detachment.
Though there was a lot of clamor around me i was able to view 
this from an almost eternal perspective.  What was mentioned above
concerning silence also applies here. 

We are talking about an opening of the center not the sesations that
occur when a center is developing, tingling, aches, pressure, heat and so on.

>Several members described tears.

Sometimes when the heart center, anahata, is active i can be
overwhelmed by the emotions of others, particularly sadness.
This occurs when i am within a certain distance to the depressed person.
The first time this occurred i thought no one else was around but i 
instinctively searched and found a very distressed couple close by. 


11 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 96 
From: Richard Satin <>
Subject: Karma questions...

A listmember asks these questions:  

I cry when I see beggars or feel the pain of others.  Is this related 
to karma?  Was I in this situation myself at one time or another or 
is this related to the "k" as it is called?

Also I read somewhere that your chakra that opens initially is 
related to your previous karma?

Any thoughts on these matters?

...and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where 
we started and to know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot

12 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: To Blue


I agree with you there are differences between the microcosm and the
That is what is so puzzling.

However one clue might be in the fact that before"K" I was mainly working on
myself.  After "K', there was a radical shift, and i was swimming in the
collective unconscious, or at least attempting to swim. This process has
taken me back to successive layers of the collective, and is still doing so.

I wonder does our own individual consciousness reflect the equivalent of
matter at the atomic level.,  and the collective unconscious reflects matter
at the planetary/solar level.  If so , this would account for people
undergoing the process feeling these things.  We are feeling at a macro level

Thanks also for your input on the crown chakra----all of you.

I've been experiencing some strange things recently which I am trying to put
into some kind of sensible framework.

Are there levels higher than the crown chakra, and if so what does anyone
know about them ?  Sorry to pick your brains like this but there is so much
stuff out there, and we can't always find the time to wade through it all.

Love to all Jule 

13 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: Goddesses


Sounds to me that you are having a wonderful time out there.  

Sex is only one manifestation of love.  Some of the higher chakras open up
the other areas to different expressions of love such as service for

One way some open the heart chakra is to imagine some higher being such as
the Christ or Buddha sitting in their heart area.  This helps them to go out
there and learn to love unconditionally no matter what stuff they encounter.

Whether putting your goddess into the heart area would work, I really don't
know.  But you might want to try and move the energy up a little .  Active
imagination is a great tool to do this.

The idea is to try to move the energy up.  Hope this helps.

Love Jule 

14 Date: Wed, 24 Jul
Subject: Re: To Blue

There are centers above the head as well that puts you directly in contact
with the spiritual hierarcy of the planet. Gloria

15 Date: Wed, 24 Jul
From: ijuster
Subject: Karma

I have a view of karma that may be different from the majority opinion. Oh goes....

First, a story:
There was a spiritual seeker who went from guru to guru, looking to reach
samahdi. Each time he found a practice, he was told, "If only you go little
higher, then you will reach it...if only you will (fill in the blank) a
little more...then you will get there.

One day he got tired of not reaching samahdi. He decided to give up his
searching and to see everything around him as filled with the divine love
and light of samahdi. He embraced existence in the NOW. And he found
samahdi, and that he could get there any time he wanted to.

(This is a tantric story.) We call the first path, the indirect path to
samahdi. The second path, the direct path to samahdi.

Now: what does this have to do with karma (and kundalini?)!!
In my experience, when I had my awakening, the k actually burned out my
karmic chain. I had a distinct sense of being born again, a clean slate. It
felt to me that I was beyond time, in a place of pure and total love for all
around me. I was truly born again into a state of pure love.

It felt as if the karma had been cleansed.

Karma is a type of debt system. You do something to someone that isn't very
nice, and they retailiate. You retailiate. Or maybe you do pennace, but then
someone else does something to that other person for what they did to you.
So the way karma is perpetuated is to foster "an eye for an eye" type
existence. What ends the karmic chain? Love and forgiveness and
understanding. When someone sends mean to you, you forgive them and if
possible, send love back. That way you keep your own karma clear. See the
perfection in what happens, (god(desses)'s will, if you will), and seed love
back out in the world, whatever it was that was sent your way.

