To: K-list
Recieved: 1999/12/22 15:49
Subject: Re: [K-list] Jesus and the Essenes and India.
From: Lightlore
On 1999/12/22 15:49, Lightlore posted thus to the K-list:
In a message dated 11/29/99 5:39:03 PM Central Standard Time, writes:
<< >FWIW, the Beatitudes are probably based from Hindu religious beliefs as
>there is a set of passages in Hindu that match almost word for word...
A friend who was born in Indonesia from Taoist lineage , for his Doctorate
in Religious Studies at Leyden in Holland, did, for his Doctorial Thesis a
comparative transliteraltion of Biblical Passanges comaring them with the
Gita ... using as his source, the ancient texts in their supposed original
language. >>
Interesting. I've read the Gita several times in a couple of different
versions and have read the Bible probably a half-dozen times, each in a
different version, as well. My brother, who lived in India for a number of
years, has read the Gita probably a hundred times in the language of
Sanskrit. There is no place in the Gita, that we can recall, in which the
writings could be so closely likened with the Beautides. However, our
memories are quite far from perfect. Do you have any idea which portion of
the Gita your friend found to so closely parallel the Beautides?
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