People on the direct path are the ones that have the ability to do this. It
is  a myth that we must keep going "higher" and "higher" in order to be
fully realized. After all, if the light is within us, then all we need to do
is to recognize that, too. We don't need to go anywhere, just open the doors
inside ourselves.

Being on the indirect path can become an excuse for not being loving NOW.
(I'll be lovng, when I get there.) And so I ask: How willing are we to be
bearers and senders of light on to the planet NOW? 

The k, for me, by gifting me this awesome and precious experience, gave me
this understanding of karma. We can create love, and end the karmic circle
of hate and pennance, and we can do it NOW. 

We do not need to wait until we reach some top of some ladder in the sky.
That thinking is keeping us out of heaven, not getting us closer. That
thinking leads people into wars over whose ladder is higher and better. It
leads people into thinking they are better than others, further developed,
etc. That thinking separates people from their own divine nature, instead of
bringing them closer. That thinking leads to a feeling that the body is not
holy it is evil and sinful and shameful. It leads to classes, social stata,
castes, elitism, and so on. It deplores the physical plane, as if God were
not everywhere. It justifies discrimination towards women, towards people
who hold beliefs other than theirs. It sets up walls, and boundaries, and
all the reasons that negative karma gets generated, over and over. 

It is in the dissolving of these boundaries that karma is cleansed. The k
has the ability to get us to dissolve our boundaries, go into the light,
have a direct experience of the divine, and send that message of divine love
onto the planet. The k is located in our bodies, (not in heaven), but here,
heaven on earth. The k may rise through our bodies, but our body is its
home. When my k rose through my crown, it came up the back, through the
crown and then down the front. It cycled through my body, over and over. It
did not leave. It is there. Here. Inside me, today. And, as far as I can
tell, inside everyone, asleep or awakened, to one degree or another.

As I said, this is just one person's experience and interpretation. I am
certain that there are translations into other faiths that retain the
essence of this thought.

With respect, and love, Patti

16 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: Goddesses

Hi: Jule

You said exactly what I was trying to get across.   It must take the feminine
touch to express these things so nicely.  A Goddess in my opinion is
something like the energy going though you when you get the point across with
compassion.  Maybe the Goddess gently pulls the person on while the masculine
energy pushes the person through.  The results are the same.  

I think this earth is going though a global awakening  right now.  As the
article I read from "SEN" noted, we  all have to be like midwifes and our job
is to help this global awakening along.    It can be very painful.  As noted,
it's like a big fist pushing in on the earth from many, many different
directions, causing these pressures.  The midwife's job  is to  bridge the
earthly planes with the heaven worlds.  The soul that is within you wants to
assist the other soul that is struggling along.  The new awakening should be
welcomed in a very gentle, loving, supportive way, knowing that it might be
accompanied by a tremendous amount of pain and discomfort.  Make no
judgement, just simply give support.  Very gently.  There is no time to wast.
 Time is rapidly running out.  This is a time of need. Transition form the
old into a new awakening.  

What a great article from "SEN" !

As for as the earthquakes that were visioned by many.  There is a very strong
intervention going on in  many levels at this time.  Without this collective
intervention I think the earth would just shift it's axis now.  My personal
thinking is that the earth is a living and intelligent organism.  The earth
has a built in mechanism for it's protection and that is shifting its axis.
 If people pollutes and tries to destroy the earth then it just shifts.  I
think the earth has shifted any many times in the past.  There were many
 advanced civilizations here before us.  Over and over again until we get it
right.  Every civilization went though the same stages until maybe an  atomic
bomb was developed and ready to destroy the earth.  Then the earth just
shifts again.  Now at this time it's a little different as the  global
awakening is pushing it's way though and many people are having birth pains.
 Study any teachings from the Mayans to the Hopi Indians.  The information is
all the same.  The Mayan calender ends in the year 2000.  Because of
miscalculations the year 2000 is now.  The year 2000 is important as
predicted from many sources.

I am not a Goddess so I have to push with force.  Would a parent set back
idle and  let her child jump into a fire?  Would the parent say," honey maybe
you should not do that" or would the parent jerk the child away? 

As always, 

17 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
Subject: Re: Karma

Hi: Patti

You Said:
>>>First, a story:
There was a spiritual seeker who went from guru to guru, looking to reach
samahdi. Each time he found a practice, he was told, "If only you go little
higher, then you will reach it...if only you will (fill in the blank) a
little more...then you will get there.

One day he got tired of not reaching samahdi. He decided to give up his
searching and to see everything around him as filled with the divine love
and light of samahdi. He embraced existence in the NOW. And he found
samahdi, and that he could get there any time he wanted to.

(This is a tantric story.) We call the first path, the indirect path to
samahdi. The second path, the direct path to samahdi.

Now: what does this have to do with karma (and kundalini?)!!
In my experience, when I had my awakening, the k actually burned out my
karmic chain. I had a distinct sense of being born again, a clean slate. It
felt to me that I was beyond time, in a place of pure and total love for all
around me. I was truly born again into a state of pure love.
Don't you think samadi or heaven is here now.  God, bliss, samahdi, heaven,
Etc.  They won't come to you , but the only thing you have to do is open up
to them.  
>>>There was a spiritual seeker who went from guru to guru, looking to reach
samahdi. Each time he found a practice, he was told, "If only you go little
higher, then you will reach it...if only you will (fill in the blank) a
little more...then you will get there.
This sounds like eating a sandwich and asking where is the beef.  Then you
told to eat a little more so you eat the whole sandwich then you ask again,"
where is the beef?"  You are then told, "You ate it?"

Food for thought!

As always,

18 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
From: (georgev)
Subject: S&M and Kundalini

Has anyone noticed spiritual kundalini during S&M?

19 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 
From: (georgev)
Subject: S&M and Kundalini a way to train.

My Goddest is my master. She tells me what is what and helps me to
smile as I am being wipped by my own imbalances. In time I become
awakened and I can take all the bondage she dishes out for me. It is
her way to train and I love her for this disapline. Ether suffer with
your emotions or disapline them and become awaken by the Goddest


20 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 16:32:
From: Karol Ann Barnett <>
Subject: Re: Karma questions...

Hi Richard:

I've been that way, too, most of my life.  In my study of metaphysics and 
spirituality, I was taught that if something "out there" causes a 
negative reaction in me, there is something in me that needs healing.  
And I need to let go of all judgment about it.  Funny how easy it is to 
heal when I remove the judgment of it and how difficult when I don't.

Karol Ann

21 Date: Thu, 25 Jul 1996 
From: "A Psykick Warrior ov Gaia." <>
Subject: Multi-faceted lenses / Synchronic lines

Talking of earthquakes can anyone tell me more about the synchronic lines (see ) and their relationship to fault-lines?

> During that period I had a dream that a caped figure caught me from behind
> and took out the lenses of both eyes and replaced them with multi-faceted
> crystal lenses. Since my eyesight is pretty good, I assumed this dream and
> the tears were related to more "K" manifestations.  Now you have me
> wondering.

Exactly. Why are you trying to correlate your experiences with outside phenomena, in 
fact with anything? In a *multi-faceted* universe the task will be an endless one.


22 Date: Wed, 24 Jul 1996 16:40:
From: Karol Ann Barnett <>
Subject: Re: Goddesses

> compassion.  Maybe the Goddess gently pulls the person on while the masculine
> energy pushes the person through.  The results are the same.  
very profound, Von

23 Date: Wed, 24 Jul
Subject: Re: Crown chakra

Exactly. I keep feeling that something BIG is coming, but I have no idea as 
to what it could be.

I keep dreaming I'm pregnant...

>Besides your head becoming ten feet tall and your life changing completely,
>nothing happens much. No seriously it is a dramatic consciousness change
> that
>is never reversed when it syncronizes all the chakras it is a major
>initiation. Gloria

24 Date: Wed, 24 Jul
Subject: Re: me too and earthquake

Thank you Gloria. Especially since for me this is yet another lesson in 
universal love.
I will not bother you with the politic aspects of this question.

Love to all.

>My love and life force reaches out to those in Canada in need. They have
>protection, God knows and see all. Gloria